HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-10-29, Page 5Lucknow Sentinell,, Wednesday,, October 29, 1997 — Page 5 Deterioralion notteach€;rs' fuit •rrom page 4 , watched in horror • the deterioration within the classroom - through no fault of the teachers. A. few `days ago I lis- tened to a '.phone in on CBC, F.M. I found..it iron- ic that all of the callers . who supported the teach- • ers protest had volun- teered in the schools regu- •larly and had a .good grasp of the issues and the process. , The people . who. phoned to complain about the Strike were concerned- about losing the "babysit- ting" service that they are. •used to or they talked about money. None were regular school volunteers nor did they voice an understanding of the - underlying issues that have caused this strike. They .were .only concerned about the impact of a strike on their' own, per - , Honest effort needed by government, teachers: to Stop. this crisis Dear editor: There is a way for the present provincial government and theteachers' unions to resolve. their differences and, at the same time, have teachers •back in the classroom teaching students:' There are three. stipulations for both • sides to agree to in order to make a facilitator's job pos- sible:.. - the government must suspend Bill 160 and the current public hearings and go no further With the +legislative .. process while the facilitator is working with both sides. - the Premier and the Education Minister must make :a' public declaration that 'they,. , will reinvest all savings from education restruutur ing into .-classroom educa- tion,. di. recommended by ,:.. the Education Improyeitnent; Commission. , This would ' mean :the: cancellation -of the deputy minister of educa- tion's'contract that requires another $667 million to be cut from education in 1998-99.' - the teachers' federations must agree to discontinue the province -wide political protest this week: and must coni time to keep .schools open'as, long as the facilitator" is working with both side,'• ' The 'public, has lost trust' in the Mike Harris govern- ment because theyhave seen the evidence of their real '.agenda `'t0, Cut money from classrooms: "Thissolution would 'help 're-establish trust on both sides and make. sure our children are in school: Both :the government* and the teachers' unionsowe it to`'our. children to make an honest effort to',stop this crisis: • San Johnstone Ripley. • • sonal time,•and money. Too bad, I hope that these unin- formed ' and Self-centred people are in the minority and that most of us can keep Our eyes on the larg- er issues of more educa- tion cutbacks. and the cen-• tralization • of education controls 'into the hands of a few government offi- cials, The ramifications of Bill 160 are eiiorihous` and terrible; Governments are • historically manipulative, lying 'bullies. We must all stand with the teachers, • against this government's actions and insist that edu- cation reforms be a much more open, honest and thoughtful process with teachersas key decision makers, 7 'feathers are, after • all; the only 'experts when it ' comes. to teaching. • m ' Dawn McLaughlin Mongillo • Autumn Sale j% to 6O' ott All .N u rse r Stock .No guarantee •on Sale items Mon. - Fri. 8-5 Sat. $-3 °Autumn Sale ends Sat., Nov.1" 1 mi, south of Luckno, • ,519429-7247 Bill 16Q lacks accountability, *from page 5 • mined 'by the Minister is not democratic, .Hot only does this blatantly ignore legally negotiated con- tracts but is seriously •lack-. ing in accountability: here is the balance of power' that used to be pro- vided by . schoolboards,' teachers and locally, elect- ed 'trustees? It would appear. that many . of , the.: changes called for in 'Bill 160 are simply a way of making the . education sys tem cheaper and have nothing to do with quality of learning in our schools. It is unfortunate that we have reached the point 'of : an illegal strike. I' urge your government to con- tinue negotiations with the • teachers` 'unions but', with the attitude that` teachers • are an essential part of our system and not the enemy., .Jocelyn del3oerChair Brookside School Advisory Council R.R.2, Lucknow. onot be fooled •from page 4 oitizens that we say enough is enough. Do notbe'fooied by•promises to improve the education system. They ''are ., tearing• it to pieces) T would be pleased to be''part of a parental sympathy :picket at the corner of Bay and King Street in Toronto :. While we are. watching our kids' education be jeopar- dized; the bankers, currency arid stock speculators call the shots': Let's take the protest to the real .powers and the real beneficiaries of this • go'vernment Anyone, interest -1 'ed? Give me a call. Tony,MoQuail, Dear editor: School students of'the area will be sharing their fun Op : Halloween with less fo nate children by ' carrying., orange UNICEF boxes.416 ' e United.Nations Children's Fund has helped. millions of children in :the last 50, ' years: • Some facts are immunization i m n nation savesthree, million potential.. ,because they. haven't been imtntinized against diseases half of the people living in the, World haveno clean water to -drink and 1,30 Million .children do not attend school. • ' ' Much still needs :to be ,done. Please help UNICEF continue to helpall the world's children reach their full children every year but two million children Still • die Laura'Lee Cayley, • THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH #309 Poppy Trust Account for the fiscal year -ended September 30, °1,997- Opening Balance X1,106,70 Receipts: Wreaths. $508.00 ' Poppies r1 '175.75. • Donations 410:00• Interest .90 $2,094.65. Expenses: Campaign ' •. ; 754.53 Veterans 110.46. • Youth' Education. 545.24* Service Bureau 69.34 • . Donations • : 100.00 1,579.97 Surplus - 515.08 Balance , • 9 ,621:.78 We would like to extend our.,app' preciation to the merchants who allow us to place ou'r poppy boxes in their stores' and to the,., community cit large for generously donating . during our poppy' blitz ' The 1997"Poppy. drive will be held on Sat. Nov., 1st ond'in order to make it "a, success as many volunteers from the Branch as, possible will be required. Uniforms are notessnfioIsa ribbons' Will ,be issued to all''volunteers to indicate they are invoived'in the poppy drive. Yourassistance with this year's'rive' would be appreciated 'Please meetat the Branch at 12:Q0 p,m. , The St., Helens' Remenbrance Day Service will be held on Sunday, Nov. 4th at 2:3013.M. Branch. 309 'and tts.Auxrliary has again, been 'invited to 'rake part; Any members wishing to attend. please;' meet at the Branch at 2:00 p,m. Our own Renienthrancet Day Service will lie observed of {Tuesday�' Nov 11th with a parade lijoren the : Branch 60 :45 9:45 a:m: 'tv: the Anglican Church for a;10;00. service. 'We will then parade to the cenotaph for 11:001 a;m. A: van will; be supplied ;by:Montgomery, Motors for those who, are:`unable'to''•tnarch but would stili:•like to take part , We would like to take this o muni io thank those of�the general. and business communitywho�attend o'ur cenota iraervi'ce- in.order. P that • wemay remember: those who sacrificed so mucin' • Jeff Taylor Br 309 Poppy Chairman 11 . ouncrl l'. or in n Toshl H uro . � n P •40 Years',` ' experience in budget 8( planning *Experi.ence, in amalgamation n November 10th castyour vote for Cass •1 1 • •1 1 r± •'i • :We>' ire and F •th to red ce our , ul Xnvenfi. -' guri'..,., irinmedha-tel WOO '1 ';,'t� �, .44a 'savings passed the On Some of: great: . tieing to yoti! .y��,�y. :�'�:M•.el{�t�}.' 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