HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-01-21, Page 4Lirelturww Se*thf,e Weds votary .21,; 1 Cluogut4414044orders for robouiptiorio, ototoodelbooble eopieS:fattro. POOP gOoPOteed,are to ;testa tolbetoeirnow stotiortattilowidresoloklkutedhemiirbutisioparrepirdolithocooillOutliat.fulbeevent Qf tYPor,r401Cal ctror. the PO' . boo or the adverOsingspoee occopird (=woos itmi together witli aluiwabloattorianre for sigpatam will not be charged fon bat the hotuire °tato xircrilsuoroi ha padat le aPPlleahleratcs. A13cwc4 Pablisber$ COrnmeenty NceiSpaper SIS Campbell St.. Lgeittlew. Ont Etox 400, Luclonow. Ontario NOCi *one: (519) 5284822 'I'm (519) 543-3529 stabs ,1($ .73 Torn 'rhoropson AftkrerViting Pat Livingston Cvenertit Illansger Phyllis Matthew Helni Cam Atintinisti*or Joan Courtney - TYpesetteir Subscription Kates advance: Regular* $24,66 (inclpostage and S:11 • 8r/or $234.2 (Ina postage and 0.471 Foreign, 4 LISA *KM' Publications, MailRegistralion ISto. Q7650 beld at cioderith, court,. Published Owes a year ' • e-mail: im nt0.13 ntaort.ca lute t 4ddmos: Mtn Arwot, ow oet.xottalloehnowf °Me writes her anima Dear editor, staff and readers of the Lucknow Sentinel: • • With Christmas corning and now over, Eve been • thinking of you all so much and of my, annual letter to so many dear Wends- However, this year rye had several long phone, calls from an old lady in Saskatchewan, now , 93,, a great friend ormy mother in far away, days when they were both young, away. out on the Pretties, and it • was she who advised me not to write in a rush as you had a, postal strike out there. I hope it's over and that you, woret, have forgotten Ifni before this reaches you.• • first, let me wish you all a very Happy New *at be sure Fil think of you alt right through the yen. It's getting very exciting, isn't it, ceming up to the millenni- um? I've had one or two Christmas cards from your area, obviously sent:off in very good time, but not the usual flood, • . • • • Can I, through the Lucknow Sentinel; send very spe- cial greetings to everyone who remembers me still, . . we chat chat together here in my own home. As 1 think,yosi know, 'My husband hasn't been in great health ;kir 11:tiMe; so I don't travel now. But our. son WOWS home every now and then, just for quick trips, to make sure were well. • And we are well, very well indeed, because on Dec, 9, our grandson was born, Charles "John Patrick. His mother and, father plan to bring him over early in February., which .Will be enormously exciting tor.us. Parents, baby and griin !parents are all doing well. Charlie weighed 6 lb t birth. Earlier in the :s• a visit from My brother whose- home is in • .' , a, He has a granddaughter nine and half Months unit than our grandson; Both he and his wife,are, over the moon, as we are here in Dungannon: Sadly, though, while' flying back to America, my brother developed double pneumonia and was very seriously ill for some time. had no warning eEUieye on hirril' ' • Le s& fortunately, 1 didn't keep 4 Careful eye on my, husband, John, who,. in September, tell in the garden and fracttited his femur. Thank goodness help was qutkIy kon hand. Fie was rushed to hespitalfor an emergency Operation, since then he has, made good progress, theugh he'd not like to run a mile, he tells Me. With the safe: arrival of our grandson and a very pleasant Christmas,. we 'end the year on a high note. With warmest wishes for many happy days ahead and my love tq you .Molbe Whiteside, • NOrtherit Ireland. - .