HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-11-19, Page 9LucImow Sentillek Wednesday, November 19, 1997- rage 0
Gr6de 3 kids
close to •Ontario
average • -
in three r's
by rat Halpin
• Grade 3 students in
Bruce County are close to
the provincial averages 'in
test results for reading,
,writing and math. .
Numbers released by
the province divide results
into four levels, with level
four described as "beyond
the expected range of stu-
dent performance."
.Twenty per cent of pruce
" County Grade 3s achieved
level four, compared to 16
per cent.province-wide, •
"That's not .an acci-
dent,” said director of
education. Paut
Martindale, noting the
board has been working to
improve its reading pro-
' gra.ms over the past. five
The results were less
spectacular in writing,
where seven'Per cnt of ,
students achieved level
four compared to eight per
vent provincially.
In both writing and
math, 46 per cent of Brute
County students achieved
at the expected level (level'
2) compared to 43 per
cent provincially, while
only three per cent of
local.students achieved
level four compared to
five per cent province -
wide. The remainder of
students achieved level
. Preliminary results
from Grade 6 math testing
show a dismaying 30 per
cent of the province's stu-
dents achieved below the •
expected level in that sub-
"It's not acceptable."
Armstrong said. "Kids
seem to get worse in math
between Grade 3 and
Grade 6. '
TrOstees were told
results of the new provin-
cial tests should be used to
i'mprove curriculum and
teaching methods, not to
fuel the provincial dispute
over education.
• at
Canadian Industrywas
, the theme for the
NOVember meeting of, the,
LucknoV Wonien's
Institute vvhen•10
s met last •week to -
'enjoy dessert prior to the
meeting, Lois Goodhue
and Jean Hicks were the
Alice Taylor, 'President,
• opened the meeting 'with a
—poem "Our. Freedom's
Cause" -whiCh was. appro-
priate for the Nev. ti
' meeting. • ...•, •
Rollcall was to narne an .
occupation in grandfa
ther's tie that no longer
eXiStS.,It.included farming
with hofees, hand' milking,
churning.'hutter, •barrel
making and blacksmith.
The 'Chfistinas dinner is
planned for Dec. 9 at:the,
Anglican _Hall, and the
program was decided..:'
• 'A discussion took Place
o the next year's :retiniOn,
Make it Great in '98 The
WI, agreedto gi'v'e .4 help-
. • ." ing hand when needed
Mis...11ieks Started the:
program by reading Jo
Flanders, Field"...Julia,
11ildebrand. won a Legion
contest with a moving
poem called "Memories"
• read by Lois, •. •
•• Lois' granddaughter;
Goodhue won the.
Briiec County 4-11,sch61-:
• mementos: were presented
• • by the WI.niembers.
• ' . Mrs. Hicks .read an rti-
de that said Dutch farmers
are itrunigrating-to Canada
due to _senior .euthacks.
Most are 'going to
• Manitoba where. there'is
were 1'004
: A . good topic about
strawbaard being'rriade ii
North Dakota was:very
inte'reiting: The process
lises.uP large quantities. of
haled straw that is, corn-.
preSsed into making
boards for. .firrniture,
, cabi-
• A contest on birds was
won by Alice Taylor,
i464est. bircli4ays were.
Dorothy Brown and Edna
Young. •
• .(submitted , by. Mabel
Whitby) •
1...(••••=.0{ to•oo
• •.
Pine size 111 all.- riewS, te6tutes, and enter- .6. it rnay•eventadily Wind up at the bottom of,
• • -tainrbertt tOr every 'merest and tisiste. , . the bird cage, bat ilot,atlhe;12etarni
2. It will never go out of stYle,, tha peect to • Department•
know IS a!woykin tdshion, ' • '7 How else are they,gaing to find Out what • • ,• • '
Theywon't be embarrassed beeause your happenein tueknoW:,,Asritield, West
gft is not displayed when; you drop in . • WaviCinosh,„,Kinloss,..Whitechuroh,vetc., etc.
unannounced toruse.:it all year day .6. It's cheaPerthan a 'iports Car. ' :•.'
day out ' • • • , • • 9 It doesn't have to be assembled •
4: They, wonl have tip Worry ab�utSantalg�t-
ting Mackin their chirrney., ••• ;
' • 5.. • Lets you take adVantage•otthe Scrooge-
• factor- you. won't hcivato,share your news
poop'. any more. "
". •
4,44 •-•••• Loo.. 4o.
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