The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-12-17, Page 7rl40, IT hold Lucknuow eillitjuell, Weatirilesday, December 17, 1997 -- Page 7 i,e 41 7'01,,,, t ,•,•;y, ,tIfl Draper 0,0 ,k,00 Rt 0.”1.4 /4.4. • .1991 ormitrJ, Js olor t'ithro 41/140 Vetar Atv4rs • Bill Draper, .of Port Albert, was nominated for a • Junior Citizen of the Year Award by local reed - Ors for.his rescue. in 'the Nine Mile River: in Port 'Albert in July, Draper used his new personal water-craft-to--put•I a-family-from--the-:riper cur- rent. Two children .Were caught in the current and theirparents got into difficulty when they tried to rescue their 'ehildilen.'Ontario junior Citizen Awards are sponsored by the ,Ontario Community Newspaper Association of which. this,paper is a member. (Sykes photo) goo lienge:. A Walkerton area man'is issuing 'a''challenge toi'all rneinbers , of Local.'. 225 of :the Ontario (Public .Service :Employees Union. : Peter Carter, of RA, 3, Walkerton, a 24 year employee with the Mtnistry..of•'the Attorney General, workingg out the Court,House in Walkerton is thinking'• of others this Chris€masi'and challenges his fellow civil servants (provincial and federal),, all peace officers'and .a11 union niernbers to do the same: When the tlitiOn..gaVe'.e:ach member a:$25 ,cheque to. :.be used' at his<or;her pleasure,, Carter decrded*.to :g%ve: ills to>cliari€y and donated it to'the Women's-'House, I3.ruce,:otitnty, in Kincardine;,'He.also per:son.atly m matched the '.ount fora:total of;S50 from he and his wife, J - tAriEn: I 1.. Carter says, it you..choose. to :•!nark ori yourc,huque,. "'Peter's .Challenge" arid.forward' it to 'Women's House of Bruce • County,' Box 760, Kincardine, Ontario N2Z 2Z4 Carter returned to work an •October 'alter .being .on. sick leave since, Fehruary:1996, He learned this month hisposition has been, declared "surplus",'and he will' be .laid.1raict off June 2r To all who accept this challenge,. Carter days, "Na; •God's deepest blessings he With eadh' and everyone:of :rut!: vesper Lucknow CGIT . Vesper Service was held in Lucknow Presbyterian Church on Dee. 7 with the theme Live, Learnand Pass It On. Norirna. Raynard was the organist and Jessica Steffler was leader for the service. ' The lighting of the Advent candles was done by Kimberley .Kaufman for Hope, Beverly Stewart for Peace. ' Cassandra Massena for Joy, Judy Peat for Love and. The Christ Candle was.•lit by• leader Janet Cox. Qn.e .verse of several hymns was sung' between scrintrtre reading. CGIT Service anthems were Pas:. ft On and Stiknding Before Us: Janet Cox played Christmas carols on her flute during the offering. • 'Four mentors were interviewed by .CGIT members: Peggy Henderson. with Amy Blake, Ruth Bell with Lee. Morrison, Peggy Kinsman with Jessica Steffler and Barb Willits with Janet Cox. The mentors, Explorers' :and CGIT Alumnae were invited to 'light eamites with -the CGtT at the :close 'or the ;er�1cC• . • Everyone: enjoyed. refreshments served by the girls. GET READY FOR t.7 Put yukkies in their place4 LU•CKNOW KINSMEN. ANNUAL Skate -,A -Thou Tuesday, December. 