HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-10-22, Page 18Page 18 T Lucknow Sentiinel,Wednesday, October 22,199 '
42.Obituaries 46. in
Melissa Lynn Hare; 19, of
Lucknow, died suddenly on
Oct. 12, 1997, in Wingham.
The Conestoga College stu-
dent was .in her third semes-
ter of the Registered
Practical Nursing program.
She was a volunteer at
Pinecrest Nursing Home,.
• Lucknow and the KW
General Hospital, Melissa
worked part time at Little
Angel's Day Care in
• Harriston, and at Sandy's
Family Restaurant, in
Mildmay, owned .by, her
Aunt Sandy of Formosa.
-Melissa's, fun • and free -spirit-
ed ways .will be rernem
bared by all who loved her.
She 'was born. 'on June 9,.
1970. Melissa is the , daugh-
ter of Brenda Johnstone,
and. Peter Hare of Waterloo.
She is survived by her
brother Steven: Hare of
Lucknow; her grandmother
Joyce Johnstone- Of
Lucknow, several aunts,
uncles .and, cousins, and
sp.eciai friend, Scott Allen.
Melissa was •predeceased
by her. grandparents J:C.
`Johnstone, of Lucknow, and:,
Brune and Martha Hae.'
Visitationwas at the
MacKenzie and McCreath
Funeral Horne, •Lucknow
Where the funeral service
was held on Oct. 15 with
Rev: Peggy Kinsmatl office=`
sting. Eulogies were given
byMelissa's friends Tanya ;
Kleist and Sandy Jackson.
Flutist •' was •; Lindsay
Raymond. Flower bearers.
were Tracey, Opper.man;
Shannon Cranston, Tanya
Kleist and Jenny Haylock:.
Pallbearers .were' Melissa's
uncles, Tony Johnstone,
;Brian J'ohnston,• Donald''
Johnstone, Murray Hare•
and Harley Hare: Interment?
•South Kinloss .Cemetery,
47. Cards of
47. Cards of
48. Conning
In loving memory of a dear
mother and Gramma
Gladys Reed, who .passed
away on. October 24, 1994.
$o many things have hap-
Since you were called away
So many things to share
with you
Had you been left to stay.
Everyday in some small
way -
Memories• 'of you come our'
Though absent you are
always near.
Still missed, lovedand for.
ever dear.
Loved always Lloya, Harold,.
Debbie, Julie and: Jeff and
Jenna. -43ar •
In loving. memory., of a dear
son, brother and uncle,
Glen Harv.ey'Kemp, who:
passed awayisuddenly. 1P,
years ago on October 21,,
October comes with deep •
The month, the. day, we will
never forget,
We have to hide: our
When: sonie.one• speaks.
Our lives go on without, you,' ..
But, quietly• remembered
every day.
There is 'nothing `left to;
. But your picture ,en the wall, •
Tis a:picutre of a:dear son
and brother 7 :1,
Whose 'ernorywiil •never:
grow old ,,
,'Always in .our•hearts arid'
sadly :missed by '.family
Bernice;' •Gail, Stephen,
'Gordon, ..Marilyn; Devin,
Cody; and Meghan. •--43nxe ''
3: Birfhs`
I. Cards of
• Tlalnks'
We would like .to "thank all
the local business' who ,par,
All of us at Morrison Berries.
would like t4 thank every-
one who came out for our
1st Great Pumpkin Race
held on Saturday, Oct. 11.
The results were as. follows:
2 Wheel - Minis female 1st
Megan- Logtenberg, male
lst Michael Morrison, 2nd
Matthew Underwood.
Training wheel, - Male `1st
.Ben- Underwood. Age 7 - 10 •
male •1st Hamish Black, 2nd
BJ Mayer, 3rd Maitland .`
Underwood. Female 1st
Emily -Morrison. Age 11 15
Male 1st:"`Shea Dickie, '2nd
Josh Ackert, 3rd Mike
Beyersbergen.' ,Female 1st
Jaden. Dickson, 2nd.. Rachel
Burns. Team Junior .7 - 10
lst Hamish Black/BJ Mayer,
2nd Stephanie
• Loughe•ed; 3Ltf '.Angela'
Sande/Nicole Willits. Team
Intermediate age 11 - 15 1st
.Shea ;Dickie/Sandy
Lougheed, 2nd Nigel
Black/Janes Mann,. 3rdt
Heather Sande/Marcella'
Kranenburg. The Faniiiy
teams' had a "Puffin" good
Sime A.big thank you td,..
