HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-01-28, Page 10G+ k.ist` Page 10 leekneW Sentinel, WieflneStlaY, 3annalli2!3 998 Service Directory . AGNiEW JEWELLERY REPAIR - watch, 4ilock, jeWW sliery. Free estimates, Pickup and delivery oan'i arranged- 698 Havelock Street, acrosa'from 'Medical Centre. Gail: 528-332 or 528.3940. m-t8tfar 45' STORAGE TRAILERS` for rent: Economical stor- age, ideal for contractors,' •. farmers and home owners. Phone 39!5-5167.-=34tfcc DON THOMPSON TV and Appliance Service. Refrigeration servip:e, 24 hour emergency service. Call 395-3147 or 395-3393, ist. 3 Ripley,--02-05co: CARL SLOETJES Sales. Instaliat on. Renovations * Replacement Windows & Doors ' • Kitchen Cabinets * Vanities • Carpet and iinoletm e Roofing *free Estimates 141,7 LUCKNOW . ' . 529.3164' ILAN HAVENS ELECTRIC *Residential & Farm *Commercial Electrical Contractors Lightlxtures, lamps, bulbs, • electrical supplies Dealer for: °. l radfhrd Exchange. Evenlhg appointments'available Rad Havens' LUCKNOW 5284.867 p a liiii, A - .computerized Water conditioner which descales and prevents timescale, No salt' chemicals or maintenance; EconomiAl Cali Kathy Rlivett.(519)395-!1366 Fax (519)395-0473• Toll :Friar) :11888.462-8108 WAYNE WILSON Electric Motor Repairs ✓ Furnace Motors E3am Fans,/ Auger Motors • 1Powertools ; • PICK-UP & DELIVERY Sales & Service 5293231 Dungannon 24 Hour Service DO YOU LOVE TO CROSS STITCH? Join our Stytchen Tyme, Friendship Ciub. It's FREE! Listen to our voice mail message at 1-888-666- 4806--�4bc 34. Pergonal *A cost 'will be incurried EVANLY-RAYS Psychic, An,swers., Police ase us..,.Rated #1 in Canada. Instant answers about love, money, career,Aucky #s, relation i hAci h mortal • ARE YOU experie iarcing n the aftermath of - an abortioniametiens you can`t explain? Most past•abcrtal Women experience trauma intheir lives.' Call our 24 . hr. hotline.cotlect (519) 323- 3751 for confidential'sup- ;pert. »-Q4ar WEDDINGS Padotrnad ,ypurloxaiionorai r IndoArorce-Joor tnor.dlapel derp alionafi; Forb[a0hi>re cat RixmAgan }It Faiths, Pastoral Canoe, eonnller, 524-5724 **********fit*******- *' • PSYCHIC*: * Pahn & TTtirot Card Rei dings * • advises on all problems * * of Life, Love, Marriage, • .*k Business, Health, Travel. * * Free question - See her * * -she can , 519238-8404 Available tor Parties * " * * **** ** ** *,k**** * * * 35. Legal Notices NOTICE TO.CREDITORS ` AND OTHERS 1n the estate of- MARY (MAIM.IE) ,ESTHER, ROUt.STON. Retired,'who died Qn,the 24th day of Augusts, 1997,. Take notice that all persons. having claims against the, Estate are required to send to the Orrdernamed Estate • - Trustee, .their names, addresses and particulars of their claims with corrobora- tion, on or before the 4th.; day of February, -1998, after • • whicp; date ttte Estattl will be distributed having, regard', only to the ,claims of . which the Estate T'rtistee • has.:: notice at or prior to'the date of 'distribution. bated at Blyth, Ontario this 14th day of Jan•uary, 1998. 'KEITH; RO(JISTON, 11,13,'. 3, BLYTH, NOM 1H0. Estate Trustee. -; oZ-04:, NON-PROFIT STUDENT •exchange program offers Caring. . adults , , • an, exoetlentraxpense ;paid, vol- unteer .opportunity, :introduc- .in5 Canada to teenagers 'trent around the world, ;EF Foundation 1.800-2663- 28.25;--04bc • DONATE, ..01)13 CAR. 'HERITAGE FOR THE, BLIND Tax deductible. !free .towing Need not run. Free phone • cad; Sponsored by AA0C0. f30O- 463.56$1.704bc: • 337. Mortgages • 1" S 2"d Mortgage, Money Absolutely -No Upfront Fees Available as low as 6,50" Inteirest Personal loans 'if you quality, payments. ;pmt, rloprox. Me, Payment 5;OQ0 41.0 !10100D "3.33 `1$;0oo 1125.00 Qonsolidate your debts 00 ($19)300211 140/4974932: ASTRAL FUNDING, INC... 3E. Auctions • NOTICE TO 4tREbITORS. AND OTHERS Alt claims against the • estate Of ELIZABETH KATE TIFFIN' late' Of the Village' of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, deceased, who died on or about December 1, 1997, must be filed with the undersigned on or before March 15, 1995; thereafter the Executrix of. the estate, will distribute the assets of the estate"having regard. only to the claims of which the undersigned' then has `. notice. Dated. January 15, 19982: cfo CRAWFORD, MILL & DAViES, , Barristers & Solicitors, Box 610, LuCKNOW,` Ont,• NOG 2H0• --04-06 s ps. eve sue- ce$sli!:$2.99/min,, 184. hrs., 1.900-451'-4055' --52. 