HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-11-05, Page 3• Lions cancel by Pat Livnrysto n After eight years of hosting Sunday night bingo in Lucknow„r, the- Lions Club is calling it quits. "We're cancelling them until further notice,” said Allan Hackett, who chairs the fund-raising event for the Lions. Attendance has been going down steadily. "Over the last year, atten- dahce has gone from 200 to 50 (each evening)," explained treasurer John Pollard. Hackett •'said they changed the program to try and get the crowd back, but that "Didn't seem to happen." Several things have contributed to the decline in attendance. Hackett said a lot of seniors felt the pinch when the pensions were reduced. And the large number of provincial halls that offer electronic bingo and much larger winnings was also instru- mental, said Lions President harry Johnston, as is the easier access to. casinos. Pollard said if the num- bershad been up, "We, maybe could have looked at electronic bingo too." The Lions' $150,000 donation to. the new sports complex came from bingo proceeds. But now every- thing made on the bingos has been spent, said the trio. Others are affected as well, Johnston said. The bin o town loses a license fee; the ladies running the food booth won't have that income, and there is one less night of work for the caretaker at the Community Centre, where the bingos were held. "We're looking at 6,000 to 7,000 less people per year coming through here too," Johnston said. The Lions Club appre- ciates. the support they have had over the. last eight years. That support helped them fulfill their motto - "We Serve." The Lions will not be sittingback and resting on their laurels. Members are investigating other ways to continue with fund-rais- ing that ultimately benefits this whole community. Amy Blake earns Pres g�ou award. q A77 from page 1 efforts as required by the the award criteria. She kept a running record of the projects that she com- pleted and the number of hoursthat were involved. Amy is a, junior leader for Girl Guides. She is an avid soccer player and enjoys walking, jogging and swimming. She has hiked at MacGregor Point Provincial Park and is a member of the Creative Writing Club. Amy recorded ,69 hours of service skills which included working with, the local Brownie, pack and teaching Sunday School at L.uoknow .. United. Church. She also completed. 44 hours of physical fitness activities which included earning her Bronze Cross in swimming, downhill and cross country skiing, skating, .soccer, jogging ' and walking. Arny was also required to complete .an, expedition 'which was a four night camping •and hiking. excursion at MacGregor, Point Provincial Park at Port Elgin. Amy and her family took in the camp- ing adventure and earlier in the summer Amy '.had completed a practice' jour- ney near Bracebridge, . Amy was also required to complete a project in the skill category and she submitted a poem. As .a member of the Creative Writing Club at F.E. Madill Secondary School in Wingharn., Amy's record of achievements were reviewed by the executive director of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. • Amy received notifica- tion of her silver win and she attended the special ceremony in Toronto with Jdan Finlay as her guest. The event was a formal occasion.' that was attend- ed' by young people from across the province and included the awards cere- mony .anda reception for the recipients and their guests:. Phyllis Helm of The Lucknow.Sentinel ,attend- ed as a media'. represents= tive and.. as a guest: She noted, "It was a very offi- cial ceremony and every- one was in their finest attire. I satin the media box, but: for meit was. more than just an assign- ment.