The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-11-26, Page 1VOL 134 WK. 4$
Lestructurrng propos al
ted; objections
ontnue to be aired
by Pat Halpin ,
Bruce county a-hoild
hear in six weeks whether
the�il istr pf Municipal
Affairs will give its
restructuring proposal.
final, approval,
"The restructuring issue
has been examined and
'.debated for over 30 years.
in Bruce county;" 'said,
restructuring chair Stuart
•"Re-avi.e • as he announced'
the proposal has been sub -
:pitted to. the province for
Twenty, of the county's
.34'inunicipalities endorsed
the plan, which wil' •, see
the county reorganized. had been applied to com- ;
into eight new.rnunicipali • munities of interest," she
ties • in January 1999. i said; adding that the
Reavie said the plan will • restructuring. proposal
create:: municipalitle.s'that • "doesn't go far ehaugh".in
are big enough to provide planning for 'financial and
efficient:service',and small implementation details of
enough.•to be cornrnunities amalg•amations. Morris..
of interest..
also objected to the
• County council 'voted ' .inequities: of rep'resenta-
69 . ; in ..fa,vo.ur...oi the , tion by population. under
restructuring'proposal ;at ,.,restructuring,
its :October , but mee in
,E ,t; Harris; :concerns about
1'anu4e a. flawed„ restrtleturing
•Ti•verton:• reeve
Morris went on record . `proce'ss were echoed by
again at .,the November . Rruee township reeve
Meeting with her council's '-,Howard 'R;ibe.y; who
Objection to the plan
"1 wish more, sensitivity •tee 'Brant(' page 3
Ruffin .. I..4.....a. (� .m.i...t........u.:.)
The Join Hands Puppeteers, courtesy of the Bruce County Schools'
Performing Arts commfttee, appeared at' LCPS::last week and. presented
Puffin Travels:•"Katie the Great Almighty Pufin". (right) gets blown far
into the ocean during a violent Storm. It's atroublesome.; journey but with
the •helpanew friends like this one on the left. Katie defeats the magic
.:.: ;.. .
If the Mail: :strike:;co
tiiijtes:past Ttiesday..nigi
The 1. ucknow Sentinel has .:
made alternative arrange.
orients for"delivery of: local
'I'he box holders within
the village • will' be sorted
as usual; and residents
any of the:,apartment
buildings:,'w.t11 .receive
• their. newspapers, t m sortie
i)ungannon, A rburn,and •
'Goderich •rural routes 'will
be -delivered by contrac
tors. hired by the Sentinel,
Ripley and JIolyrood
area papers should •.1 e
W.ingh'ant ::and' rural
rou,te' Wzngham sub
aerihers may pick up,,their
Sentinels, at, the ingham
Advaricc Times office
Subscribers ir►..
l incardine and on rurral,
roates rttay., p:ek =their
papers, ::up at 'the
Kincardine News; Clinton
subscribers may;pick up at:
the Clanton News. Reco-rd:
and Teeswater suihscribers
can pick up ; at' tine`
TeesWater News.
�;recrpes :tor her cookbook, .Mrs Claus is''stil-1 accepting
recipes:fro►m children for this: fabulous cookbook at the:weather' station, Pat•found.out that
• on Friday it was 12°F. with •a few ,snow showers Winds
-w:erc from the'sout "t- t-,14 m•ph•. with the rclati'vc
humidity; at 91,per dent
•e1 you can rite' ant
�., ..If .you .are on, the intern..., yo a _• w Santa ,ax
wwwv.sttntaC north ote colli:.
p ,...
.Now:Santa knows that n'cit all families.have access;to
the interna;•so: he,'. ids, made Spc,c,wt .arrangements
the folks ' Farm •SuplY',.and Finlay
becorators ':They have special Iliad logics set, up to
accept your postage 'ree,.letters Viand the:hard-working•
people at;those'two.businesses will Make Sure -your -letter
gets to-eanta really quick
Santa sent'a•liule reminder along Make sure ynu,
iticludc' your full name, address,and'age when you write
'the' Christmas tree lighting ts' ell set for .this Friday.
This is an annual this joyous season.:
,:'The,local C.;harnber of;Com'merce ii vitcs all fanilies
to'•mect at theold post:office'corn:er`lerr p:n. start.
Children will. have'die 'opportuni'ty :to hang their 'home-.
Made decorations on the tree.
Carol 'singing • wi.l l add to' the mood, . and there'wi'11: be
g g.
hot chocolate. to Ward oft. the -cold. y
• See' you there!
Santa said:,he talked to the Kinsmen who sponsor the
parade„each year:He really •likes the theme ''A11,.Around
;The World".because, that's just what Santa does.- goes. all.
• around the World!: . .
• Santa said -brat -Dale Loirghecd, rhe parade marshall,;
. told him there would be two categories:' horse drawn (or
:powered), ancl'opert.' Prizes. are $50 and $25 -in each cat,•
egory., .
erAtt .
the. parade:, Santa said heand Mrs. Cla sivill
e •
vi5tt with children at the arena,. whcrc• they.; W1'I.1 -ilticr
reccive.a treat• and'; can •even...kb, skating
these foi free.. l Santa
says thc„Chabe of ommcrce Met -fibers are verygen-
erou5' inproviding "litile,extras'for the -
Sodin't forget; et your float read. for`the 'grade.
We'w`ant this' 1:0: be the biggest evci:to show Santa how
We ail work: together, ' • •
Xour'editorchecked out the aetion at'the,l! orth Pole;',
' via the mternet, last Friday It's a pretty °eXeiti•ng location
where you can •find out what Santa and Mrs. Claus and•
the elves are tp tf.
Brf;,the ell:in Santa"•s mail room, says he,'s'heing kept •.
'really busy sorting and delivering all the I fail:coming in
from bays and.' girls (The elves;aren't unionized)
'Burt,. the head elfin the Workshop; told Pat•that they
are making two toys each day and are right on schedule;
Santa was in his 'denreading his list and checking. :it •
twice, while liiirs..Claus was busy.: in the k'itcheyi testing
Santa has confirmed, he will be in town on Friday,.
.1?ee: 5,for•Lucknow's special': parade, at 7:15 .p.m,
looking forward to 'his return visit' because he and Mrs..
Claus just love, nighttime parades with all the lights and
sometirnes those softly falling, big, flakes of Snow. ;
• The reindeer'are getting••cxcited about'their long•trip
form the North Pole. They're countitig'•'the days until
they arrive in the'Scpoy, village~,• • • .'