HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-11-19, Page 173ii, Service Directory MARRIAGE AND' PERSON- ` AL Counselling, W. Tu.rvill B.A., M.S.Ed., private prac tic?. Evening. appointments available. Iinhuron Medical Centre, 1004 Queen Street, Kincardine. Call 396-3384 or 396-8564. -47cc CARL SLOETJES Sales, Installation, Renovations • Replacement Windows & Doors • Kitchen Cabinets, Vanities Carpet and Linoleum • • Roofing • Free Estimates • RR:'7 t,UQKNOW. 529.3164 32. Babysitting, MOTHER OF TWO :chil- dren, both school a9e, will- ' • ing to babysit in my home Monday: to Friday. . Low rates, lunch andsnagks pro- vided, References. available. Rafrnesville area 524'1139..=-25tfcc .. -... 36. Announcements NOTICE TO TOWNSHIP OF KINiOSS Final Tax 'Installment Due Friday, November 28/97 PAYABLE AT THE TOWNSHIP OFFICE.IN HOLYROQD, OR BY MAIL TO THE ADDRESS BELOW. NOTE: Persons who have acquired properties, and: have not received a tax' bill, should contact the Cleric's Office. Failure to receive a.blll, does not relieve a taxpayer from responsibility for payment of taxes, nor from penalty for late payment. Mark L. Becker A:M.C.T; Clerk -Treasurer, HOLYROOD, Ontario ,NOG 2130 --545=395-3575 3. Mise., Hip/KNEE REPLACE. MENTS, ":QRTHOPEDIC, Cardiovascular/Neurosurger y, "Bloodiess"`:'Gamma Knife; ' ,' MRI/CT. Top` Arttericart facilities. Travel assistance, package rates. M'edResourceCanada . (Toronto:).: (800)395-$651;: e m: a i I mrcinc@interfoq corn . 47bc. P01010641 "A-costbeincurred.'; EVANLY-RAYS. PHYSiC,. ;ANSWERS 7 Police'use`:us, Rated 01 in artada..Instant' _ans.wers. '''about Love,, ' Money, Career, ;Lucky #s,.. Relationshi��ps Achieve.•suc- • cess! $2,9r9/min ,18 +• '24 Hts. Call l'-9,00-45.1-4055:'-- 37-5Qcc• .. 'KATHERINE'S FSYCHiC palm and: °tarot .card read- ings, advises on all p.rob lems of Life;:• Love Marriage, Business,. Health, Travel:. See her: she: cam', help: you (649) 238-8404. A.v-ailable. for 46,47cc WEDDINGS F?erformed your location or our -. indoor .0r outdoor. chapel • (nnn<denominationan, For brpchure'. call: Rev Morgan —All Faiths.. Pastoral Centre, 8enrniller,524.5724 r ChM a ecim t- ; n• annit onitinl. .n4 nm - a rh IJ pr /.l• ler,Nry Nn„ 37. Mortgages Mortgage. Money: Absolutely No Upfront Fees Ayailable as Iow;:as, 6.5O' Interest PersonaiLoans If you qualify; payments :Amt: Approx; Mo. Payment F 6,000 S .41.66, ;1.6,000 •' 83.33 ''f 5,000: • . 0125;00 Consolidate your debts ,. Call (51.9)•363.02111800-387-1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. 38 ;Auctions A U c T 1 0 N ASSOCIATED Save the'cost VOhicle:lnformation,Package : Se1.l at MKe cniae's, .„ Associated Auctioneers • • :Public Auto Auctions ;• Every Tuesday t Thursday,.;' 'at 6:00 p.m ulso� RegularAntique, Real Eataie Household Auction.. McKenzie's':: ,A,ssociated Auctionegrs Inc. i$$1 seaman Street Liindon,:O.nt. N5 W 6C3' 3'�liles l�f arth of the•4et on, '.. Airport Road - i Mile Vest on` River,Road • •519.-453 7141:-800-265• 1900 Fax 5.19451.2443 Em.ait:auctiont'rvwd'c.coin WillSiterinv ielionwelico faSUCIIIQ', AUCTIONEERS A U T 1 0 N AUCTION SALE to beheld at .