The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-12-24, Page 25. •ucknow •Sentinel, Wed eOday, Lecputber 24, 1996 Papp
'n.s the
night before
On Christmas night I
heard,someth'ing and it
sotindt d like Reindeer
stomping on the roof. And
then I heard Ho'Ho Ho‘
Merry Christmas to all: I'
quickly put -a sign .on the
door saying. Santa come in
this door do not gc down.
the' Chimney because you`
will land in, the furnace.
(by Alex Van Osch, Grade
3, ' Kingsbridge)
A letter
to God
Dear God:
Thank you for letting,
Jesus be born in
Beth leke n on Ch->ri-st r as- -
Day. We are trying 'to• be.
extra good so that we can
make Jesus eery happy ori'
. his birthday.
PS. Thanks for.Santa- too!
Mello! My name. is
Ambo, and I am a camel. I
am here. to tell you my lit- ,
' tale tale, . some.,.call it
Christmas. r it was`.a dark
night hnd, all that was to be
heard was Jambe my mas-
...ter. He was reading to his
two partners, Deigo and
l mmo,. They were study-
ing the stars. My master.
was studying to see if the ..
Messiah: was; coming this
year.. My master is very
my master had been study-'.
ing this •for years. 'The
stars pointed to the Christ
Child being born! Off we.
went following the star,
My master was .carrying
gold. Deigo had mytr0b,
Baum had frankincense.
Deigo and Bmmo werenot
having.much fun bec:atise
their' camels were my hot
headed brother and my
'stubborn sister! They ..did-
n't want to'go along but
they were ordered to!
I was so -happy I want -
go as er •ut we as
to' go slow,• because we
had a long ;j.ourney, so 'we
n f
To know and
serve you .this
past year. was a
true delight. .
Thanks and
Merry Christmasi•
Dungannon" .
.Service Centre
Jonp•de swyn and Family,
and stab
Old fashioned wishes
for friendship. and
fun this 'Yuletide.`
We're so very gladto ..
know and serve you,.
May the vv rm glove:.
. Qf ,Christmas,
light up your fife:
R R #1 LIJtK 7OV
L; 5283537
b. H Ovens
52$ 201
best. save some, energy.. On
the way we met King
.kierod. He vas: a very..
mean and cruel Man, from
the looks of his• falcb.. H -le,
shouted at everyone. it
made me want to run. We
Were. left outside beeattse•
King -Herod' didn't like ani-
.mals; I wanted to. hear
what was going on.. Lucky
for me -there was. a win
.heard, "W:hen, you find the •
child .tell meso that I may
worship him too.''..He had •
0 .
a grin onhis face and- that
puzzled me. When my .
master, Deigo and $ammo
I 'heard the King
laugh. WhenI was untied
and given to my master,:$.
wished that humanscould
understand . me so 1. could
tell him, We travelled for'
One and half months and
finally we arrived at a
small: town called
Bethlehem. I still won-
dered why King Herod,
had'•srniled an then said
to come; back, the same
way"we came: 'We finally
n =fit Mary; Joseph and best
of all baby Jesus! 1 was so
excited. We talked: then..
Deigo, Emilio and, my
master gave their gifts. We
were on o.ur way home.
We slept soi.0 dly ,(us
camels). Rut our masters `
did not. Thoy .were wor-
ried in a' dream not, to back .
to King Herod. As son as
it was' daybreak wiz were
Off.. King Herod never did
kill J.esus..Jesus' lived on
to ;be a wonderful.teacher,
and our Savior.. Merry .
(JQi tue Kuyv'enhoven, '
Grade 5, LDCS)
to our man
our Va(ued
customers ani
support, 7v err
l�fana,gement an