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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-10-15, Page 18
rage iS -- Lineknew %'eInesday, October 15, 1997 136o%,!sn1ts] 138 Auctions 1 18©ti0n$ s Debbie Staniey-Bailagh of Lucknow Cut and Curl annoufCr=S her new hurs are Thursday & Firiday 9:00 am 5:00 pm Evening & Saturdays ,by appointment only Cut&'Curl 528-2914 After hours 357-3763 37. Mortgages 1'. & 2nd Mortgage Money Absolutely No Upfront Fees Available as low as 6.50' Interest Personal Loans• if' you qualify, payments Amt Approx. Mo. Payment ' 5;000 - • '' 41.66... '10,000 ' 83.33 ' '15,000 3125.00 Consolidate your debts Call (519) 363-0211 1-800487-1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC: 38.` Auctions BRIAN RINTOUL. Auction Calendar Wed:. Oct 15 Special Calf.andYearling Sale Brussels Livestock Sat., Oct:. 25 Local Calf Sale. Brussels Livestock; Kitchener Stock'•Yards'(Olex), Every Tues. & Thurs. Brussels Livestock • every Friday RR #3 Wingham• 357-2349 FOREST CITY AUCTIONS 5 RestaurantsandBakery Eduipment:- Machinery Etc.:: HUGE. • PUBLIC AUCTION "Wednesday,, Oetnber• 2x2 at 11 a.m. • .530 FIRST ST,LONDON Items removed from Belamy's.'- Long John Silvers- Duck ilversDuck Soup .Bistro=';Do.rlut Shops &. 'Bakery's Contractors, etc: , Lota'of Excellent; Equipment: Hundreds of Chai°rs, "pine booths; tables, beer coolers, dishwashers •s/.s sinks, hot cold tables, prep tables4 s/s tables, pop: : machines. coolers &, freezers,. expresso machines, 5•dough mixers; sheeters, • bread. slicers:, Steartiers., 'stoves, grills, charbroilers,":fryers including automatics; ice machines, racking, exhaust hoods., convection„ ovens., pasta boilers, meat slicers; Laser level, electric .forklift; 12 sections h d,.. pallet racking,' diesel yard sweeper, etc. No buyers Premium Te.rms Cash or Certified cheque, AUCTION SALE of Used Building Material, Steel; Plastic and 2 cars will be held for Bruce Colwell, at • the former MNP1 Building on Hwy t#4,`south of Wingham.on Thursday, Oct. 23,1997 starting at 3:30 p.m. Plastic culverts, tubing & piping, 12 ft. x 24 in., 12 ft, x 20 in., 8 ft x 12 in., 12 ft, x in., 6 -way blade, hydraulic controlled, roll of cage wire, quantity of gabian wall baskets, used wooden pallets, skids, lumber, scrap steel, angle iron, .welding steel, assorted widths and lengths of plastic manger tinier, 2'ft.'x. 4 ft. x 1/2 in. recycled plastic sheet, water tanks, pickup truck leading ramp, wooden platform, fence posts, cement curbs, nylon strapping, • tow ' straps, recycled plastic tongued and grooved lumber .and deck. boards, 2 used plastic dump box liners; bathroom fixtures, a few household items, short box truck cap, miscellaneous. CARS: Dodge Colt, selling as it, 1986 Chrysler, selling as is. TERMS: Cash or cheque with LD. day of sale. Any •anno.uncements day of. sale take precedence over written' advertising„ Owner *and Auctioneers not responsible • forinjuries, accidents, or Joss connected in any way With the sale.. OWNER: Bruce Colwell, Wingham; 357-4660. Auctioneers Grant McDonald; Ripley 519-395-5353 Wallace,Ballagh.•' Teeswater, 392 ;6170 38. Auctions CONSIGNMENT SALE PI Homo Furnishings, Antiques, and a Car will be held at the Davidson Centre Kincardine, Ont. Friday, Oct. l7th,1997 5:30 p,l. For a Kincardine usiness, of inventory •reduction items plus other consignors from Owen Sound, Waterloo arid surrounding . area. Livingroom, diningrooml kitchen and bedroom furnishings, appliances, large selection of dishes, cups and saucers and glassware, cooking .utensils, Walter. .Campbell • prints, 'craft miscellaneous items, quantity of yarn, knitting machines, wedding accessories & decorations, books, carpet steamer, new Hoover vacuum cleaner, toys' and games, carpenter and garden tools, BID electric lawn mower -new, 1988 Chrysler LE Baron car - selling'certlfied. Other many interesting items. Plan to attend: • TERMS: Cash/cheque with proper•i,D. night of sale. E. & 0.E.' Listing sujbect to change without notice. Preview after 3:00., p.m. Friday. - •Auctioneers Grant McDonald, • ::BE PICT 15nn'r Itcl,r+r, ttticintril.hl •..all'th f nr,11 Haid ' thtt ack (or, ; d1,fl.to11%'.I'•1 ,1.,t ll43111.11111g11' :Inn n ..ika1 +d: h1• pi1'kt It. s ielc d hc•rauuti \vAl dh'P•il y . • 111/:Ianr .1ii<I h1•�+'u,r iitxl 1 uitt' •. 