HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-10-08, Page 18Page 18 - Lneknow .Sentinel Wednesday, Octobe 47. Cards of j7. Cards of Thanks Thanks. is THE LUCKNOW SKATING CLUB Mould liketo thank every- one who supported their annual french fry booth -at the Fall Fair. A great big thank you to Cover All. Shelter for the. use of the econo shelter and the Lucknow Co-op far the propane. Thanks also to the parents who worked to make it such a success.. -- 41ar NIXON The family of the late Wendy Nixon wish -to extend their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for their under- standing support, and gen- erous expression of sympa- thy. Those whodonated to the Canadian Cancer Society, and Brain Tumor Research Foundation. Special thanks to Rev. Bresnahan for his message, Ruth Bell for her solos, and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle. Bender who sang a duet. Also the ladies. and gentlemen of Trinity .United Church who served lunch after the funer- al. Thanks to Joan Dierolf, and all those who helped her in anyway. To Joan. Pollard and her staff. All these expression will be remembered by the family. Del, Cindy, Sherry. and fami- lies. --41 • . HINDMARSH The• time has come for me to extend my sincere thanks to those friends and their families who have 'support- ed .me through troubled times. Thank you Cathy and Darryl. McMillen, Kate McNee, •Father Michael, Laura Bonert, Katherine Martin -Reese, Philip 'Yqung. (London), Renee Worsell, my husband Larry, and my light in the darkness—my teacher, May God bless you all. Deb." --41x r S, 1997 480 Coming Events 484 Coming Events 48.. Coming Events PINECREST On behalf of .the residents and staff of Pinecrest Manor we would like to give a spe- cial thank you to each and everyone who helped, us with our float and getting it to the fair parades: The kindness and generosity -of , • everyone is overwhelming. Shows me the spirit of community is alive and well. The residents enjoyed riding. on the float, it brought back memories. Without our faith- ful staff, families, -friends and of course our great group of volunteers these special events would be impossible :for us to be involved in. Thanks again ail of you. Pinecrest residents and Trudy. --41ar [Housecleaning? weirs • Garage Sale , FORSTER We would like to thank the following businesses for the beautiful birth plate we received for Ashley's birth. Willits Tire,' Ashfield Service Centre, Lucknow Co-op, Snobelen Farms, Puddle -Ducks, McDonagh Insurance and Real Estate, Finlay Decorators, Everlastings,Lucknow Village Market, MacKenzie & McCreath Funeral Home. It will`be cherished forever. Wayne, Terri, Kyle and Ashley. --41 39.Educatiionaf THE ONTARIO College of Reflexology offers a certi- fled basic/advanced curse in Port Elgin, Oct, 24, 25, 26/ Nov. 15, 16. Class size limited, register by Oct. 23rd- For more information call Nora Waytowich (519) 832-9575. --41 cc YOUR OWN health busi- ness. American Institute pf Natural Sciences offers Home Study Diploma Courses in: Health, Business Nutrition, Aromatherapy, Magnetic Therapy; Astrology, ' Alcohol & Drug counselling. Many, More. Free prospectus 1- 888-516=121.2.--41bc LEARN AUCTIONEERING- Classes held Nov. 15- 21/97. ,For information con- tact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. ` '#5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9 (519)57- 2115.--41.bc, CERTIFICATE COURSES!. Learnincome tax.prepara- tion or basic bookkeeping. by 'correspondence. For , free brochures,, no obliga- tion: bliga tion: U & R:Tax Schools 1345 Pembina "Hwy., Winnipeg, -MB, R3T 2B6. 1- . 800.665-5144. Enquire about free franchiseterrito ries.--4,1 be COUNSELLOR TRAiNING Institute of Canada offers on -campus :and. c.orresphn- Bence courses toward a' Diploma in Counselling Practice, to begin this month. Free' catalogue, ' call 24hrs. 1-800.665-7044.-- 41bc 48. Conning Events BiN.GO Goderich • Knights of Columbus, every Thursday, 7 p.m, -Columbus Centre, 390 Parson's Court, $4400. in prizes; progressive jack- pot $1000:; regular jackpot $1500 must go. Superstar Provincial game played every bingo night. '.Lie. #157920.