HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-10-15, Page 4Page 4 m Lucknow'.Sentinel, Wednesday, October 15,199`1 •
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Ignorance.- was not bliss in this case!
On a recent visit to
our old stomping
grounds (Brampton) it
was reinforced in my
mind just 'how many
changes have taken place
over the last 28 years.
One of those changes
was a costly one.
M. the search for a
restaurant open,: • for
breakfast was successful,
we were then: faced with
f nding -a parking spot on
a downtown. Brampton
. street: Spotting an open-
ing in front of a long line
of cars on, one street, ; we
pulled .in, locked ; the car
and 'headed off,to Perks,
a.place ."I was a wait-
ress as a high school stu-
When we went back to
the car, the thanks we
received for patronizing
downtown Brampton
was a parking ticket!
It was our own fault
butthe parking infringe-
ment was. made id all
'There's so many signs
on the poles down there,
and not having been
exposed to one .of them,
we didn't realize we were
pulling a 110,110.
We had readone sign
saying 'no parking
between 7 `a.m.' and 7
p.m. on weekdays. Okay,
so this was a Sunday.
Then there was the.
pickup truck parked right
in fro.it of us. Never,,
assume anything. It prob-
• ably held the bylaw
enforcement person just
waiting for some stupid..
personto park there,
The fine. for 'stopping
in a prohibited area' —
$40! However, <if you,
paid it within 5 working
days theygive you a .$10
discount.! Thank you,
thank you. (We had
parked in a transit load-
ing area. That's the black
square with a line.
through it.)
As it, was a Sunday,
we couldn't pay it, in pep -
son, so that left Canada
Post to look after deliver-
ing the cheque.
Wanting to take,
advantage_ of ..the dis-
count, but knowing how
mail can ;sometimes' take
a .long time, o reach its
:destination,- .I paid
Canada 'Post $3.50 to ..
ensure my $30 cheque
got to the City of
Needless to Say, it was
an 'expensive breakfast.
I'in getting,my driver's
handbook out and check-
ing out,all the signs.
Ignorance may be bliss
on some occasion, but
when '.it' comes . to city
parking I= have another
work for it! '
It's also costly visiting
people in the Brampton'
hospital. In one parking
lot right beside the hospi-
tal it can. cost you $8 for
the day.' 'T'he lot right.
across the street is $5 per
weekday,, $3 for evenings
or weekends. We opted
to walk; just a'wee'bit
further. ,
October is Women's
History Month
Quiz: Who was the first
woman geologist in the
Canaalian government
and the • first woman
elected to the Royal'
Society of Canada? a.
Roberta Gondar, 'b.
Olivia Poole, c. "Nellie.
McClung, .; d. Alice
Wilson. .
Answer: - d. In .1909,
Alice Wilson joined the
Canadian Geological
Society of Canada and in!
1938. she .was as elected',
to the Royal Society of
Canada. In 1991, the
Royal Society of Canada
established the Alice
Wilson Award in her.
honor, recognizing
women of outstanding'
academic achievements.
70 years ago:
ocal, news = A frightened hen
flying against alighted lantern
caused the. complete destruc-
tion of the large barn on thefarm
belonging to : Harry Logan . of
Teeswater, a few miles west of.
Kinlough village. It isa bigloss for
Mr';Fitzgerald, who has occupied the
farm. for, the past few years, as he did
not have insurance:
The many Macs of Huron As an
indication of the many MacDonalds
in Huron Township, we find that on
R.R. 4, the mail carrier, who also is a
Mac, delivers mail to 18'MacDonalds
-on the one, route. .
Miss Dorothy Douglas went last
week to Toronto where she will take a
course in the Presbyterian Deaconess'
Home, in preparation for entering
upon mission work in India. Her
brother, Mr. George Douglas, has
entered Knox College,: Toronto, in
preparation ' for : the Presbyterian
Church ministry.
50 years ago ,
Oct. 16, 1947
Bening shop - Mr .and Mrs.
E. Ashton will open a tot
to -teen. shop next door to
Johnstone's Furniture Store. They
will specialize in infants, "child's and
teenagers wear, as well as wools and
Field day champs natned' at high''.
school - Seniors boys George'Chin,
runner up ' .Alex MacIntyre, junior.
' boys.: Calvin Gibson, runnerup
Morley Chin; seniors girls Eileen
Purves, runner up Mae Irwin; junior
girls Gladys Gibson; runner
Winnie Stewart.'
Postmaster retires Harvey , J.
Lindsay, Who is serving his 33rd year
as postmaster, has tender his resigna-
'tion effective December 1:'
25 years ago'
Oct. 18, 1972
ename .village - In the after-
math of. Team Canada's victo-
This could be the 1997 version of the "The -Three Little Pigs" with; a good__.
supplybuildingkeep „ g
of material to the wolf from blowing the house
down. (LiVingston photo)
ry over the Soviets, a Toronto
born 70 -year-old wrote to council
' suggesting 'the'' village name be -y
. changed to Henderson, in honor of
Paul Henderson.
Pay for fencing - The Lucknow
Women's Institute has approved the
purchase of the fence to enclose the
completed pool. Total cost of the pro-
ject is estimated at about $1,000.
Barn fire. - Mr.. and Mrs. Cecil
Garniss, who six months ago lost
their homeand' all personale posses
sion by fire, on Saturday lost their
barn by fire.
Editor's note: The following article was
subrnitred for the interes't of our:readers.
it was taken from "Albainn" which
appears to:be.'a.news Bulletin for the 1st
Battalion Argyll & Sutherland
Highlanders Of Canada (EL:) Veterans
Association. The writer was Pinky Craig:
During the Indian. Mutiny, a group of
Britons living in India were surrounded
with little or no hope of }being rescued..
Death and torture facedthem when the
garrison at Lucknow surrendered. .
Jessie, a Scottish nurse, while musing
on the terrible situation they were in,
'suddenly raised her head and listened.
Was she just dreaming of„the hills and
glens 'of her native land, or was that the
sound of pipes floating on the breeze?
"Dinnae ye hear it?' she cried out.
Others listened but could hear nothing
and thought Jessie was imagining things.
• But Jessie had heard the .wild cry of,.
the pipes right enough, for at that
<moment the Highlanders, under Sir Cohn
Campbell,'were 'making a forced march
from Allahabad to Lucknow. The pipers
were playing ,the same regimental march
the Argylls play today: The Campbells
are coming:
The enemy, was routed and the siege,
lifted, the relief of Lucknow is now a part
of our military history. The part. played
by Jessie, the Scottish nurse, may be just
a legend, butI•like to think she was there
cry%ng. out, "pinnae ye hear it, dinnae 'ye
hear them,” giving hope to the belea-
guered garrison during that long ago