HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-01-07, Page 1VOL 1 WK
by 'Bev E`er;
' Signs, signs, every-
where a• sign. You can't
drive between Kincardine.
and Tiverton without see-
ing . Retube Bruee A
now signs along the.
highway and municipal.
• boulevards.
Smaller signs are in the
windows of local; busi-
The sign cant-
paign sprang up dur-
ing the. Christmas
holiday's when local.
contractor Kett
Zurbrigg and the
Building; and Trades
Association of
Kincardine, as, well.
aslocal realtors,
decided to throw
their support behind
retubing Bruce ;A
now,, a ul'iit :at. a time,
instead of .shutting it down
completely. O.ntano. Hydro
announced in its Nuclear:
Asset Optimization flan,,
• Aug. 13, it would lay. up
Bruce:" A with a 'tentative
restart: date in 2002.
The fear of local
municipalities is on.ce'.
Bruce A is laid up
March, about 1.700
Ontario hydro employees
who live in the area, will
be • transferrett to - the.
Ptekerittg or Darlington
nuclear power stations}.
leaving tie. local economy
devastated: ,
A'hother concern is
once Bruce ,has been
shut down it will never be
restarted again,,
Friday, Glenn Sothis,.
Kincardine mayor, along
anti the town,;fr.200, Two
hundred staked .signs were
printed. •
Sutton said tate sip
campaign: is:•a result of the
towies cetnmunity action
qt's to show a broad-
based community support
for retubing Bruce .A
now." he said.
, "It's agrass roots initia-
tive. It was : sponta
with Zurbrigg, deputy
reeve Cord Thompson',.,
councillor Dave Walsh;
and real estate broker
Mike Palmer, . officially,
kieked off the sign -Cam-,
paign in Victoria=Park itt
Kincardine. Local real
estate companies donated`:.
'$500 toward.the sign cam-
paign the Building and
Trades Association; $300
nevous and I'm
Pleased to endorse.
In response to the
statement that the
sign campaign is
Preaching to .tile
converted, Sutton
said he ' hopes,
Hydro's board 'of
directors will pay..
attention to thu
efforts the area has
made to point out how
much" nuclear power is
supported along the Bruce.
County Lakeshore. That is
in stark ;contrast to,
Pickering, where .a recent:,
election plebiscite indlcat
.ed the °:xialority of
Pickering residents,
favored; having an envi-
ronmental: assessment
.'torn : ito page 2:
to .Oefiev.t;''his. picture' wastaken en Jan "$, but one could` easily
think it was a spring picture. This view iso taken, from the bridge on
Wlllouyhby Street, facing South. The water level is more indicative: of
March Or April, (kivingeton nheto)
Anne Sanderson, a far-
xner L.udknaw business-
wotnan, now living in"
Goderich, was, honoredon
her gist birthday on Dec.
27', Her nephew, Marvin
and Nannie Scott hosted a
gathering at their Ashfield
Township farm. Mrs.,
Sai derson's actual birth
date is Dec. 23.
For a surprise, Mrs.
Sanderson was given a
ride on the sleigh which
was once owned by her
father,tato , (Sky)
(alter family .tuembers
present for the .occasion.
were .Frank Scott, Donald
anti. Shirley Scott.
Douglas and Nelda Scott
and children Steven,
Daniel and Amanda. and
Rick McQualln, of Feint
. Clark.. _
Mrs. Sapikersorr was
raised in the F'aramov nt
area. She and tier late hus-
band, Mike, operated a
ladies' anti ,news clothing'
store (Llaya's Dolls loca-
tion now) in luc;know for
many years before retir-
ing to Goderich.
Anne Sanderson, a former Lucknow businesswoman, now living in
Goderich, celebrated her 91st birthday in December with family mem-
bers in Ashfield Township. Mrs. Sanderson ;was ;surprised; with a ride
on a sleigh that was.once owned by her father. Mrs. Sanderson, is
shown at the reins. (photos submitted)
by David Scott "'` public history who is in
The history of hockey his -hist year of a PhD pro
in Huroneomcs alive, itt ,grata, ;Working;Ofl the pro -
January with the `.Our jectis a•dream come true
I -Hickey Dreams" exhibit fQr,Stoyles, who,.has been
at.=the. `I-ltiiron'County 'an'avid hockey fan since
uscr�m, the age of tiie.
Familiar names like "I've found this an
Hall of rFamers Babe " incredible 'experience.
Siebert (if Zurich, Al , }lackey.' is; in the fibre of
Pickard of Exeter and , the, county. There's not;.
Cooney. Weiland ` of community in Huron that
Egmondvillc will be part has not been touched in
of'.this temporary<exhibi- someway by hockey "
tion':which ':opens Jan. 17 says Stoyles,
and, runs:unti1 August Planning'on this Project
1999. And jtistlike ;agame be an in :luly of this year,
of hockey, the showcase. ' ; and by August the muse-
will: bedivided into three ung started receiving, items
periods..- the first opening on. lotto. " Stoyles and.
in January, the" second another university student,
period ` ` starting in Sandy Bruce., travelled to
September">19nd e area in uwn th"
third period�i`n M98aarch '99the pa,Jl4tht. summeasr- and
I.l[alt garbis-.
to,.coincide; with the SOth eying information on local
anniversary of thc,Yount players ,and ,following up
Catada Week `(`?BCW) valuable leads,
`l'aurnarnctkt in Goderich, We're; still 'accepting
lvluclr of tate material on .• things," says the coordina-
display has been compiled : tor."Right now .i lot of
by Sean Stoyles, a UWO ., people sire not'awarc'ol'
st dent w th a M.A..in.. the; exlttbttion, People will
see it and say, hey, I've
got something better, I'll
bring that in,'".. Stoyles=
Hculatlghfigho f ` Exhiibi t;:
A t�ce tnix of new and old'
hockey items highlight
this exhibit.
On display will be
Seafor"th;.hockey' player
Boyd Devereaux's 1997
Waria, Junior,
Canhdampionship ring, medal
Jersey The
Hockey Trophy a solid
pewter coffee pot from
1906 which was a valued
prize for Seaforth ho'ekey
teams, was lent by Frank
Sills, a major contributor
to the exhibit. ,Another old
trophy, Babe Siebert's
1927-28 Mappin trophy.'.:
froi'n the long since
defunct..` Montreal
Maroonss was. generously
donated with permission
from the Village ef.Zunch
and the Zurich arena, also
known as the Babe Siebert
Meiticarial Arena.
urn to pugge,'.