3091997 9:00 AM 4:00 PM. Lunch Provided Ali proceeds'to ConnimUnity Eietterrment Barb Wits - Seti y. Swi niers .WINT'ER SESSION 8,Week Program', Starting January 26, 1998 Is • *Arlua.,Quest Levels 1 - 12 '. -=�• *Aqua Adults wCanqasaC"oaa." *Aqua FIt *Swwira Team WEDNESDAY 3 Registration: December 1.600 lith and ' December 15th, to 171h 9a:m•-4p•..iil. or call 528-2742 for flirtheir information: A'I:MI lI from our..Mariagemernt and staff • ''CLOSED DEC 24 & 25' DEC. 19-23 PRL& SA : 7.& 9 P.M.:: SUN. TOES 8P.M. 1 ' SAT. "& SUN. MATS 2P.M CLOSED WED. & THUR. Hi FAMILY ' No $unday Br• .ch December 2!/97, fflagfair lot xu rnt • Ljcensed Under.! our Hosts: The Greigs' 52$-3932;` rn muff MO MUM LONG DISTANCE? CALL 1-800-265-3438 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO/ LIDAY B_% Gaderch Knights of Columbus .and Columbus- Centre . Thurs Deo: 1 - R gulag' n o Thugs, Dec. 25 , ;,;No 'Bingo• 'Sat:.. Deo; 2 Regular ;�Irlgo (Last,Sat. of rnorith). 1 ENTER IN 00g:: LRE ORA. • .No pord!a.- necessary TONS pf •F,AliO.OUS PRIZES, 1E) lEc BG . SUNDAY. MONDAY a • s.••. •..• •...•••6. • SCOREBOARD. CORE.BOAR, D :, . .iSQT-i '.aiY•••t . KINCARDINE ' TUESDAY 2 WEDNESDAY 3 rHURSDA1l r, I .FRIDAY ° 5 SATURDAY 6� 0•• ' ' 15.5%° ,,If 't'!MRRt.�AUIt7A5 4'IAgtIit S@INC .(sYON•MFRCUAN '. 10 ,o•$25 off N(�CKEY-ti15AtE5 •((ni .BA(EIt •'K()t1t 1 •tiEf/ITV)CKAttti 5 11 15-0% n ' SPFEU(),_ SWIMWtAP & �>Y (f. SS(?$If5 12 .15-30% � 1$nUi'R CCM •. IN L IN SkATES SAC .'S(�RIFS CF,S 3 2S% ,rl ' S URL�IM( YAN1.9, G I1RttSHFS, N() rAx (7N H007 yp14 FREE Sh l t `'5 ..{ 1�� /� �`SHARf1i1 V�I I�iV.• itVI1( ANY 4CIRGNAS[ .. .' 15. *, , . .,ti ' All E$AKI FY • S.IN(,E•A55F5.X *' •'fA5111N AC(k55OR'IFS•,..._.V{1(�(H414.p(1a4(lt(•5;.' 2 1,/,;5O% II 16 rli Mtil6A(l E:4N1 W61.. . •As 4 iu(I.1114 HI h/ ' 51<,I'I((Fi.N7i,15-' ,44. (', tir504E/Y . 15-5'a% (1t1-.'17 All / f('.l RE 5KAHN( L1Ets1G,g A((sti(,RIkS• • tA(.,�.•10f YKArti.Y.: IR14E17r(t(LI'AK,(, 15,50% oil8 '. ALL -414 ( K'E, E(21 14' C:UA41k <d(f1;E(. OP 711511"(:(:1It '-I+•krt.(Atinludrdl 15 O% • 'off 19 F40 LOt 0 UA,Y 1 : 1NCIL;UFS • • Mr\tAM„,Wk. .1•IA, ll r 4,1,1"' trc,6r�,HAP. a,wEAt .: TAX .`20 .. . C :- FREE . , STOREwVIbe ... 21 . 'TAN .FKEta: ...el it. '..• 22 [>IEC. 24,'22, STOCIKit`J fits ail tile' . ;'..23 "23 SK' STUFFER$!. shack. it's tax 24 24 ;--' •free!, ' . 25 •CLOSED' • 'Christma4oay ' " 26 CLOS'ECSI' snKl nay 27'. l(ieca• rdine Silver Stick ' Hockley pQ Kttticdrdine '' Silver Stick Hockey r 29 Kincardine Silver Stick ••. '•Hockey KittCardine , . •' • Silver' Stick Hockey . ..:. _ ;SCOREBOARD . CLE ROUT RACKS'• ,SPORTS 41U 1 ,i........e..: 41 .' .' • Klf*1CA0alN , 861,QtJEEN`ST 3696-4142 ,. . WG HOUAR W RS ST EC. 9th: M N.- R . gM-II PM ° ' AM -.i ` • U 12- 'M N. Thurs. Jan. Sat Jan.. 3 No Pingo. In 1998.ala .Saturday, ,Bingos: will be held on the FIRST. SATURDAY of the month starting February 7th ALL BINGOS HELD SAT COLUMBUS CENTRE LN(CLIJDE`SUPER STAR PROVINCIAL 'GAME. Call 524.1332 for further information.