HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-11-19, Page 16• • Page: to r,:'w 4: "it' i i rrxViedaeSday, Novetaber 19,1997 A. B 70. Motor. ycles 13.; . will Estate 1985.HONDA 250 Elite Motorscooter, 19,000. origi- nal. km. Call 529-7043. -- 470c ' L10 .Pest.. JACK RUSSELL Puppies ready immediately. Phone 395-2806.-47,48 • SPITZ/BOA,DER Goalie ' pups to give away. Phone . 529-7619, µ-47cc 11f. Produce STRAW FOR sale. Call after 6 p.rn. or leave mes- sage. Phone 395-2475. :44.47x. ROUND BALES of soybean straw and corn.stalks. • Phone 395-5635 evenings: - -47x 11h Services TARPS AND INDUSTRIAL COVERINGS -. made tO.. size, for trucks, trailers, gravity, boxes, etc.. Vinyl,• 'canvas poly. New/Repairs. Party tent re•pt'.als Tiesma Industrial Coverings, Bayfield. 482.3540. +-26tfg peow . . . FARM AND • HURON REALTY INC. 53 WEST STREET, GODERICH 524-1900 Fax: 524-1912 ' -Werner Rtgen Soles Beprer,en alive . 529-7/83, THE LUCKNOW ESTATE Historic LudknOw home' in park -like setting. Inbiting front verandah leads to a nice. countryr. kitchen. Also offering, formal' dining room; large living room, 2 full bathrooms, 4 'bedrooms end -family room. An ideal .home for the .growing family or as Bed & ;Breakfast, NOW OFFERED FOR ONLY S149,900. Call WERNER. 14. Vacations GULF -FRONT VACATION CO4STRUCT4N 'PARADISE.:Panarria pity. EQUIPMENT Small Engines, Welding. On site;. reparr: ,let.. me come to: :'yeti! (Freelance truck :ori, '• ving). Rob, Campbell Motile: • Repair. Se;rvicing'Bruce COunty..:Phone 51.9-396 ; • 6806::--36tfcc CUSTOM COMBINING wheat, ';sot's, and,'' corn • Leave 'message•'or 'caU 'after • 6p;m:.395-2475, --40-50k 11;n11. For :Rent HOBBY BARN with.about;;9 acres-of.pasture: for, rent'...:1 Make an offer Phone or fax • 3$5-44;57--47ecx', t' I. Wanted. to Rent Beach, Florida. Luxurious 1,2,3' bedroom suites, indoor' ,heated' 'pool, tennis and more, Snowbird, activi-. ties,. extended. stay••d.is- counts. .:1.:800-874-8823.",-, CLUB PARAPI;SE. North Arnerica'•'s Iargest•:clothing`• optional/nudist resort at . . Paradise Lake just North of ,,•' Tampa.' , (rondos; "" h'otel , rooms/su-ites,'.poots, bare; •. etc .8007237-2225' www. paradiselakes;;corn •47bc , • 47bc 17. Apts GLEN HAVEN Apartments in Lucknow has. spacious groundfloor 1 and 2 bed= room apartments for rent, fridge and stove iriclu'ded, controlled, entrance, own - :Mon room , and...laundry room. Phone •Gerrie or. Jayne at 1-519-262-2029. -- 41 tfar ?. Aptt. } TO t d cash.'gro:p' land.. Call 2.33 •7.4.67.--47-51 cc 2. Real Estate" ANT.:D -re_n goo RENT. GEARED to�.:income apartments • in Clinton,: Exeter and G.oderich, for • ONE OR TWO BEDROOM ground level, apartments., close ' to downtown. Environment suitable for retired person. Cresthaven, Apartments. Call. 528-3611 or 1-519-848-2215 after 6 p.m.--32tfar GROUND FLOOR 2 bed- room apartment, new floor- _ing. Appliances included. $3OQ/rrtonth plus utilities. 1 bedroom with .balcony.,. $25O/month plus.utilities, Call 528-2411, - 43tfar TWO BELROOM apartment with fridge'' and stove. Gas heat., Available immediately. $525 -plus utilities. Located - in :.Goderich. Call 524,5586. -=44tfcc TWO - 1.., BEDROOM ground fllor apartments $250/month Wheeler Street. One 2 bedroom 'ground floor unit $275/month Ross Street, appliances included, utilities:' extra, . new carpeting' in•each:, Call Paul' 528= 24.11:--47tfar 18. 'Houses .THREE BEDROOIVI farm.. house; . for rent just north.: of Lucknow. Phone.395-5462: 45-48nxc O,U.R.HANit -WAIS H • Townhouses in. :Kincardine .Under new management. Freshly pain ed and reno • vated Two and three -'bed, . room ,. ,1month free rent, Available lmmethat.:e.ly. Phone 396-933.2:7--03tfar. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE or rent in L.uckno,w Phone; 357-3597' or 528-2002:: - ' 2 BEDROOM apartment' a 46,47 (1/2 house)inRipley„ availableavailableDecember • 'References required. Phone 395 2G�4o , 45ttar ;THREE 'BEDROOM, tarn -I,. h•ouse for• rent; 10 minutes • from Gocie,•rich• ', ;new. gab. fur • - nace' Available Oct;: 1; 199.7."$500.p ' lus` utilities . • ;dap '529-7273 38tfcc 3. BEDROOM BUNGALOW at '444 •Havelock Street.: :Available: 'for '•the winter months: ;Call'528- 2771; 46,47x F'OR RENT,;.sale•or lease to own; 3 bedrooiit house in Teeswater, ;$450/month Great starter home,. ,gas heat. Call -'1-519-471.0228; -47tf '.FARM FOR sale 100 • acres, and •house, '`• 75 acres workable, 23 .acres woodlot, :new,; double garage, Lot:.;'10; Concession 9., Hay Township..For sale •'.by ':owner. call" 236-4'637. or . '..236-:7332. --47cd , • 8 R Seruulg.children •; ' i, physthpf d�'sub/Ifties sinee'1922 • women and children, wly'o 'have experienced'abuse. Cal . 'Phoenix;of •Huron 524-• •1620, ''482 5288, 23513183:, -46,47cc •:MAIN STREET LUCKNOW•': UPPER. LEVEL one bed= room; ' heat ' included: Available -• irnm.ediately. Phone 528.2845-32tfer GROUND F'L9OR 2 bed- roars: a'partinent, newly ren- •ovated.; .two bedroom upper ••',apartment $250.; both close • to downtown. Phone 528 2031.--42tfar .-LUCKNOW ,'2 bedroom ground, floor apartment;' pri- vate entrance; Phone 357- 1847 or 528-56100.--4ltfar 'CANE BEDROOM'apartment for' rent on ' main street, Lucknow. 'Phone 528-3932; '--35tfar 1,0. Houses 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Lucknow close to down- town, wood/oil heat. $450 . per month plus utilities Call: Kenny at 392-8261. --46-4.8. 19. Room & i Board TO:, SHARE house for. ,$300/month. Point Clark beach house, pool, side room, • non-smoker, Available 'immediately. Gall •home 395-0753 .work' 3.61- 2673---47cc 23.Commergial 26. Hob, Wanted 26. Help Wanted I L and.YOUTH WQRKE required to provide Part-lime/Full-time ' Community and Home Support. �.CYW diploma and/or BIA required. Minimum 5 years. experience. Fax r..esurne to: . Paul McCormack Co-ordinator of Services, RARTIMAEUS :INQ, (905) 634-6682 STORE FOR rent, main, street..fr.onta'ge, L,usknaw, . . Phone 528-3932.--30tfar • l5.Wanted • to Buy. WANTED SCRAP :cars and all sizes: of trucks; all . . types- of metaa, farm machinery, etc; cash paid.. Walkerton Auto:Wreckers 1-- 88:1-1679. ;==26ffar WANTED HARDWOOD ;LOGS. Prompt' payment for hardwood logs, prepayment for timber stands.. Veneer log, prices.. Provincially Licensed tre,e markers 'and certified equipment ,opera- 'tors. Special care taken. in. harvesting. Pannill' Veneer. Co. Ltd, est. 1927, 340 Louisa St.,' Kitohen;e:r (5.19)742=5887.--47bc 24. Wanted to; sent WANTED �,A GARAGE;to rent in .Luckn.ow. to stere car Phoney 528 3206: 47 3 BEDROOM house:for rent only 2 Miles from Lucknow.` 6 years old;, attached ga"rag9, full baserrtent:.with.• bathrdorn;':fireplace, live -n •kitchen. • ,Reference required. 'Available Jan. 1: . I?hone 529=3263.:' BUNGALOW - 3°bedr-oor near, HolyroQd, oil; heated, fridge and stove :included. lmiriediate possession: Call 528-5643. --46,47 ' • s ." ip 'Vllant ••'STUDENT WANTED to do'.. some odd _ •fobs'• ' some evenings and Weekends Please, Gall' 528-3206: 7,47 • EXPERIENCED l' OVER HEAD' Crane •Tech.nic.ians,` ,required.,Edmonton,. Calgary,Prince George, B.C. •Dut'ies-, • •,inspection/.repairs • in:, mires/milts/factories. 'Fax resume: Crane P.ro Service 1 604-52'1.4181 :Trainin Ontario. - 47bc ;INT.EINATI'ONAL AG CUL'f11 RAL :Excha,n9e Ages 1:8"-'30 with agriculture:.