HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-01-28, Page 9a, Computers - COMPUTER SPECIAL Pentium 166 MMX, 32 • MBRAM, 1.7 GB, 24X CD- ROM, mouse,'stereo speak- ers, 33.6 fate, window .95, .monitor, canon colour print- er, and much more. $16fwie Free delivery, 1.800-$15,„ 5545.42-05 JUST 59.00 PER MONTH, Absolutely; Completed NO Mgnoy Down!! ' No Payments for -Three Months!!! From the fifth largest PG manufacturer in .Canada; 20QMMX,, .24X CDROM, 2.0 GB Quantum, ATI 3D EXP Videos. 33,6 full . ` duplex, Ince! :MB and Processor, 16MB EDO 14 inch SVGA, 90 days FREE Internet. Don't be fooled by other offers! Credit Approval available right over the phone! 1.888-860,9190 more info/to order. Fast FEDEX delivery, to your door anywhere in Canadare Q4bc ' 7f. SnowmebtlOs. Equipment 1981 SKIDOO CITATION 4500, asking $750 0.b:0. Phone 395-5225, --03-05x 1984. YAMAHA ET340 tach, speedo;, electric start, New battery and new skis,: Good running condition• $800 firrn: Phone 528.2205; after 6�, '04-06xc : 70. Motoryctes WANTED HONDA motor- cycle; CB 77 Super Hawk or CB "400f 400 fqur; Complete and in excellent cpndition Call 8322234.--04-07nxo .BUDGIES ' FOR sale breeding. pairs and singles, . cages and nest. boxxOs- Phone 529-7401.-:64-06tc ONE CATAND 3 kittens' (grey) together er separate free,. phone 395.4157. 204- O6xc . 1,1 b..Waated, ta; Buy. WANTED::. HARDWOOD LOGS c Prompt payment for hardwood logs, , prepayment for timber, stands. Veneer: log ' p'rices:. Provincially licensed 'tree markers ,and certified equipment opera, tors. Special care taken in harvesting, • ParinillVeneer Co` Ltd, est. 1927,. 340 Louisa St., Kitche er (619)742.6887:=04bc • WANTED - STANDING T1MBER Free 'marking on hardwood, • excellent wnrkmanship.end price. Phone Alex Chisholm 519-529-7606. --04-07x 1.g.;.:For ,Sate B440. BOBCAT 16 1/2 hp. 44 inch bucket, Excellent condition...tesed 3 years in dairy barn; Phone 529-, 7477.--03,04xc EQUIPMENT REPAIR: On. 'site repairs to farm and ' Cenetruction equipment and 'small engines', Rob. Campbell Mobile Repair, 519-396-65Q6. Servicing Bruee County;. --01,--Soo ilk. form' real. estate • FARM FOR sale -100 acres, 96 acres workable in One field,barn set up for -feeder hogs, liquid: manure, implement •sh.ed, good house, corner lot, Phone 395.3108. 43,04 111,i Wanted to Rent DAIRY FARMER looking fen •.land 3' - 5 years for crop rotation • Lucknow- Whitechurch area, Phone 520-2521. Na Sunda;oalls please: --53.05x 12. Real Estate MAIN STREET-LUCKNOW upper levet; -one bedroom, f1eat inoludad, Available Immediately. ` Phone 528- 2845. --32tf er. • GROUND FLOOR' room apartment, newly ren- ovated; two bedroom upper apartment $250 ,' both, close to doWnioevn. Phone 528- 20$14.2tffar 1 UCKNO* bedroom ground floor apartment, pri- nate entrance. Phone: 528- 5600. --4ltfar ONE BEDROOM apartment • far rent on main. street, Lucknow. Phone 528.3932. --35tter ONE, OR TWO BEDROOM' apartment, private :ground entrance,' parklike, sur- rounding,, utility area, faun - dry mat, malt delivery.. Cresthatfen Apartments. Phone 528-3611 or 848- 2215 after 6 p.m.--Q3tfair 12, Reist Estate ;Auburn. Call 528.3733. -- Apts. 