The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-12-03, Page 16Page 16 <,, Lucknaw .Sentinel, Wednesday, December 3,199' as rCho'$tmai Sped fitly your Mom & Dad a NEW MATTRESS • arid' BOX SPRING SET Single Set from '245 Double Set from $345 Queen, Set from '395 *All 'Sees' In Stock* Take a moment and' browse through ow. Targe selection of furniture, old china and other treasures. CSE Furnl .arc.. ''!old Fashioned Friendly mite. since :OPEN.., Thurs.., Fri., Sat.1U•6 524-7231 Located...+h mfe south of Goderich, 'on.Hwy.,#21 *WE PAX THE CM* Unit 3 studies the.j.�ys...of Christmas !Jolt Alice Ritchie intro- duced the theme "The Joy of Christmas" for the Lucknow United Church.. Women, Unit 3 'meeting • held Nov: 25 at the church... Donna t;:rieh, Barbara Helen. and ..Evans Helm entertained rwi:th several hymns: arid carols.. Irma •:. Henderson. gave'`the' mt:di- tation' and Bernadean 'Ritchie read the Christmas • 'story frons Luke.,.A read- i•ng "''T'h'en you can keep, Christmas" and discussion on'.articles that re:rnin.d's one of' Christmas fol- lowed, Alice' Ritchie continued the theme by telling the .four important things .that we can't have Christmas without; Joy, Worship, Gifts to a King and Goodwill. Mae ''Bunter read a story "Let Us Live Christmas Every Day." Several carols• were sung, accompanied .by. Laura Lee Cayley. Jane. 'Treleave:n con- ducted the business Por- tion' of the meeting. Twenty-oneanswered the. • This year's Don Pullen ,Award' was. won by Mark Saim, of,Goderich,, Don Pullen presented .the Dungannon Renegade Rider Club, member the awardfor receiving .the highest ,points on .the Basis•.of' Awards for 40H ' club. work In 1996 With 978,points out of 1000. (Trish Wilkinson photo) rollcall with their favorite Christmas carol and°,dona- tions were received for, poinsettias for Pinecres't Manor • and •• Maple Breezes. Committee reports were given. Nimble Fingers are working on Christmas projects, quilts • and .layettes.. • Edna MacDonald on. Stewardship' read ' Ood Needs. You," Mrs. Cayley,.' for Christian Education mentioned White', O'rft, Dec. 7 and Sunday School Cllr :st a.as hamper.:. service ; • ..Xhe Ripley and area Christmas hamper .coin- mi•ttee for aocat service clubs and churches again asking for ;your -donatioii:s: Boxes have beenput fn local'• stare$" and white gifts will be .col- lected at'the local church-. Concert Dec. 14. Mary ' Boyle read an article on. Fatal, Alcohol, Syndrome for Fellowship of the Least Coin: The evening ended with a social time,. New officers for Unit 3• ' for 1998 and 1.999 are: leader Mary Lou .Irwin; assistant leader Ilene Greer; secretary Susan, 'Alton; assistant secretary • lane Treleaven treasurer Nancy Gilson; press. sec- retary Cathy Nicholson;' pianist Laura Lee, Cayley; • ^1y and social action Please .give generously.,. Donations will'be collect-; ed until• Dec. 18. "Contact the minister of 'one .of. the local churches', a member of one of:the service clubs or call 395-5976' if you wish..hel"p or .,know ,of sor'►'teone who is inneed `in the Ripley area, ow Many cigarettes. are, ifYo'r • Tlfis.o►fon,..: • Velma Morningstar and Mae• Hunter; citizenship Kathleen Collyer; stew- • ardship Joan. Martin;. com- munity friendship Shirley Brooks; Christian educa- tion Laura Lee Cayley; social functions Margaret Black and Roberta Whytoek;:flowers Susan. Alton and Irma Henderson fellow,ship of the -Least Coin . Mary Boyle. •' (submitted by Beverley Thompson), , r vers , licence • extend ,leer ,:er diirmg p, strike People who., are using drivers' licences arid vehi- temporary drivers'' licences' cle permits will not be will have -those licences ' extended., Drivers. and eitended for another' 90 vehicle owners will not be days, 'due: to the ,postal' . receiving reminder