HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-11-19, Page 13L>ulelmow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 19,1.997 -- Page 13
cOIT host service
for, .'folir new:
at NQV. 10 Inecting
A singsang led by Janet.
Cox opened: the Nov.. 10
meeting of the Lucknow.
CGIT: President Jessica
Steffler welcomed every-
one and each girl intro-
duced her guest.
Leader Janet' Coxled
the service for new mem-
bers Kimberley Kaufman,,
Beverly Stewart, Judy
Peat and Cassandra,
• Massena. Jessica Steffler
and Lee Morrison present,
ed each with 'a member-
ship pin and card.
,. The group .did. a play -on
the origin 'of the middy
showing that much of the
uniform was influenced by.
the navy.
Leader Laura. Lee
Cayley'exp l'ai:nedabout
the Acts of Kindness
study. 'Lindsey Raymond
shared information and
picturesof the CGIT fos-
ter child; Isaiah, in Kenya,
Each girl with .her guest,
looked ata Good News
Story from. the •newspa-
per.s. Theneach person
wrote an act of kindness
that she will do in the next
week. These were made,
into a chain of kindness.
Amy Blake read
Corinthians .13 and•all.
joined in singing, Kum Ba
Yah and Taps.
These oung. ladies --Judy Peat,.Be`Verly Stewart, Cassandra Massena •
and Kim .Kaufman -.were' welcomed as ;new members to the CGIT. . last.
Week. (Heim photo)
Grove folks take prtnRoyal,Wintor
-atio►is-t aft rnerrib- 1'artiCi I d "fin r ed in `Ladies-R--etreat near. with her aunt-Ger{i-a- arid.
p Chatsworth this weekend. Doug Dam of Guelph on
the exhibitors and partici- the Scotia Hays. Contact ��''�`�;��?!' •
:pants from' the area" who and approximately 1`30:
took part at, the 75th Royal, young exhibitors Were
Winter Fair - a tremendous involved in the Junior'
show'and.exhibition of, Sheep Show
agricultures best, 'All of these special'
Over 400 4-H members • events take ;place during
took part in the Knob Hill. a the two weeks at ` the
Heifer Show, 319 dairy loyal and involve partici-
:ori hock,�y report::
Novice B -l'
• The team:played their.
_first out-of-town; game ,at`' -
R. Mann, Matt.,Martin (2)=
,Stanley and I.o'bertson;l
'Marj Armstrong' and
. Francis. Boyle visited Their
sister Olive Hughe's 'of
Goderich on Friday.: • ' , • a
pants from across Canada.. Happy' birthday' Mary
S d`
weeks: exhibitin : bee nd ),nn! She celebrated with
f, andfriends and famil at John
sheep were. Kathleen' a y ,
•Annika Rear,. "°Anni• and Joyce. Fatreils on.
, placed fourth in showman_ Wednesday "evening
ship and' seventh'in eon :,week; In attendance were'
formation in the Junior Gladys Arnol"d, ' Isabe.I`
Sheep Show; and second im,. Brooks, Sean •and'Sandy;
`the'Ladies• Lead Line. She Gentler, Currie Colwell'.
also placed 10th:overall in ' `and ,Anne; And Dick,
the ,Open ,S'leep Show .McCosla.'
, � I
Ihntermediat Girls Christina•; Carmen and ' ''.:. Marlon Gamble, Marj
e . Thom son and: Edna
,the 1Vlilld � ��'arena taking. `I' e ' ` Jamie Farrell partici aced p
fii?ay.. ..h 3' Luckndw , ,I...•.. ..P,, • , �: . ..:,
ion 'kin, With .. great Int r at the:Scotta;•Hays.Contact S•tanley. visited Friday, ;
g e mediate girls tray.-.
1 Nov. •9 arid' 1; 'evening with Marie
skating effoct�firom Marty. ,e.11ed to:bratbn on'Nov.,.,, .
uinl' n and Solid � oal 5' A • ' ' � ' Lauraine atiCi Frank
Bur, staller .of Barrie P
;:tending by Den�el A.rther game by Laura Stanley g �
Sunday. .
Carmen Farrell' is in
Ottawa this week' Partici'-
• paying in the Encounters
with; Canada program at
the Terry Fox Centre.
, Sympathy .'of,the=com-
mtinity is extended to the
deBoer family on, the Pass-
ing 'of
ass-irtg'of their mother, grand
,Mother and great, grand-
mother, :FetJe,°deBoe, of
Lucknovw., .
It`s interesting to hear a
• new histoiy book is possi-,,
•bly being. •written. Anyone,
interested in this' project is
welcome , to 4ttend.the`
Ripley Huron Historic
meetin'g:on Thursday 1;30
p.,m.at the Library •
a g 1 n excel ent offensive
' '' Several eople took In"''
theteam, cattle out on fope„ and Darlerie .Aitchison.: spent the weekend with the Tour•of Kin•card•ine
. P. • .. homes deo' Orated for the' ;
3 taA2:'1 provided the .te.rm with ;�'' �-I'arve�! and :. Wilda.... ,
G,oals:�Quinlan' ChriB., .,. another:`vicror `,: downina•': Thompon'and`all were -C'hristrnas season. on
\Willits, Stewart Simpson; :the. Drayton girls'7-1. A. .dittner•:gueSt,s of Donna y".
assists, a and Fred 'Voting; Sam';and Judy Finnie of
Kevin, Caok. ;good ;.defensive, genie was.,, � � � g ' at ' bunnvsill'e are• 'vis%txn � tills
, , played'hy l rin Phillip. . 1.7ur�gannan. ..: , g F .
Harvey and Wilda were `,week 'with Heather and .
