The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-12-03, Page 9Fisher makes comments on Bill '1.6.On.yths, realities by Barb Fisher As studentsfrom the counties of Bruce, 'Grey, and Huron settle hack into.. • their routines again, 1 would like to take this opportunity to address some of the myths 's4tr- rouriding Bill 160 that have been circulating at the many community'. meetings these past couple of weeks.. As well, I would like to.draw your attention to the very real and pro- gressive changes ;Bill 160 will .bring to the class- rooms, In the bui'iding our plan for change, we need til. address the predominant question that we hear con- sistently from Ontar^ians right across the province:,.' " Are our. students obtaining the quality education and skills necessary to face the challenges emerging in the new economy? In an effort" to ensure. that; Ontarlans `• can confidently answer resounding., "yes", we committed tomaking the necessary 'reforms to.. Ontario's education. ' We beli.,e•ve there is more than enough money in the system. Ontario. already spends more per - capita on education than most jurisdictions in the world. We alsoknow that our teachersare among the best in the world, Thatis why our focus is. on changing .the system. We simply:. are not. getting. enough•doilars and sup.- pore upsport into the classrooms The need for reform, ancihow to make it. hap- ,pen, apspen,hasbeen widely ;dis- cussed for decades. There have been 24. separate reviews; of the system since 1950. That includes two Royal Commissions, 10 commissions and com- mittees, .2 om-mittees,..2fact-finding reports; 2 :panels, and innumerable meetings of par.entsr and, educators' by Pat Haipin • Bruce county should• lobby: for a share •of. gaso- line taxes to:bolst.er i'ts• . roads budget; according to county engineer 'Brian." inox Knox': said county. 'road: budgets have been. starved by;grant cutbacks during;, t:he 1990's.. At the same time, the province is w highways #6, #4 and #86 'and giving the county a` One-time `. grant for mainte- nance of the extra 43.4km of heavily -travelled roads..', The•.'Who .Does What' :committee reCornmended the transferof provincial. highways .along •.with _dedicated fuel ,tax .to' fund `finun;i;cipal' road , work," Knox reminded council Based .On traffic counts;' Knox, estimated county roads will carry;'.' 950;000. • :vehicle kilometers a day in 1998.. He: said that train's- later .to 1; million in gas. tax: a year fOr the province, none of whichis slated to. •: be turned over to the conn ty for road . rrrai•ntenance.. Un't.il now; a significant' .portion ot.,the ,provincial. grant to the county :ws designated, for road work. :.Knox ;'predicts that w,i.thou:t More ;:funding,.;, county roads•wil•1 `deterio- rate:and,some single lane bridge's' may have lo;a'd posting; rediicti.ons, or'cic -: sures. An" infor- mal. survey. by .the high; ways, department ..s.howed Bruce already spends 30%,, less per•:kilo•meter on;its• c o -u n tyo'ad sy s_tem than. do: nei ghbouring. counties, •'We apoicagizefor not .' being .able. .to . provide.,:. Council„ with 'a. brighte.r.'. picture;" Knox said. Welfare numbers clown by: Pat Hallp>t� Welfare.nurinbers i -i Bruce county are. down significantly. from `a year ago, and lower than' pro ;Jectiotai' for this year,. • ., Socwial Services con iritis- ' s�ioner Dick Verrips said;. the trend, shows . a. healthy ' economy, but he cautions, •that!layoffs and transfers at the BNPD could change that picture next year. "tour •case.loads are int' very good shape." Verrips said. The -. 'economy is. healthyand .thriving, i•n: l3ru .e.county. My caution.- is -that We nave. °to sotnei how try to measure the impact of the BNPD announcements." Verrips said it's :too. Soon' to < predict numbers, but whatever jot: losses :.there are at the BNPD.'� Will have an effect. on . the • county's welfare caseload 'and; job; placement sera: vices. : He said the newly •launched Bruce county -Ontario Warks and .Community'•E'ntplO'yrttent' Resource centres .will have a sok i.n dealing with • any; increase in welfare applications. r . across the province. Following thousands of consultations with parents,: teachers, principals, schools board representa- tives and students; the government introduced Bill 160. This•Bil1 has a s.traightforward'goal: to ensure our students have the: highest level ` of •• achievement in Canada. Bill.160' .snakes it clear; "Dirt Students Come First For too..long, too many education dollars were. spent on bureaucracies outside of the classrooms,• and on needless overlap and duplication between boards: This resulted in property tax increases that grew, far' more quickly than other costs. For example, between 1985.. and. 1995, Ontario's stu dent enrollment :increased 'by 1.6 percent while infla- tion by about 40 percent. • see Fisher. page .10 Lucknow Sentinel,Wednesday, December 3, 1997 - I age 9 Pat. Livingston (Centre), editor of The Lucknow •Sentinet, was presented with The Royal Canadian Legion National Media award recently, by the Lucknow. ,Legion Branch; 309. This award is presented to media who have performed valuable service to the Legion.'in support of their work' within the community; Grant Helm (left), pubic relations officer and Paul Finlay, honors and awards chairman, had the honor of presenting the award to at (Helm photo, tuieeday; December 9, 1'997 fro • l 00 -till 6;40 pm at our new finishing "9 `facility in Ashfield Township