• Brindley, Sales Yard ...Dungannon • Saturday,. .: Novemiber 42/97 10:30AM ;consisting of Household. effects, antiques, new tools & toys ,new and used, steel' roofing, new hydro poles; ~~fisc: iurnber, plywood, new ..doors, ;satellite dish,' etc., .etc., `etc : , TERMS; dath or Cfie'que .with' proper I D , 8% Sales Tax and 7% G.S:T.:. where a'pp'ficabfe•,','; Owner . '.or. auctioneer not'responsible' for accidents or .loss of purchase day ofsale: , Any' announcements day of sale take precedence over written advertising. FOR MOREDETAiLS CALL: CORDON H.'BAINDLEY (519) 529.7970.11es. 529-'7625 Bus Auctions AuctiOn.Sale 01 Household Effects & Antiques will be held for the Estate of Annie'Cook of Belgrave on Wednesday, 'November 26/97 10;p0 A.M. HOUSEHOLD: Moffatt fridge; Moffatt heavy duty washer & dryer (like new); Woods freezer (new); chrome table . & chairs chesterfield & chair; platform rocker; York stereo (like, new); wall unit (wodti);, coloured TV; vacuum cleaner; ,Singer `sewing Machine; magazine rack; • card table :& • chairs; ' blankets, 'linens (some fancy); end table; tamps; clocks; toaster; electric kettle; dishes - set of.•Royal • Albert, (some fancy dishes& some everyday dishes); mirrors; box spring . & mattress. (single); electric broom; bath chair; toaster oven. . ANTIQUE:S: 3 wooden beds, with fancy •detafl;.'dressers;. washstalids, Targe-chest'ot. drawers; spring & mattreSs': (double); rocker'(press); cradle. (spoo)), 2; hall trees;. te.rg.e,,biankat box.; high • chair; Large leather rocker; wooden chairs; clothes rack; copper boiler;. finger'"iarrtp; coal oil lamp; set ' of silverware; ''gold. pocket watch, ••watch :chains; . Eaton's • catalogues; crokinole board;. captain's chair;:: egg crates crocks; 2 crosscut saws 'nail kegs. :IVIISCE•LLANEOUS: lawn chairs; • Christrnas decorations; step stool;, pots > & ,;pans,; fans; sealers.;. -garden hose step ladder aluminum, ladder; Shop,Vac;. electric'drl(I; shovels,' set of :•sockets; gas cans; vice; Emery, • Wh'eelbarrow; Iogging:,chains;Tecumseh• 47 horse' lawn .rnowei (new:In '97); wrecking bars; 2 man chain saw,• 2 'piston • air. compressor. pumps;. 16.:. gauge doubte. barrel shot gur; 410. single. shot gun.• Numerous -small items, Plan ;to attend this•a• a good clean offering•of contents, NOTE~' Sale held in th,e • W:o.men['s •Institute Hall , : `B'elgrave• Time' 10 A.M. Lunch Booth. • TERMS CashQr.;acceptable' cheque with•proper 1,0,.day of :sale Net responsible for accidents: • • ' . Verbal ' •anriouncements ' ' take, precedence, :over. :adverll,ing,ltams listed es descnbed'by owner> ' • For information call, • Floence iMcArter. at 3357- 3F01.62.0. 02 , Auctioneer Brian Ri.ntot I.. 3571,2349 PITCH -IN CANADA CLEANING UP THE WORLD STARTS: AT Lucliultoiw Sentinel, Wednesday, November 19, 1997 — Page 17 385 Auctions CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE of Horne Furnishings, Antiques, Office furniture 'and 2 cars will be held at the DAVIDSON CENTRE, • KINCARDINE Friday, November 21/9.7 5110 PM for township of Huron and Mrs. I. Nei) of Kincardine plus other consignors from surrounding areas. Chesterfield and chair; sofa/daybed.like new; bowfrontcurio cabinet,. nursing wicker rocker; wicker hall table; Bell piano and tench; Ruffen chair; coffee & end table with glassinserts; child's:.table & two chairs; drop "leaf• table and 4 chairs; disheps; glassware .