-13ffar 50TH ANNIVERSARY - OPEN HOUSE for Dave and Eileen Moffat Sunday, Oct. 19 from 2 4 -p.m ' Lu-ckrtow Legion. Everyone welcome. Best wishes only.--41,42nxc • TEN THOUSAND VILLAGES International crafts sale. Unique and, exciting gifts for all ages. Brussels Mennonite Fellowship, Turnberry Street, N., Brussels. Thursday, Oct. 16, 5 - 9 p.m ; Friday, Oct. 17, 3 - 9 p.m.; Saturday, Oct. 18, .9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Light lunch available on Saturday. Your purchase supports the work of arti- . sans by providing a fair wage for their work. --41,42 FALL COLOR & CRAFT SALE Oct. 18 and 1.9, 10 a.m. - 5 ' p.m. over 120 vendors of quality •crafts plus artisan studios and farm market, at five locations. Lambton Heritage Museum, Hwy., 21, 8 km. south of Grand Bend. Call 1-800-265-0316. --40-42cc 80TH BIRTHDAY PARTY If you, are or soon to be 80 join the party in the Kinloss Community Centre, Saturday, Oct 18, 8 - 11:30 p.m. Bring relatives and friends, live band, refresh- ments. Sponsored by, Kae and Dune Thorburn, Jean. Sturgeon and Bette MacLeod. --40,41 THREE BY THREE a Gala evening including unique miniature art draw, at Blyth Memorial Hall Oct. 25th. For tickets or informa- tion, call (519) 523-93.00. WEDDING RECEPTION Accept this invitation to a reception for . Heather (Maclntyre) and Graham Harper on Oct. 11, 1997 at the Lucknow- Community Centre at 9 p.m. --40,41x 11TH ANNUAL BANQUET AND AUCTION 11th annual Wingham and A, ea Duck -Unlimited ban-. quet and auction, November 1, Teeswater Community Centre. $50 per couple; $35 single: For more information call 395-5062 or 357-2649. - -40,41 RUMMAGE SALE. Friday, Oct. 17, 1 - 6 p.m.; Sat. Oct. 18, 10 - 3 p.m. home of Jack McGuire's (Huron Auto Wreckers), Cone 2 Huron "Township: Bake table, orderstaken for turkey pies in advance. Phone 395-3108. Proceeds to Huron Bruce. Children's Helpers for overseas adopt- ed children. Phone 395- 2827, --40-42 CO-ED. BROOMBALL TOURNAMENT Sponsored by Lucknow Lazers Saturday, Oct: 25 at Lucknow and District Sports Complex. All you have to do is put together a team and pick up your forms at the Complex: For more informa- tion call Arlene Turner at, 528-3914. Entries need to be received by Oct. 17. -- 40,41 • KOUNT.RY KITCHEN at Pine River, United Church, 10 km,: south of Kincardine;- Hwy, #21, 11. a,m. 1 p.m., Oct 11. Christmas cake, pudding, homemade baking, turkey pies, halloween decorations and costumes..--40,41cc THANKSGIVING DINNER with all the trimmings at Kwan's Restaurant, Lucknow,, Saturday, Oct. 11, 11:30 a.m. to 11; ptm. and 5 p.m: to 8 p.m..: Phone 528- 3433..--41 ar 135TH. ANNIVERSARY St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham, will cele.- brate, its 135th anniversary on Sunday, Oct. 19, " with services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.rh. Speaker for both ser- vices will. be the Rev.. Charles (Chuck) Congrarn, minister at St: Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Puce, ON. Special music by St.. Andrew's choir arid Triple Trio (moming) and by John. Matthews, F.E. Madill Secondary, School Band leader and his `students (evening). Pre -service music at "'7:15 : p.m, HOT TURKEY SUPPER Lucknow United' Church, Tuesday, Oct: 21, 4:30 - 7:30 p m. Adults $8, under 11 $3.50. . Auspices Lucknow United Church women. Come early if you can. A real treat! All you can eat. Take out available - call 528-2542 before noon. -- 41,42ar "FALL TUNE-UP FOR YOUR WHEELS" And Home Health Care Products display October 22, 1 - 4 p.mat the Wingham and Area Seniors Day Centre. Please call 357-1440 for details. --41.42 You Can Make a Difference ffontir.;glon's 013eose - in�f, *0-10 is an inherited brain disease. 0.HD causes uncontrollable movements, abnormal gait, slurred speech, mental deterioration and/or marked personality changes. *Symptoms usually begin to appear between 30 and 45: over its 10 to 25 year course, HP loads to total incapacitation and eventual death. 