Joanne M.ayer for her sup-
port and,help. Also thanks
to: . Joan Black,. '• Kay
Logtenberg,',' ' Grandpa
•Morrison, John 'Mayer and
all the helpers in the rriarket.
Without :everyone's help, it•
would not have peen,such.a;
great day.. The challenge
now goes•to„all you kids
*next year; a to, come out and
raceagainst our winners,. ”--.
43ar •
ticipate in .the Keepsake _ . i
program. We wilt cherish
• our plate forever It is'great- •'ly.' aP preciated. Jack end
Mary, -43x '•
"1 `can't believe' it's a
Janet and. Walter; big.broth-.
ersJames :and Jacob are
thrilled to announce the safe,
arrival of Hannah Elizabeth
on October 15, X1997 at
11:45 a.rn. weighing .5 lbs.,
13 bzs.
"We've got: a new baby els- •
' ter and her name is`Hanneh
Elizabeth. Mom let me hold
her a ,lot of times. Shehas
'ono, blonde_ hair and,white
skin. I want her to grow up;
• and not cry again I dike
, •,,Hannah. Love, Jacob (age 4 •
years). •• '
Proud grandparents ere
• ,Jack and Helen Wiilson.of.•
`Scarborough and Ira Dickie
of R. ' R. " 5 Lucknow:
Grandmas Elizabeth 'Dickie
-.,and Dohs Wilson smile at
. her from above. Thanks to
the staff of St: Joseph's
Hospital for their ki idness .
during Janet's- longstay' in
London.' --43x
would ,like:to•thank my
family and.friends'for cards,
• phone calls, and visits while
•I was in hospital and since
' returning home. Joe, 4,43ar
Thecommittee of the 1997
•,Explore'•the Country (Tour
. • would like. to thank the fol-
' lowing:, the.'.farm host ,rami-
lies for their :participation,
hard work and enthus'fasm;
Lucknow:iParm Supply for
their :donation' of coffee and
doughnuts and to Vicki
Hackett for donating prizes
and for her help.Special
thanks to who took the time
and interest •to participate in
our tour. With your support
Out Agri tour was a success.
Thanks again, we hope to'
• 1 I
A.,.very big thank you•'to our,
family, friends' and. neigh-
bors* who made 'our : recap- •
tion so special, to the 'South
Kihlgss sand Kairshea ladies.
for the blanket and kitchen'
eccessories,,.the O.E.S.
'members :who set out the,
lunch, and the Lucknow end,
area, businesses who sent
the Keepsake=: Bible •-It-was'
.great to, see everyone'
again.., •',Heather '. and
Grahari .• --43x •
We 'wish to express Our sin;
c`ere thanks to our Zion
.friends, and neighbors, for;
the lovely gifts and'kirid
,words,'ye. received at our
surprise party: The years.
• we spent ir1 the Zion com-
munity are' very special to
us. 'We will always:remem-
ber tire; good "tirlAes•we
shared together: Even:
though our. address has
changed we are stilt' inter-
ested tin,
nterested;in, the community
around us and hope to be
part of. it Thanks to all who
helped organize the won-
derful evening, and.
on-derful.evening,'and. to all
who oanie and brought
lunch. •.Y•ouir. kindnessis
deeply appreciated and will
always be remembered.;
see you all next year. --43ar. - D.A.and Evelyn. -43x
We would like to sincerely
thank the following busi-
usi-nesses•for the beautiful •
heirloom bible we received'
i.n acknowledgement of our
wedding, Lucknow District
Co-op;. •$nobelen Farms
• Ltd,; MacKenzie and
McCreath Funeral Home;'
McDonagh Insurance and.
