HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-10-29, Page 2• • Page 2--14Ocknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 29, 1997 Lotter Winners -October 24 • Erna WWI 4 Lucknow $154,0 #840 Susan McNaughton- Lucknow $75.00 #970 Gordon Drennan = Auburn • $510.00 x`1888 Lucknow Sports Complex.. (Schedule Oct. 29 - Nov. 5) Wed., Oct. 29 - Parents & Tots -10:00-nogn ($2.0Q/family) Figure Skating - 4:00 PM . - Minor Hockey - 7:30 PM (P) - Lancers - 9:30 PM (P) Thurs., Oct: 30 - Minor .Hockey - 4:45 PM (P) - Rental - .9:30 PM • Minor' Hockey - 4:45 PM , - optimist Hallowe'en Skate•- 8:00 PM Minor.Hockey ,7;04 AM ' - Figure Skating - 8:00 AM Fri:, Oct. 31, Sat:, Nov.`1 Sun„.Nov. 2 . - Pretyke z Noon -'Tyke - 1:00 PM - Novice - 3:00 PM - Girls - 4:00 PM Peewee B vs Wingharn - 5:30 PM -.Bantam B 7:00 PM - `Juveniles vs Teeswater -•8:30 PM - Private Rentals - 8:30 AM Public Skating 1:30 PM - Peewee vs Mildmay - 4:30 PM -'Atom vs Mildmay - 6:00 PM- - Atom Bvs-'7:15PM - Midget B:- 8:30 PM. Mon., Nov. 3 Minor,Hockey. 445:PM - Novice 02 vs - 6:30 - .Bantam. • - Midget vs Clinton'- 9:00 pM' - Parents & Tots 10:Q0 AM , Tues„ Nov. 4 - Figure Skating 4:00 PM - Minor Hockey - 7:30.(P) ROOM SCHEDULES FOR SPORTS COMPLEX Wed., Oct : 29 Upstairs .Room Optimists. Thurs., Oct..30 - Multipurpose Room. -:Sparks - Upstairs Room Scouts, ; Sat.; Nov. 1 Multipurpose Room 4-H Huron t.ac.hers denc.nstrate . in front a►f Heleu nW office by Trish Wilkinson Teaehers made good on. months •o.f strike threats this week, successfully managingto close dawn schools in an attempt to stopthe provincial govern- ment from passing educa- tion reform legiisl'ation.., About 640 teachers from across Huron County traded in.. their -school books for picket. signs Monday as they gathered. in Exeter for a pass; demonstration outside the.. 'office of NIPP Helen Johns. • •`fHistory will record that in; October .1997, we did stand up,. we did defend; .and we did save public education (in Ontario)," Paul Dyck, president of the Ontario Public .School Teachers' federation (OPSTF). for Huron, stated to the group. nized that our tight is not ..Cruickshank, president of in a pre=demonstration with them;".Dyck 'stated. the Ontario Secondary information session. "We have a unique situs- School • Teachers' "History will record that tion within the province." : Federation (OSSTF) for today is the day the Tory Dyck said that despite Huron's District 45, stated: government' lost the next the feelings of disappoint- Cruickshank added that election." • ' ,ment with his members • for many of the teachers, The. strike, which has Monday morning that the '•this was. a Cough decision closed all public'and ,sepa strike wasn't' averted,, to make. rate schools in the: county teachers were prepared to "A lot of them are ;very to students, officially start take this -action. scared today...this hasn't ed Monday morning after "We are at the stage been easy," she stated, talks between the govern- now. where we will do :; Alma Westlkke,"prssi- .. mert and teachers''federa- what we have to do," dent of the Huron Women tion representatives broke Dyckstated. Teachers' Association • down late Sunday night. 'He, along with all of. •(HWTA), agreed:.that it • . However. unlike most ° "'the other local union rep .was a very difficult teachers across the re.sentatives, stated that • choice for many of the province, Huron County they were pleased with the teachers to make. educators decided not to • "phenomenal" turn out of "I know from conversa-' picket at the individual teachers to•the demonstra- tions• with some of the Schools, . but instead to take tion in Exeter. • •wornen (heretoday) what their proteststraight to "Our teachers are very a struggle it has been'for Johns' office. strong in this county. We .some of them to show up . . "Our board has been are all fghting•for a coin- andstick to`the convic sensitive to the political mon cause •we truly tions of their profession," protest. They,have-recog-. believe in.," Mary Ann see 'Reiterate page 19 gots of inter -est in Bruce • from page 1 "There's 'really, strong feeling about retaining Wrench) immersion in Grey county and there's a. lot