HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-11-12, Page 51,41➢ k n®err Sennitftnell,Wednesday, November 112, 1997 — Page 5
Group formed over concern for dill 160
Community interest'in
ill 160, An Act to
Reform the Education
System, has resulted in the
formation of a group of
approximately 25
Lucknow area parents and
teachers. Of particular
concern was the opportu-
nity for local input into
education decisions, as, the
bill isnow worded. The
following section, for
example, is directly from
Bill 1160, and refers to
elected school board
' Liability for Non-
Compliance 257.45 (2) -
"The board and each of its
members, officers' and
employees shall comply.
wit the orders, directions
and decisions of the
Minister in any matter
relating to the administra-
'tion of the affairs of the
board, and, any such per -
,son who knowingly fails
to comply with any such
order, direction or deci-
sion, or who, as a me ber
of the board, votes con-
trary to such an order,
direction, is guilty of an
Initially the group coor-
dinated a two day infor-
nation blitz, handing out
leaflets in Lucknow, and,
an Information Forum,
held in the Legion on Nov.
3. On Nov. 9, the group
met again, to plan another
information activity. A
Parents and Taxpayers
Forum on till 160, with
guest speaker Jim Reed
will be held at ,7:30 pan.
on Wednesday, Nov. 12 at
Get a good thing going
the Lucknow Legion
The forum is organized
as .a community discussion
evening, with the empha-
sis on the bill. A more.
informal structure will be
used that at the forums
held thus far in the area,
and more community
focus is planned.
Questions raised over French program
by Pat Ealpin
When should liruce
County students start
learning French,and do
they need a French
Immersion program?
Those are the questions
survey being circulat-
ed to parents in both coun-
ties through School
Community Advisory
Councils and Home and
School Associations as the
Bruce and Grey ]Boards of.
Education prepare to
Right now, Grey Coun-
ty offers ' .a French
Immersion program, and
starts teaching. French to
regular students in Grade programs. Bruce Canty's
1. core French program
In Bruce, there is, ho meets the Ministry's
Innmersion program in the
public school system,
while French classes or
'core French' for regular
students start in Grade 4.
The two different systems
will continue for the
remainder of this school
year, but must be 'harmo-
nized' or made equal
across the new board by
the beginning of the new
school year in September.
The survey designed by
the amalgamating commit-
tee for the two boards lists
Ministry of Education
guidelines for core French
and French Immersion
requirement of 600 hours
of instruction by the end
of Grade 8, while the Grey
county program exceeds
that minimum standard by
150 hours. Grey's
Immersion program also
exceeds minimum stan-
dards set by the Ministry:
"The perception is that
it costs (the board) money
to teach French," 'said
Grey TRustee ,
Nicholls -Harrison.
"Actually we' have' to.
teach those students any-
how, and this program
brings in extra funding."
Grey board supervisor
Mary Anne' Alton said
government grants for
French prograrns,increase
French instruction increas-
es. A program that offers
20 to 40 minutes of
French instruction quali-
fies for a: grant 'of •$119 per
student, on top of regular
per pupil grants.
But, Alton pointed out
there are start-up costs for
French lmrnersion if the
program is new to a school
or -area.
• •
"The committee feels
strongly about
Immersion,"' Alton said.
"We're comfortable asking
.(parents in Bruce) about
Survey results are to be:
compiled and returned to
the Bruce and Grey boards
by Jan. 16, with final deci-
sions to be Made by the
new. board.
Lad limit imposed
five tonnes.
The McNain Bridge on
Lots '15 and 16 WD, Con.
13 has been set at 13.
The culvert at Lots 3
and 4' WD, Conc, 6 on SR
3 and 4 is set at five
Ashfield Township has
passed, bylaws imposing
load limits on area roads.
The Wellington Street
bridge in Port Albert has
been set at seven tonnes.
The Culvert at Lots
three and four, Con. 5 ' WD
s the time ,spent on ,, on SR 3 ,and,4 was set at
Pro Hl;
Committed to
We are pleasedto
announce our second successful
Birthday Club
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November 16, 1992
5 Years Old
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November 17, 1994.
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Nbvember 18, 1985
12 Years Old
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In Store Draws
* 1 Draw Date Decernber 14, 1997.
Fief reshments & Treats
Tree Lighting Celebration,,
* Friday; November 14, 1997
*` 7:00 p.m. Clan Gregor Square .
* Carollingin the $quare
* Visit from Santa.
* Refreshments & Treats ,
Christmas . Bazaar
* Bayfield Town Hall
* Friday, November 14, 1997 12 noori - 9 'p.m.
• Saturday, November 15, 1997 10 a,m.'•- 6 p.m.
Choir '.resentati'on
* Sunday, November 16, 1997
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$49,900ippm, oil heat
ASHFIELD ;- 100 acres, 91
workable, random drainage.
BUNGALOW - With carport,
3 bedrooms, oil heat.
Havelock' St. $57,400.
451/2 ACRES- 30 workable,
older bs0, Upon. East
Wawanos . $65,000.
76 . ACRES - Large 4
bedroom house, garage,
fireplace, over !/ mile
Maitland River frontage.
bedroom apartment both
Teased, Full basement;. with
,garage„ Rear access.
remodelled 3 bedroom
bungalow. 20', x 20' shed.
KINLOSS TWP. '- $97,300. 3
bedroom house,. 27 x 37 shop
creek, & pond'.
Inglis St. $35,000.
DUNGANNON 3 bedroom.,
house, new bath, mut'iroom, 5
'appliances. $57,990.,
ONE ACRE'-'Buiiding" lot:
near Lucknow.
bedroom home, new kitchen
and: bath, spacious' rooms,
large treed lot, new price..
KINLOUGH ='3 bedroom
mobile.. plus extra. lot.
Reduced to. $37,900.
BOB ST. - 3 bedroom,. 11/2`
bath, garage, $55,000.
LUDGARD - 2 bedroom, new
bath, oil heat, $63,000.
1,3 ACRES -.in Lucknow,;
unique '3' bedroom house,
overlooking 9 Mile. River.
ASHFIELD 3 bedrooms
house 11th conc., Over1/2
acre lot ,$52,500:
WAWANOSH rolling 60 - 70
workable, partially fenced.
Ripley $a2,000 & $48,000,-
russels $14,900 & $49,500.
50 ACRE$ - all. drained, 6th
Conc. Ashfield.
100 ACRES - 11th Conc.:
Ashfield, 75 workable, 15
pasture. 5149,000: