HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-10-08, Page 16Page 16z LiteknOW Sentinel, WedueSday,, "October 801997 10 For Sale ' 1. For Sale Reach Your Customers Across Ontario Without Leaving Town Let us place your Classified Ad in more than 180 community newspapers across Ontario, or in one of four regions of the province for as little as $2. per paper. Real Estate, Business Opportunity, Vacation, Educational Opportunity, Careers:..Whatever your market... Let the Blanket Classifieds work for you! • For more information call SATURDAY, OCT, 11,8 a,m, - ? 527 Gough Street. Go cart, Vortec motor, sandraii, dishes, TV game, toys, Little • Tyke items. Children's .clothes 6 months -, 6. Plus 'other items, Weather permitting. - -41 5. Cars. 1996 'FORD TAURUS GL, likenew, loaded; 74,000 Kms, medium green. Certified' 519-887.6106. 41-43cc;, EARL'S -AUTO PARTS LTD.• RR 1, Kincardine CASH FOR CARS Phone 395-2947, Lucknow & Ripley 6. Trucks. 1994`CHEV, 3/4 ton, 308, V8,. auto, O.D. am/fm, srw, 74,000 km., certified, red,. asking. $13,900: Phone Ripley 395-261'5. -40-41 cc STOWN : RETIREMENT able immedia'tely. 7h. Boat, motors etc. COWAN CANOES end of Season Sale. New and used canoes and kayak's. Plastic and fiberglass. Oct. 4 & 5, 11 & 12 only, Hwy. #4 Belgrave. For more infor- mation call (519) 887-8281 or (519) 887-9342."--39 41cc 10 Pets ... GOLDEN RETRIEVER pup- pies, CKC registered, shots, males end females tattooed; gentle disposition, excellent' with child'ren'...Call(519). 396=5586.:--40-42cc SHETLAND SHEEPDOGS,, Charnpion bred, CKC legis- . tered puppies, all colors; full .white collars, Prettyview Kennels,"Harriston. Call 'Connie (519)• 327-8847, Stud Service available, -- 111h. - 11h. Serviices. FARM AND CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT Small Engines, Welding. On site repair. Let m� come to youl (Freelance truck dri- ving). Rob Campbell Mobile Repair. Servicing Bruce County. Phone 519-396- . 6806.--36tfcc CUSTOM COMBINING wheat, soys, and corn. Leave message or call after 6 p.m. 395-2475. -40-46 i, i e. Livestock 25 HEREFORD CROSS bred cows for sale, bred Blonde, also 9 bred heifers. Phone 395-5591. --40,41.x WANTED - SPENT fowl • laying hens done cycle. Red •or white, Pay cash on pick- up. Call 528-3017 and leave message. --41' ABSOLUTE AUCTION: ARABIAN HORSES Approximately 300 Straight Egyptians.,. 'No minimums/Re:serves: October 1.1 & 12 Montebello; Quebec' Call Clo 819423-6306 direc- tions/info. (#64280 ,Claude Q•'u.enn:eville, TPS::104792742' RT TQV:1002544233 )° 41 be 14, Vacations GULF -FRONT VACATION PARADISE. Panama City Beach, ,Florida_ Luxurious 1,2,3 bedroom suites, indoor heated pool, tennis and more. Snowbird activi- ties, • extended stay dis- counts. 1-800-874 823.-- 41bc FLORIDA: SAM T• EL/CAP- TWA ISLAND. Thinking of a Fall' or Winter trip to par- adise? Over 3,000 condos, private homes and nightly rentals. Call Properties in Paradise, 1-800-411-7135.- -41bc 16. For Rent. COSTUME RENTALS' For youths and adults.. Wide selection, book early. Margie's Speciality Shoppe, 579 Havelock St. Phone 528-3429.--40-44ar HALLOWE'EN COSTUME m ,: RENTALS at.. 11 Lloya's: Dolls Plus $28-2446. 17.' Apts.. MAIN STREET LUCKNOW UPPER LEVEL one bed- room,- heat,' included. .Available immediately:, Phone 528-2845. =-32tfar -- GROUND FLOOR 2 bed- room heated apartment,. newly renovated; two bed- room' .upper apartment 12. Real Estate OWN, YOUR ,OWN mann $250., both close to down. lectured home lot in town. Phone: 528-2031., -- 19tfar S,undr.e.,' Alberta. 51 lots. 41'cc remaining, 6,700 square . TWO BEDROOM'apartment 10a. Horses PRETTY SHETLAND'pony and her :4' month old foal. Asking $55QPhone 529- 7,110 --41cc .'feet ($17,930.) to.' 13,400 in Lucknow $;350/month, square' feet: ($25,060.), heat included. Phone 528 - Please call the ..Sundre 2242 or 52'8-2436.