HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-01-21, Page 23 Wee
Alan e •
Swttit Team
�. re
Ata,0w tNCE BETWEEN. tsn's 2a AND' FRONT
NallQt~ is. hereby given pumper* to $actkon 3c)%1) of
the Muntcipat Act,. RSO µ�1C'09 Chapter �yM445`,, that the
ew iO~keit kr the Qou o 1 firQnPropta
Pass a by tct st x uix° 'close arrasett %made:00"ance
between 44: 2# anct 29, Front gonca r.,N referred
to es Parts 1 and Z. en R'arerence Man g2415
clep.asited irrthe Land Registry Offkze ter than i t tryi.
Q►iitaion. et Hurl" Tire- parcels i auaetion. ar.e
:approximately i3 A r .re ZS -wren,
The proposed Prams y -taw and: Oesgriptiwf strewing the
tarns affected may he viiew,ed at the Municipal Offioei.
Qaurtty Road 2Q.. Lot Si :Concession E;Pr. Ashlield
Townships. :
Qn Tt#e ray; February 17th,. 199B 7t3t "*at..fn• tt
; Q+ ,urs; t Murrioibei.'Building. County Road airLot
c'on ge on " >^,O., the i ouricit et tom, Cermet**, e tbe•
,Tawnshirt arAshfiekt wilt bear in Romani or;- by cQu i ,,
or agent, any person vihR ClaitrOkk ar het land
wit preinkliciaily 0000d biAtkre suiif EiPlaw and Who
appy to be heard, My person who wish tQ 04:11000
*MIK 4$41306,04.PnfOlalet rnaicei- applt tiw t+q: ..
Linda W.
akii u * 1Fara trmrites.
th's' int.. torts
tis. : bell $aid
expleiuixi rift they' se of
• to get the Grey -Bruce peo,
ple hese working and.
'putting.,systems &gagek..
as quicklya isp a[yl .
esseut alXy got
tsa =ate whole new busie,
ness. ``heciea infra
ernvit Wads or Work:
Campbelf. who. it
Ewer, said the new dis-
niice* .geographic borders
stxetches from Wiaxtoa to
Exeter,. and from the Lake .
Horan shoreline trt
Stra ti:0 . Not rally will
that encumber valu ate= .
in the system, but also on
~`#e newsy».ataa�lgamace L.
pW sh+ sat( :.
"It's going. to be a: drat
loge. and rig justsp
ing as, a valuntr en,”" „she
said., "' . a of egtive-
ly .:.arid to implement
these plans is: going to raise
special people'
The annatt mnent of
the office site is the first
step locally ii) • the
pt ovincew.ide consolida'
nonof district health etninrr
nils wh b was: annattneed
last September, Once the
new Members b; rs- o: the,;
unnamed- Grey Breae
Huron Pe'rttt:distriot .health
;c hunt it ate *pointed.' tl
' in es& of selecting staff
will begin. The new healthy..
counei1 is_ to begin"'spore:'
tions, by the; end of Ntarch
rum itnand
t I ,
The gt564t'u District nom:
Cr it is. disappointed, With the Ontarkt
gist d °s dceasipr tO locate, the
,offices of the consolidated Orey4l3ruce
and/box Moir I istrietR al&Council s
is Mitchell.
"We had hoped far amaze central Rica -
tion to equitably
ical:tiawtoequitably serveentheiesidcnta of
fear counties involved inAbe consolk.-
d m°" s.aid Jennifer Ciatnntihaso `s Y.
DMZ etrairwomm, is a, news
release. "We are disappointed with the.
ision 'mimeo the offiec tk south-
eur most part of the region, n, 'brit we will .
cOlatinne to work to Make stUC that all
areae Ilre. aace#s ter the new health cane--
Cuninungs said she understands the
llrliziistty s reason (financ141).,AgniCkwn are.
concerned about the impa,,t thedecision
will Bove bouton vola atm who. work.
witirti health -004'1 and withits crime
atiuttees°c- and sat staff w,ht, mild. fee mgt,
ble for the' jobs- with the new IUUC'.''
'offlOtt wilt reetaht in, Macneill 2,5'5 ;
fat Hoaltn Cauncil
(Hic stay 'nodh), ....