- I was so proud of Amy." "It was very. exciting," Amy 'noted in a telephone interview earlier this week. "I was able to meet ' many new people and' I Day camp for kids in r uckioui Janet Cox,- a Grade 12 student at F. E:: Madill , Secondary School wants to do her part to help parents and kids through the teachers' strike: She is running a day camp for children aged JK to Grade 5 at the 'Lucknow Legion.. The camp will run from 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Janet, her mother Lori ' and brother Jesse will run the carnp which can handle from 10 to 20 children. The daily events will,include crafts, stories, games and. snack, Children are asked to bring lunch. For more information•call 528-2400. lovedthe challenge." Amy enjoyed the pro- gram so much,that she's back at it again in hopes, of earning a Gold award. The criteria for the go,ld include completing 9Q hours of service over 18 months, 50 hours of • physical •fitness in 25 weeks, five nights of camping and completing a skill project. "1 have fun with this, she noted • adding that a. member °of the Royal family could, preside over next year's ceremonies if it co-incides 'with a trip to Canada: Yet, Amy's aim remains focussed. on the intent of the awards chal- lenge - to achieve person- al development. Joan Finlay noted, "Amy has to be deter mined : and :self-disci- plined to complete the Work." Joan says that her role will be to support. Amy and,to encourage her. "Amy is a hard worker. and she is dedicated: She continue's . what she starts." In Canada, Duke of Edinburgh's Award has been oating since 1963, with: more than 150,000 Canadians taking the challenge. Bruce schools closed Until' job action is resolved between teachers' federations .:and the Ontario governrnent, the schools in Bruce County will be closedfor students and open for anystaff who intend to come to work. School buses will not operate. , 7 Lucktmour Sentfumell, Wednesday, November 5, Il S •-- Paage 3 IBDO ;WARD ALLETTE Chartered Accountants OGdorene a Lunn ranrgo of acrtgcoa: aauud6R(fno, t400041Eine, bo,mMoaa pian- raiga, 6nccmo or piarminmg, poraaamm financlau pioromincg, computer aM management Gert icca: %WALKEL TON PHAt OVER MOT FOREST 8 F. Thomson, FCA L,H. Vollott, 0A " K.l.. Onor, CA R.J, Millen, QA J.J. Hunt, CA G.H. Munro, CA K. CelschlaEel,•CA A. Thor, CA A.G. Thomas, CA 0814211 V.34-31021 BD Duraacoody 323-241 =ELtatf, M.S. Bolton, CA H.E. Kib!or, CA Adverti$Ingl is NOT An Expense.,. Advertising is An Investment,. GOda bt,o Oat catD jOIN 14S 9O3' Our Ch'isma Opefri eilSe O� EVERLASTINGS FLOWE &„ (GIFTS fid/%r%I1 l I,,v.1\N:\, \ Dczizaoastratians # ii-041gbalHOURS: Friday & Saturday Friday 9 am - 9 pm11 amm -- $ow Making i, t Saturday 9 am - 6 pm 3 Pm - Holiday 8171 Saaday 12 anan-S pm II 11111111111116 411. 'x 7,8&.9 The store will be transformed into a Christmas Wonderland full of decorating and gift giving' ideas. • —10% off Storewide * —Daily Draws Treats &. Cider "Excludes Fresh Flowers 528-3312 A tradition continues at Irene :s home where it will overflow with Christmas collectibles and unique gift ideas on Saturday, November 8 9030 to 5:30 or. Sunday, November 9 - 11:00 to.5:00 From Our Heart 594 Campbell St: in Lucknow will also be open for, your gift buying pleasure Friday. to Sunday. aleal CIO a/ ---528-264.9 The Municipal Elections Act Township of Kinloss NOTICE OF POLL Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors, of the Township of Kinloss in the County' of Bruce that whereas more candidates -have', been nominated to each of the following offices thanthe number required to fit such offices, therefore polls will be held at the times and Places stated .in this notice for' the purpose of electing the holders of such offices. OFFICES FOR:WH.ICH. POLL TO. E HELD.. REEV(1 obeelected) For The Township of, Kinloss TFUSTEE (1 to be elected) For.The" English. Language Separate- District. School Board o 35 ADVANCE VOTING .DAX Aft the Clerk's" Office.at Holyrood .. Saturday, November'' 1st, 1997 frorrti 9;00 a.m.'to 5:00 p,rp: VOTING DAY Monday, November 1Oth, 1997 • • from 10:b0 a.m..-to1100 LOCATIONS . Boll No. 1, 2, 3 - Kintoss Municipal Building - Holyrood Any qualified elector, may appointianogr person, who is a qualified elector in the same municipality, to vote on his'/her behalf. The elector appointed must present both copies of the prescribed form to the Clerk, at. the Clerk's Office, at a time when the Clerk's Office is open, or during the hours of 12 Noon to' 5:00 ,p.m. on the Advanced Voting Day of November 1st, 1997. The Fast day for applications for a certificate to vote by proxy is''Monday, November lOth, 1997 before 4-f30 o'clock in the afternoon: • Mark L, Becker, A.M,C.T. Clerk, Township of Kinloss Dated at Holyrood; Ontario this 22nd day of October, 1'997. r