• George isn't shovelling • sriow ill Florida Alma Slack, Phyllis IVIonison, Dorothy %Atoll,. Linda' whatsoever' and is afbigstrong man, always very healthy. • :MacDonald, Mabel Murdie, Marion IViccharles, and . Do You think, it's true that since they„ stripped people " Dear caner: < • - • • • Ferne Crozier. Health and happiness to all'iny Canadian smokipg on planes, they don't purify the air the way they Greetings from the supny (sometimes) south. We, - friends, •• used to? There 's a lot of doubt in our papers now, They • haven't taken up shoveling, Yet. 1997 has been a very eventful year for me and my :talk here about the nannie state. Maybe an occasional • As I threatened in mylast batch, there was much family. First, 1, was invited to do some recorded inter- • cigarette isn't as dangerous as some other ills that lurk. mote.of "George's Sense and Nonsense" in the-coinput- .vieWs for the BBC which 1 enjoyed enormously, the last Never Mind, 1, brother -is quite fit again, he tells me, er. Only five weeks ago. They send their producer up and . atidhis daughter. is : a medical professor, soshell keep a From time to. titne I will send some more of the con- tents of the computer, and if you start a little Inunor sec- tion, your readers may smile or laugh, despite the. forbid-. • ding and black -cloud times that have come about since Harrismania,, • ;:- Sentinel etric)irs e threatened ess section in 1928 70 years ago •••.• Jan. 19, 1928 • ig (ire at Ripley - The village of . Ripley experienced the most destructive tire of Its. his- tory when for a time it was areti the businesS. section would be, wiped out. [That such did not happen is attributed 1: to. fortunate change of the wind,' from west to sonth. • 1.• As it 2:is the, frame buildings 1.between. the brick block On the south- ; •West corder and.. $artyn's, eernent 1);_10Pic Were burned to the ground. 'Some •danaage Was done to the flat Over the hardware store,and • a large ,plate glass in this store was cracked •• by the heat,. but on the 'Whole, this . bidding had a luckyeseaPe; '• • The ,frarne building occupied by Tojn KoloPfon as aP 'implement . agency Was • the bi,gget building''..3sro.y.cf,.. and Mr.: KelriPton,-• who had a large stock new linplenients; is thought to be the heaviest loser. • • , West of this was a building 44c117. pied as ai'sh*te'Pai shop and barber, shop with 4.VVelling abOve. theSe.' Were alt burne(fotit; but Ervin this. " building nearly all Contents were removed • The fire appears' to have started in the imPleinent building, and the front being All '40JazO before*: diScoV.: ered, it waS impOssible:gec:pytbing All available fire fighting equip- ment including a. chemical engine was brought into play, Kjitcarcline sent a pump mounted truck. This pump soon exhausted the water avail- able and after that little could, be done. , . .'-' . .. - . „ 50 years ago . • ' • Jan, 22 1947 I nterest shoWn in night classes -' There have been several inquiries about the Lucknow Board of gdncation's proposed ilan to • hold 'night classes in beekkeePi0g, and: -shorthand, Others have exPresseti, a, desire that typing be included. ' • New bowling green progressing-., '-' 11 was reported at the annual meeting -; of the lawn bowling club that the new. green, adjoining the present one, was i progressing ali$factorilY .l)' adher- ing to the 'Pay as you go' policy all 1 ,thathas been done ,to, date is debt free. ' • The flex, undertaking is a ig ing system and ditches. When this green i, eornPiet$ t)lq, 'Peal Club will have, facilities that will be the envy of -cen- tres, much larger than Lucknow, and will be a beauty spot and recreational centre that will be- a decided asset to the village. • •1 The Club has purchased a new Power mower for 1,948, Fees were set at $6.25 arid $4. The siory behind the word We certainly need and cad use all the levity we can . - ersatz -' adjective - this is " a word that'has corn° into [he English language unchanged from the origi- • nal German. We use it (ct - mean "a substitute" or • - "fake," • . 13radeitton4 Florida. • n • find these days. It 4.1$.0 100f$'..a.4 though. WQ 01.11(1-ysa 'an inefeaSingamOunt of the satriethese days. ‘• • • • • Maybe you Will :see ;fit: to publish some of this sense and • nonsense as.a countcrbatance to 'the rottn, stuft that is abroadnowadays; • 7:- . , • 'Regards: to y'all, • • - ' ... • George A, •Newboid, Find Your. way :through. ith°u crossing. over the hedges! 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