'Each child of an affected parent has a 50/50 chance of inheriting HO. •"HD. affects the lives of 1 in 1000 Canadians: ,• • • At present there Ism cure for HD • and no effective treatme,it. c s.m 10464/411-11 11 THANKOFFERING Trinity United` Church, Ashfield Sunday, Oct. 12, 7:30 p.m Guest,speaker Patricia Robinson. Special music Charlene Burgess. Everyone welcome.' --41 HURON COUNTY Historical Society annual dinner, meeting, Brucefield United Church, Friday, Oct. 24, .6:30: p.m. Speaker John Weichel -; "Huron -Bruce Connection," Tickets $10. Call 565-5200, 887-9317 or .262-2715. RSVP before Oct.,,17th. --41 cci` ANNUAL•4-H LAMB & • BEEF SHOW AND; SALE At Brussels* Sales Arena, Saturday, Oct. , 11. Preregistered sale starts• at 1.0 a.m. Auction starts at 1 p.m. Buyers • welcome. Publicity package included with purchase. Come hel •4 p support our -H youth. - 41cc Fellowship hour will follow the `, evening service. Everyone welcome. 41,42. COME. AND GO SHOWER for .Kendra Statia (bride -to- be'of Stephen Tiffin) on Oct. 21 at the home of. Bruce and Maureen Thomson. from 7 - 9' p,m. Everyone welcome: --41,42x COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD Nominations are now being accepted by the Chamber of Commerce. Criteria •is wide open" generosity to the town through deeds, or con- tributions, charitable works or business achievement thathelped develop and strengthen the town. Deadline is Nov. t Forms available at Sentinel office. Submit to Citizen of the year. Award, c/o COC, Box 313, Lucknow, NOG 2H0. --41 44ar Dungannon' news 'Showering` Laurie by Margaret Errington and Teresa Courtney A community bridal shower for Laurie Pentland, bride-to-be of Barry Treble, was held at the Nile United Church on Saturday. Congratulations to Alice and Byrne Burgsma on the birth of their, son Scott Anthony Michael, weighing 8 lbs:, 6 oz. Scott is a wee brother for :Kelsey, Christine and Sidney: Sincere sympathy •to Joe Courtney and .Vivian Hogan on the. death of their 'brother Fred Courtney on Sept. 28 in the East General , Hospital, Toronto in his-8lstyear. • Funeral Mass was cele- brated in 'St. ••Brigid''s Roman Catholic Church, Toronto with burial 'in Holy' Cross :Cemetery,: Thornhill. ' Attending from this area were Joe and Teresa Courtney, . sons Gary; and, Brian, Vivian Hogan, John. Austin and son Joey' Jim and Yvonne Sinnett, Marcella Courtney, sons. Desmond, and Michael and his wife Joanl and daughter Ursula Richardson. Congratulations to Angela -Brindley, Ran Courtney,'.Mike Cul ext, Patrick Dalton, isa. Dykstra, Lori Dykstra, Crystal Hickey,, Kelly McNee, and Tim Spivak who graduated from GDCI on Sept. 26. .. Kelly received the Community Oriented Policing Award, also the Donald. Fraser Family Scholarship,' awarded to the graduating student deemedmost worthy for involvement in Community activities. Congratulations to Dan Wylds, son of Steve and Brenda Wylds, R.R..7 Lucknow and grandson of Alvin and Joyce _Moran, Dungannon who graduat- ed September 5, 1997 in Toronto with first class honors as an electronics engineering technician. Dan was granted a schol- arship for his outstanding achievement which he is using to continue on as an Electronic Engineering; - Technologist. Harold Adams ,celebrat ed . his 75th birthday. Congratulations from all your Dungannon friends.. Entered onto the Hall , of Fame Board ' ;at Dungannon ' Senior Citizens on Oct. 1 were Evelyn .Ch"ristianseno.and. Jim Errington: Alswin- ning were:: Lois Cunningharti and the, Watsons, Kay and Cliff Bill Sproul, of Toronto and Kimberley, born in Dungannonand a frequent visitor, celebrated his Neth birthday .:on Saturday, (actual date .Oct:' 16), at the Lawn. Bowling Club, house in Goderich. His daughter Gilda, ' husband Wayne Boland and • granddaughter Elizabeth were among the many, friends and relatives who attended open house. Sympathy to Donna and. Fred Young in ,the death of .her , sister Isabel (Moore)' Schultz at Kitchener on: Sept. 24 at the age of 69. World Wide Communion Service was held at Dungannon United Church on Sunday with Rev. Alex McGilvery offi- ciating. ff ciating. The Dungannon Youth Group requires craft sup- plies, such as yarn, beads, styrofoar. trays,{ juice ids etc. These articles may be left at the church. Jim and Margaret Errington spent five days visiting daughter Cindy; granddaughter Erin and, cousin Marjorie ,Andreasen ' at Surrey, British Columbia.