&-cooking utensils; floor lamps; • Coca Cola cooler; wooden office desks; pprinter. ,table; computer table; •filing•cabinets; kitchen cupboards; bedding & linens; 2. Craft.o-matic beds; single bed with box spring & mattress; armoir and. night side gable; White. treadle sewing machine;"Singer sewing machine and cabinet; color TV.; GE 24" stove -nearly new :condition; freezers; exercise equipment; bicycles; tablesaw; Seaver circular saw; air compressor. • 1989 Ford'Aerostar,1 passenger van selling: certified. 1987 Fleetwood Cadillac, 4 dor sedan, Brgm'•- selling certified. Listing 'subject :to change, without rjoiice. Preview after 3:00 p.m, Friday. Terms cash/chequ;e•.with proper ID. night of sale & b,E, Y .• Auctioneers: Grant McDonald • Ripley 395-5353: • ' Wallace. Ballagh TeesWater 392.6170 39 rEducational YOUR OWN :-health:busi- ness° .American' Institute, of Natural Sciences offers Home Study Di:pJorna •, Courses in. Health, Business Nutrition, Areniatherapy,, Nlagnettc T.hera'i?Y, Astrology, Alcohol &"Drug Counselling. Many more. Free`. prospectus .14186;5167 , 1212. www.t 47bc, MONEY MAKING OPPOR_ 42, Obituaries. 42.Obituaries' • `ETHEL. MAY GAUNT FETJB DEBQER At Wingham & District, Fetje deBoer, of Lucknow, Hospital, Wingham on passed away at Pinecrest Saturday, November 15, Manor Nursing Home, on 1997, Mrs. Ethel May Gaunt Nov," 11, 1997, in her 95th of Wingham age 88 years.. , year. Mrs, deBoer was a Beloved wife of Russell member Qf the l,.ucknew Gaunt of Wingham. Dear United Church. She was • mother of Janet• and Donald born in Holland on June 20, • Dirstein and their family , 1903; a daughter of the late Carolyn and Richard of Ajax Jan and Pietae (Tigche.laar) and Donald and Mary Gaunt , Van Der -Wal. Mrs. deBoer and4heir ;family Graeme . is survived by her children and Jennifer Qf Chatham. John of Kinloss Township; Also survived by her_ sister Dick Qf Turnbery Township, Jean Elliott of Ottawa and l'eme of Holland, .Wim of, her brother Ken and his wife West Wawanosh and Pietae Verna Currie of Wingham. Kragt of. British Columbia; a Fondly remembered by sev- sister Pietae of Holland; 36 eral neices' and nephews. grandchildren and 78 great Predeceased by her parents grandchildren. Mrs, deBoer • Mr. and Mrs. David Currie was predeceased by her her brothers-Pobert, George husband, Simon, a daughter and James Currie and her Tinle, Logt.enberg; son sisters Annie.May, Dorothy Peter,: and t'wo grandchil- and:'Leah. Visitation' was at dren. Visitation was at the McBurrrey Funeral: Home,. MacKenzie and McCreath Wingharn on ,' Nov. 16. Funeral Home; Lucknow, Funeral services were held . where. Rev A Cook officiat -at-NfcBarney-;Funeral-Moine-. ed-aat-the--funeral...on No .- Nov. 17 at 1:30 p.m', Rev. J. 14.' Flower bearers were • Rea - Grant officiated. Angela • deBoer; Ali;c'ia ' Interment:in ' Winghani ,deBoer , and Jennifer • Cemetery, . •T'urnbe•rry Logtenberg. Pallbearers Township. -Memorial dons- 'were Jim deBoer, Richard ticns.to. Wingham •Hospital deBoer,! Simon, deBoer Foundation, • Wi.nghamn ' David ; deBoer,. Jerry United;UCW or a charity of Logtenberg, and ' Fred choice'•would be appreciat-. deBoer: Interment Greenhill ed as expressions . of sym- C e m e t e r,y, . L u c k n,o w. pathy =-47ar ` " ". `P'onations to`the Lucknow WILLIAM J:'BEESE United Church were appre- elated as,'express on of •Beese, Vllorld Ward II RCA sympathy.