HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-11-19, Page 18•
Page 18— Weknow Sentinel, 'Wednesday, November: 19 1,997
42. Obituaries 46.1n
John Watson Pritch.ard,..of
'Lucknow, passed away at
the Wirigham. and District
Hospital on Nov. 11, 1,907,
' in his 76th year., Mr,.
Pritchard, a son ' of the late
William J. and Abigail
(Watson) Pritchard, was
born in W.e.st Wawanosty
Township on Nov, 9, .1922..
• He is survived by his wife,
Ruth (Winterstein) of
Lucknow; and children,
John and °Marilyn Pritchard
of Crediton, Rick, and Donna
Pritchard. of Komoka,.
30. Eugene and Carolyn
Pritchard of texbridge, Gail
and Darryl ,Abrans ' of ,
Alberta, Ted and. Vickie
Pritchard ,of •Lucknow, .'
Danny atid1.ouisa'Pritchard'
of Toronto, and,Heidi and,
Charles Payne, of London;
13• grandchildren and two
great,grandch,ildren., Mr.
Pritchard was predeceased
by a brother Elmo; Visitation:.
was, at the . MacKenzie and-,
M'cO:teatl Rineral FTorr e,
,Lucknow, were Rev, Peggy
Kinsman officiated at the
service on Noy. 14°' Plower
bearers were Tom Pritchard
, and:'' David Kirkland:'
Pallbearers '. were ,Carl
Pritchard; David' Pritchard
Dustin P,ritchard,. Darren
Pritchard, Stephen Pritchard
,..and Jason: Pritchard:.
',In/Orient ,':.Greenhill
in loving, memory of a. dear
father and father -in: -law,
Harry who passed ° away
December 7, 1994 and• a
dear mother and mother -in -
taw. Mary E. who .passed,
away November. 23, 1995.
Their memory is a keepsake
With which we will never
God has them inhis keep-
eep-ing. •
Wahavelhem in Our hearts
Always remembered by son
Jame$ and Mary and family.
In loving memory, of a dear
wife 'and mother Sally Who
passed. away -;:10 years ;age.
November 23, 1987,
Forever remembered by her
family. -47x . • ,
47. Cards of
—1 wpuld tike ,ta thank our
tamily and friends, for; the
cards, ,gifts, phone calls; and
visits while, I was in hospital
and since returning home. '.
: Bernadean. --47
•_BLACK' .'
1 would like to ta'ke. this.
opportunity to:thank all the.
ratepayers ' of :;Ashfield
, 'Township who took,the time
to get 'out and vote.- .I look.,
: :forward to serving;! you°'
`Oannie. 47
Allan and ;Marilyn' Scott, are
very thankful and pleased, to,•
announce the safe: arrival .'f
Ifenn°ed :AJlan"Scgtt, Ainew'
wee - brother for. Michelle,'
Braden 'a:nd. Kit Born
November 10' ;1997,'.et`�
Mount Sinai `Hospital,'•
•Tdrohto Weighing'7 lbs , 15
oz - -Proud grandparentsare :.
Leo and Imelda . Murray'of
Halyrood and Lottie.,'Scoti.et
Mysincere thanks to .family,
friends and the Anglican,
Church Wpmen 'for their
caring and, coneer+'"foilov�+
ing 'my surgery ;l;he•;ftowers'
were' beautiful aiid•the fruit •
i b'eakets -tempted the
appetite , '.I • also deeply
areciat.ed the ,cards,.
phone ca•Ifs,' visits and,
enquires, as welt as the,,
-:many treats brought tome
:when f returned homd.
Eileen. --47x•
Mike and Wendy' (nee . YOUNG: •
Neable) ',are thrilled 'to
"ahno'unce the safe •arrival•of
a third' son Matthew William`:
'Cole:. on ,November
1,997,T welghittg
in-, et `•
bouncing' 9 lbs:;, 4 oz. at
W'alkerton'General Hospital;
Matthew is a wee "brother
and playmate: f or ',Benjamin
and•Jacob Spoiling. privi•
1'eges go' is 'Howa•rd` and
Mary. Lou . Neable of
LuiYknow and Gerald and
Helen Sch•midt •,of .Mildmay,
as Well, as great"grandrnoth-'
er • Mary "Guest • of
Whitechurch -47
46. In
• Memoriarn
rriemosy of Denise;
Who' paeesed away one;year
A' little tribute smell and ten-;
Jus>� to`;say �we stilt, remern-
Murray.,', Laura and Josh:
W'e wish to :express "o4r,
thanks; •to•thie'.partpipating.
b'usiresses for the:fovely,..'
Keepsake Bible we received.
in acknowledgement of fur
-wedding Youi ,generous gift
will .be a treasured addition,
to Pur home:Btenda and.'
' David ::--47x
Thank* to. the ratepayers Y p
of Ripley': and r Huron
ToWnship,,for your s.upport..
