The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-12-10, Page 16• ' Monffay = HS and HT -
Anita .Elliott 212, Eric
:Taylor 263; Anita Elliott
549, Eric' Taylor 719.
200+ scares::, Eric Taylor
263, 259. John VanDiepen
139, 215. Anita Elliott
'212; John ' Andrew 223.
Rob Beirnes 209.
Standings' Flintstones 31,
Lion Kings 29, Pecans 28.
Bubble Guns ,Batts 28;
Looney, Tunes 21..B arnuts
Tuesday Night - HS and
HT - Bea Griffin 226, 58"4;.•
D,[.. Haldenby 353, 667.
200+. games: D.J.
Haldenby 353, Ron Elliott
284: Brad' Engel. 229,
Gerald Rhody 228. 203.
'Jack Barr '2:32;:'Bea Griffin '
226; Peggy Kinsman 225,
211, Bill Cooper 224, 204,
Ken'Chapitt 22,h Grace '''
Hopf 213 Eric Haldenby
2.13. Standings: Turkeys
31.5,.' 1Zhinos: 29.5, Bears'
26, Big ' Dawgs 22.5.
Grizzlcys'10: tigers 14.5.
Ripley r- 1 -IS and -..HD
Shirley .,:Adams '20.0: Tom
d:arns, x`184;:
Ad:arns 373. Torry Adams
31`x. 150+' games: Tom
• Adams ' 1.84, Bill Dow, :15 4,:
Al 'Ross "1 5.5, . ,Shirley,
'>Adarns100 173..Eunice
Eiiime'rtnrr'1', 4, EV elyn
'Bradley 154, •, Wiirna'
Elliott a S lviriri:e1`._Du, ;.,,.
Donnie 'Pollard
Lorna quay ,159,.•
:Standings; ;Orioles
"Robins 13:' Swallows .13_.
Bluebirds .1.1; Cardinals
• 10, Gold F ineh•es 8.' '•
Friday: HS and,
e'1tn;: l 9 i ;' Jpe.• Savage.'
244;.Betty Sna11: 508, lion'
GIlle;sple 6+
scores: 'Evans' Helm
2.05 •.Ron,•Gille; 2:22.-
220 toe ,S'avage; 2'44::.
Shows 28, Toonies .23. NO::
;.YJavl $.; "Iuakcale 1.7
Town and Country HS
and HD Joyce Adamson
348.t.GeOrge ,Taylor.
3Ob,' 457 ''2'00+'games•
Georger,Tavl.or 300; 157:..
Art..E.rne ein•::?: $, I-Iarold.
Err)rig:tori "l67 176; John •
`',:Mad innpn l57r': i�rr1/.,
Wander.Klip 162.:Do .g
Ray,'iard 18 ;'.L1oyd.,,Ha11 .
64: '1.53 Joyce;! Adamson;
.200 •1.58,.: Lenore•.Glenn- -.
174,.•;Alice.:T.aylo•r 169;:' .
Mae. 'Hunter 160 163,
..L:o•' Guay, • 17, 179.`.:
-;Ferri MacDotiald 153.:
'Anne ...Anderson 154;.:
Standings Tulips
•Hyaci•nths 11'112. Crocus
15: 1/2, Svc vi/4rapsr 1 a:,
Pansies l3 1/:.4 IJaiffodi:Ts•
i? 1/2.,
Christmas Trees Fact
Ghristzrras tree eu1tiva-
.tion has .evolved into an
:.agriculturalactivity:: To
• reflect: ,thi's reality t.hd.
industry's Otitari.c okgani.�
zation Changed 'it natte:in
1997'to 7Chr:istttias Tree,
.l artners of Ontario.",'
T.UCW mernbers ;Mare
• memories of Christmass
. by je n Ross
The Whitechurch United Church Women met at
Agnes Farriers on Dec. 3, enjoying,dessert prior to the
Alice Moore was convener opening with "Ch; tmas
Symbols" as the call to wor-
Janet Cook read the
scripture and Hazel Laidlaw
gave the prayers.
A momentof silence was
observed in memory of Elizabeth Tiffin. s
Mrs. Moore gave a reading "Christmas" and Mrs.
Farrier followed with a piano solo, Start of the East.
Mrs. Moore read "What is Church?", a poem she com-
posed:. :abortion but then gave her name a memorable Christmas. baby up for adoption, adoption, a
Gifts were given to Survival,House in Bruce County -• stay -at' -home mother of
and a gift of'a grocery,item for the Salvation. Army,.. two and .M ' the mother
of Jesus. A candle was .lit
Lueknow Sentinlel, Wednesday, December 19, 1997.- Page 15
Hold last
Lucknow' UCW met for
a pot 'luck supper on Dec.
2. Along with delicious
food the ;ladies enjoyed
some quizzes. CcwF mem-
bers, Jessica .Steffler, Lee
Morrison and Amy Blake
., helped with kitchen duty.
The worship theme was
Christmas ,and lgabi•e"s.
With hymns and prayers,
.the'committee told rock-
ingchair stories of a child-
. less woman, the' welfare
mother of five, a mother'in
a war torn country, the
'woman. who considered
35th' event
from the Christ candle for.
each of . the mothers,
Glenda Morrison sang tvvp
solos during the readings.
P're'sident Marlene
Struthers opened, the busi-
ness with a poem,, "Lots of
Recommendations from
the' executive were.
approved. Some windows.
will be purchased for the
manse and vanities and
decorating done, in the
basement washrooms,
F rd:yof.Cly-had 'and.the
{ marl o Fo ;d &'.`Me1rc:ur,y :Deters Present t
Reports were given from
the units, YWCA and the •
Marlene thanked every-
One for their ,help during
this .35th anniversary year.
The final special project
was the presentation of
five life memberships to
Bernice, Johnstone, Anne
Anderson, Alleve .Bradley,
Norma Weatherhead, and
Catherine Andrew..
Deanna. ,R.eavie, Elsie
• Houston and . Lois. Walden
made the presentations.
The next general meet-
ing will be on Jan. 27.
(submitted by Laura Lee
Cayley).- .
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