1111 hiller a dill rich of tlii•ni ;. YIN ,i1Ar111,, . - i held think .161+it( 91 110 i1Sur, tdill 11•11.11t1;III • +u lair Hill . • 11411 a 41,11/111,11 1 •' NA?, I„okl/4,vit:nu)nie. llt:d $t.o, in ihttl ,it,•.t. • Cud m! .111.1.d dff • Itt ,,.tit %%Inf. ' I iTi min(' n,%.kt 1f n • i,t l,;dte din Ili, 11X141 tialt l r,n'l1' gel l..tt1.. S.1 hr pit kr. Ant( t 1 1,1'.11 I li (. r Ripley 519-395-5353 Wallace Ballagh Teeswater, 392-6170 SPECIAL BRED Beef Cow Sale at the LUCKNOW SALES BARN: on Fri., OCT. 24TH 7:00 pm Lot 1 - 19 Registered herf Cows & Bull Some With calves at side • Lot.2. 25 Herf Char Cross Cows & Char Bbp • .-H 26 calves 400-600 Ib. Lot 3 20 beef .Cows with calves at side. More consignments. accepted: ' Phone (519)529.7970' (519):529-7625 SPECIAL STOCKER SALE Monday,,October 27th at 7;00 p.m. DO 1101111 ;PA PITCH -IM 6)5 A .Now Spirit itl fiivitil; (let a good thing going Yourself. ',1,..1,111(1,141, ill1 rututr ••'1' "dl1RfP(d1 We have been instructed by the SECURED CREDITORS to conduct An AUCTION SALE of Farm• machinery, livestock & feed for the estate of. the late Florence' Hodgins (Greenock Township) Friday, October 24t 10:30 am • Listing next week AUCTIONEERS.` Grant McDonald Ripley (519) 395-5353 Wallace Eallagh Teeswater (5i9)39? -617O CONSIGNMENT SALE will be at the Teeswater Agri -Curt wilding Monday,. Oct. 3Oth,1997 Machinery sell at 3:30 p.m. Guns, home furnishings and antiques at 6 p.m. Auctioneers Grant McDonald, , Ripley ,519-395.5355: Wallace Ballagh ' Teeswater, 392-6170 39.Educatiorial YOUR OWN health' busi- ness, American 'Institute of. Natural Sciences offers Home 'Study Diploma Courses ••• in: Health, Business "Nutrition, Aromatherapy, Magnetic Therapy, Astrology, Alcohol & Drug counselling. Many more. Free prospectus 1-; 888-516-1212. BE, A SUCCESSFUL WRITER:.. with our great, home -study course. -Call • today for your FREE BOOK, 1-800-267-1829. The Writing School, 38 McArthur Avenue, Suite 2927,. Ottawa,,;ON K1 L 6R2. LEARN AUCTIONEERING.,' Classes:. held Nov. ' 15- 21/97. 521/97: For 'information: con - ,tact: Southwestern Ontario School•of •Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S. 7V9 (519)537, 2115; ,.,• • . • MONEY MAKING OPPOR-" TUNt,TIESI Learn income tax:preparation or basic bookkeeping. Tax deductible certificate cours- es by,home study: For free '.brochures, no obligation, contact::U & R Tax Schools, 1'345 : ,Pembina. " Hwy., Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2B6.17 800-665-5144. B6 1- 800-665-5144. Enquire about free 'franchise territo ries' now available.: 46 in Meme r ailn 47. Cards of Thanks HUNTER In memory of Helen Elaine Hunter who passed away' October 20, 1995. Lord... make me an instrument 'of your peace; where there is ha*, w love; u where theresois-injry, pardon; Letme where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light;, and where there is sadness, joy. Prayer of St, Francis. Living her dreams, Murray Hunter; Kerry Lynne'Hunter- Farrish, Douglas Farrishi'. Brody and Cole Farrish, Paulette Lippert. and Michael Hunter.: -42 . IRWIN In memory of Elaine Irwin who passed away October 1.5,`1987. Those we hold most 'dear never truly leave us, • They live on in the kind- nesses they showed; ' The comfort tfiey shared, And the love they. brought into our lives. - Lovingly remembered by Bob,Ken,' Chris. and -Nancy .and Craig, -=42 HENDRIKS 1.962, .1980.