HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-10-29, Page 18• r""" Pale 118,- Lid sow Se 142 Obituaries J MICUAEL NAYLOR Michael H.S. Naylor, a retired farmer and teacher, `of The Pas, Manitoba, end formerly of R.R., Lucknow, passed away at The Pas suddenly on Oct. 21, 1997, in his 68th year. Mr. Naylor was a member of the Lions Club and Royal Canadian. Legion. He was born in Yorkshire, England, on July 1.3, 193o. He is sur- vived by his. wife, : renda (Shaw); childr-n: Tom and his wife, . Marlene, of Winnipeg, Chris of Revelstoke, B.C., and Janet of Mission, B.C.; a'brother Hugh and a sister Susan, both of Yorkshire, England; grandsons, Patrick and, Colin. He will be mourned by his nephew Michael and wife Sharon Burgess, great niece Charlene Burgess, and godson Gregory Burgess, all of Lucknow; nephew Peter Burgessand his _wife,, Kira, of Guelph; niece Barbara and her hus- band, Brent .Brunet of Guelph; brother-in-law, Fred Burgess and wife Arlene of Guelph. Mr. Naylor had extended family in the United Kingdom.. He will be missed by his many friends in the Lucknow and Guelph area. Cremation ,took place with a memorial service. on Monday, Oct. 27 in, The Pas. =44 • 43. Births RAYNARD Glenn and Donna, of B:elgrave are pleased to announce the arrival of Curtis Glenn born Tuesday, Oct: 7, 1997 at :St, Joseph's Hospital, London weighing 7 Hasa;` 8 oz Curtis is a wee brother for Trevor and Heidi. Proud 'grandparents are. Bruce and Norma Raynard; of Lucknow and George and Muriel Woods'of Fergus. Great ;grandrna Edith Hutchinson of Fergus =-44x WELLSTEAD Shelley and: > Rob of. Lucknow are pleased: to announce the arrival of their baby boy,' Steven Mitchell, born on October 1,' 1997, St. Joseph's., London; weighing 7 .lbs., 15 1/2 ozs. Proud • grandparents are . Cindy Bruce, and Roger Bruce, Brenda' and .Brian VVeflstead.--44 HACKETT , Bob and Nancy along with Ainslee, Wesley, Wade and Quieten are pleased to announce the birth of Mallory Nicole, , born October 23; 1997 at Grand River Hospital, weighing 7' "'lbs., 15 oz. Proud grandpar- ents are.Bob and Noma Fairish:, and. Barry Hackett. -, "The Classifieds" for all walks of Life �r�meIl,. Wednesday, eetai er 29, 1997 484 in Memoriam DIGIb AN (FARROSH) :. On loving memory of our daughter. Marie, who passed away on November 2, 1995. Two years have gone by. The memory she left with u$ Will always be there. Always rememb red, Mom and. Dad Farrish and family. --44x T 47. Cards of Thanks • MOFFAT We would like to thahk our family, relatives and many friends for the lovely cards, flowers and gifts. To the Legion for the nice dinner and everyone who helped in any way to make our 50th anniversary such a happy occasion. Dave and Eileen. --44x BROWN To my family, neighbors, co- workers and friends for the cards, gifts, phone calls and best wishes while I•was in hospital and since returning home. Nancy. --44 BOLT We would like to thank our family, friends and•neigh- bors who remembered us on our anniversary with cards, gifts and phone calls. Bill and Shirley. -44x DICKIE It was a joyous occasion at Ira and Elizabeth's com- bined 55thwedding anniver- sary and 85th birthday party Oct. 11th. We can be so ' thankful to have• had the opportunity to' share with Elizabeth and Ira on this Memorable day. Thank, you to everyone involved. On Oct: 15th we were shccked arid saddened by the loss of a • loving wife, mother,. grandmother, cherished aunt, 'dear friend of many; the _rose of "South Kinloss. The, family of the Tate Elizabeth Dickie, would like to express our gratitude .for the kind expressions' of sympathy, condolences .and. the' many wonderful dishes brought to the house. Elizabeth ,was'loved and admired by many as ,was evident in all your gestures. She will be 'greatly missed. Thank you to the . Wingharn and District Hospital ambu- lance.attendants, Doctor • Arid nurses .on duty. Thank you to MacKenzie and McCreath•Funerai Home, who' so aptly, with dignity and compassion,, provided. service..Thank you to .Rev. Peggy,Kinsmen who's coun- sel was second td none. To the trio of Ruth