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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-11-05, Page 16
Fal c2 16 - L eismio cn✓ Sellnttbacl, lire lrarasd8y, N©ve 14,,aears 1 IiO.P�ts r 1939 SUNStRD, dark blue, turbo, sun roof', cruise, ask- ing $3,000. Phone 482- 9804 days, 528.2000 evenings. --45,46 8. Trucks 19,86 F250 3/4 ton, XLT Lariat, loaded, air, tilt, cruise, pw, pd, plush interi- or, 4 speed standard with low gear. 460 engine. Good interior and body. New 16" tires and hitch. Good work horse. $3,400 or best offer. 'Phone (519) 524-7115. -- 43-45nxe 7a. General BA5IY PYGMY hedgehogs ready for Christmas, $35 each. Cali 524-4240 after 4 p.m., ask for Ryan. --45- 49nxe REGISTERED AMERICAN Cocker Spaniel puppies for sale. lack with a small white spot on the front. Champion line. Excellent for family pet as well as for show dog. ,Please call Stephen or Betty for further information. 524-2852 after 6 p.m.--45,46cc Beaver Valley Ski Club Markdale, Ont. 1998 New Membership Drive 20 Remainir Family Mentherships Available at 0etween $5500. and $6500. Iiitiation (reduced from X24,01)0.) For more iufomation 519924-3595 519925-3956 fax 11f. Produce Den' 5, 097 STRAW FOR sale. Call after 6 p.m. or leave mes- sage. Phone 395-2475. -- 44.47x 11e. Livestock WANTED - STEADY supply, of weaner pigs on a regular basis. Phone 519-595-8596. --44-46cc 8.'. Computers THE BEST COMPUTER, the Best Pr.ice. Delivered right to your, door anywhere , in Canada! JuSt $79.00 `per' month, No Money Down. Fpr Tyra nnus loaded 166MMX Multimedia Package: 166 MMX; Motorola 56.6 Fax/Modern, Stereo surroundsound, digi� tal full -motion' video, '3.2 GB., HD, 24X CD ROM, full;' colour 14 inch `monitor, loaded current software (list. is "too long for this, ad, call us!!I) Instant credit approval available right over the phone! Call 1-800-.551 3434. To order/more info:- 45bc SONY, .' RCA, JVC from 1499 or $6.25 weekly: Free installation. Pentium 200 Computer„ free printer included $16.29 weekly. Calf Toll Free 1-888-809 7444.-=45bc A Complete Multimedia Systems M - Nothing extra to buy °A - Support included A - Financing available - Toomany features to list •A Printer included A - 3.year warranty - On site servicing A' r Call for details M •• •• • r • A Evans Computing I 528-2875 magic@huron.net I 7G. Rec. Vehicles 1974' MOTOSKI' CAF'R`l, •. *excellent running condition. Lost interest. $100. Phone 524-5140 --41.-45nxe 11h. Services TARPS AND INDUSTRIAL COVERINGS - made to size, for trucks, trailers, gravity boxes, etc. Vinyl, canvas poly. New/Repairs. Party tent rentals Tiesma Industrial. Coverings, Bayfield. 482-3540.-26tfg- peow CUSTOM COMBINING for corn available, 4 wheel,. drive axial flow .combine. Call 519-6483650. --44- 46cc FARM AND CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT Small Engines, Welding. On site. repair; Let me come to you! (Freelance truck dri ving). Rob Campbell Mobile Repair,, Servicing ,Bruce County. Phone 519-396- 6806. --36tfcc ' C;USTO,M . COMBINING • wheat, seys,; and corn:'` Leave Message or call after 6 p.m. 395-2475. -40-50x 14. Vacations GULF -FRONT VACATION PARADISE. Panama City; Beach, Florida. Luxurious 1,2,3bedroom suites, indoor heated pool, tennis and more; Snowbird activi- ties, extended stay dis- counts. 1-800-874-8823.-- 45bc 17. Apts 2 BEDROOM apartment (1/2 a house). in Ripley available December 1. References required: Phone 395-2640.--45tfar • MAIN STREET LUCKNOW UPPER LEVEL'- ' one ,bed- room, heat included: Available immediately. Phone 528-2845. --32tfar GROUND FLOOR 2 bed- room apartment, newly ren, ovated; two bedroom upper apartment $250., both close to downtown: Phone 08- 2031. •-42tfar ,q' Fri. Apts. • LUCKNOW 2 bedroom ground floor apartment, pri- vate entrance. Phone 357- 1847 or 528.5600, --41 tfar ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent on main street,. -Lucknow, Phone 528.3932: --35tfar GLEN HAVEN Apartments in Lucknow Olds spacious ground floor 1 and 2 bed- room apartments for rent, fridge and stove included, controlled entrance, ,com- mon 'room and laundry room. Phone Gerrie o.r Jayne at 1-519-262-2029. -- 4l tfar ' ONE OR TWO BEDROOM. ground level apartments, close to downtown. Environment suitable for retired person. Cresthaven Apartments. Call 528-3611 or 1-519-848-2215 after 6 p.m.--32tfar • GROUND FLOOR 2 bed- room apartment,' new floor- ing. Appliances included. $300/month plus,utilities. 1 bedroom with balcony, $250/month plus utilities. Call 528-2411. --43tfar ONE.AND TWO bedroom apartrtients available . imme- diately. Phone 528-2146. -- 43-45ar TWO BEDROOM apartment with fridge and. stove. Gas heat. Available immediately. $525 plus utilities. Located . in Goderich, Call 524-5586.. 44tfcc 18. Houses THREE BEDROOM farm, house, for rent just north of Lucknow. Phone 395-5462. --45.48nxc D.URHAM-WALS;H,. Townhouses in Kincardine. •Under new 'managengnt, Freshly painted and reno- vated, Two eno-vated,.Two and three bed- room, 1 month free 'rent. Available' immediately. Phone 396-9332.-03tfar THREE BEDROOM farm house for rent, 10 minutes from Goderich, new gas fur pace. Available Oct•. 1, 1997: $500 plus utilities. Call 529-7273.