The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-11-26, Page 3•
upicipa IRO Toy o plan
by Jennifer Vandermeer
There has been no
comment • ;o,n Bruce
'Township and Tiverton's
legal attempt to halt the
Bruce County restructur-
ing plan. .
•Bruce County's Chief
Administrative Officer,
Wayne, Jamieson could
not comment because the
action is before. the ;courts..
"We'll have to respond in
court," he said.
The . Town . ...'of •
Kincardine is seeking
legal advice from its
solicitors on the matter.
Nov.. 21 Bruce.
Township an.d•Tiverton
jointly launched .a legal
proceeding against the
county, Kincardine,,
Kincardine Township and
the provincial Minister of
Municipal Affairs and
Housing to try to prevent
the 'implementation of the •
county, restrneturing plan.
Thelegal action, sites.
that the procedure that
was used 6:3 create and
approve .the plan "was'
conducted in an unfair,.
. tnanner and breached the
rules of natural justice
and the .basic principles of
A press release from
the two Municipalities
states the county did not
undertake any public con -
,t Ration to get input into
the plan nor did it provide
the laical municipalizes in
the county 'enough time to
fully study and deal , with
the plan.
It also states that the
county conducted secret
and private communica-
.saQxts... wii.h_Kincardine
town and Township that
resulted in changes to the
restructuring planthat
were unfavorable to
Bruce Township and
Tiverton without provid.-
nils any opportunity for
them to participate in dis-
cussions about the pro
posed changes.
Port'Elgin. Reeve. Dave.
Fox, who ,sits.'on the
county restructuring slam
`mittee, said he knew of no
•such private meetings..
• The 1a "suit also states
the comity refused to con-
sider the objections of.
Bruce Township, and
Tiverton at the county
council meeting.
,Bruce Township and
Tiverton succeeded in
forming their own amal-
gamation.. agreement
which comes into' effect
Jan. 1, Since then, the
county plan has put the
tw.a . together " with
Kincardine and
Kincardine Township to
form' a larger mut icipali-
ty. Bruce Township and
Tiverton have resisted
being forced into' an
unwanted restructuring
The two oonsi:der•it
unfair that, the county
rdould` force" the amalga-
mation, of.four ,municipal -
t i'es fieri. half ; f-tl rte'
are opposed to. it.
A hearing Tato 'take
place in Toronto 'Pee. 23.
beforre,the county plans to'
initiate implementation of
the restructuring: plan in,
early, 1998. ...' .'
• from page: 1
endorsed Brant :.township's'
,opposition tothe .plan.
Minister of l
turirg ,stibmission
another opportunity .to
raise the alarm •about
"We . are taking this
Affairs., questioning the,'
";legality and morality cif
.changes to'.. rnuniclpal:
boundaries Tpropos:ed by.
the..county. ; the
restructuring plan $rant
Says': those e.hange,s are
be'i:ng.'made;•witho•ut 'the;'
app,:fox l Of :th.e affec teci:•
muni clay
The, restructuring :corn-.
:mitteedidn't torr meat on `
,those ''objections; °ilii the'
county is using its restruc,;
opportunity •to ;dnee:,again ,
Irilorm` the •minis'ter..of.nur
great c pitrn over the .loss
of the municipal. supptart
grant. in:'199S•. ReayieL
said: Bruce c ciunty objects;
,tci:The tae t that those- grant
cutti arounttng.'to $1.2r.
srsilIiotr ''t,,tn.d'-luded
in th . prifyinc:e`I, c.,.lcula
tion ot. a rc venal'. ncut;ral
} re ponslhi1i les:;.
.'1N:eanticipate` that stiv
1R'gs m ny"hel ierltlfie&:
cies u
byPat.:>[ *10 .0
":.Bruce c Qunty's 10•T'
n:on ilnr(an en'iplgyees will
,get a ,,1 tJ alary grid
nncre:a e ,i ,. 3anua•ry .1','
]�liaa114t chair Winston
I oilis• :said the incrcase•
ri atches.v i 9.,.increa$c
county's ' Z21 •, union.
dmpipyees ,will get on the•
same day as Part' of a two'.
year .contract signed earli
• but. we 'do riot believe, that.;
anything close to": the ll,os5
Of ,$1:2._rn.illiox co414,1
expected til 'be recovered;"
Reavie warned
;m ttee` also, .wants to know'
if thti • county.
hle •forshare..,cif.
prov-inGe's transition�fungs:
"We, are;asking' ghe m9•n-.;.
Teter t.c� provid.e us w'ith';'.
'spei t1:re:‘ltnifoririation
Reavi,e sand about the':
request,; for provincial heap
Covet election and other
Costs 'that will :carne w,rth:,
amalgarnattons. .
ec +this year. kLoliis aat.d
the.' none -union ,:pay; ;
increase .:which:,will 'cost
the:couinty about S;36Ot)U,,.
will help ,maintain :relay
tinshnps :between the two,
c;mploye.c' grtr•ups ::
of;ten,work together:..
County ,cour.cillc rs and
cents from the current rate
of ,3oc:ents; a k11ometer:
Haitis said:CAA figures
put ..the average: cost`' to
operate a mid-siz'e,sedaan
at 36 cents a ki•lotrletre:
Staff who travel on .county:
husines are Iso getting.' au.. ,
.t1low.�e rs,.going up two
an .increase, Their milei
There. are .no v three
Hanes' on the";Itst 'of.cartdiµ
dates :for' Wardetn tnf•l3ru'c eH'
,county,' fpr 1998 . .
Gr.ccnoe`It township '
reeve . Roland. Anstett
announced ....'at,
4 •• Navel liter xiOttriCi;l'session
that.'he will be'seeki'ng the
wardens: post in next pion-
' tti.`s election. •
Iarlicr.. Saugeen town'-
ship•reeve" Harry Thede
and` 1 ic)cardine Reeve
i�%crrrt.;An:rtcits antnl:iunccd
they are both rutinfng for
Warden: The' electio:n.
takes placc'December.9.
•Froin page 2 .
ker,; to ma :uiactut;er.: the,
huyer,want E e"able
• to' prove their beans are •
liierit ity-preservecE r
Snobelen's system, pro •
videS,that`audit trail:..
"t?We ca•hs.track.every
truck to' every bin " said
Snibelen And •if 'btl,yers .
are still ii$ccu're;,they, 'on
• always read the 'sign post-
ed' on the door. of
Snohelen's farm.•'It-says:it;'
all.' "W'e; do: hot..,accept.
organically .'modified.
Lucknow Sept nelr Wednesday, November 26;1997 - Page a
auk our(1.74rts,htans
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Tea or coffee.
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