HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-10-29, Page 4.Help From Yeats We were led to Regina's. To witness a death_ The Minister said it would be all right And the,pain would be sublime. . But this was no ordinary death. • , • , • This: death Was nor a slave of dine • ' It reached into Mother's dreams • As her child stjll grew inside: • • , It pok"Ths e e re Nvil hope for you," It smiled, "Only will : I be no choose the feW.4! Dear editor: It gloated, "I will pick what is good for you," The pain then came and it was harsh. They closed the curtain and bade light to go. And pronounced, "Only darkness shall, on you shine Then Silence Silence :...Suffocating Silence. We knew that it, was time. They called out Yeats, t)a, Vinci, Laurence, Dickens Elliot, Shakespeare And all their friends, those teachers. They burned Hard Tithes and put them all into their places. . It laughed, "J know exact- ly what to do." • , 1 Then it happened.Every child. was to obey as All the sweat and blood was disregarded while The desks and books were Sacrificed . And all the flames, all. of. them, put out. Those hopes, those fires, were not needed anymore. We would get all we want- ed at the designated min- istry store. • Then the new minister sent us all away ProClaiming, "Now, you do only as I say." ' . I wrotethis poem in response to the current sit- uation to attempt to deeply and • forever change 'see 'Dispassionate' pg. 8 I , 0 • • .2 t , . , . Senh ine enloi s „ • • , .„ , . • t • , • . . • • • , 70 years ago. • ••• Oct.. 27, '1927. ew proprietor at the, eight House -Jack Cain, '• grandson, of Mr. T.F. Cain; recently took over the business it The Cain House, Lucknow.• • . The new proprietor is Puttingnew life into the business. He had adopted "service" ' as his •motto, • and aims to give the travelling public, is well as local patrons, first class accommoda- tion in every way. ••• . • Mr.' Cain, Jr.,' has, been connected With hotel business all his life and . With his, affable manner andexperi- ence should measure up 'to the requirements of a good modern hotel manager: For the . past 10 years,f Jack has been in Toledo and London. • And from an advertisement in that week's paper we found the following: "The' Cain. House - another' chicken dinner,Sunday, Oct, 30, - just as good as last week - only 50 cents,' 5,0 years ago Oct. 30, 1947 ' lifers milk bottle money A milk bottle, thief was busy in town during the early hours of Sunday •morning and netted some $6 for • his, efforts, , it is estimated. The haul was increased considerably by $2 bill which had. been putin a bottle for the purchase of tickets. The night, prowler covered a good • deal of the • village in his"'escapade. Bottles • with • tickets remained untouched, but bottles that contained • moneygenerally, disappeared from doorsteps and were later found tossed away on lawns or gardens. " • , It is the first 'Serious ..milk bottle raid that Fairview Dairy has' exPeri- eneed. . • • ' • Apple Day 7 The Scouts apple day netted. the group $65 which will be used towards buying a.big bell tent. , • , • , • 25 years ago • Nov. 1, 1972 ant 1554 tons to aid project 'Community minded resi- dents of the area continue to support the swinamingpool project in various ways , • Ab Murray of C and M Transport has donated Ale' services of his trucks and ',livers to haul 4554' tones ' of . 'gravel fill for the swimming pool pro- ject at absolutely 110 .charge. The fill represents about 50 loads. • , , • , • Gross 121,00(l - 453 head of cattle sold at the Lucknow Community Sale stocker cat- tle sale on Monday grossed $11,00, the highest ever at the Lucknow sale. • • • Page 4- Lucknow, Sentinel, Wednesday, October 29, 1997 Changes of address, orders for.subSciptions. and undelive:rable copies (return' postage guaranteed) are to be sent to The Lucknow Sentinel at the address indicated here. Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, the poi.- ton, of the adverting space occupied by the moneons item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will riot be charged A Bowes Publishers Community Newspaper 619 Campbell St., UldialgW„ Ontario P.O. Box 400, Lucknow, Ontario NOO 2Ii0. -s phone; (519) 528-2822 fax (519) 528-3529 • - Estab/ishecl 1873 - • Toni Thorripsort - Advertising Manager , Pat Ltvingsto.n General Manager / Editor lane " Phyllis Matthews Helm - Office Administrator jOan Courtney - Typesetter Subscription, Rates advance: Regular $25.66 (incl., postage and G.S.T.) . Senior . • 023.52 (incl. postage and G.s.T.) Foreign & U. $98.00. Publications Mail Reg,istraUon No. 07656 • ' bed at Goderich, cintario. Published 52 tinie.s a year. • • • for, but the balance of the advertisement Will be paid, at the applicable rites. ' e-mail: Ipekserd@hurontOmrA.ca Ipternet address: lattp://www.bcowesnet.comfittcknow/ Let's support the teachersTeacher writes poem Deneditor:' • I do