,Elmer -,-47• cc
Thank you :to.fnends,,family•
neighbors for your: support;
warm:: wishes :end 'Wondetful
food ,during• Janet's stay; in,
hospital and since her wel-
tome arrival"home with our
•new daughter and•'sister,_
' We are very' appreciative of .
aiyour thottghtfutness:,'
Walter, Janet, James,, •
Jacoband Hannah:M47x
47. Calydn of
We wovid like to .thank
everyone tor their many
expressions of sympathy. at •
the time of Russell's death.
We appreciate. the many
cards, phone, calls, memori-
al donations, floral tributes
and the food brought toour.
homes. Our heartfelt thanks
goes out to those who alert.
ed us and helped at the
accident scene: Special
thanks to the ladies who
helped at the house, to the
Dungannon Senior Citizens
for their lovely lunch ,after
the funeral, to ,loan and Jeff.
Pollard :of MacKenzie, a:nd
McCreath Funeral Horne for..
their expert and, caripg .hon ...
citing of the funeral arrange
"rents, and to• Rev.- Alex
McGiivery for his thoughtful_'
service. Thank you to our
neighbo;rs,who acted as
Pallbearers', and to the.
grandchildren who acted as,
Flower .Bearers..to. Tara -
What a woriderful eulogy. Of
Grandpa. You covered his
fife . beautifully..Everyone's; •
support ' and': compassion
has. overwhelmed' us. We
are truly blessedto have
such wonderful, relatives;
• friiends ; and. neighbors.
Jean, ' Rosalene, Herb and
'family,. Fred, Brenda and
family, Ken and Mary. -747x'.
Thank you: from'the Hardy's,
a; very special . thank you to
our family, . re,la.tives ,and
neighbors for the heartfelt .
out` ourin� of love far Keith,
p g, ,4.
For -your players, thoughts ,
and kind •conside:ration dun
irig.'a very diific;ult time for
alt gf us.,',Thank you, r all
,the beautiful fioral:tributes,
cards,; Memorial.' donations,
food, sent• to ou:r homes will
never be' forg.otten.,,and
many :times, overWhelMingg:.
Thanks to the neigh'bor:s.
who came: in end did ehores
etc'. Thanks O: the staff of
McCallum & ,Palls Funeral:
Home, the Lucknow Fire
Ia.nde. Special ,thanks to
Rev. 'Sharon Willis�Whitwell
for love, 'help and support to
47. Cards of
l wish to thank my family for
all of their kind offers of help
andsupport while I was a
patient in London's Victoria
Hosptial. Special thanks to
Mac: and Annette
MacDonald for driving me
down and staying with me
before and after surgery.
Thank you to. Nina and
Edbert Bushell '(Morn and
Uncle Ed.) for prayers and
bringing Glenn and Kim to
visit. Thank you to my kind
Kinlough neighbors for food,
flowers, visits, cards and
offers of assista'nse.. Your
kindness will always be
remembered.. Ellie --47x
Goderich Knights of
STAPLETON • Columbus, every Thursday,
• A gracious thank you' to 'our . 7 p.m. Columbus Centre,
friends: anal neighbors for. 390 Parson's.' Court,. $4400.
'showing us such kindness in prizes; progressive jack-
with•,the cards,food and pot $1000.; regular jackpot
help given to us at this,diffi- $1500 must' go. Superstar
cult time. .Neil end Nancy. Provincial g.arne ..pl'ayed.
'ev-ery bin -go.. night. .L,ic:.
#157920. 13tfar.'
Cards of
4$,. 'Coming.,
48. Conning
Friday, NQV; 28, 7:30 p:m. in
Lucknow at the post office
corner, Children - bring your
homemade decorations. A
family, event including carol
singing and hot chocolate.
Sponsoredby the Lucknow
COG.--46-48ar •
November 29,.9 a.m. -''2
p.m. at the Lucknow Legion.
Area crafters. Soupand
sandwich lunch available,.
Admission•. 31. Proceeds to
community betterment. --46-
48ar _ •
Father Mark' Curtis, pre-
sents. a Christrnas concert.
December 6, Blyth
Memorial. Community "Hall,
Tickets '310. Call 523-9300.;
With Mixed emotions, I must for a
say a land farewell to all my o aha nd : gifts, Nov. 23,.
life-long. friends and'rela_ 9' a.m., to 1.at
lives,, but 1 am• ready, looking Dungannon United Churchi..
. forward to being surrounded $1 ,admission;: door;piizes
, • f mit Members lespe- e- • lunch .available .Sponsored:
by,, a y. ( P b:y Church Stewards, --:,
:''oiallyahe great granddaugh-•
47 48ar
ters Kianna and Monica) A ,_
very special' •th'ank You to, ` CATCH' THE CHRISTMAS
.everyone who. arranged and SPIRIT
came to .the` Alberta Bound Come to a'concert With, local' `
•' tea :that was 'hield;in. myperformers an'd,•choirs to
honor Thank you, also 'ter begin the. festive. ;season..
all the cards,, and gifts l : Enjoy•music performances
received. You' will always by Marianne Hogan The,.