notices• strike ' from the Ministry' of Temporary drivers'' Transportation: Drivers licences are granted by the and vehicle owners, should Ministry of Transportation , take .'note of the : expiry ;' for a 90 -day interim peri ..' dates and go in person to a od: to 'drivers ' who• are •' licens%ing 'office to 'renew rehiewin' their licences,',:° their, lieenceS and' vehicle, g making changes to their''';permits On time to avoid licences or. '.have Jost,being charged ley police. Passedtheir drivers' ,exam: Applications ,for.: renew- Pe•rmanertt, licences 'are• al of:drivers' 'licences' are normally 'delivered by • available at all Driver and mail, Because': the postal Vehicle Licence Offices trtke-wi I1 disc utit that ser=`- riamin of i:o tt vice, the :'validity-Of•tem •Ci d• vexentres Applications for porary licences; will""auto `renewal of, vehicle perntits ,matica'lly be 'extended . ,are'available at ail Driver • ,another:90 days:: " 'and Vehicle Licence ',The Validity of ,other, 'offices rokers Breathing Without Knowing It? a b You';ve'Smoked orThis C;. • anj i re es .::. . ••ii,. ;.x}},T•�,,:. b.. ^!`•i'r ?:ii'.•i5ii:;;.!.y;'Y. Siv! ,•;i,•r:}:.i••: ..4:r •4T ,.;fY :•lire•,)::{`?:'Yfi::''t::..,rrS�j::.';::;i•$ x:;:v<:>: :`J :G,{::r .7`. :.:Ti.:Y..}iTH.:$ nv:.k":*:::,:',.::.'''f.r ,. v.: S:•S. ..r <:: ::.: r.:: r:...:S,•. .,.; : " '''''''''''"''''''''''''b''''' .:.::. •....r. .� f}......:....Z?.r pp. •.:•.. 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G.. %%f:.>•?4}:f%:>✓'::... ,�'r::7.•.`. .::?::6: r•.`.{n .du`M.:t.' t ..•::6 • There is' no safe level of exposureto' the chemical's in •cigarettes.. Even the smallest exposure to,these carcinogens can':cause cellular damage that'' may lead to thea develo ment-of :cancer and other •srrokin` . related diseases heart disease asthma ear infections -(children); emphysema. Ver Jnr: .4.:.•'.•f,i.r+£ �ffr,.}i:;•+i,r':rl•G:w:'.e4>fxvi:{•!r'•:1f.:r:..T,fM:S{ir.'rTaF 4 .`'♦.i'/r•.$:.'y'.'�:y'9.'{7.•.,7JN'.ff',3f•/r,:�if'ff4YYr1f'�•>r3:r`7y;r,£�1f n.•e•�:.:.1 ;rw?;,:.r:r..:�tx.?•::lf•..: .. /,.L:!�_.:rL!!4::. i•f ;+.;!'�{•.`« E” z. •n Y t nal 1 P. 1AA $5;000 Consultant's ;'report ".will help: Bruce.' county •decide whether. to ..rerioVate4 rebuild its'twb the sforaged. home °C 0mmitee 'chair t'.sai res set Roland .Ant d x dents c s o, th os. aare increasingly froilh'om ;and need. more private space. ''Some. ;renovation's .have been., made, but Anstett said' the study will decide' whether • ore r o toiY tin ew faG lit .• "We. have: to :decide. :.where we're ping,; ,i;r n ' . whether.' *ere.. g.pi• .g to rebuild or refurbish 'the hoynes, We need to decide that, and we need ' a' con- •sultant to do, that," Anstett ‘said..'"We don't !nave ped ple on staff that can tell tis.• these structural changes ,that are:going , to haye to be trade.” `:Among the changes:, needed .are converting 4 ; bed .wards to ,private. rooms, adding, private Washrooms ''and dining: oven cli r a ;and im r aes> p 8• mate .c i trol :1. The study:will, be ,done by $eligrman sc are Tnc.:over the nAse.xtothtree s Will c `'o the and. al in1 uden f the: cost of• both' the .repo- vatton;and the replacement 't . has i n .Bruce'coun O t O S.. P about $3 rnlllion; set aside to•'upgrade'. its 'county ; homes.W Christmas t. Tree Fact Dist as T' Are. real Ct `l hrr S . mas ` trees beneficial? one ac re. of Christmas trees Pro-. daces duces :enough oxygen to .. support 1$people: 'In the process; CO2.'is taken out, of the atmosphere corm; teracting the ',prodtiction<df ', , CO2. resulting from human use of;fossil fuels. -After use, a Christmas tree' is ,. per 17 Cent ge bio -de. rad-, . ,able. . Most munici.palities havetree, chipping pro- ..' grams to. speed •the process'. Christmas trees .no longer go to, landfill sites.