HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-01-07, Page 2e
toot, W
• Endo Saturday rso/rili t
my 1doori�CAVA E COUPE
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Z22,2 00,AS. woad, *condidonina,.
a turtaitximi wheels, spm. s15
Pry � fr[ F armor tax,» .,,Y.Yf..... ........ *5,
1497 CHEV PICK -1)P
Votes, its, automatic. cines v4bools, A ;
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Von Interested in stewardship oour
:The Rulon Stewardship Covineg, is seeking ,an
additional volunteer council member. Council
members are closer for their strong interest in resource
stewardship as well as to be representative of the
diversity of land ownership and land interests in Huron
County. Consider adding your swats, energy and
expertise to alis community-based ste 'ardship
The Hama .5 ewardship. Council mission statement is.
'4To sire and implement responsibbk mw*agenienr
j:. tioursoil,waterand other.ria#ara! resources through
• coop native db is of the Eaton Conry comntatnio ".
Its goals include raising awareness of responsible
stewardship p attic es and stewardship issues, as well as .
facilitating across m resoureernanagement assistance.
J li ns:arcinvire l fredia iiuron County residents
or landowners. Applications from candidates who are
not selec#ed, will be inaintained.on file until October,
199fi,'in the,evetat additional oppgrturtities become
•available, W
I"be ;application deadline is Janu ry 2$„•199$.
;Please contact Steve Bowers at, (519},48,2.342g Or
1 i -265 5170:for mor+e"inforrnatuon.;
Ena. replica Via. ey Cup
from pne t Don O'Brien of Zurich. Beeond Pew
hockey in the county.
"'Then and Now," ae f-
ingto the rniusetrmrr,:
Supplemental displar.
will appear to tho main
bobby of the museum,
includintg an old ice mss
faeer from the 'Zurich
arena. The theatre,
renamed "The Blue Line'
Club," will feature hockey
hiatary movies_ And ,a
'Players' Lounge" with
interactive hockey games
Will be opened in the first
•. Huron's .hoekey;display
follows a similar exhibit in
Bruce County which ,is
just wrapping up. A few of
the displays from the
Bruce exhibit will be part
of Our Hockey Dreams„
Canadian hockey legend,
Paul 'Henderson, who.
grew up in Lucknow -- .an
the border of Bruce and;
Huron, prayed hockey
with Goderich in his
younger days
i lly,. Sicbett's name . Max Det.rar'�ay of Mussels. ls, "1~ s1 4' period°dis-
was veiled u ctly.on Hugh Hodges of Clinton.. play will .contain artifacts
that tranhy and anther on Linda Espensen of the ' from the Hockey Hall of
display from tete Boston WOAA, office in " Paine and the Boyd
Bruins). , Winghant and many others ' Canadian dirt.: Acc riling
Another feature' item' is • • have contributed items of- to the museum, this period
a .1967 miniature rcptica - interest and .stories of local will focus on Canada's
Stanley Cup, ,given to the players far Our I otrkey success on the world rink
members of the teaw writ. Dreams.' `"Alt of the arena and highlight individual!.
won that year' mo rrada's mangers have been fan- u wotved in the game.
centennial' the Toronto ,tastic,"saysStoyles.
Mapk Leafs - the last , . Rot Period°
they won: The miniature • ' e 'first period' will Third J'eriaad
cup belongs to Larry . fo:cus.o» hockey's pica_ ° The final installment of
Jeffrey of Goderich who naeers, according to the the hockey exhibit moil`
was on that winning Leafs ' museum - `:"the early focus on Hared County's•
team: • .devloprient of hockey, notable teams,an . 'orgarti-
• With .a11 this valuable containing .an overview of xatians. A"special section
hockey material run dis- growth and expansion of will feature the Western
play, one might be con- • the sport -t troughout the Ontario • • Athletic
eerncd about , security. `: county Arena districts will Association (WGAA), The.
Stoyles ensures everyone °be identified and their his- Lions Chub Young Canada
tories•tuaced," Featured in. Week Tournament and ts.
the firstwill be minor 50th anniversary will be ai
hockey, women's hockey, key -display, The third
senior and:junior hockey., period will be held in the
'mere will also be" : sr,'° museum's, ' Southwest
.tialsectiondealing with Gallery and feature hock- ,
hockey at the former mill- ey collectr6les arzd, present'
tary bases in Huron. - a comparison between
who has 'loaned. items or
plans to that a the mu:seu.tr
is equipped with electronic
security; every room is ell -
mate, controlled and all;
items are insured.