ofinterest in extending • it into. Bruce county," ;. Alton said. . • "We. Want to make'sure, ,there is' a level •of••interest and support to sustain that • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE MUN'ICIPAL';ELECTORS QF, THE TOWNSHIP: OF WEST WAWANOSH that in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act A,POLL WILL BE`HELI FOR THE ELECTION OF REEVE DEPUTY .R.EEVE THREE COUNCILLORS ********: ADVANCE POLL **** ** -will be held at the Municipal Office (Concession 8 Loot 18). ori SATUROAY,; NOVEMBER .1ST; 1997 between, the hours of 10:00:a.m,.and:6 •The cleric will be availableto certify proxies on November 1,. 1.991 during the:period from 12 noon to 5 00 p,m * * * * it * '* * *'.*. �k,.* .* '1F.•* , * *' * 71c *;.* *. # * ylr *' * `.. ******** REGULAR POLLING will take place on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1OTH, 1997 AT•WEST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP MUNICIPAL OFFiCE< (for all polls). DEADLINE for making application to the Clerk for a CERTIFICATE. TO VOTE BY PROXY is: Monday, :.November • 1.Oth, 1997 at 5;00 p.m. Liliane Nolan Clerk - West Wawanosh Township Poko..1- Lots. 13 to 16, Cnncess01; Lets 13 to 20, Concession 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,,7, 8, and 9. Poll No.2 Lots 17 to. 27, Concession 1, Las 21'to 27;'Concession 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. , Poll No: 3 - !rots 21 `to 27, Concession ••8 and 9, Lots•13 to 27, Concession 10; 11, 12, 13 and 14: .Officiat.Election Results will be posted in the Minicipal Office of West Wawafosh ' Township'on Wednesda , November 12th, 1997 at 12 noon. ******,*.* ak kind of program in Bruce.."' :their differing stands on :The two boards will French and junior kinder also have to decide at what garten programs by, the grade to begin core French' beginningof thenext programs. Currently, school year. Alton, said French: is taught in all ele• financing an 'ex'panded.., mentary grades• in :Grey ..French immersio, n prop county' but begins at grade ' I grain- for the -amalgamated; four in Bruce. board will not be a prob- The Bruce and Grey km :as. Jong :as,exi•sting, boards;have to equalize provincial .grants continue. , MEMORIAL: DESIGNI..NG .. OU t SPEctALTY.. • Est. since 1903 • 3 Durham St;, Walkerton Large Display of Monuments & Markers, ot.rrwre infommtion cait Sam or,Grant„ 8814)234, -. 1-800-434-88(4 •,,. vtatri •E w M16tt caexectcn edit Authorized Sales, Installation' & Service Depot 1-800463.0626 THEDFORD Since ,1978 STAN ,.;CHOICE Nome four a eavion, www.allenstubbS.com =coast Mall l u. cngratulationsl You lust ' Suck"! just fill it in and. bring .it to the Suncaast Mall to WIN ONE OF 3 s100 GIFT CERTIFICATES! :N�rne Acldf�ss Phone this tag on one ofthe Bullseyes jocated:ab the maul ;M'lrl > lit ; kik 630011424. Important t schooI society from page 1 Motz said •,both:boards have a strong instrunieital music' program, which: starts: at grade 7 in. Grey. county and, grade 6 in Bruce. 'The goal for the distrit board is to expand instrumental 'music to' all • grade 6'S. Anotherrecoinmenda tion says all` students will have access to vocal- and �.nstrumental programs at elementary and "second'ary schools to the ; new board ,While' id' pilot '`projec:t in string instruments is:possi- Sports and other extra - :curricular 4(4. vrties twill continue` on their C•urren.t schedules : until the :end •of• this •school -year' Mott said,' and then will be re= organized : so .they ere •Coffered equally across •the new board. "Extra -curricular activi ties .are'extrethety irnpor t nt•to a;schcjof society." he said. Motz ;said expanding• programs in the district. . board won't necessarily cost more money. "What we're looking at •• :i is best practices and(they) don't have to :be more expensive. •A lot of the practices :we're looking at ;are: on the business 'side; where' one: board :has ,' found a better. way of doing something;': Ivlotz • said. "It means we can transfer.sorne:of this saw. ings into prograims." The Bruce and Grey ..boards hope to. have their amalgamation recammen- dations..completed by Mid - November:, Amalgamation is slated to take effect January 1..