1 -2- 1 bcc HAVING A DRINKING prob- iern?? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 'or:: Walkerton 881-3635:".x=04ar CNttp AMPUTEE,$ WOULD Jun LIKE to SAY, rooks, y , The War Mips ti • YOST AUCTION SERVICE Farms • Estates;,: Household Selling' at Our Audtian Centre or • your premises.. - Robert Yost Auctioneer.. 519-595.8756. • .. ! • 519=528.3814 Estate Auction Sale of household effects, antiques. appliances, 011ertabtes, primitives, tools, gun collection (aoprox,12 •` guns). g!14tisAilr !chins!. eRyi rel snowmobiles and mise. items' ' •tor the Estate of Herb Clayton,of Wingham plus hdditions from area homes.: Thursday Eve.Jen ' '29/98:6 30 pm at the Wingham Sales Arena,. lust north of Wingharn on: Hwy #4.. .. :Sale conducted by Kikkert. Auctions 519-357.2987 Auctioneers: JakeKfkkert, Ray Kikkert 39.Educatic►inal LEARN AUCTiONEER1NG. Classes held 'April 18-24,. '98. For information contact:. Southwestern Ontario, School of Auctioneering, A.R. " #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. 1.888- 866-7355.--04bc CH.OGSE OUt`t,. CAREER/start your own business. Earn an interna- tional diploma/X.1,N:S. offers over 100 home study programs. Alternative: health; counselling, self- improvement, nutrition; new age, business, ,sports, Beauty, writing. , :,Free 'Prospectus,'" 1-888-51E- 1212. http://www.tains.cont We have a career for you!--. 04bc eart j 39.Educiiitipnstt BOOKKEEPING AND 'INOOME TAX COURSESt ▪ i~earn Income Tax Preparation . and Bookkeeping by correspon- dence. Earn Your certificate' noir. for FREE :brocht,tres. no obligation, ,I & 'R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, 'Manitoba, : R3T 286. 1=800-.6.65.5144, over 2o. years of tax training experience.-.04bc ISE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our great horse -study course. Call today for your FREE BOOK 1.800;267.1829. The Writing School, 38 McAnhur Avenue, Suite .2966, Ottawa, ON 141L 6R2.-- .04bc COMPUTERS. No previous computer experience'nec- essary.' Exciting opportuni, ties noW available• in com- puler •programming.. We will .,train suitable appliants. Call CM5 bolt-.freei-$00- 471.9578.--Q4bd •' f2.ObitUarioS GEORGE R. WHITBY, M:M ,George -Richard Whitby, Worid War .!!'veteran,: passed away at his resi- dence, 5174 Wi.Il*Ughby ▪ Street,. L;ucknow, on Jan, Z, 1998,' in, his 82nd year. Mr. Whitby Joined the. 97th Battery in Walkertonand served with the 7th Medium Regiiment of the Royal Canadian.Artiltery, • attaining, the "rank xt Regimental Sergeant Major, He was a retired carpenter. -Mr, Whitby was born on May 27,;1916 and was a son of the tate Joseph and Emily (Shinn) Whitby, He is'sur- vived by his wife, Jean -M. (Sandy) Whitby, and clip dren Eltiett, Whitby and Ardith Ekdahi, of Toronto, Eleanor and Mike: of Dashwood Edith Whitby of Stratford, and Elaine and ,TIrn Burns, of Lac Le; Jeune; British Columbia; four :` , grandchildren, Julie Horton, Mark Ritchie,.. 'Michelle, Stapleton and . Denise` Smith; and four great grand- children, Candice, Amanda and. Andrew Horton, arid° Brendan" Ritchie. He is also. survived by ,a brother Russell and -his wife,' Mabel Whitby of lucknow, and a sister Evelyn Rouse of Barrie. Mr Whitby was pre- deceased;`by . an infant daughter,: Elizabeth; broth, ers,':Fred, Sid,. and Edward (Ted). Whitby,: and sisters t4ose'Knight .and Ivy Whitby. Arrangements werein care of MacKenzie , and McCreath Funeral Hornet Lucknow. Crerrtation has taken place: with interment of ashes at Greenhill • Cemetery. A Celebration of Life Service will be held" on Saturday, Jar!. 31, at 2, p.m, at the Lticknow:,Legion' Branch 309.