'i r,UCkIC,.1i1OW Sentinel, [Fe leefiaY,, Wa>nItad to BUY TWO BEDROOM apartment with fridge and stove. Gas heat. Available immediately. $525 plus utilities. located in. Goderich, Caul 524.5586:. --44tfco O.N.E .MONTH free rent with lease 2..bedroom. apartment, $275rnonth; 1 bedroom apartment from $225.trnonth 13111 with appliance;;, new car- • Rating. Call Paul 528.241:t -Meat • 18 *louses DURHAM-WALSH Townhouses in Kincardine. Under new management; Freshly painted and reno- vated.Two and three bed- :room,,1.'morittefree tent. Available. ' immediately:. Phone 396-9332.- 0$tfar FOR RENT, sale or lease to. own, 3 bedroom house Ii • Teeswater, :$400/month. Great starter. home,, gas heat, CO1-519-471-6225, 47tfar " TWCt BEDROOM house in ( ()t It\\ l.t t n \\•t,eil'iR BAN Ken 0 COLDWELL BANKER RICHARD a, ASKES ALL POINTS mo+ .. , REALTY SERVICES ,LISTINGS NEEDED VALUABLE PROPERTY close to Main Street. Commercial lot with storaie shed. Good location for smallengine' business, Lots of Parking and access to streets Sewer to property. $22,000: CLEAN, AFFORDABLE;WELL BUILT 11/2 storey, home, Private back yard, new ,siding and Other recent renovations, New floors In • kitchen and dining room. Tired of. renting. LISI pude•$82,Or 0. porn. delay, caltRlchard terdetags..,. PRIME ° COMMERCIAL PROPERTY. Busy downtown comer property,available for you to start your dwn business; great location torr retail or small engine 'repairs old. 3200 sq. ft. of floor space, just hand up your `Open Sign` and get results.'Large overhead doors 'front and side, lots of parkirfg. $95,000, NATURE LOVERS DELIGHT: - Natural setting among cedars', and hardwood bush. Build your, country home on this desirable location, it`you're looking for peace anis privacy, 96.6 acres with 40, acres open land, listed'at. $1x6,000 Good, access t., cabin' or building site with aview. RICHARD D. ASKES'Sates, Ftepresetttative 519 524-1175 sus:' 519 528-3935 ens ('r)r.rn\ 1J.1. 1; .i<r?ti - I•:\pcct the hctit. 114. Vacatiorlis EXPERIENCED WAIT- RESSES, COOKS, AND IDECKHANDS for 38 pas-, senger ship. (May 6 to. Oct, _.1e), Live aboard 10, days. then ,4 days off. Send resume before, February 6 to Ontario 1Naterw:ay Cruises, 'Box; 36, Orttha,. L3V GH9:--04bc , 2 BEDROOM apartevent .(112 a. house) in Ripley available December References required, Phone 395-2640. _-45tfar 17:. Apts.' 2 - 3 BEDROOMhouse,house,. available March- 1st. - Conc.essiori 10'Aatifield. References required, Phone 529.74.77..-03,O4xc TRASH ,OR TREASURES? Paying up to $1000+e, Wanted any pre -197Q Cgpectibles, Advertising,_ Clothing, Comics; Delis, Furniture, Glassware, Jewellery,; • Magazines, Postcards, Signs„ Toys, Watches. Auction, evaiva- tion,. Purchasing Service, .1 888-.301-1903,»-Q4bc 26.. Minta Wanted WE ARE looking for honest and enthusiastic saiespeo- pie• for community'newspa- per subscription drives. Our successful .salespeople haVe come from various backgrounds. They, have reeeived a full and,thorough an the; job, training.: We require assertive people with a vehicle Sortie travel HOUSES FOR SALE ar.: rent in Lucknow, Winghens Listowel and Wroxeter, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom' apartrrients . '_ also available, , Phone 335- 3766. --O4ar 3 BEDROOM FARM house, refrigerator and stove, some furnishings. Large, yard bind garden. , Close to Teeswater, Culross Conc..2 'west, Please Oa, 519.357- 2459: 04,Q5x 23.Commer'cial STORE FOR rent, main street frontage; Lucknow.. • Phone 528.3932.