BelI, Rena Forster and.Leonard Clarke, "In The Garden," -thank It was an inspirational rendi- tion to Elizabeth's faith. Appreciation to the South Kinloss WMS who capably served a delicious lunch to: the many present. ,May the ',memory of this gentle lady remain in our lives as a 'guiding light. --44 ANNUAL MEETING Horticultural Society, Lucknow Legion Friday, Nov. 14 at 0:30 p.th. For tickets $3.50 call Shirley Bolt 52: -$619 or Frank Afton 52 -2771. =-44ar GRANDPA'S TWIN SISTER On Video Nov. 5, 1;30 p.m. at Pinecrest Manor. Donation of non-perishable food item. These items will be •used for hampers for Lucknow and area. Everyone welcom,. -44 SINGLES DANCE At the f.,russels Legibn Sunday, Nov. 2, 7 - 11 p.m. Music by Ken Scott. $8 per person. --44cc BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus, every Thursday, 7 p,m. Columbus Centre, 390 Parson's Court, $4400, in prizes; progressive jack- pot $1000.;'regular jackpot $1500 must go. Superstar Provincial game played. every bingo night. .Lic. #157920.-13tfar COUNTRY CHRISTMAS HOME TOUR November 8 and ,9, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., tour six luxury homes. in Grand Bend area decorated for, Christmas with professional .design ideas for your home. Avoid the. line-ups ,with the Candle -glow. Preview, Nov.. 7, ,7 - 10 p.m. Tickets $12. Call 1-800-265-0316. -- 43,44,45cc ANNUAL BEEF. SUPPER Dungannon United Church, Sunday, Nov. 2. Sittings 5 and 6:30 p.m. Adults $8, child en,$4, 4 and under free. Tickets Jerry ,529- 7439, Jan 529-7.559, --42- 44 COMPUTER. FAIR Sixth Annual computer Fair,. Sunday, Nov. 2, : Teeswater Community. Centre; 11 a.m. - 4:,30 p.m. Proceeds to Figure Skating Club,:. Admission $3, students $1 e preschoolers free. --43,44 • COMMUNITY SERVICE _• AWARD' Nominations are now being accepted by the Chamber•of Commerce. Criteria is wide.' open - generosityto the town through deeds or con-•• tributions, charitable.works or business achievement 'that helped develop and strengthen the town'. Deadline is Nov. 1. Forms available at Sentinel office, Submit to Citizen ofthe year Award, c/o .COC, Box 313, Lucknow, NOG 2H0. --41- CHRISTMAS IN THE. COUNTRY 2nd annual display and sale of unique crafts, baking; candles,folk-art,,:staine,d glass, quilting, Saturday, Nov. 8, 9;30 a.m. y 5 p.m. Door prizes - refreshments. Home of John and Diane Johnston, 4' miles west of Belfast, 10th of Ashfield Township. --44,45 48. Coming Events a rp CHAMBER OF COMMERCE General meeting, Wednesday, Nov. 5, 7:45 a.rn. at the. Tourism Office. - -44ar COME AND GO TEA The • family of Marion Gamble wishes to invite everyone to an 85th birth- day celebration on Sunday, Nov. 2 at the Ripley Legion Haft from 2 - 4 p.m. -- 43,44cc ELEGANCE N THE COUNTRY 2nd annual Gift Show and Sete Nov. 7, 12 - 8, p.m., Nov. 8 and 9, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m Sebringvlile Community Centre. " Handcrafted Victorian and country col- lectibles.--43-45cc RATEPAYERS MEETING For West Wawanosh Township Oct. 30, 7:30 p.m. at St. Helen's Hall. --43,44x TEEN HALLOWEEN DROP-IN Friday, Oct. 31 at arena., Free 'treats. Skating 8:30 10 p.nri. Games, music 7 till 10:30 p.rri. Sponsored by the Optimist Club.--43,44ar RIPLEY & DISTRICT LIONS MIDGET HOCKEY TOURNAMENT at the Ripley - Huron Community ' Centre on November 1. Games as fol- lows: 8:00 a.rn. Ripley vs Lucknow, 9:15 a.m. - Tiverton vs Mildmay, 10:15. a.m. " Wallace vs. Exete•t,11:45 a.m. Wingham vs K;.tchener. Championship Games at 7:15 p,rri., and 8:45 p.rrm: Roast Beef Dinner available from 11:30 to 1:30. ,43,44ar BBQ BEEF: SUPPER Kingarf Anglican. Church Sunday, Nov: 2, 4 - 7 p,m,. Adults'- $8.50, 6 - 10, years $4.50, North of Kinloss on. County Road 143,44cc IT'S TRUE! MURRAY'S CHRISTMAS HOUSE Open every . day until December 23, .10 a.m. 4 p.m. Offering unique gifts and decorating ideas, thou- sands of choices fill 10 • exciting . rooms, Please come share "our magical • Christrras Home, tree yourse family and friends to the ultimate shopping. experience. 