The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-12-03, Page 5•
Ton -payer must take responsibility
*from page 4 , reason). They didn't. own. Support doesn't
provides the necessities • choose to be in the middle cover the cost, it merely
and tries to give their chil- of'this vicious game.. helps to provide.
dren the love and support . Fathers do have the Your complete lack of
(emotional, moral and right to "s.upply" for them- compassionfor the chil-
financial) that should be selves but they also have a dren of non -payers leaves.
coming from two: parents. •responsibility to their chil- me with •one opinion.
As far as third parties dren, who can't "supply" You're not the only one
go, if you're getting for themselves! You seem who is ashamed 'that you
involved with a. partner, to be -under the impression are of the feminine persua-
who won't ,provide for , that support is for the other sign!
his/tier own . child(ren), parent's luxury. (That's, Mary E. Nelson,
maybe yo.0 should rethink alimony -very ,rare in the Lucknow.
your involvement. . 90s). Trust me, it takes a
Chances are, you'll be pro= lot to raise a child on: your . for him/her, let
alone their children.
The responsibility of
providing for the "throw-
away children" of non-
payers has . far -too -long
been the. sole responsibili-
ty of the single parent..It's
time for' the nonLpayer to
`grow -up and take respon-
sibility for the child(ren).
they helped bring into the
world. Someonehas to
stand up for the children}.
They aren't responsible for
the two adults that don't
get along (for whatever
Dear: editor
We would lilee`to report on the NXCEF collection.
for this .sear and thank all the students who carried
orange bcxes'along with the residents of the area' who
gave; so generously. Brookside P'oblwe Schoolhas a
total:Of, of $.$41 and Lueknow Central collected $493;
Along with these, the tiding group has donated $200
after a study on the ,Rights of the Child., •
Ina difficult year for UNICEF, these donations `will
'be a great . hell* in UNICEF's corrunittnent to needy`
children of the world
Laura Lee Cayley, for Luck aow C G
Difficult ,to collect': if deftu1ter ; I
is self-employed, new policies now
•from page 4 can't ` be , spent on and: they
defaults up until"' do not have the right. to
(meaning these tougher withhold.. payment.' due to
the fact that: it is going to..
"her," the mother..
Susan, ... just ' .. the
record, 1 do ;work, and._ I .
stretch my " pay : cheque
been. passed into,' law yet,. each week
but. -if . that is ;'what , it . is.. ' can go to provide a. good
going to have° to take to, life for My. child So Susan
help go after these people . you; tell me should. I con
then I . hope, the -:governs `j: tinue', to :scrape.the bottom
mens goes'. As far as I... of thebarrel:each:month or
am cgncerned;the govern •. should t .s:tand+ up• and sup '
ment has sat quiet for too ' ;. port; 'the..'government in
long on this issue '• bringing• in':these. tougher
:.T•: agree with . Sheila policies in' order for' that
Sullerts' . response to your <' little extra to be . paid:each
acti:alev ;iii the; Ood:erich .rmonth That little, extra
paper that if the court has:. every month would mean,;
Ordered .' someone ' to pay in my case„ :that people � I
child support,: it is, the owe oney' to on. a month
LAW:, 'If . that someone , ly 'Owe
would', maybe,
• refuses `'to pay they., are receive their money ' on'
,breaking the. law and in -.'.:time for a .change, instead `.
turn, are. criminals..'Chi ld of always having. to wait. ;.
support' is meant `to . go' -Or mould' that class Me as:
'towards food , shelter,; • living the.: life of luxury,
clothing, necessities,: of the that :you' seem
to; think- : all
children p and the support women , Who receive child
payer:, does'.. not have;thee' support are living. As a
right ta;.`s�ay what• it can or mother: of. a child who is.
policies)' it 'has' beenn ; very
difficult to collect, and that
', Who these .policies are
geared to': As far as ;licence;
suspension that - has not
supposed to -receive child
support;�'I:support: the gov-.
ernment.onany. policy.they
bring. out to ,.correct
this situation.
So . Susan; I have to
strongly disagree with ,
. your opinion ,basically
just as far. as it •12ecause: it encourages peo-
ple who don't pay :their.,
support and ; i . really get'
angered when h am classed
as the bad guy in this situ=.
' ation just because ;I am , a
.pother who is supposed to '.
receive "child support.
•Susan, you said a' father
should • be what they 'are.
.supposed to' be, a father!
I agree 100'per cent, BE
AFATHEB, pay your:;chtld'
sttpport. : •
Betty ,Stanley,'
Lucknow:: •
eetmg and Banque�
'will be held
T urs ay,
�ecem er � � 997.:
Lucknow, Comrnunity, Centre
Banquet 7:OO: PM ` Business: Meeting 8:00 PM
Entertainment To 'F+ollow..
Ticketsavailable from; Directors of
Lucknov Co -Op 529-7953 or
Ripley Co-op .395-3654
Luehnow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 3,119.9' Page 5
• Saturday, December 6th
%rescast Christmas•Party..
Friday 5-12-19-26
Sat. 20
CALL 52,8.-33 12 •
Everlasting Flowers. &Gifts
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'December 21'
Music by: Tiffin's orchestra
:Tickets: ' $25.QD per couple
Hot lunchincluded
Tickets are available at the Canteen
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