The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-10-22, Page 1r_.
SOL. 132 WK 43
Ratepayer xsdispleased
Prke banners for main
with council's non -action street .light standards
Delores Sokoloski Sokoloski told council Sokoloski. "This should
questioned Lucknow if they couldn't come to have been looked after
council last week about Some agreement, she before."
the lack' of cooperation m , would petition for a "'We'll honor this agree -
fixing the storm sewei that municipal drain under the ment (50/50) tonight," said
empties on the corner of.: Drainage Act, Councillor Lick
her property at Stauffer Gary'Austin, town fore- McMurray, "but if it .starts
and Wheeler Streets. man, said he .didn't, think
Sokoloski had the .town fixing that storm ..
approached council about sewer, would eliminate all
the problem 'sometime in of her problems • because
the spring. `Shoe subse- „ water runs •off Stauffer
quentl) received a letter onto her property `too as
offering a 50/50 split on there is no curb or gutter
costs. She says she went to on that street, .'
the town hall to find out Areas of concern raised
what 50 per cent consisted by council included': coun-.
of but was told that infor- ti's responsibility, inter -
ration wasn't in• the min pretation of the. law and
uses: anyformer agreements.
Reeve Stuart Reavie Pegg asked Sokoloski if
,then tabled a quote that sh'e•was in their position
was about .$12011, telling would she avantto spend
Sokoloski: it was what the ratepayers' .dollars on
offer was made on. ing. a 'personal problem
Councillor Toro Pegg Is this the first time,
said 'he 'verbally: told 1've sat here?" questioned
Sokoloski about the quote:
' She maintains fixing
the drainage problem is
';the towns responsibility
because none of it is her
Reeve .Stuart- Reavie
disagreed ` on , .: wha,se
responsibility it was,
Inside this
Page 2
Page 6
Business. beat
.... Page. 10
Weddings -
Page 20
to make
costing us money for
"If I get the municipal
drainage'` invoived, the cost,
of an engineer is going to,
be high..." responded
Sokoloski. •
The parties agreed to
have Austin .check out the
variables and bring .a
report .to the next.council
Tourism .
Hackett brought council
up t� date on matters per-
taining to. tourism:
The farmers' market is
done for the year, and
see ''Ask' page 2
case of strike
by `?at Halpin. Yenssen spoke strongly on
The Bruce board of behalf. 'of teachers, in
education is advising par-
ents to make plans in case •" tirelessly to educate. stu
of a province -Wide teach, . dents, and show Continued
ers strike. :.. . dedication "in. the face, of •
That means finding constant and relentless,
child 'care arrangements attacks 'by our. govern=
and listening 'to the radio , mens'
for bus cancellations. said. "Contrary .to comments
board •chain Jennifer that were recently made
Yenssen. " ' by .the ..Premier of Ontario,
• we, . as a Board of,
While 'Yenssen hopes =a Education;. are confident'
strike can. be averted.; she in' the " . of education means member municipal
said the board has to be that our"tea hers rovide," .ities could receive nor-.
prepared for job action by Yenssen said, P tions '. of more than
teachers and other union. "I understand the frus- $18,000 that won't be
groups. tration of our educational going: to reserve` funds.,
Certainly we have to: staff. None of us want to The •boardmet on
put a strategy in place for see the school year inter -October 16 and reviewed
how wewould deal with, rupted," Yenssen said later the projected year., end
thatshould it occur." in 'an .'interview. "But. results compiled by Luc
Yenssen said. "Parents are should it occur,the board Gagnon, treasurer.- '
looking for some direc- has responsibility to: "Theresults should be
tion." ensure the safety of its, stu- somewhat better than bud -
Earlier in the meeting, dents." geeed," said Gagnon in' his
by Pat Livingston quote to Vicki Hackett,
Pricesonbanners for tourism co-ordinator. He
the light standards on the explained ,his quote's for
village's main street were double -sided banners
presented to council ae the
Ott -.1 -4 -meeting. made out of 210 denier
.nylon: The quotes range in
Wayne ,Morrison. of .' price depending. on the
The Lightplan Group Inc., number ordered and the
had provided a written number of colors used on
the banner.' Morrison said
the banners have a life
expectancy of five years.
No decision wasmade
by council.
Council decided to
extend' the contest for a
logo to go on the banners.
The deadline for more
entries is Nov:' 10.
Chris Willits (left) and Andrew Blake were two members of the Luckndw
Scouting Association who participatedin the annual Apple Day and
Bottle Drive on Saturday (Livingston photo)
by David Scott
The Mid -Huron,
Landfill Site's (MHLS)
operating'surplus this year
perating surpu;
uron landfill
statement. "If: thingsturn.
out' as we now expect,,we
will transfer the maximum
$101;1,600 to the, reserve
fund and still have a.sui'-.
plus to' be refunded to.'
municipalities of $18,70b'
conipared to budget fig-
ures of $59,450 and $0
The major variances in
the budget result from; up over last year, Costs to
• Tipping fee revenues'' .dispose and quantities are
should be ;about $515,000 both LIP. While the fees for.
which is $40,000 over the vehicle tires cover the
budgeted amount ' of pick-up costs it appears
by' weight we are 2,per
cent less :than 1996, the
,number of minimum .Toads
has gone up," .states the'
• "We budgeted $10,000
for: capital ,design .arid
improvements but it does'
not look• like we will
spend it this year.".
• "Tire recycling costs are
$475.000. "Even though • see'Questiori' page 3
orget to tura your clocks .back
t 2 a.m. Sunday mornin;