`- 16tfar ow ce - , 2. .13 R O G O UN fax 403-638-2100: E= floor apartment with appli= mail,sundre@agt:net.--41bc antes. Available. Oct.: 1st, $300/month plus utilities. 1 LIS:TOINEL & COOK- bedroom 'apartment avail - 8. Computers 11 a. General BUNGALOWS from $250/month. Call Paul 528 79,900: . Ctu.b House 2411.-;37tfar Facilities. Close to shop- LUCKNOW 2 bedroom ping, recreation and 'med •. ground flogr apartment,::pri :cal facilities. Low land'„ vate entrance. Phone357- lease. Call. ,4,16-741-.1758' or i847 or 528-5600 --41 tfar :. • UPGRADE TO, an Intel. Pentium 150 for as little as $350, Computer Systems from $40/mth Instant Approval: Modems- 33.6 '$125 installed 'Evans .' Computing 52$-2815. -4.0- 42x PSt COMPUTER, color monitor and 24 pin printer, ;Loaded with' WordPerfect, Lotus,: and Iotsof games•'for children 3 e and. Some "u p Fisher Price games ' for' young children, lots of games for older children and adults. Asking $609. Phone 528-2309 evenings. '-41,42nxe NNW' h►1!/. CHILD jinn:war,: JUST LIKE TO SA KS!' �p WN uu The War Ar nps . Al WANTED•SOMEONE'' to custom feed•.cattle, ,Gall 529.7384.'--40,41x 11b. Wanted.. to: BUY WANTED, MASSEY Ferguson` 3 'pt. 'hitch, 3 or 4 furrow plow with 12 inch slab point bottoms: Also .F-1 York Landrace••gilts for sale, John Miller, R. R. 2, Auburn, 3 Corers south and 2 cor-: vers' east of Lucknow: --38- 42nxc 11h. Berates TARPS AND INDUSTRIAL. COVERINGS Made to size, for trucks, trailers, gravity boxes, etc. Vinyl, canvas poly. 'New/Repairs. Party tent rentals Tiesma Industrial: Coverings, Bayfield. Y182-3540.-26tfg- peow $ • 519-291-1990 for brochures.--4'1bc: IN. POINT: CLARK, 2 or., 3 bedroo,n. semi,: $450 fur:' niched, $400 Unfurnished B.A. MCDONAGH REAL ESTATE;. I',SURALCE LTD. 35 ACRES Edge:' of. Lucknow, bedroom bungal piece bath, hot eat, carport, large deck, paved road, bam, 36 .x 56. STONE HOUSE - 3 bedroom large family room, fireplace, hot tub, patio,. paved drive,3 car garage.'$114,900.. JUST' LISTED - 3 bedroom home, 4. pc.' bath, kitchen., built in cupboards, oil furnace, full basement. ;Asking $54,900. 300 :ACRES - 130 sow to finish operation, ; liquid manure; harvester, silo, new Farmatic mill; implement' Shed; 4 bedroom home., Call Fraser MacKinnon 5211-3013 • Barry McDonagh 528-2031 • ■ 8. Houses DSU RHAM-WALSH Townhouses in Kincardine. Under new management. Freshly painted and reno- vated. Two and three bed- room, 1 Month free'rent. Available immediately. Phone 396-9332.--03ttar THREE BEDROOM farm house for rent, 10 minutes from Goderich, new gas fur- nace. Available Oct. 1, 1997. $500 plus utilities. Call 529-7273. --38tfcc 3 BEDROOM HOUSE'for rent in Nile, fenced in back-, yard, double garage. $600 plus per month. Available immediately. Phone '524- 5645' or 526-7143.--38tfcc HOUSE FOR RENT in Lucknow3 - 4 bedrooms 'available Nov. 1. References required, 1st' and last Month. rent. $450/month plus utilities. • Phone 905-478-1305 ask for Christine. -41-43x 10TH CONC. Ashfield, 3 bedroom house for rent: $455/Month., Available Oct. 25Call 528-2411.--4041ar. 3 BEDROOM: COUNTRY home, Targe kitchen, attached garage. 