--04ar , evibr T • MEURS ' Jack and Tracy and big brother Garrett are thrilled to announce the., of Jordan Peter onJan.. 14, 1998 at St. Joseph's Hospital weighing 81be>,. 2 Boz. Spoiling .privileges go to 9randlsirents Peter and Elaine Steer and Gerry and Sylvia Meurs, great grand- parents Peter and Evelyn Cook alt of Lucknow. --04ar 46. la .. Memoriam ,l . VAN OSCH In loving memory ,of Ancone Van Osch beloved husband, father and grandfather, who passed away January 31, .1995. You are. gone from our lives forever, • ' •But never from our hearts. - Lovingly remembered. by Delores; Brent, Helen .end Anthony;; .Linda, Bill, Jack and Liam; Sandra. and Craig,-=p.4ce AT. Cards of A Thanks SLQETJES. I would like to thank family, friends• and co-workers for theircalls, flowers, cards. and their' support during my - 'fathers illness. and his pass- . ing, Seiinda, :and family. • O4ar - ' GIBSON 1, would like to thank every - One for the visits and con- ' cern following my surgery;in Stratford Hospital,- Wingharn Hospital and since' canting. home. Special thanks to Or. Arciszewski, Dr. Shubat, nu"rses at bath hospitals and the Physio Department. Altars. --04x " DALTON The family of the late flay Dalton would- liketo thank the following people "for their acts of kindness'. Huronlea, Brussels, Wingham District Hospital, MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home, • LUcknow, those; who sent - flowers,. cards, and had prayers said, for the funeral home visitations, food . brought to our homes . and .the church for lunch, the Kingsbridge CWL for serv- ing, Kingsbridge choir, and organists, those Who provid- ed.'special: music without hesitation; when asked,: Father,Harry Reitz& and' alter servers; : Eileen. and Linda for keeping things', in order' at the Sullivan: home- stead Where we ail gathered to celebrate the life and pay tribute to an unforgettable, Y: man Grampa Flay Dalton A.lis he became so. widely known). Thanks again and God bless. From his family. --04cc +." Coming Events. BINGO • Goderich Knights rat. Columbus. every Thursday,. 7 p,m. Columbus Centre, 390 Parson's 4 Dud, -$44.. 00r in prizes; progressive jack= pot $IQPQ.; regular jackpot ' •'$1500 must go. 'Superstar Provincial game played every bingo night..Lic., #15792.13tfav • ' •::.LUCKNOW BEAVERS, . CUBS; SPOUTS AND . VENTURES • Will- be ' selling .fresh. palifornta oranges and: grapefruit again this winter. - We will be going door to door Sat.; Jan. 31 taking' .' orders, you may place your. • order v;lith any Scouting member or order by phone. .528-3913 or,,528-3820,' -Oranges will be at the L,ucknow Arena Sat., Feb. 21 •for.ptokup or• arrange with -Scouts for delivery. p3;04. 'COQ MEETING . •'. The Lucknow• &, District Charnher of Commerce, will meet Wednesday, Feb. A,, . •7:45 a:m, at the Tourism office. Everyone welcome. -048r "WOOD" .... ..YOIt LIKE TO PAINT Learn dole and decorative painting,. pen and ink, land seeps ,painting. • Register now, Open house ,and sale Feb,- 7, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 'Feb. 8,noon i ` aA t Asp n 11 Main St. S. Seafi rth Phone 519.527-2253, --04,05cc SINGLES'pANCE •- saturday;:Jan:'31 at the Kiii Station, Victoria ' St., Li' stowel.,Dancing from 8 - 12: ,Music by'iNite•Watch. -- Udcc 'POKER RALLY St. Helens ,Snowmobile: Poker Rally Sunday, Feb., 8 "New and' longer route.,, Registration 10 :a m. = 12 noon St, Helens Wi Hall. $4 per hand, '3/$10.. Postponed ; r date Feb. 15. OFSC permit. - required-04,0.5ar FREE PUBLIC SKATING PARTY. Winghatri Arena Feb 7, '1 to 2 p,m: Goderich Feb. 8, 1:10 to 2:30°p.m. Minton :. - Feb. 22, 1:30 to 3 p.m. Sponsored by the. Huron Heart Health Network.. Let. the. whole family skate towards a healthier •heart!' 04O5ar. ' Mt itiple selerdsit usually strikes` •popple age120 to44, in the. prime of their lives.. . ' Multiple Sclerosis` soc+nrotcanada 1' 8.00-268-7682: