HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-01-07, Page 8F -14teltsasue Sielittly4eL We4i l esda5e, X**ua ON CLASSIFIED 5 Articles for Sal'cr R2. YarctSatk 03. Garage Sale QUA Antiques 04a, Arts& Craft 05, Cees for Silt 06. -Trucks for Sale 5.1.x. 'SEATicil.�. /4. ' Par sate t•.aenerat 7b. 'Wante<to l3:uy 7„` Wanted to Rant 7e. 'Ivloturcycles •if . ' Snowmebii.@s. 7 , Ret V'ehides 1h. ' stoats, Motors etc. 7k. -• Swint mintPools 08 Computers 1Q. Fess. 194. ° r Horses rommexat 114 ,`Goneral" 116, ° Wantett to Buy; Ile: Wantett to Hire 1Id. Iimpl. Wanted= t le. Live%tack. •11f. Farm E'rac1uce 1Ig. Equipment 'tlh,, Services 113. ; Farm Lund 1 ilk. Irieal Bsiiite 111. wanted; to Beat 11nr., Far Rent 124, Rein Estate 14. • . VatAtions.. 16. ForRent' 17. ' Apartroents 18, Houses for Rent 19a. ; BO 4 Sreatcfast: `IkQon`m 84. Board 23, Commewol 24., Wanted; to Kent 25. Wanted to Buy. 26. , 11c1p Wanted 27. Waniedieneral Busrnoss Opp , Tenti@rs'. ;40.: Empl. Wantcd 31. ''; Si 32, Babysitting" 33. Misceitant:ous 34, ; Personal , 35. Legal Notices 30, Aanouncemcnts 37. Morigaggs 38. rectums, 39. Educational: 40 '. Lost &'Found: 41; - `To•Qivd Away 42. ";Gbitauriea 4.. :' .i3ir;1is, 4-, 4 n$ngnlcnts,„ 443, Manittgq 46, In Mernotiarn 47. Card of Than 48.. CAtning Events. rr AND week 44.25 x T:4 weeks qtr more -Val' al' ti weak: ectra words at .16• eaoh.' Cards tiff lligiit?k$. .26 for 2S words extra words at .06eact in llleuuriat t • $4,26 •-. tare acft ine Overse klirth Announcemantn'= S10.00 00 stat fee 3,044. $10,50 pole -pais for 25 wdrde, extra: words at ..16 sauh Thursday Special - $3;25 for aqviib'rds Must be -placed- and Paid' on Thursday. Save a 4QQ iii 11018. chargor bY Pref-paYtng ih+ f deed• in above, prioei Balt 521 1: o' I* .1 ERS - RESUMES ETC The. LUcknoW Sentinel; does corrtl nti0 custom typing tor Qtlstomers; rimes. let= ters etc. W can Offer yQU -number ofdifferent:, print types and sizes on high :.q.uality paper. Qa11 put office -,or drop:in • for rrtora "details; --Ott WOODSTQVE - FIRE., PLACE' glass, wilt not break from heat, CO: to any size or. shape. The Chimney. Sweep's Stove Parlor & Gallery Inc. 366-5274. �-- 41 tfnbcpnoc ADMIRAL FRIDGES.(66' high) and stove (30 Wide), alrrtond, $5001pair. Phono 528.2422CUSTOM FAXING Need to.aendtOr receive , fax? The Sentinei.does. cus- Wm' faxing for custorners. Drop in or all 528.2622 for details.---41ttrt STAR `.Ql1Q1cE - Express.: vu staring. at $547, boar syr ”. terns are Canadian: Entoy` heavies,' sports, music, nows, network, andp,p,y, tmle, also carry Echo;Star, Sony,; I-litactt & Hu9hos starting : at $299. Call A-1 ntorpriaes- 1-800-293- 278--46tfoowcc aA•WM14 4895 ;' SAW ft t?OS- INTO' O BQAHDS. �rrks. boni3O:4to Large r, aacity. Seat snat mitl, valuo. y+w„hcre. Pro@ interniation• ' 0-566 60 N,t rwoQd. iNrni4, f f 2', Kilworthy,' Olfrtarrfo POE 100...Oibc 9 I CATCH.UPQtitT E The Sentinel is available . at, the following; tocation ;; Holyrood General Store;; Ripley Superior Market; Dawson's . Store, Dungannon; Mac Nay'.s Store, Amberiey; Triangle Discount, • Godorich; Brian's:: Valu -:Mart, Wingharn.. McPhee !Q`A, Wingh4M-i'• Harte' Food: Mart, Teoswater., MacAclam Mini Mart, Ripley. Port Albert: General: -Store, and Kith's Repair Servico; Whitechurch: -gttnx - $AATTENT!ON STUDENTS Make alot of',"money-selling chocolate bars; NeV , prod ucts,:available. Nothing to pay in advance-.. Fast deiivv- ary -80O- l 9 O l be. SHADE TREES 5 47', S VRr: E,VERGHEEN SEE- f.pNGS., •. 