7304 Richm'on'd St.,: Arkona. '519-828-3398 or• 1-800-575-1974. -1- 44eowcc DUNGANNON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Would like to announce the dates for their 1997/98 oEuc'hre Tournaments. All Euchre Tournaments will have registration from 12:30 - 1:30 pan. with cards start- ing et 1:30 p.m.Sharp!! The dates are Nov, 1; Jan. 3, Feb. 7, Mar. 7 and Apr. 4. " We will also be hosting a euchre tournament Friday, Nov.. 21. Admission for all euchres Will be $5/person and lunch will be provided, - 44ce • II480 Coming Events - ‘ l- 1 / WORKSHOP-NUTROEf T Management planning,. Thursday, Nov. 13, 0 p.m. eodarich-Township Hall, Holmesville. Don Hllborn, Waste • Management Specialist (Woodstock t MAFRA). Computer model of nutri nt management planning meeting open to the public please try to attend. Sponsored by Huron County Federation of Agriculture. --44ce . UNICEF N HALLOWEEN Area Public school students have been given orange UNICEF boxes to carry ori Heileman. Please give generously to help needy children of the world. --44x ST. AUGUSTINE CHRISTMAS BAZAAR November 1, 9:30 - 2 p.m.' Crafts, baking, door prizes, quilt draw. Lunch counter. Everyone welcome. Free admission. --44 CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSES From Our ' Heart and Everlastings Flowers and Gifts, Lucknow invite you to attend their Christmas Open Houses, Nov. 7, 8, and 9th. Specials - unique merchan- dise, the latest gifts, hand created Items. Come see what awaits. --44ar FILLED TO THE RAFTERS, WITH CRAFTERS!-! 48. Coming Everts W1OW!'N DANCE ., , rad FrUday, October 31 9 p.m. -1 a.m. Lucknow Legion, Mus!c by Black Good ° Priz s for best costumes Almost 100 vendors at the ': 7th annual "Santa's"' game. Shopping Bag Event" on Nov, 15th, 9 a.m. 4 p.m. at the Kincardine Davidson Community .Centre, on, Durham St. off Hwy, 421. Admission $2 (12 years and .under free). Great door prizes, Scouting's, panbake Breakfast. 'Guiding. donation' Babysitting,, Grade 8 bake . ' sale:. Proceeds to " the Kincardine. Scottish, Pipe Band. For more information call organizer Linda Graham. 396-8149. 444-46cc Juveniles defeat Brussels The Lucknow Juveniles played a strong game against +:russels on Oct 25. In the first game of the season, the' team capital- ized on most of their,, opportunities to bring home a 10 - 0 win. Points: Jon MacKinnon 3, Ed Courtney 3; Craig Moffat 4, Trevor Moffat 1, Chad Moffat 3, Jeff Porter 2, : ill Draper 1, Greg Courtney ' 2, Chad Freeman 1, Dave Adams Novice...i play exhbitio 7. , SPINNING •& WEAVING _ SALE And Exhibition, Huron Tract Spinners and . 'We'avers Guild 19th annual" sale and exhibition, Governor's House, Huron Historic•Gaol, Goderich, Nov.` 8, 10 a.m., 5, p.m.; Nov,' 9, 11 a.m. -4 p.m.--44,45cc In exhibition pla}i i'n Wirigham op the weekend, the' Novice' rep team start- ed out strong with Brent deBruy'n scorfeg in the first two minutes followed Shortly by ::J, Mayer to make it 2 - 0 for Lucknow: Wingham took over scoring opportunities • until the third' period when Stuart Eadie scored from on an awesome` pass from defencernan Dan Murray, The entire team skated hard for thea first game of the season, but came home, on the short end ofa;`7 to 3--a score ;o Assists:. Kenny Stanley., 2; Stuart Simpson, Clint Hamilton,.. Dan Murray.' and•Lucas Shepherd. Atom A's CRAFTWORLD'S ARTS & beat CRAFTS CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL. Bingeman . Park, Kitchener. November 1 & 2, (11-6), (11-5): Admission $3.00.-- 44bc BRAIVTFORD WOOD SHOW, November 7,8,9: Brantford Civic Centre. Exhibits,. Equipment, ' Tools, Seminars, ' Prizes, Six Nations Carving & Crafts, ; Friday',4-9pm,, Saturday 10- cpm, Sunday 10-5pm: Admission 46.00. Free Parking. Inquiries 1-800-. 563-6858.--44bc Belmore It was 'a good team effort getting the Atom A's off - tb a great start last, week when they downed Belmore 12 to O. " Points from this game were wracked' up, by: Nick Bowley (3), Luke Drennan, (5), Daniel Drennan (4), Cory Hamilton (3): and singles to Blake Alton, Braden Carruthers, Shea Hamilton, James Mann; Shawn Rufflinghaus, Cody Hamilton, Kyle Dorscht, Joe Murray.