-30tfar, 25. Wanted to Buy WANTED - SCRAP cars and all sizesof trucks; all types ; of metal, farm machinery, etc; Bash paid, Waikerion Auto Wreckers 1 881-1679.26tfar CASH PAiD for all working; good condition, fridges,: stoves,, Washers, dryers, etc., Free remotiai of ail :oth- ers.: Call ted at Affordable Appliance Repair 395-4842. -3-i7et� GLEN HAVEN Apartments WANTED -. OLD tube in Lucknow has spacious anlpslreceivers,e:g.:Scott; ground. floor 1 and 2 bred Fisher. Elco etc. Please call room apartments for rent, '832.-2234 er 832-.2147 fridge and stove included, altfnxe controlled entrance, cern LOOKING TO BUY 'oak ;non room and 'laundry . stacking' Barrister's book,. room. Phone ,.'Gerrie, or case Phone 529-7,71t y Jayne at 1.519-262;20291 == "04-06ec • ONE AND TWO bedroom downstairs, heated apart- ments, in Luckaew, fridge andstotte. Also 2 bedroom , , duplex on , main street. Fridge and stove. Phone 528-3723.--Oltfar . t HAMMOND . ORGAN WANTED rte buy, Please call collect 905-304-6Q60.- - 04bc aurrnrlruirn n is involved. For an interview call 528.2822. -- 04.05nX WANTED: ' Experienced Window installers and Sales Representatives! Weekly Pey,Work Year Round,'Thirty Ontario loca- tions, Dick up' the phone and CALL NOW!!! Toll Free 1.888.738-0738.--d4bc . • FULLS -TINE PARTS, SERVICE and SALES. PERSON REQUIRED Are you a self starter,. energetic person who is 'looking for a career? If so we: require a full time person to train in parts, service and sales (ail aspects of a 'new car dealership.) ' - Compensation will be based upon experience and capabilities.' Come join our award-winning team Send 'Resume to Dennis Pierson; Chev.Ords 856 Queen Street. Kincardine' N2Z 2Y7 aitl►ulan' 2%, 1998 rage .$ •:Help Wanted Experienced and licensed CRANE/BOOM TRUCK OPERATOR required for busy engineering, company west of Toronto. Please fax resume to (519)853-5717.- Q4bc 28„ 00001o0 'pkat CHRISTIAN. BUSINESS up to. 01% profit for you or your ministry, NO inv.entory,- Home. • based servicing Christian Market. Complete• training and support, .Select territories. 1-800.6.63.7326-.- O4bc AMAZING 'FACT. The Internet will' grow by 2,700% in 24 mo's. Earn up. to $15k/mo with 'Canada's fastest, growing Internet Franchise. Full training, investment Ret, -1-888-678- 7508.--o00 •-888-678-7588:-04bc ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS. - $140,0001yr income poten-: :tial, Profit from the explo- sive computer training.field; Interactive. n►ulti-media sys* tem trains via the Internet,. Low overhead. Franchise. No computer exp. req. 416- 679-2201--Q4bc LOG HOME DEALERS WANTEDb Join the proven feeder in pre -.engineered log homes. . Investment. required can Riok.Kin$man today.:1 867 Confederation, -'' Log .'Homes, . Bax' 9, Bobceygeon, Ontario ICOM • 1 AO 1.000-567-0270,-- 04bc • _ 31' Service Direct04 - SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS - 40 years experi- ence on all household Med; els, Broken gears our spa `ciality, Weekly pick up and, delivery. Calf 'Irene at. From Our` Heart ,'528=2649 or Wtima at Wilma's.Corner -Store, Ripley 395=2915•'er Hanover Sewing Machine Service 364-2181 02-O5ar 26. ,Hole WI'anted HAIRSTYLISTS .WANTED OPENING VERY SOON .IN' THE HEART OF HURON' COiuNTY.:.GODERICH. WE NEED. 'MANAGER, ASST: MANAGER, JR. ASST. MANAGER, LICENSED HAIRSTYLISTS.. WE OFFER' VERY COMPETITIVE'.HOURLY`. WAGE PLUS COMMISSION, ;: PAiD ' DENTAL, EYE CARE & DRUG ,BENEFIT. -ALL; EQUiPMENT. SUPPLIED. NO CLIENTELE: NEEDED. .COME& BE PART > OF ONE OF THE LARGEST HAIR. SALON CHAIN IN .NORTH AMERICA WITH 'STORES • IN CANADA & . USA... CALL •EOR! .A CONFIDENTIAL.. INTERVIEW AT OUR LONDON STORE 'AT' 3.0102