5 yr. transplants::.Cedars Blue: Spruce.,,. etc. Spring: shipping. Write' Dorchester 1 rqr Farm, 257.2 Dorchester " Roac4.,� Dorchester, Qntarirr 1r5,,'-Q1b4 STEEL'BUILDINQS STEEL BI ILDlN S,..Ftnaf.;` Clearance. Construction arid-'Loasing . available.. 2Q, 14 ;(,'3() ,3,58$.00'2.5, x: 14 N. 30 $3,986.00. 30 x..14 40 $5,94400. 40:. x 60 $8,638,00, 40. $,12,244.00:'' 50 . 10Q, $21,56f.00,` 60 X 120,; 428.900.0Q, tfior5." Rioneei;' • f -a00-666.5422.--o1 ho Ql •i�Er TYPE Grimnla; maple{syrup evaporator 6' K• 2'' pee, Arch, regttirt s; sone, also s pails arta, Qtter:k, 528.2485. t q(1Na Week blow eta sale qgntinttes t aohuetl?s Furniture Showrooms, Mirdmay wdil this Saturday, .lair, 10, 1996, Sohuatt's, offer suites of new ftgniture,. C,a: pry r'aotirtgf chairs. Sada mattresses, ' arnat14, punt?$,-ete, Phone 61-97367-- ;2308', 19;367.2248. - 01ar Pick up, your oopy of THE LUCKNOW SENTTNEt.,. at any, of • the followinc Lucknow, businesses: Beckers Milk; Kati"s, Discount, Lucknow. Village Market, RX Central, `Lucknow,. ;Hd Used Cars and Annie's Cans Bar, and Hamilton-PueIs.. --621f SES. WHAT','S HAPPENING AROUND THE AREA%` The Sentinel has the fol; lowing papers avaiiabla, ire' our office can Wednesday, Goclerich-; :Signal'''Star, Kincardine N.ovgg, Clinton' News Record, Mitchell: Advocate, Seaton)? • Huron;,. Expositor----t6tfrt seed Ss VU, Qat '.your Canadian Digital °. Satatiite Systems today front the Satellite Specialist$ wit4,over. 20 yearsexperi- ence:.Enjoy movies;: sports, music,nt�r s, f"PV. oto. will: $ou'tf wast Satellite 524,9595, anytime.=-44ttcc; rye Wcw (s-1. 2 Campbell SE . LUCKNOW 526-2242 Rosh sliced: Side Pror S# Ialr ! Rib.,4r roK,TkK.1 89t. PE+rk;Breaded, sc. 1M1t1. Vibe will be:.ciosed Tues;, Jan. l3ih & wed„aan. 1111 12.1' 1St;! 1MARK, turbo, Motor rune good. body. needs 'Mitt -vomit. Easily oar - tined. $16QQ, Phone$26-- 3$40:. 283 P- 201 -nim Pets QNE PUREBRED Siberian diusky-maie, dog 1 1/2, years old. 1 blue' eye and one ttrown. Excellent disspo i -- tion, great with chitdrsn, No" - papers. Needs a borne: in ,• the country instead of in town. Cate 51957`-3763 01 . IMS », W. ani t b,.. .to en�11.y'. HAY WANT D - no rain, first: tu.t,•aifalfatirnothy, green, no . dust,, regular square balesandsohiebales dust: free rriur idAor forge squares. stored, {aside. '5.192.27 1713?--0,1cc; WAN t ED HARDWOOD, LOGS. Prompt payment.for hardwodd.;lags, prepayment, for :timber stands. Neisser tog, prices. Provincially licensed trap markers and certitied equipirrent opera- torn: Special care taken in, harvesting: Pennilt'V.eneer' Co. Ltd, est, 1927., 340 Louisa $,Li• Kitchener, (5;191742-5687--Q1b'c , • We, Oa trades, fu huts etc • upon w„ 21 s. Thurs.,p rii., Sat,, GQdericli•• .524-7251 i 0 EQUiPMINT REPr44R, - Ori site repairs, to farm and construction egquiprrtentand small ; engines. Rob -Campbell Mobilo Repair, 519-396.6806. Servicing. Bruce County.--Q1--5cc- BARN Ci EANING with' skid -steer. Phone 395-4647:; -.p1,02cq, %poly/35%Cdttutr 4,14 Wants `ttpj' Rei DAIRY, Pie Mut looking for land; 3 - 5. years'for, crop rotation iUcknow- Whiteohurtn .area)' Phone 526.2521, Too Sundaycalls,' 00 40, --53-05x 2 BEDROQM apartrrneiat (112;• a - houso) in Ripley availableDecent . 1. Ftefer`e a roquiied. Phwne• 3$5-2640-4Stfsr