,have',a special piece .irt My Choral,,Ki,d:s,•, Craig Fair,
thoughts . and .my heart' Shirley Colwell'arid Friends,:
Sara°,'Ritchie, ;!Box 120.3, .. and many morel .Sunday,'
Fairview, ,Alberta; TOH 1L0:. Noy ' 30, 'Wiragham United
47x Church Sociat_2. - 2 45
Department and the 'ambu-
l would' like tri ,thailk 0y9ry
one Who Voted for Me in the
election' and, a ,special
thanks ter their support over
the paat three years::l"ful
fie us. deal with the:; toss' of
a verys 'ecial. person and'
{for,'cornforting words.' ur
thanks : to', true Pallbearers
and Plower' S'earers;: the
ladies of.•Donnybrook ;United°.
Church;for the -lovely
,after t, ie 'funeral. To 'every-
• 'n> who supported us you:
have again' Shown:'us What
a ;caring community' We live
in and.are very- gratefulto
you all Sincerely; Bilt,'Elsie.,
Roy, Fltith, :Jean; Andre;
'Donald, John', •iRerway,
`Kevin,` Tracy;',Debbie and:
•Angelique. 47.
;,Many thanks, -to all ..who
helped out, especially t0
M •
orrisons, Berries.: it was a
great day..thanks to the
Many children who'. partici-
gated. to' the very''helpful
parent ,who worked at the'
• craft table all day, you were
much appreciated Please,
contact Saralee 528=3344. -
$5/person; Ca11'•3511:440 to
A, BIG PINECREST.'.. reserve.yours Coda All:pro�
• THANK YO •ceecis to. the Wingham: and
"Hats.off' to• all staff, real- , Area Seniors' Day Centre
dents., families and' volun= ,..g7,4$ar • .;
teers, for another job well
done, :Our bazaar was' a ., THE CHRISTMAS
Nov; 29/30, Saturday noon-'
6pm,• Sunday 11emr5prn.
.International Centre,. 6900
Airport Road, Mississaug.
Operating layouts, displays,'
clinics,- vendors: A -show ,for
the:family, rail .buff' ant
model railroader!--47bc •
Ski W,.
Sunday Nov.:30, 10arn-
4pm: Seaway Trade 'Centre,
65 Skyway: Avenue,
, (pixon/Hwy`'27), Etobicoke,,
Antique collectible, arti'st
doli',s, teddy bears, bot
lectible. holiday 'decorations,;
miniatures and rnore!--47bc
Helps farnilies,in., need ':at
Christmesw CaU 524;7356or';
December 5 to register.;
W'i11' be held at' Lucknow:
Presbyterian ,Church„
.huge success an s or of Mu'rr'ay'sr "'Chrratmas; : December 17.at7.45
alt the hard work end .gen.: P
"ose"9nvoly House" continues daily urttil 47ar ,
erosity. of a11, th ed
Man 'thanks to 'ever .one .
and `.'ort wire anal, share our magi
. who` came out a d . supp • ,
Dec, 23 10 'a.m4 - 4:30 m.
ar:. It's peat to•ca Chnshnas . Hgfnec qtr
ed the b'aza . g .
yourself; family and •f fiends '
be a part of this cc'imM60ty ..
i ts' .`to the ultimate' shopping
The Pineore; t ries den ff
experience, .G enng unique
council •and. Trudy F'.S. ,
, Come blif and id
in us for gufts; and decorating ideas
in .. o' Fr'da 10% off. every purchase,
cion',',. `Turkey B 9 l . Y ,and'•'50%'aft Selected' mer -
evening, Nov 21 at 7. ppm
great n' -47ar • chandise: 7$04 Richmond
It s u St',' Arkona 5']:9.826=3398
4-800-575,-1 974.
QQ ��
f, would like to thank,
all those. who turned
out to''vote in our
tOWnsh%p bn'
November. le. ,
A special thanks .to.
those Who
supported me.' •
I .look' forward to
serving the
ratepayers in a: most
hOhest. & , sincere
Manner, ,
g' advert- .
tore mystery dinner/theatre, WEDDING SHOWER .•
November 28th 'and,29:th, for;.Emily Rottea•U:'on Nov,.
•Blyyth Meri`iorial Co'm�y Unit 2:9, 'Pine ,., River United
, ,Hall. nor dickers, call 523 Church 10:80, a..m. ,
• 9300 45,48ca; Everyone .''welcome, -
.M'gnday,' Nov 24;; p',rn. at
St '• Augustine Church, Halt
Everyone welcome,
Admission:::$1 1.0 turkeys;
share-the-wearth plus the..
door prize ° --47 .
BRANCH: 3.09
Tuesday, Nov 25,•8 p.m. ; All
:members welcarne.,.Come
happening " t
see�'what s a
your Legion.,.--47ar
OlekomYLGIA +` T.T F E:'.
support group' °meeting, Tupperware Tax, Free •
• W dri:esday,' Nov. 19, 7 Friday Nov° •28, 10'- 6 p.m.;
p,t i. Wingham' Comrriunity, at `Bernice Glenn's . in r
,Psych building (behind'`hos Dungannon Coffee' and :•
ital): Information call Linda, . , .calories.,Don't come alone, •
; brki a
Gingeric�ti� 357,-16'14; Harry . g • qar, l;o:ad Phone ;,
Train 357-16:18..•.--46,47 • 529-7934,•' 47,48. r .