HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-10-15, Page 5Need help with Kinloss history Dear editor: The Township of Kinloss in : nice County is compiling a history book. If you or your ancestors lived here,. please send information to: Joan Barr, R.R. 2, Holyrood, NOG 2 ;;t, 0, 395-2418, or Marian Zinn, R.R. 2, Lucknow, NOG 2H0, 528-3710. Joan Barr. 'Takes' Dear editor: I am a resident of Ashfield Township and a member of PROTECT. I have read with interest all letters to the editor per- taining to PROTECT and the issues at hand. Everyone has their own filters. Two people can hear the same thing and have very different takes on it. Having, attended all Teachers 'valued members of community"; to .give 'benefit Dear editor: I am writing to pass on to Lucknow area parents.;the results of inquiries I made at the Lucknow Central Public School re Ed McGugan's letter in the Oct. 1 issue of the Sentinel. This letter alleged that teachers were using class time to promote their point of view in the present conflict with the provincial government. 'T'hese are serious allegations - many parents' would be very: concerned if teachers, q'the custodians of our children's educa- tion, used their posi^tion,of trust to pro- mote their own agendas. As it turns out, this has not been happening. Apparently, the teachers staged a protest outside the school during. their lunch; period. Last time I checked we lived in a society in which freedom of expression is enshrined in our charter of ;:rights, If the teachers were .protesting during class time that would be "a differ- ent story: However, if the protest takes place on public property, on the teacher's personal time, then to suggest that what they did, parent willing of doubt' was inappropriate would appear to be intolerant and perhaps' even oppressive. Mr. McGugan's son, being curious about the protest, asked his teacher what they were doing. She replied to the best of her ability. I personally do not ,have a problem with this. It is important that stu- dents try to understand the very real problems that our society must deal with. To censer all discussion of these educational issues in the classroom would actually deprive our children of a real life example of what ,our predecessors fought for and in some cases died for - the freedom to take pub- lic position on an issue without fear of persecution. The school's principal indicated that the teachers were under strict directions. NOT to promote the union's point of view tothe students. Many of the teach- ers inour school are valued members . of our Lucknow community. I intend togive them the benefit of the doubt if they say they are not "brainwashing" our children. Andy Sande, a: concerned parent. f k Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October X5,199'' -• Page 5 on PROTECT differ P,' OTECT meetings, this . the weekly, meetings. is my take. There was always more At our first meeting a than enough to think about member of the group at11, e end of each meeting. voiced a painful truth - we The bulk of the discussion all have a negative impact centred around water qual- on the environment by ity and quantity concerns. virtue of our activities and The autumn has arrived our very existence. and I am left pondering However, unprecedented the following: 'growth in any sector of 1. There is widespread human activity demands agreement that existing attention and compels a water quality problems are response. Hence the focus serious and need address - on the expansion of the ing. • intensive livestock Indus- 2. There is a limit to the try in this: area. amount of human and ani- We are not unique here mal waste that can be gro- in Ashfield Township. The duced within a given state of the intensive live- watershed without unduly stock industry is being. threatening water quality. debated in other parts of 3. According to an article Canada and the world, It is in the July 15, 1997 edi= an issue which elicits a tion of ONTARIO strong, and at times, emo- FARMER, Don Hilborn, a tional response„All of this by-product/waste manage - speaks to the magnitude • ment specialist with and complexity of the” OMAFRA, "believes issue and the legitimacy of Ontario is still one • of the the discussion. easiest areas in North Many questions, ideas America to receive envi- • and concerns surfaced ronmental approval for during the past summer at livestock operations." Librarian thankful Lucknow is blessed 4. There is a growing export market for pork production. This is due to an increasing Asian con- sumption profile and dis- ease' outbreaks in Taiwan (hoof -and -mouth disease). and Europe (swine fever). An article in the May 13, 1997 edition of ONTARIO FARMER states that at a news conference the Ontario Fork Board's General Manager, Julien den Tandt, "repeatedly called for aggressive expansion because there is.' 'virtually ' • unlimited demand' for Ontario pork:" The article further states that, "Den Tandt said that's why the pork board is investing so much, time and effort in develop- ing marketing options, including the new Pork Industry Growth Strategy." 5. With drastic cutbacks to swine production in other parts of the world due to disease outbreaks, tighten - 'see 'Situation' page 6 • Dear editor:, Lucknow is 'blessed by its service clubs and com- munity spirit. .• In, particular,. I would. like to thank. the Optimist Club, of Lucknow, which • worked so hard to make the dinner -theatre with Ted Johns such an .over- whelming. success. Their efforts, along with the, "Friends of the Library" kidswho waited at tables were instrumental in rais- ing over $1,000 to go towards internet equip- ment for ,the local library. Our Branch is • also in the process of applying to Industry Canada for funds for .internet equipment through the Community Access Program. Their goal is to provide Canada's rural communities with affordable access to the` •information in highway My application has depended on receiving let ters of :support froni • school principals, munici- palities. and service clubs, alt of whom have, been very cooperative: .I thank everyone involved for their support and l look forward to see- ing the public in the near ;future /Surfing „the net at the local library. Claudia Baskerville, • Lucknowbranch. • supervisor. some help us celebrate 'our. .: 2nd Anniversary Find the center of the life preserver, Start .Here Sa.Ie. 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