HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-11-19, Page 3•
h� •
council has agreed to .pro-
Geed with an appraisal of a
building lot in
Whitechurch which is.
.property the municipality.
obtained from the pur-
chase of CNR lands.
Once an appraised.price
is obtained, the lot will be
offered for sale to the
ad1ointn • landowners.
Should the lot •not. he pur-
'chased, council will sell it
by public tender, with the
proceeds going to further •
decrease thetotal costs to
the • landowners involved
in purchase`of the, CNR
The bylaw enforcement
officer has been instructed
to . initiate legal . proceed,
ings against three property
-owners-who are in -contra
vention of the township
.comprehensive zoning.
bylaw. • . ,
The tender of Raymond
;:.Hunter to blow snow on
Washington, and;George.
Streets, at -the east end of
,Iucknow, was accepted,:..
The rate is $45 per hour.
were, approved. for -Ross
Family Farms Ltd. and
Fisherman's 'Cove Tent
and, Trailer Park.; In both
instances the .township:
road' department will: do
the work. Ross Farms will
pay for half of the Strain;
gravel ,and corrugated,.
' metal pipe', for both
laneways The Cove will
pay for the pit run gravel
ori their laneway.
A claitia •by: John Stein
for $150 for a sheep killed r
by wolves'was. accepted.
Road Department
A request to .receive
• about 100 cubic yards of
sand at'the landfill, site,
from • ,the Lucknow
Sewage : Pl'ant, ; was •
approved:. It will be- used
as cover Material. The reg :
ular• rate of $30 ;percall:
will be chargedhave the
site opened other than nor
o! ;/ e�✓•(� io Fi
Please note that •the
inaugural meeting ofr;the
ne'w Ashfield Township.
council will take place on
.Monday, Dec_:.1 ' at 7:30
Last week's article con= •
tained the' wrong date.
Also a.rrequest by Phil
'Riley to; clear brush along
the; :. easterly, road
allowance at the. end: of the
Mill Line, Cone. 3/4 was
approved by council, con-
ditional upon consent
om the ad scent
al hours.
Ontario -io , . d o
l;-Yy r recently
requested the 911 property
signs be located a desig-
nated number offeet from.
thei'r'poles. As all ,the
signs. have been erected,
council agreed to •leave the
posts as they are,
Overlays for. the.
provincial highway signs
will be ordered, as per
county's instructions.
These will be of a material
that will apply directly
over the existing green
highway signs to.desig-
nate the township roads by
their navy-naties:' '
Council agreed that the
county could look after
• Highway' 86 as it will fall
under their jurisdiction..
come Jan. 1.
Teresa. Holst, chair of
the, committee bringing a
rodeo- to' Lucknow'next •
year;- attended the Nov: 3.
meeting requesting a loan
towards the down pay,
merit: Council did: not
oppose the efforts made to'
,have a rodeo, ,nor. the
request for a loan, until it ••
could'. be paid'' back. They
preferred. to; ,have..the
on the portion
of the road oatCon .7 h.r d � , Lot
35. Council was .dissatis-
fied with the. work, The
full amount will be paid.
After lengthy discus-
sion about reserve funds,
council passed a Motion to.
transfer $235,000 from•the
working capital reserve
into reserves in order to
protect the reserve funds
amalgamation proceeds.
donation •made through an
.organization, rather than a
group of individuals.
Council also suggested a
terms of reference should
be set up outlining exactly
where the proceeds from
the 'venture would be,
directed. "
Vicki Hackett, from the
tourism office, talked to
couwett bout pure acing a
membership in •the.
Saiigeen Country maga-
zine.; Council 'agreed that
• they are not interested in a
4' 'inemb.ership since •'this'
solely benefits the, busi-
nesses .in the area. They
suggested Hackett should.
approach the businesses.
Which it would ,benefit: and
see if they'would be inter-
ested in such a member-
ship... •
The County of Bruce
Highways Department his.
unwilling to negotiate a
lower price forwork. done
by Jean Ross the year you were born:
The Whitechurch vtl •Mrs. Ross .gave her.
, lage card parties started up report of the District rally
Monday evening ;at they. held in .Elmwood -. in
Koine' of Angus :and Vera October
Falconer' Four tables wete A' ' sing a`long ' was
enjoyed -with Jean Tiffin' at
Ole piano.
,leanette Wardrop;;' of .'
in, play:
High winners; were
Shirley !;hinter and Don
Ross, with Bettye Whttech,irch,`"was •>t'he
Lueknow Sentiaet<, Wed .sdaY>e.,No ve ibex 19, 1997 Page 3
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Designers:'It Builders of Computer Systems.
Armstrong :and Agnes'guest speaker. She and her .ntc ?-166 EcO
Farrier in low spots : ' . husband Sinclair ' took a robotics
•a.nd'• John'
Mc'Kinno.n {
••r were Sunday,
::visitors:. •• with:
Mr. and' Mrs.
The 'Whitechurch W1. and shared pictures of.:
' .three. . week trip
to July., to,
where their
r d a u.g h ter
Ted•'. Allison is. 'a teacher. Mrs .
of ` Wardrop gave a'very•inter :.
esting account of their. trip
met last Wednesday : many interesting scenes,'
evening, in the'' hall` with Alice Moore and Cathy,
Norrna Wotan] as, hostess.; . Lubbers were ,Winners'of a
Agnes Farrier was the contest, .and Nortna
convener • of the' Rintoul won' the lu'c'ky
International Affairs ,meet- number
ing ::Evelyn:.Gibhtr'and Mary'
Pres;ident'.Jean •Ross •H.ehn'serval lunch.
welcomed' `everyone. The Christmas dinner:is'
Rollcall was to name' ,a planed for' Dec. 9, at 12
Prime' minister in office' poon'in Winghain. •
fr j
landowner. and Riley
being responsible for any
expenses ,an d liability:
The Sentinel• apologizes
forany confusion.
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