$antara B ` G o .a 11 � a r `l e n e , : " Strong goaltending by Aitchison :(4)and:L'aura 'also, in• on the su•rpr.ise .Sami�ntnie and - family;
• Ka Collins has been
vaait with er'd•au daughter
,. Bantam B'S in the game at `Assists Jess Mann,; (1) Hodgins at tile Bernie I-Ia11 .
, Mar: , .ox. 2�., .Candice 'I'Sunday afternoon: , Margie" acid ; Dave
,•=thc..titart when they c,�iinc, ,. y,.0 (.) o and.. � ; .. • � •' .1~oc•hhead arid` 'family, this`
up against Minto;on Nov: Hamilton'(1),•Darlene goy „nd.. Maureen
Aitchison' ..(1)„., , . '. ohilts with 30 ,rnetribers week.
'• l3:...The,• la-•• turned- ; . ..._ N.tcS�le;., :Cr ._ , . .. _ . ,+. .
p yof the.Green Tamil of Evan, and Mag-aiet:.
• around as, the locals then .'Qui:naan, • (1), R:achea• y
to ether in Tor nto ori :• Keith.`.of Goderich visited
sc,glreds,even straight• lcd ,Ackert (IL Erin Phillips g. ? .
.•.,.with' Sandra ;and Douglas .
' :by .Russ •M'ann's' fiat trick (2), and •L'indsey Raymond , Sunday ,
Mark Kranenburg kept the $tanley (3), birthday party for�Mari6n y to :
(1)Irene Boyle participat Forster on Friday..
Final, score Lucknc>w'7, Members .of the corn-
, Minto .F • ,:
er. goals were from.
' (2), Brian
•• A
Stanley , ''and • Cory
Robe'rtson; with. assists
credited to Wyatt Kwan,
Jett: Bauer, John Drennan;
Walter' Elliott
.etends his
sincere thanks'to'
the voters Of West
Tovvri$hip' for their
support ah
Nov. 1 0 ;
Merry Chr istmc,
I' would dike to thank' the
ratepayers of Nest Wawanosli for
their support over the years,and
best wishes to the new council:.
�.. Bob Hallam
Thank You
My sincere thanks to the ratepayers of Kinloss
Township for their .support over the last six :'r
years and to' those who supported, me in my
Campaign for reeve.
Congratulations to Jim Boyle and .the''neuv,
council. gest of luck in the• coming years. '
Brian Wolfe,.
munity enjoyed+the Ripley
Happy 'Hearts meeting on •
Friday this week
Fran ' 'Farrell Visited
Si ncere thanks'
Bothe. Erector
of West
Wawanosh for
your• support
.Doug M1.
' Get It Now & Have It Dry ForNext
$130./17 cu. yd. Truck Load.
Delivered . within 20 miles
Mileage charge Beyond That.
Wills() Have Body Wood,- Call • For P'rroe!
Craigo Hardwoods Ltd. '
Birthday Tub
Jason Murray.'
November. 19, 1988
•9 -Years Old
Wesley Sloetjes
November 19, 1985
12 Years Otd
Barbara Mole
November 19, 1985'
• 12. Years Old "
November 19, 19$9
8 Years Old
Jordan Errington
November 19,. 1990
' 7 Years Old
Ashley Ritchie
• N.oveniber20, 1990
7 Years Old
Jeffrey Hodgkinson
November 21, 1991.
. 6. years .ow .
Sarah. Shiers
November 24-, 1995•
$79,9'00 - 3 •bedroom'
•brick/vinyl, 2, year old addition,
new•bathroom & kitchen
ASHFI•EL,D-- ,100 acres, 91.
workable, random drainage.:.
,'BUNGALOW -, With, carport,
3 bedrooms.. oit, , heat;
`Havelock 5t.357,406. .
$41,900-,•• Canipkreal St.•, 3;
bedr0om 11/2 • storey, 1.►
baths.`,.` •ne.w', 'deck ''and.
76 ACRES , Large 4;
'bedroom hot se, garage;
fi.repia.ce;, over,
Maitland .Rivo'r frontage.
.STORE FRONT - • Pius :2;
bedroom apartment: ,both'
eased.' Fuli basement with
• garage. Rear aecess:
WILL' QU,GH.BY ST. Totally:
remodelled 3 bedroom
•bun'g'alow 20'' x 20';"shed,;
,$69,9001: ;
"KINLOS$ TWP. $97,300. 3
'bedroom house, 27x.37 shop
creek: &:pond....
Inglis 8t,: $35,000
DUNGANNON IL' -,3 bedroom
. houses .new bath, mudrbom,. 5,
appliances $57;990
,bedroom home, ;new 'kitchen
arid : bath,.. spacious. rooms,
large treed lot,••news price
KINLO;UGM 3 bedroom.
.mobile plus` • .extra • lot:..
'Reduced to 537900:'
• BOB :ST.•- 3 bedroom, 1fri.
bath, 'garage, $55,000, •
'LUDG'ARD - 2 bedrobm,'new
bath; oit heat, $63;000; ,
1. 3:AC•RES, - in Luckno•w.
unique 3 bedroom : Nouse •
overlooking 9 Mile River •
A;SHFIELD - .3 bedrboiti
,,house '1y th cone,:; 'over !✓r'
acre•lot $52,500..;
.100 A.CRE,S WEST.
WAWANOSH - rolhng'60 - 70.,
workable,,pa'tially: fenced,
Ripley :$32,000 & $48;000;-
russels $14;900 '& $49,500
50. ACREg,r41 Rained, 6th'
Conc. Asf1
10,0 ACRES,. -1 th Cond.
• AshfieidSlt Ukable,•15,`
pasture. $149;000