C~! -H 1IC E ':LfAIDS
irtmeSt in the be:St Wittv tire:
# Cbo+i.+ee Ftrif+ds:Rrcagratnt
Persortaitzed portfolio of ' at aria's~ hist
Expert investment se[ection, portfglirt. •
fl rta0inent.atia rrtvnitoring
Investment planning, as,§et, allocatio •.
`arid: parttcllia rebalancing.
Ggmprehensivestatement and,
performnge reports.
eed"air'rippl cation.or Pave questions?
Please call u'at 1 BQQ; 567-3343,
touch-tone option #4, or talkto your';,
Q16C; Personal Banker fora, referral.
vole* 1,1W
SEENq-9! QN.Ut
E Tr
deri,aclstiot GiB0`;,.
Thapks, to adjustments.; at, sib,. local
sehctgls,, some, of OP1Q *'Count 's,;prznci
pals, and vice -principals,. hog ben: given
tate clzatte to work closer to`boms.
Paul CanColl dire. for of eititt.oation, for
the Mon, Maitland •
District Sc,lioe1. r
Eteard, .stated tbat
the boarcll ':gaitlya
. shears: the de vision°to.
adjust; staff` at three,
elementary 'and • three.
secoudaay.;sclioc?ls because; it. lessened,
somc,people's. travelling time to'work '
" It :waS. a maxter itf" respdridrng_ to meet.
a, request; for,people to; ;be closer tW
bonne,,'° Carroll stated;
Thedirector added that • the adjust7
rnents. irk the secondary ,schools, also,
a1lo ved for, different ;peciple to..i rin , their
unique strengths to another scliQol>
It just. ora happens, in the case,cof;this
ti±iaigle they all, served .ssln%e positive
need;" he' said,
Changes,` ski .tlte,elementary sehgols,
effective; San 1,, .1998,, include:.haggis:;
• crane, viae -principal atIintcin...Public,
S,chaol, (CPS). tnprring, to: be :principal at .
Walton.Publie "School; .Susan Wyatt,
teacher at, Brookside, Publ e.Scirool mov-
ing to• be, vice prt'incipai at CPSs. and..
Helen Crocker; principal' at Walton:
Public School, "moving ,'
tc e principal,.ax,
Grdby'.Cent al k'ublic '
' f Rdjusims
the,. secondary,;
scbooIs, .taking place Jan; 27;.:incientuciein
Linda McKenzieprincipal at,Cen1:ral'
HuronSecondary "Scliacll.(CBSS) rriov�
i'tig.to ( prinipal.';at Cuderach';District.;
Collegiate Inst#foie• (017)Ci) arta
lirewater Secarida Schpol (B$S)..;,1311,1.„
Girth; Principal at. Souclr `Enron I)tstriet
High, Scltoi,(1TS)' triovan ta: b
prineipai at CFIS .and Debi Hwnuth;
pl t;"TS+ S,. coving;.to be
puprincineipaal, ataS%iDCHS:,t/BS.
Carroll: noted as; well that. making, the
posit ora{ changes.allowed . tire;
adjustments; to be made before, }luron
:amalgamated with Perth Jan. 1..•
by Micl ele Cxrreeaae,
The new A,von-
Maitland'. District Scheel.
Beard got„down to busi-
ness "at, its tiOt,regtlar'
tneeti Viii slay, Tan,
13 at t headqu. atters, of
the ,fcrmor Perth; County
Board. of EdOeatinn
The. azna1gaxatian. of
the'. ftlrtner Perth :board
and the Hunan. County
Board” • of . ` "Education
brims: nine trustees, from
the two; counties,. 10'stu-
dont truste.es.ap4 adiftini$-'
tration ,togethvr" in the;
-beard 'rOQiri o1 the former
Perth 194N in Stratford,
Tile,'bciard' Will at.t,er
nateits,mectings.bee en
Stratford. and Clinton t e'
headquarters ext the for-
tner Huron bard until "a
permanent site is.ch tsen>.
ChairpersOrt Abby.
Arrnstrorig,-told trustees
that they brave a: hire task;
in-frO4t, of diem to, definq
who they,° sire, and 'where
they are gain$.
„Alread ,.' 1 eaii
turns, to js4ge