HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-01-28, Page 1VOL. 125:. L ic. 4 - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28,.199$ 165° INCLUDES G.. New tourney for Midget learns by Pat Livingston A new tournament, sanctioned by the WOAA, for additional entries at the Midget_ level • is ' coming. to - •Lucknow., Bob Gunter, an avid. supporter•of the minor hockey 'system, says there are no tournagients in this . area for those, teams, with the closest: beinga five t6 six hour drive. Gunter, who is with Met Life, says his com- pany is sponsoring the tournament with help from .other Met Life agents and local busi- nesses. He, plans .to have programs made up that will contain advertise- ments for those helping sponsor this .one-time: tournament..' Gunter is really excit- ed about the opportunity for the'. local' additional;' Midget team to partici- . pate in a tournament with :•� • 'teamsfrom Paisley,. Mildmay, ,Walkerton, Hanover, : Listowel, l'ort, Elgin and Stayner. There'll be an "A" and "B" side. As an added .feature,. Snoopy,.Met Life's mas- cot„ will be at the focal:' arena for the whole day. Snoopy is travelling all .the way from. Ottawa for. this event and: Gunter said it is a prime opportu- nity for youngsters' to have a picture taken" with, the' famous, mascot -- sa bring your camera. The tournament takes place, on Sunday,• Feb.. 8, from 8 a,`m. to •9 p.m. ,There will be draws,, for such things as a $120 hockey stick, • and; several door prizes. All proceeds from the tournament go to the Minor Hockey Committee, to use for. sweaters etc., If you`d like to be involved in someway,;. give Gunter a call. Who Does Wh zt Finaucial impact .underestimated . by Pat Illaipin $749,000. Bruce county says the Anstctt said figures province has underesti-' released by the province mated the financial impact . on Dec.12 and the $100 all t .:of downloading under the millionallocated tq help Who Does What. services Municipalities deal with swap, • the impact of downloading The province. estimates ,have raised more clues - the county will have to tions than they've, trim 1.7 per cent or . answered.... $404,000 from, its budget He cited contradictory leg- this egthis year in order for the islation over assessment swap to be, revenue nett., services, underestimates tral, but finance chair. for social services` and Roland Anstett put the housing „costs,, and "gross= actual ,cost closer. `to *see Amiulance,page3. >'' st tmatcs Former fire chief dig George. Whitby, 81, who served as Fire Chief for the Lucknow and District Fire Department for 30 years, passed away at his Lucknow residence on Jan•. 22. „ Mr, Whitby was a decorated World War II veteran and dedicated volunteer of this community. He joined the 97th ninety of the Royal Canadian Artillery,;. in Walkerton in September 1939 and, served': in the 7th Medium Regiment. Mr. Whitby trained in Einglancfrom.1941 until, July 11, 1944' when his unit landed at Normandy. Mr, Whitby was awarded the Military Medal of Gallantry on Aug. 8, 1944. KingGeorge' VI presented the medal.to him at Buckingham Palace in July 1945.., Mr. Whitby saw continued actionuntil the cease fire on May 6, 1945 and contin- ued in active;service until 1946. He returned home to Lucknow and joined the Royal=Canadian' Legion in 1946.:In 1947, Mr. Whitby became the first World War 11 veteran tobe president• of the Lucknow branch. •, . Over the years, Mr. Whitby ,was an -active rnember of. the Legion, serving in many' capacities' He was presented with a Life Membership -in 1980 and in 1990. received the Meritorious;Service Medal from the Royal Canadian Legion for out standing devotion to the .aiins and;objec- .tides of the Legion; This is the highest horror the Legion can bestow''upon a member: After returning from the war, Mr. Whitby worked for the Lucknow Furniture Factory until its closure. A pro fessional' carpenter by trade, he built many cottages and local. homes. Mr: Whitby joined 'the Lucknow fire department in 1949. He retired in 1983 after serving 30 years as the Fire Chief. At this time hee was a recipient; of the Ontario, Fire Marshal's 30,yearimedal. In 1967, Mr, Whitby was. honored with the Confederation Medal of Canada, followed • by' the Whitby Ontario Bicentennial Medal for ' volunteer service to the 'com- munity. in 1984; Mr. Whitby also dedicated 10 years to the local Scouting Association serving as Scout Master. He was president of the 7th Medium Regimental 'Association from 1984 t61987, and president of the Bruce County Mutual Fire 'Aid Association in 1958 ` He is survived by his wife of 51. years,` Jean (Sandy) of Ashfield Township, arid children Elliott, Eleanor, Edith, and Elaine. (full obituary canbe found'inside, this' week's Sentinel). A celebration. of George's life will be held on Saturday, Jan. 31, at 2 p.m. at the Lucknow Legion." George by, Pat Livingston, The Lucknow Midgets gave an outstanding per- formance on the., weekend to win the International; Silver Stick tournament, in Forest, with 21 goals' for. and one,against record. It's. the icing on the cake for the Midgets vvhosc record stands at 30 wins and one. loss to date. The difference in goals during the five game weekend is not indicative of .the calibre : of: hockey. The games were, all tough With super defence and offence a ;must,' Goalies Sean Lougheed and Adam Cameron gave stellar per- formances. This is a different. tour-. • nament," : said ; Dave MacKinnon,. coach. "You can't make any mistakes or you're out of it." MacKinnon said the Clinic approve Midgets gave incredible points,; but everyone of °:right: to advance to the performances -in the five ' them is an essential part international level after; tough games. "It was' a ::of:the win." winning the regionals in lUSplt;c ;team effort, Some guys get..:, The Midgets won the .please see Eight, page 2 An elated Midget team brought the international Silver, Stick pennant home on Sunday night and received a victory ride on the Ore truck. The Winghatn:. and )istriet Flospital's`pro- posed =medical clinic pro- ject.has been: approved by the Minister of -.Health. The • $850,00O project will tic totally funded by the hospital, with assistance from ..public, ,donations, made to• the Hospital. Foundation architect.will now - be hired to design and 'supervise the building pro- ject estimated to take a year to complete,, The project calls for the building to be,connected • to' the west side of thie hos- pital, with some of its ,'space .being acquired through renovations to the lower ;floor. It is designat •see Clinic page 3