The main.display mean
for the first period of, Our
Hockey. Dreams has all the.
flavour of a local arena
with banged up .rink
boards lining the walls
tom lete with puck quarks
etubmgof Bruce A.
and scuffs echoing the• • • •
memories of hundreds of i ` e y i .
gaits from area's in , page l ,
Seaforth, Winghatm and
where they were-,
once fixtures--
Banners from rinks
,around the county will be
featured as well as jerseys:
from'`wel'i known' teams
'like the Stainton Spitfires
from 'Wingham,and the
Seaforth ;Beavers. .
took for memorabilia
from .local players Dave
McLlwain of Seaft th
Garye.Deake and lack
Price of, Goderich; and
IvYml;,e ; Watt • " of
onmentally sound
done before alae .four units
at Pickering A, are restart-
- ed;' prior to Bruce A. '
Sutton and Thompson
attended 'Owen Sound
cduncil's-Monday bight
meeting, asking that city'
to endorse' the town's
18 resolution that, calls for
the provincial and 'federal:
governments recognize
netubing Brice A as being
environmentally sound, 111
view of the Kyoto:
Greenhouse Gas "Global.
Bg13tcmdvi 11e.
'fit reeve 'tai'
at art
SwrPorA01, s#ihth'Oo
ntlum4iff,000,1490'01 tam --w 4pflq on
is 9 Er Q 97 raon.v A.7• mar;
'ww ap „ca sip, .nontc sioo igii, oar, �a
IPC-XIVI-'i 20
ProFessOr 120t0
,- include'r'l�enc3ip(t,:
• and Pia
40 per month
90 ii44.p S
For tntormateon call 1 .888.44.4472
qN NM b.1f �+►rmy cartl iw..1� MN,pY,
- ' Sutton will also, be being hired, and there are
att�nidiianchg co.the un.laza.cil, 12askinofg C3
utario,I people living in
,• • '
for its suppcart: He felt the federal gqy-
Hydro's board of direr= .erutn.ent Should.be Sup
-tors is meeting Jan, 27 to , porting nuclear power to,
seal the fate _of Bruce A. promote crown corpora -
"You 'know, Hydro says- tion' Atomic Energy of
there isn't enough, gained.. Canada's sales of. nuclear
,_'-staff tt� retube all thae units , reactors .to 'China and
at once; We could invest' :. Turkey,
in our 'youth to' train �'Years'ago .the ,federal
them,"" Sutton said, government made a loan
An Ontario Hydro engi- `to Pickering A There,is an
.neer,.: Sutton added, °`there~ ` a%fienice of federal pies -
are also lots of Americans: " .enc in this whole issue:,'•
epa.ra�e sc
.V no to
rine], a .s, vice
ool association `:
by Pat Halpin
The , plan . to remove
principals and vice -princi-
pals from 'teachers' federa-
tions does not have sup-,
port from the association
for separate school ,
trustees in Ontario;
Zn, a:: letter released at
the Bruce -Grey . separate
board meeting, the. Ontario'
Catholic School Trustees'
Association. gave.educa-
ticirr ::. minister David
Jo:hnsan "a ;clear. vote
'against the move,
'We 'are arenvirmced that
to rentvi+e, princi pal s and
vice -principals froi the
teacher federations at this ,
wiil not well serve.
he 'educational. needs of
r r children . "indeed we
relieve that it will be
iafrr.ul,�' Association
sent Patrick.aiy
said, 0
Daly $aid moving prin
cipals out Of. the ;federa
tions will :he "disadvanta
• -..genus" to students educa-;
tion,"ipartlybecause of the
large mber. of cation
reforms-nonuw undereduway,
"Principals are the ear
riculum leaders in ours
scnpais; 'Daly said
:cannot be eastly, or effec
tively intrtiduced' if the
educational- leaders, within;
each sc.cial:'are.distracted
anti troubled by .this. sig.
nifretrt change
in their'
prof ional; rind .personal
si atius."
Johnson argues'.that as
Traders and -managers Of
their scheel s, prfricip
wi11. be ".better able to .
irnplernent, • cdueatien.
refor s'if they are "'not in
a position+~rhielt could put:
the lead rship+tmar agerial
and union ;InOrAl ersbip,
requrernents in conflicts'
Daly' suggesteddelay,-
ins, the; move, 'aud dos
cussing the issue;' with, .
coMmittee made up of.
principals, government,:
parent, trustee and;'teseher..
representatives ',
oots of Bruce.
Th.e. Roots of. Bruce
will, be back this spring for
studentsin the Bruce -Grey
separate board of:educa-
titin. `
Trustees endorsed the,
three day program, which':
is developed .by the Bruce
-county agriculture" and,
food education council.
and aimed at grade six stu-
Tlit Roots of Bruce
includes information and
bands -on displays at the.
Walkerton Agri ca turaI
g. p ,
Buildin s April 7,8 and 9_�,