Real Estate; Ashfield,
Service Centre; Lucknow
Village Market;
Everlastin'gs, I.' Finlay.
Decorators; Puddleducks,
Day Care .anl„Willits Tire
Service. Your. generous gift
Will be a treasured addition;
to our home. ,Paul and
Corey. --43x • r
The family 'of Melissa Lynn
Hare would like=to thank
everyone who helped us
through'. our. sudden, painful.
less. We.would like t4 thank.
our friends and neighbors.
who brought food to Our
'homes.- Joan, ; Jeff and'
Mary' ..ellen; we thank you for
you•r guidance and.strength
• to help with such difficult
arrangements.. You cap-
tured Melissas. beauty and°
spirit •at'l�est,'We know you
shared our Pain. .. •Rev.
Peggy.- Kirisman; You
:showed •us such 'cornfort .
support, -grace, and faith to
'try o understand nd .Carry.
on.. Loree and.: Lindsay; '
•thank you. for your'caring
• tribute to honer, ss.a
!'Mrs. Jackson: and Tanya;.
for sharing your. thoughts:
and �' experiences ' `with
'Melissa . You captured her
visdorn' and . essence.
Thank you to all of Melissa's
•fellow • Students.' from
Conestoga College who
traveled together to give us
support •• Thank you to
. everyone ''who came to
honor Melissa's merno,ry.
\ale know hew difflcutt :it
• wee. 'We drew strength front
your comforting. words'an'd
hu s; '-our cards and --floral
' tributes and,trust fund dona-
tions were greatlyappreciat
ed. Count you blessings
every single•.day. God bless
All Of the; family --43
48. Conning
° BINGC► r.
Goderich Knights ' of
Columbus; .every Thursday,
7 p.m Columbus Centre,
• 390 Parson's Court, $4400
in prizes; progress)./e.. lack -
pot $1000.; 'regular jackpot.
$1500 utast go. Superstar
Provincial genie •. played.
every bingo night. . Lic.
#.157920.—13tfar • .
$t. Paul's Trinity Church,
Wingharn Oct. 28,5 - 7 p.m.
Adults $8, children under 12
$3.50, pr.e achoolers free.
Family$25. --42,43' '
November 8: and 9, 10 a.m.
- 5 p.m., tour six luxury
homes in Grand Bend area
decorated for Christmas
with professional design
ideas for your home. Avoid
the line-ups with the
Candle -glow. Preview, Nov.
7, 7 10 p.m. Tickets $12.
Call 1-$00-265-03.16. --
a Gala evening including Centre. ' Handcrafted
• unique miniature art draw, `Victoriaui •and. courjtry .col-
at Blyth. Memorial Hall Oct: lectibles:--43-45cc •
25th For or inforrhe.. • RATEPAYERS MEETING
tion, Gail. (519) 523.9300,. For ' West, Wawanosh
40 43cc ' Township Opt. 30, 7;30 p.m,
ANNUAL BEEF SUPPER at St. Helen's Hall.: -43,44x
Dungannon United Church, COUNTRY CUP$QARD
The family of Marion
, Gamble wishes to invite
everyone to an 85th birth-
day celebration on Sunday,
Nov. 2 at the Ripley Legion
Hall 'from 2 - 4 p.m.
2nd annual Gift Show and
Sale Nov. 7, 12 - 8 p.m.,
Nov. $' and 9, • 10 a.rn. - 5
p.rrt Sebringville Community
Sunday, Nov; 2. Sittings 5 Saturday, Nov. 8, 9 a.m. - 2
and 6:30 p.m,' Adults $8, p.m. A wonderful collection
children $4, 4 and under of country woodcrafts,. deco-
free•. Tickets Jerry 529- rations, handknit items,
7439, Jan 529-7559. 42,-••_placemats unci table '�run-
'4k4 ners ..in: country and
COMPUTER FAIR . • Christmas prints, ,candles,
Sixth•Annual computer Fair, casserole covers, butterfly ,
Community Centre, 11 a.m. to visit our bakery nook!
