The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-12-24, Page 20Page 4A - Ltacktnuw Senttnmell. Wedgnesabby: Aeeeuunher Z4,119`
my customers.
and friends a
Blessed Holiday' Season
has. Bar
Hope you're fixing to
have a. good time,
all tough the season.
?ou have our gratitude
for helping us put
together :a great yearie
•"Give the gifts of peace, love and
understanding this season. They are the
• greatest gifts to give.
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C,hristmus joy
by Rev. Peggy Kinstiiatt, Luekano* and South. Khit kss
1Presbyteawa Church , '
And''MarY said.: "My ,soul ma; nifies the Lord, and tny
spirit rejoices in God my Savior" (Luke 1.: 47)
Joy is right at the. heart of what Christmas•rneans. But
try as we might, we have a hard time getting a handle on
the meaning of that word for otir live;, today. We have
no difficulty understanding "fun:!' And we have no trou-
Me with "happy" :Tally' as a' verb): is comment!, used:
But what about joy? What's joy all about' Unfortunately
many are -lett wondering what joy really i'
True, jQy, the kind. Christmas is supposed to .be about
is a uch deeper' experience than happiness or tun.
.Rejoicing 'really.. hasn't anything to do with 'partying.
When Mary speaks of rejoicing on hearing•the news 'that '.
she will be the mother of Messiah,. it is an emotion• chat
comefi from deep ,Within her spirit.
The,Christmas story'.reveals the depth of Mary's joy,
And when you think of it, it reveals: the. depths of
our own real joy Joaeph, and Mary , were, refugeestar
' from home: They were homeless as they -:searched fiir. a. .
room in that dark Bethlehem •rt gh.t:' Mary Clothed her
haaby as the poor did in swaddling elotlies.':A lowly
manger served as his crib.. In spite of -these .difficult Cir-.
is ances- l -ary's- jey:WaS-deep ,
The wondrous good news,. of Christmas is that we can
• look torward to a, joythat depends not,upon our ;
stances. Or situation: Instead we'..'are:.promised a joy.
Which, conies. tli us ,from;, God's graciousness, alone.: No
• amount: of distress Or pain .or. hardship, can alter the joy
;that. is:ours in the:good news of'C,hristmas;:
..May yod and'your loved ones experie ice.thetrue joy..
,,at the hart ot'Christrnas. Ma.SI all the.hlessinas ,i`it this
toy: '4r n.gth:..ii an`d hold you.., ,not only.:,in this
Christinas ' season, hut .edc,h- day.'Peace,and joyto. oche•
and all
ay the 'old f bion d delights of Cktr'strOs, » ce-le .tri •a zdon.deiful ho ida.
Out sincere thanks for your kindpatronage. .
hal e . . th 11740.,r1114.1es and entployeea.
We rtre gratefut for all o"t.the bdstrxess you .
wrought our way in 1997 .
Mayyyou.and`yours enjoy a veryloyous ,blessed
-holidayseason and a. happy healthy 199g.
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