--47ar, • veteran, passed away at his WILLIAM JOHN, IRWIN residenceat the Sepoy William John (Jack) Irwin of. Apartments, t.ucknow,;' on :'Goderich, passed. away at. Nova' 14; 1997,' in his $0th,'.,: fhe,Alexandra•Marine arid, Beese was retired General Hospital, Godench, from, ' Silverwood where •he'' • on Nov: 12', 1997, In his worked for many 'years. H.e `: 90th year. Mr.irwirl.was a''. was born in Kitchener'.on re#lied Ashfield Township •„ Oct,' 9, 191.8 t0 the late John farmer. YFfe was.born rr ,• L, `'and' '.Clara (Priebe) Ashfield °Township on 'May ,Geese. He••ssurvived;b:� his : ,19, 1908; to'the'late William •. ! Y , children;Skip and Mariken; J, •and' Ameila'(Henry) Irwrn4•.': ains:cam.-- Geese, RIR 7,• Mr. Irvvi•n is survived by his Suzanne ; and • •, Fioor: wife: Sadie (Nicholson). Or..r. Kromhout, Cookstown; and; :Goderich,: and children Jean :TUNLearn incorne Paul ..Geese,' ' R.'R:' . 3 and Ro:n ', Thompson o:f Goderich, and three` sisters, Wingham, Nancy. and Paul tax';preparation or basic ;• •Kate`Mue)ler'of. Chatsworth, • fox of London, •arid •Mel: ' bookkeepfng.. ; '• Tali.. c ibl . c' if'cat 'tours- •Ruth Beese of Irwin of �Goderich; 10`grand-, dedu t e ert i , e es •by home study: For free Kitchener/Waterloo,' and •children and three great. • . • o Beulah Rose: o1 -Sault Ste,' .grandchildren; 'end a sister :. • . no �biigation, .n • •Marie M;r eese will be Winnie• Carnpbeft of R.R: 7; roc uses; .'contacl .,.0 & „R Ta'x Schools; 1345 Pe,mbitt:a ''sadly missed ;by his •grand ' Lucknow Mr; Irwin was pre- Hwy,•.Winni ` e ° M'B R3T ch ldren: Kirsten. Kromhout, `.decease. by a' son Jack, ". 2.86. 1,L60076.6-5144, Christien ,Kromhout, Mark ; .brothers ` Frahk, :Roy and ��. Enquire about free'franchi a :Beene and Sandy G'e'ese.. Harry ;lrwm"and sister. Lila•' q s ' He, waspredeceased bya ..Irwin. Visitation was at 'the territo.ries now: aVaifable.-- 47bc sister,, Jetty.; Roos:The Mackenzie and Mccreath BE A 8ucoes.SF.UL fuheral•and•Legion service: Funeral.Home, Lucknow, were conducted at Where :the funeral :Was held. UVR[e-st with our great MacKenzie oriel McCreath in tale chapel onf'lov 15, hair forydy,.couree, Ca•ll•: Fun.er.al-;Home, Novi:..16, ,.;'1997.; with Sharon Willis: today,for your•;FREE BOOK.. . with ,Rev, V. Hodge officiat Whitwell, LPMIT, ' of South • •1-800267-•1829:• .The 'irlg: . Piper :was' Anne.: Street Unified Church,. 'Writing 30001, 38 McArthur •P.ritchard: Cremation with;,', Goder,ich, offidiating', • • OvtaWa,:. Suite 2 2 , interment of ashes.at Mbunf'' Honorary pallbearers were CJ3tavlia;. ir?N. , K1 6R2.' - Hope Cemetery, Kitchener.. Gordon 1=ow.ler,Jack Alton, 47bc . Donations to the War Amps Mel Hackett, Russell. Alton 'COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute o1: Canada offers, on -campus . and correspon-• deric.e courses toward a Diploma in ,Counselling Practice, to begin this month: Free catalogue, call . 24h rs. 1-800-665=7044- 47bc • OR17 veldipvl JM wM kf 4ai AW!ryXfil , or Lucknow :Legion Were• and' Warren Zinn;; appreciated ,`as expressioris : Pallbearers.. we're Wayne • of eyrrrpathy:--47ar : ,Thompson, Michael. • Thor»pson,'Mac Irwin, O)strop0rosis strikes1 in 4 women over 50 yeah% old. j • Ostroporosis Society of Canada Calf 14i00.463-6842 • for more information. • Mathew .Irwin,: Bill .lrwin and • Dennis Yule. ' interment Greenhill, Cemetery, Lucknow.=-47ar , • • ',Yap can't bisgufse The Bujts >a,yn Find In The uassifreds. •