--38tfcc 3, BEDROOM HOUSE. Includes 2 bathrooms, gas heat with .central air condi- tinning:. • Located near Square and • schools. $65.0/month plus utilities:.. References required'. For' details and availability call 524-2776 'after 6' p.m: on weekdays. =-43.48nxe • 23.Commercial STORE FOR rent, main street frontage, Lucknow. Phone,528-3932.--30tfar 25. Wanted to Buy 11VANTED, -• SCRAP cars and'alt sizes of trucks; all types of metal farm' machinery, etc; cash paid. Walkerton Auto Wreckers 1- 881.1679.--26tfar 2L Wainted to, BUI(r WANTED: HARDWOOD LOGS. Prompt payment for hardwood logs, prepayment for timber stands. Veneer log prices. Provincially licensed tree markers and certified equipment opera- tors. Special care taken in harvesting. Pannill Veneer Co: Limited, est. 1927, 340 Louisa St., Kitchener (519)742-5887.--45bc' . 26. Help Wanted 1 A CAREER OPPORTUNI- TY with Canada's largest agricultural and small busi- ness tax preparation firm. Full-time employment posi- tions until Apr. 30 as service representative. Career advancement into year round positions available. Successful service repre- sentatives eligible to apply for joint venture ownership in existing income tax busi- nesses. Excellent remuner- ation. A proficiency with fig- ures and good people skills required..' Contact: B.J. Turner Inc., Greg Davenport at 1-800.829-8933,--45bc WANTED QUALIFIED agri- cultural mechanic to work at a Massey Ferguson and Kubota dealership near Calgary, Alberta. Fax. resume to Banner Equipment, 403 -948 -0095. -- F,Itiellp Wanted WANTED 49 PEOPLE seri- ous about losing 5.20 lbs. before Christmas. 100% Natural, Guaranteed. Log onto www.newbody.bc.ca-- 45bc $.ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling. chocolate bars. New prod- ucts available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast deliv- ery 1-800-383-3589. --45bc AN ' OPPORTUNITY TO EARN extra income selling hosiery and undergarments to your friends, family ..nd co-workers. Cal11-800-263- 1432.--45bc SMITH STEEL AND FABRICATION INC. are now hiring. Welding and Fabrication skills are an asset, but we are willing to train the proper applicant. Please mail a resume to: Br,152 Atwood, ON NOG 180 or fax it to 519-356-2413 28. Business Opp. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance 45bc programs information avail - DYNAMIC CANADIAN com- pany requires representa- tWes to market popcorn products through direct. sales &/or home party plan. Interested individuals con-. tact Schneider's Popcorn: 1-800-665-6484.-=45bc RESPONSIBLE COUPLE. for managing. mid-sized motel ' in midwestern Ontario. Duties- are daily upkeep and running of the motel. Large, living area on property. References required. Please reply to P.O. Box 501, Goderich,. On. N7A 4G7. --45cc able. For your :new or exist-. ging business. Take advan- tage of the, government grants and loans; Call 1- 800-915-3615.--45bc , START'YOUR O1NN new business or add a new product and application ser- vice to your existing opera- tion. ArmorThane Coatings Inc. (the permanent'spray' on coatingspecialists, truck box liners and a world of. .other applications): has, available 'an, exclusive deal- ership opportunity in your area. Dealership details 1 800-363-$100.=-45bc 26. Help Wanted 28. Business • Opp.' COLLECT CASH, Coke, Pepsi, Hostess, M;� iVl, Cadbury, etc. Restock, established unique vendors in your area. No selling, full- time, part-time. Minimum investment $13,930, 1-=t00- 546-2799 (24 hours). Member B i-..B.--45bc FORTUNES MADE AS' INFORMATION, BROKER. Canada's fastest growing franchise. No inventory. No staff. Low overhead. Computer > generates income 24 hours per day. 1- 888-889-1010.--45bc INTERNET EXPLOSION!' $186 BILLION by 2000! Revolutionary system. Seize it! Apply now for the world's fastest growing INTERNET Franchise: Free Video pkg. 888-678.7588.-- 45bc ARE YOU A HOME-BASED BUSINESS producing gift and/or specialty food items? Do you want your business to grow? You are invited to participate in a Wholesale trade show and business program through subsidized funding provided by the public and private sectors.; Businesses interested in exhibiting must submitsam- ples of their best work by December 3, 1997..Call 1- 800672-0103. =45bc ' 26. Help Wanted .CONTRACT 11111AFTSMAN: (6 month term) Sifto Canada, a subsidiary of North 'American- Salt Co has an immediate opening for a.• contract draftsman at our underground mining. operation in GODERICIH,. ONTARIO. Reporting tb the o Engineering. Manager, yoUr primary responsibility will be to, provide professionally engineered drawings as requested using the AutoCad 12 program. To perform your duties efficiently, you will need experience and a thorough understanding of the following areas; h, Field measuring existing equipment. 2. Review and interpret existing drawings 3: Provide input where better methods are known. .4. Assist Survey Creta as required from: time to time. 5. Perform general engineering office duties as required. The majority of your projects Will be for the Underground Department and you must therefore' be comfortable working within this ,type of environment. Ability to use Word Perfect and Lotus would.. be a definite asset. Salary will be commensurate with experience, skill. and ability. If you are interested in this position please send your resume by November -14, 1997 to: Sifto Canada, P O: Box 370, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 3Y9 Fax #'519 524-6779