hope that naoseof us v‘fill 'supPort our teachers in this unhappy strike, h0W- ever long it continues,. Those of us who have volunteered in our schools over the years have. witnessed .first-hand the dete- rioration of teaching, conditions ,within these schools. Even the .most. intelligent, enthusiastic and capable teachers .cannot be expected to overcome the budget cut§ -resulting teachingmaterial, . •shortages, split classes, larger • class sizes, lack of teaching assistants, lack of quality research resources, etc. Neither should these .teachers be. expected tosomehow miraculously . pick tip the slack for,increasing societal prob- lems. Children who arrive at school upset, unhealthy, unhappy and with • poor , social/learning skills are becoming the, • norm. Parents aren't -doing their jobs very : reflecting 'situation' well and 'yet teachers are soniehoW expected to crank out nice little scholars - from dysfunctional classrooms, have to contend with little war zones, they must also try to teach classes where_large numbers of children are new Canadians and don't have sufficient com- mand of the English lan- guage to learn anything for- mal. This leaves teachers In larger centres, not only do teachers • B111160 With A Little scrambling to maintain Open letter to Helen Johns classroom peace, teach the curriculum and help the new children adjust to Canada and learn English.' The situation is often untenable for everyone. kemoving more money from the educa- tion system can only exacerbate a bad sit- uation. t've volunteered in eight different schools over a 17 year period and • •see 'Deferioration' page 5 • Dear Ms. Johns:- ' •our children and do the On behalf of the ' best they can with the few , Brookside Public School resources remaining in the Advisbr,y Council' I am ' system:Rarely do you see .„. writing to express my dis- a teacher actually taking a may regarding Bill 160 "break" at recess, there's and the way it is 'being always a set of papers to• " handled. This council has be marked ' or a child's serious concerns about the progress •to be discussed. , government position. , :Lunch hours are filled with We have heard over and extra curricular activities: • over again in the last few • sports, computers, chess, months that our education ,library, etc. Classrooms ' -system is , no good, our • . are vibrant and excit4ig ' leathers have no interest in places where 'the 'love, of • ; , our children, ..and that our • teaching is• obvious. children are learning notli- Parents and volunteers are ing. This is untrue. , always welcome . and flap at Brookside, we appreciated.. • ' " have a' group of dedicated'LIt. is unfortunate that teachers who care about this Tory government is " trying to justify changes by smearing those who work with our children everyday. The teachers have an enormous impact on the atmosphere in the school and they should be congratulated for up until now, riot letting the current' .. difficulties affect their 'classrooms.. ' ' , Bill , 160 is seriously flawed in that it gives .too much power 10 an individ- ual, that is, the Minister of Education. Allowing issues". such as class size, prep time teacher qualifi- cations and 'local board responsibilitiesIo be deter- ' •see page 5 , • Teachers, parents duped by 'unscrupu1ois contractor' Dear editor: ' • s . As We start into this teachers! shilce, it seemi to me that the teachers and the peo- ple of Ontario are like a home owner who has been duped by an 'unscrupulous con- ; tractor. The guy showed up at the door saying he could renovate and improve the house while saVing the home owner rots of . money. Well what house couldn't do • with some improvement and. who doesn't 'want to save some money.. so the hotne- . owner said "sure go ahead." • • • And so the unscrupulous contractor set tO work and it wasn't long before he said, "Your house is rn terrible shape We have • to tear it down to fix it And so he brings in a team of wreckers and they start to tear the house down and they start selling' the salvage to their friends. • At this point the homeowner started to feel a bit insecure and he went to visit the healthcare household which had received similar treatment All' that was left was a gutted shell with nurses, doctors and patients 'desperately trying to cover the . holes where the doors and windows had been. So • the education homeowner went home and said "stop," ,My house could •use some improvement but it does not . need to be torn down and I don't want you selling it to your friends.". • End of parable. Let us remember that leaked docu- ments revealed that this govemmentiwas planning to create a "crisis" in education . so that it could carry forward its agenda, Well they have created their crisis. We have not • had a mediOcre education sys- tem. We have a mediocre and dishonest goyerninent. It is time as parents and as °see 9Do' page 5, • • . . , •