The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-11-26, Page 5on nice by Pat lli 4pin Provincial download- ing and the cancellation of support grantsputs an impossible .load on Btuc county property owners, says county finance chair Winston Hollis. Calculations based on information. meetings between county and min- istry . of Municipal affairs officials show theloss of provincial grants repre- sents more than twice as much money as Kinloss township collects' in taxes.. Arran, Eldersl.ie, and Greenock township grants ate worth abut as much as the municipal ,levy in the financial picture for those municipalities, while Ct esleY, Paisley, Brace, MiidmaylCarrick, and Lindsay township res- idents will lose more:than 70 ' oftheir =ire -re because. of the,nt can - venation. Along .with the . loss of • grants,. Druce county will .. have to take an new set - Vices downloaded from the province and the. cost of 43kin of former provin-" ' vial highway in. the new year. "We have .reviewed the results and arc extremely, concerned that these impacts will bead to severely reduced services andlor huge tax increas- es,": Hollis said in a report ,to County catitnsil.' . Overall, the provinces decisiQf to.cut alt munici- pal and. county' support grants leaves a revenue gap. of $i .5 ,million dol» tars, for Bruce' county ratepayers :to make up; That figure could climb to $'16.1 million if.provincial downloading isn't -revenue r>�e---neutral-., _ _.. "We .made thelarge. > uicknow Sentinel,, Wednesday, November 26, 2997 'age 5 mposszble load property assumption that transfer. • Will be revenue neutral," said.. county ..: clerk' Bettyarme. Bray, about the figures released at the Nov. l g.. county vounei l meeting- Collis said the .tax. impact for county resi- dents is a serious matter, Even with the, province . picking up half the school taxes, property taxes are expected' tis skyrocket to make up the shortfall. It seems an impossi- bility to me that they could .put those kind of increases in 'taxes, op peoo-. plc," Hollis said, a',• "People simply can't afford to pay them, son-• unless they want the prop- erties of the taxpayers to be turned over to the municipalities, they'll have , to make some d. „. Bailee county is, peti-' owners tiontng the .province• to include die Toss of .support grants 'and the local cost of doWnloaded highways in its ealculatiioits of rev- enue neutrality, but Hollis' isn't optirnistic about, chances of swaying the government. Other Peti- tions have • been ignored, he said, and the county. hasfew other options. "They, aren't in a big hurry even .m discuss it," Hollis said, • noting MPP: Barb Fisher.has declined two iuvitatinns, to county councit. „l don't think anybody is listening very hard in Queen's Park." • "in my opinion L.. don't think the petition will make: much. difference," Hollis said, admitting the county has . "very limited" options for making its concerns -known -to-ithe: provincial government. The Winghain and Area • Seniors .D.ay Centre has installed a hydrotherapy" t,ub .and 'introduced a bathing program 'for :clients 'and others: in the con-irmunity who' can bene - era tub is for seniors 'Y 'a are able .to: offer great new ;service to Day Centre clients and others in the. comrriunity," says Joan ;van der Meer, 'chair- person of the "Centre's board of. directors. Staff Offer hydrotherapy .bathing, • • 'arid''personal attention including bathing,,hair washing and, basicnail care. Anyone who is interest=' ed in 'seeing the :newly, complet.ed room •or in'"` .finding out more;about the : •• fro i,page4 of ari Order. in Council t arl:.only be• expressed. every four years .at the.election ;poll The. lack' of'" accountability to the publxc has ;the ;potential tri allow..power to be abused: It is possible that. the decisions being made would. not lie in the best''interest <f:'our, ;children, ,. • The i'ormula for�7determining.average class size; needs 'to' be clearly.`defirted in. the Bill Average class size across a dis-:, 'trict board re'veils'; tittle 'about the' actu4 size of specific classes in each'.school,;,A ' well•d'efine'd formula for arriving, at the average combined With a telling per class would help`to clarify this issue • It .s likely'.that the number of teachers in Ontario` will be reduced as a result of the passing of Bil1,160. When this occurs there will be financial benefits but we are skeptical that it:will result in improving the .academic performance of our stu= dents', •: p!ica1 backward app • from page 4 According to the paper the govern rent is going to drag third parties intQ':it, so much for new 'relationships. It is a typ •ical backward, approach by the=govern- ment.,'What Will our:government:do when }ails are full .of "deadbeat" dads, acid ..diose who ate not in jail are on :!welfare . because they°lost their jobs: doe to li,cerice suspensions?: Are they.,gor'ng'to le,t the:, real; criminals out, to:ream free?our gov ernment does, not meati by exairnple;, the Bnglish government tried the. same thing and it failed, but how'long'wilt it take oet: government to' clue .in`i' I don't sce why the sole responsibility should fall :on the. father's; shoulders. • e'..,The, use of :imcertiT i„ d 'ir:dividuals to `teach certain `;suli,eGts could actua;ty :lead I . to• lower standards .of education: These 'individuals may nothave sound knowl- edge :in areas 'such.:as growth and devel- opment ofteach/learning pnnciples,: tliscrpli:tre .and cortfict-.reso.lu-; ... tion: The'trainiifg, "af the:se i'ndtviduals''. could'lead to increased costs.' ,It is :important to ensure that: the .pr'e sent and future children;of Ontario have. uataecess,to. a'.' ublrcah funded 'uah-: eq ty ,education. To implementreforms that w)il actu,ally.r'esult•in tmproved';acadetriie':: outcomes will-fegyire adequate'time:too`' .allow'fot careful, and considered deci- cions. -based .on input from„ all interested" partres.:It cars', not be rushed to meet:an' arbitrary deadline., We' that as,our,': elected::'Preinier, you wil1`listen to the Cori-; cerns of:the people of Ontario Andy: Sande and Margaret;del3oer 'lot the Lucknow roach by government. -What happened. to: the female': counterpart: tit this.equation? Is she So much, better than her exspouse:>that she ,cannot go out and find work to help ease the burden, also? Fathers have a right 'to suppler for themselves and be what they are suppose :. •10 be, a father! .1 think that' men Shahid have a rally and maybe call it "Take Back • the Paycheque!" • My::definition of feminism is take'your man for everything and :live a,life of:lu- ury while he staves for you...it is time.. that society, and wdrnen chaff getheir; opinion, slavery was abolished years; agog ', Susan' NlcYitt . services auk Day. Centre is;invited o call,S,,allie Lawton, . Executive Director at 357-1440. '. • BD B, ,Qunwoody WARD MALLlTTE Chartered .Accountants o*t . a t range of ra04494C01; ti0q,' plan - Wit. ~tax f. POC404iiinancur.plonnirig, coroPulat, and stns.• wA eti 'HANOV R B,F. Ttwmsnr. FPA LH V9404, CA R.J. WOO. CA. J J. Hunt CA G.H Munro. CA AS'QKass* apef. CA P Thor. CA RG. Thoriaas, c 1f,1-1211 344449 t. P ELGIN -KJ,. comer, CA ' . ,1�.5, Rawl. CA H Ka*. CA', 323551 432.204! Authorized .Dealer. al - s eryice for-- 608 Campbell St. Box 429 4ucknow, Ont. 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