• I'n ioving:memory of our son Peter., who passed 'away, October 17,, :1980: . ' We think of you in silence, ' 'We often speak` your name, We have so many memo ries, • Ahd;your picture in a frame. Our hearts still ache' in sad ness. In silence our tears still' fto'w: For what it meant. to Tose • No one will ever know, Sadly missed .by,rnom, :dadd,. sisters; brothers and family. ,-42x. • COMPUTERS: No previous computer experience nec- essary. EXciting ec-essary.Exciting opportuni ties :now availablein com- puter programming.. We will train suitable applicants. CaJJ CMS toll-free1;-800 477-9578. 43 Births STEPHEN James and Melanie (nee Nicholson) of Peterborough are thrilled to announce the birth of Tyler James born, Friday, September 19,, 1997. at Peterborough • Civic Hospital ,weighing. Sibs. :6. oz: Proud grandparents are (?:oris 'Nicholson, Holstein atid Mike-, Stephen, Markharr,i,. Great grandpar- ents May Shephard, New Glasgow, N.S. and Eldon and ; , Dorothy Miller, Lucknow. Grandma Pat Stephen and ' Grandpa, Wilmer Nicholson' are A watching'. over Tyler from. • heaven. --42x a Cards of Thanks MURRAY There witO never be enough words to thank everyone in this community for the car- ing support shown to Laura and our families during the' past months. The cards, gifts, phone calls, visits, food, donations to the, • Memorial Fund, words of ' concern end other kind- nesses are all very much appreciated and have made this difficult time a little easi- er. It would take me a lifez, time to :write a thank you to' everyone, so please accept this as your personal thank. 'you for your generous gifts. I'would like to be able to return your kindness in the future, but my hope pis that no onein this community ever needs this' kind of help." It was .a rotten experience with a rotten ending.'To everyone' at Knecbtels: thanks for filling, in .for me, so that :I could be with Laura. To everyone who helped with Lacey and,. • Lindsay: it made our trips to London a lot easier'knowing that they were well cared for. Special thanks to Key and Janet, Lacey, Lindsay, Margie, Kim, Paula,, Leanne and the . Aitchison, and Murray families who were • there for Laura and myself every step. of ..the way:. Thanks to MacKenzie Funeral home and Rev,. "Bresnahan forproviding sucha special send off for Laura: And finally, thank you Todd, .:for keeping .me going. and giving me some- thing to -look forward to For those who ,'donated to. Laura's Memorial . Fund, ,. those monies willbe invest- ed and dispersed, as schol- arships, to L;C P,S. stu- dents, for many years to,. come. Please remember Laura in whatever way; she , touched your .lives,, She was a wonderful person: sand I miss her ,greatly! Thanks .• again; to everyone: Barb ,,- "42 •42 THOMPSON T . • , -.- I::would:like to thank ,Dr, Shubat •and the .nurses at Wingham and District Hospital for, the care •1 received, Thanks to •every- one for cards, calls and vis-_` its' while in the hospital and since moving to Pinecrest. I welcomevisits from : friends and family. Vi, --42x SHEPHERD Thank you to everyone, who again supported Chelsea and .l with pledges, in sup-. , port of Lucknow Lions Dog • a-thon, for Canine Vision; Canada October 5: Also, to. :the unknown gentleman who left the "Fall ';Fair Parader photo at Chisholm Fuels, Thank you sir. Isobel. SPROUL •' Bill and family would like to take this opportunity to, thank everyone who came on October 4 to held him celebrate his' 80th birthday --42cc 48. Coming. Events, .' BINGO ':Goderich Knights of Columbus, every Thursday, 7 p.m. . Columbus Centre, 390 Parsorr'S'Court, $4400. in prizes; progressive ak pot $1000.;, rr'fular jackpot ,$1500 rnust; go. Su hrstar Pr`avincial' game' played every bingo rtlght .Lic. #157920. -13tfar • `50TH ANNIVERSARY OPEN HOUSE for Dave and Eileen Moffat Sunday, Oct. 19'. from 2 - 4 p.m Lucknow Legion. Everyone welcome. Best' wishes only.--41,42nxc ANNUAL BEEF SUPPER Dungannon United Church, Sunday, Nov. 2. Sittings 5 and 6:30 p,m. Adults $8, children $4, 4 and :under free. 'Tickets Jerry 529 - Jan 520.7559: --42- 44