-•4:30.'p.m. Proceeds to Hearty' soup and sandwich '
Figure Skating Club; luncheon frorn 11 p.m. -
S•und Nov. 2,: Teeswater..houses• and .niore•';Be sure •
Admission $3, students $1,: 1: 30 p.m.. $4'•per. person.
preschoolers free. --43,44 •. Come to the Wingham' and
COMMUNITY SERVICE Area ,Seniors ,Day ;Centre;
AWARD '. 350 Josephine , Street,
Nominations' are now being Wingham. $tart your,
' accepted by theChamber of Christmas shopping now!'•
Commerce. Criteria, is wide Something for everyone.
Oben,;- gen.eros{t to t'he Drop by for, lunch!=-43ar.
town through. deeds, or coni,-, TEEN; HALL'QWEEN
,tr{butions, ch`aritoble; works: • • DROP-IN”
• or business achievement Friday, Oct.31..at arena,
that 'helped. develop •and Free treats,;�Skating 8;30
strengthen . " The ,:".town. 10 p:m Gaines,• music'7 till •• •
Deadline is•.Npv;.1, Forms •1'0:30 p•m.:. Sponsored by-.
'available at:Sentinel office: the Optimist Club.•--43,44ar.
Submit tolCitizen'of the year
Award, a/o COC, : Bok $13, THE .DO.,L AND I •. .
Lucknow, NOG .2H0:' -41'� . ''Don't; mniss this :fascinating
44ar show and sale• o� cofectable
50TH ANNIVERSARY' • ,and; modern dolls .doll.furni.�
50th -w Wedding anniversary tui e,• cloth((" , ' accesso r{es,
e, 9 , Y g
for .Shirley and. Gorclon- teddy bears, complete
Brooks. Friends, neighbors'> range of`doll Making.'sup-:
'and relatives'ere cordially plies, doll and beer }estora-
• ah"vited to a Gelebration;on tion _and repairs. Hundreds
'Saturday, ;Oct. •25th:at {he. -Of'items.. Lunch.' room,' free:
Lucknow Legion Hall .:8:30 parking. Sunday, "Oct. 26th
. p.rn, to.• 1 aim.•Best';wishes 10 - 4;.30 p.m,, :Knights of.
`'-onlyplease''--43x Columbus°Hall, highway 9:
• between , Walkerton:' acid .
• PARTY' : , Mildmay. Admission $3,
.. children $1•. (information •
,For 12 years andunde;r, phorie 5f9-88:1.)345):' --:'
Saturday, Oct. 25. Starts' at
1' -.3 P.m. at Morrison' Berry • 4.3cc �.
Patch,'H"a,unted,•house, `. ;RIPL;EY•& DISTRICT :.."
wagon rides, corn maze, LIbNS. MIDGET HOCKEY
' apple bobbing, games and." .TOURNAMENT
activities.=-42,43ar at" , the Ripley, -'. Huton
DESSERT EUCHRE' Comn1runity. Centre on
At Whitechurch Hall 1:30 November 1. Games as fol -
oh Monday, Oct. 27. lows: 8 00 a,mP= Ripley vs
Sponsored by. Whitechurch Lucknow, • 9:15 `a:m. -;
1Nomen s Institute. Tiverton vs Mildmay; 10:15
Admission $2. Prizes. `a:m: Wallace ; ' vs
Everyone' welcome. --43x Exeter;1:1145 • e:m,
°. ' Wingham vs Kitchener,
• HALLOWEENDANCE Championship Carnes at
' Bluewater Town &Country T,15 p.m, 'and 8':45•p.m.
,Snow'mobiie Club invites Roast Beef Dinner available
members to a Hahoween� from• 1130 to 1:30.. ---��-
dence, Saturday, Oct. 25, 9. 4s,44ar, •,
p,nt, - la.m. at the club-
house (south; of Betide) BBQ BEEF, SUPPER .•
Wear a costume of be° pre- - Kingarf. Anglican Church
pared to pay. Prizes for best SUnday, Nov ,.2', 4 7, p.m,
costume. Lunch provided, .Adults -$8.50, 6 - 10 year:
Call 395-5624: Join in the •$4.50. North of Kinloes on
• Funli ,-42,43x County Road 1 43,44cc