• al experience ,to, rive/work with f2itnily :in .•Australia, New •.Zeala:nd, 'Europe, Japan, .Costs/details!-. 1 -000 -;26? - ,1$27.• 800 -263-182.7.• Calgary, Alberta.-- 47bc• , CASE -1W, DEALER: • REQUIRES ;qualified agri- cultural mech'anlc, combinie knowledge a plus;' Good' wagesplus benefits •.. Fax resume, to: Sornervill.e Farm Equipment'7O5 429.2127.-- 47bc' $ATTENTION. STUDENTS$, •Make a idt'of money -selling. Chocolate bars. 'New acts "available, Nothing td pay, in advance: Fast deliv ery 1-800-383-3569,.--170c ., ATTENTION: • MOM . & Others. We pay .you to lose weight! Wanted 49 people to look and feel good before Christmas: • Call 1.800-732.. 0374. www,newbody.bc.ca for free booklet--47bc LuBusIn. ess nimommimr, Opp. GOVERNMEN,T FUNDS. Goverriiient assistance pro- grams.information available. For your new or existing business. Take 'advantage of. the•.government grants. and loane. 'Call' 1-800-915- 3615.-=47bc CHRISTIAN FRAN.CHlSE.' 'Huge earning potential ser vicing the explosive • Christian market :•with today's. technology. Home based. Full :tr.ainin.g and support: Call,1-800-663-. ' 7326.--47bc • • FORTUNES ',MA.DE -AS INFORMATION BROKER,. Canada's.` fastest growing, • franchise:; No inventory. N • Staff .`Low"'' overhead.. Computer generates income: 24 hours,•per:day 1- ,,8887589-1 28. iusiness Opp. GREAT'CAN;ADIAN Dollar' Store, franchise• opportunity. $65,000. , $70,000. invest- ment (including stock)., P.O. Box 825, Duncan, BC, :V9L `'' 3Y2.' 250-748-1090. ,Fax • 2:50-748-5096.. Mr. D u c he s' n a y Ontario%Quebec phone 1- • 888.829.0521, --474e:.. 00, Elmpl. j.. Wanted NEED 'A HAND with work.• on weekends or. after 5 p.m • •week" nights?'' Yard work, Clean up, building.•projects.' 2 .young men ;are ;ready to work;Call Matt or Jeff 529- 729.i:•:_47,48. • COLLECT CASH..Coke,; Pepsi,' •Hostess ..M'&M, "'Cadbury, , e:tc. R;estagk:' •established Unique vendors in your area; No, selling, full-' time,.,part time. Minirpurn� in,.vestment $13;980 1.800-:'' .5.41. 279'9 . (24 .hours)`. • Member 1 S.ervice Direatc A'GNEW JEWELLERY REPAIR watch, clock, jew- ellery. '„Free estirn•ates. 'Pickup and.: delivery can be 'arranged.. 690: Havelock Street; across from.• Medi,~at,,:. Centre. Call 528-3.532, or..,; '52973940: - 18tfar. .. 45 STORAGE TRAILERS ' for rent Ecor orriic_aI' stor • age;, ideal .for conttactors, farmers. and ''home''owneta. . PhoDAne 395.516734tfcc. • VE'S.CAI O-ILING` Drummond St. Myth ,5.23 :4343:':time to get: your` car i,iled.: Month of Nov.. open, evenings:Mon.: - TR}4�TSSat.' 8 • a m. - noon weather per tilt= ting.•'--45tfcc I•NTER::NET EXPLOSION!`. $i 86' B•ItrLIOiNt by 2.0001' -:E? .olijAi .nary • systatn. ' Seize itl:Apply n•ow fq.r the • • world's:' :fastest;•grovvj'ng' INTERNET` Frar chise.: Investment required, 587 678-7588.7-47bc HAVE':YOU'•GOT A SMALL BUSINESS or: independent ss shop. Need an; Edge:: . rri : t e e to We ave exclusive ries. available; . PATENTED'. .PROTECTED."•We .are supe,; ported .by, a'multi million dol.- ler ol lar • .:International' Corporation. Call toll free at; 1-800-219-8804, collect ••807-857-2579,--47bc ' THE FUTURE has: arrived in: tanadai Surf the Internet from your TV, Join this prosy e perous. bUsln ss. This 'is,• your, chance, to be, Financially Frr'eet 1-800-988- 7600 or.1 ,36.0.992.-.0'$68;. • collect.-47bc:.; ITCH -IM R A,�.• HAVENS. ELECTRIC "Residential 8r.'Farm 'Commercial lebtricE-;, ,, • Contractors • " • FREE;ESTIMAtES RETAIL' Light fixtures, lamps, electrical supplies Evening appthfitrnents.available `Rod .Havens . I. • LiJCKNOW 528-2867` '.. pVAT IN • tyl r• Hl Hoe bozet Gravel & Top: Soil: •Q rty Johnston H lyrtiod (519) 395-5231