2. miles south.' east, .:of •Ripley, $575/rinonth plus utilities; first and last,. references. Available Nov., 1st, Gall 395-3435, --40,41 cc HOUSE FOR RENT 3 bedroom bungalow in St, Helen's: Available Nov. 1st. References required. Contact 528-2037:,--41-43x, .. NEWLY RENOVATED, farm house 2 1/1 miles north of Lucknow. Three bedroom,' oil heat, fridge• and stove included. Rent $400/month. phis ° ,utilities, No peas.: References required: Phone 39,5-2786. --41•-44x ,COUNTRY CHARM 3 bedroom ,house; near. Kinlough Reference required:' Nice yard, Inquire at 528-2536; --41x s ',ONE,' BEDROOM 'apartment for rent 'on: Main street, Lucknow., Phone 528-3932, -35tfar • ONE QR'TWO BEDROOM ground level apartments, • close :to downtown. refired t person. Cresthaven 1 'or. 1-519-848-2215 after :6 plus utilities. Call' Ron Culp, 'p m �32tfar Cambridge. 519-740-6955 collect. =39-41 cc GLEN HAVEN 'Apartment's in Lucknow. : has spacious ground floor 1. and 2 bed'' room apartments for rent, fridge and stove included, controlled entrance, comm mon roo• and laundry 'room. phone Gerrie or Jayne at 1-5197262-2029.. n . 41tfar , Environment -suitable for 'A ,parirnents:Cal1:528 361 TRANSPORT DRIVERS'. 'NEEDED. A major carrier is accepting applications for our ,Graduates. No experi- ence required - excellent pay. For interview or applm cation contact Ontario Truck • /: Driving School, (London) 1- 800-263=4777 '--4.1bc 28. Business Opp. .. COLLECT CASH.. Coke, Pepsi, Hostess, M&M, Cadbury,' etc. Restock established .unique vendors in your, area. No selling,sfult- time, part-time.. Minimum inve$tment $13,980. 1-800- 546-2799 (24 , hours). Member r3.B.B; -4,ibc GOVERNMENT FUNDS.. Government assistance pro grams ,information available., Foroyour new. or..existing business., Take advantage of the government ,grants and loans. CaII 1.800-915- 3615.--4tbc 23.Com ereial ST* FOE FOR rent, main street frontage, ,Lucknow. Phone 52 3932.--30tfar 25. Wanted to Buy WANTED - SCRAP cars and all sizes of trucks; all types of metal, farm machinery, etc; cash paid. Walkerton Auto Wreckers 1- 881-1679. -26tfar TOP DOLLARS Paid for heavy trucks for wrecking, any condition, any quantity. Call Provincial Truck Salvage (519) 843-1126. -- 40,41 cc 26 ;Help Wanted REGULAR PART TIME' organist required for Trinity United Church Ashfield, Contact Suzanne Andrew at 529-7335. -40,41. , $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot .of money. selling chocolate bars. New prod- ucts available.. Nothing to pay in, advance, Fast deliv- ery 1-800-30-3589. r-41 'SEASONAL PART-TIME.' POSITIONS. We are look- ing for energetic, pit reps .to promote. sell and demo pet- , iular phones for, a leading ; telecommunications compa ny:.'you possess excellent retail selling skills, are out- going, people oriented, and available to :work days, • evenings and weekends. Car an asset. $10/hour; Full training pr'ovided Please fax :''.resumes.-; to Stott LaWrence 416L780-1813.-- 41'bc . SPORTS REPRESENTA- TIVES WAN4 ED11 Selling sports uniforms, t -shirts, ,hats, ,jackets to athletic teams, organizations and business:'ffF.orPIT: • Free information, Niagara Sportswear. :1-600-991;-, 0699, 3479 Portage°. Road, Niagara'Eatis, Ontario ;L2J 2,K5 -4113c :MECHANICS:''Freeman Trucking . (part: of the econo= my .carriers group'of corrmpa nies) has an opening ;for a journeyman truck Mechanic: We provide: An opportunity fo build a future .,:with a . leader in oilfield trnsports- ton; a company devoted•to lnd"nid}ials_'.who take on the challenge of meeting our high standards to customer service; :competitive wages, and benefits. You provide Qualified mechanical skills; a positive team_ attitude; previous tank truck experi- ence.' Submit, your resume to:' Freeman Trucking; -Box 685, Fox Creek; AB, TOH .. 1P0. Fax 403-6222003.-- . A 41bc. REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY A Temporary. Full Time driver for 1-3 months, with a valid "AZ" license, tor,Iong,haul Must have US and :Border crossing experience, an ICC medical, and clean driver's abstract. • Contact Ryan Enterprises, Walton Phone 519-881.6901