HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-10-01, Page 12Page 12 Luc OW Sentinel, Wednesday, October 1, 1997 19`:{9 GMC SLE, loaded; 16 k, two tone, blue and white. Phone 529-7557 after 6 p.m.--3-40cc 1994 CHEV, 3/4 ton, 305, V8, auto, O.D. am/fm, srw, 74,000 km., certified,. red, asking $13,900. Phone Ripley 395-2615. --40-41 cc 8. Computers UPGRADE TO an Intel. Pentium 150 for as little as $350, Computer Systems from $40/mth O.A.C, Instant Approval. Modems. 33,6 $125 installed. ,Evans Computing 528-2875. --40- 42x THE BEST COMPUTER, the best Price. Delivered right to your door anywhere in Canada! Just $79.00 per month, No Money Down. For Tymannus loaded 166MMX Multimedia. Package: 166 MMX, Motorola 56:6 Fax/Modern, Stereosurroundsound, digi- tal full -motion video, 3.2 GB HD, 24X CD„ ROM, Ful--. colour 14 inch monitor, loaded current software (list if`too long for this ad, call us!!!) instant credit approval; available right over the phone! Call 1-800-551- 3434. To order/More info.-- 40bc, 711. Boat, motors, etc. COWAN CANOES end of Season Sale. New and used canoes and kayak's. Plastic and fiberglass. Oct. 4 &'5,.11.. & 12 only Hwy,. #4 "Belgrave. For more infor- mation call (51.9) 887-.9281 or (519) 887-9342. -:-39- 41cc 10 Pets GOLDEN 'RETRIEVER • pup pies, 'CKC registered, shots, males and females tattooed, ` gentle disposition, excellent with children. Call (519) • 396-5586.. 40-42cc . 11a. General WANTED SOMEONE to custom feed cattle. Cali 529-7384:. -40,41 1"Tb. Wanted to. Buy WANTED MASSEY, Ferguson 3 pt. hitch, 3 or 4 furrow, plow with 12 inch slab point bottoms. Also F-1 York. Landrace gilts forsale. John Miller, R. R. 2, Auburn, 3 corners south and 2 cor- ners east of Lucknovy. -38- 42nxc liie . Livestock. 25 HEREFORD CROSS bred cows for sale, bred Blonde, also 9 bred heifers. Phone 395-5591. --40,41x' GOATS - 4 CROSSBRED. Nubian Nanny's, 2 Billy's and. 5 kids. Phone 519-523- 9660. --40 • 11 e= Livestock ABSOLUTE AUCTION: ARA' iAN HORSES. Approximately 300 Straight "Egyptians:` No. minimums/Reserves. October 11 & 12 Montebello, Quebec. Call Clo 819.423.6306, direc- • tions/info. (#64280 Claude ' Q• u' e n n e v i l .1 e, TPS:104792742 - RT TQV:1002544233.)--40bc 11h. Services TARPS. AND INDUSTRIAL COVERINGS - made to size, for trucks, trailers, gravity boxes, etc. Vinyl, canvas poly. New/Repairs,: Party tent rentals Tiesma Industrial • Coverings, Bayfield. 482-3540. -26tfg- peow . FARM AND CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT Small Engines, Welding. On site repair. Let me come to you! (Freelance truck dri- ving). Rob Campbell. Mobile Repair: Servicing Bruce County. Phone 519-396- 6806.--36tfcc CUSTOM COMBINING wheat, says,' and corn. Leave message or call after 6 p.m. 395-2475. -=40-46 12. Real Estate OWN YOUR OWN ntanu- ' factured'home lot in Sundre, Alberta. 51 lots remaining, '6,700. .square feet ($17,930:) to 13,400 square feet ($25,000.). Please call the Sundre Town Office, 403-638-3551, fax 403-638- 2100. mail sundre@agt,net.--4Obc LISTOWEL & COOK-." STOWN RETiREMENT BUNGALOWS from' $79,900. Club ;House Facilities. Close toshop- ping, hopping, recreation and me& ical facilities,' Low land lease. Cell 416-741-1758 or 519-291-1990 for brochures.--40bc WDONAGH REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE LTO, 35 :.ACRES -- Edge , of Lucknow,.' ViDedroom bungal Iiiece bath, hot eat,- carport, large deck, paved. road, barn, 36 x 56. .. STONE HOUSE - 3 bedroom. large family room, fireplace, hat tub, patio, paved drive, 3 car garage. $114,500. JUST •LISTED 3. bedroom home, 4 pc.•bath, kitchen, burst in cupboards, oil furnace Jull basement." 'Asking ;$54,900. 300 ACRES = 130 sow to finish operation, liquid manure, harvester, silo, new Farmatic mill, implement shed, 4 bedroom home. CaII Fraser Mackinnon 528-3013 Barry McDonagh 528-2031 12. Real Estate "SUDDENLY IT'S SOLD" REAL ESTATE LTD. Mason Bailey 482-9371 BROKER (24 Hour Service) Fax 482-9210 REDUCED: 30 acres licences, gravel pit. Parcel consist of 90.77 acres, 60 acres wooded the rest licenced. Concession 2 Kinloss Twp. Asking: $125,000. GNVESTMENT PROPERTY:^14 ground level recital units -on 5 acres: All units well maintained and high occupancy rate, Owner will finance. Asking: $429,000 FOR FURtl-ik,, d7114MATION CALL MR,E sILEY 5194r 71 I. BROPHA .. ., - 3 bedroom house - brick with aluminum siding, open to offers.. LOGAN TWP, - 3 acres with insulated shop, 5 bedroom home with all updates. MONKTON - 53 seat Dining Lounge, with living area. Possible Bed and Breakfast. For more information please call... BOB 'GILBERT 519-345-2654 ' LAI -IND REAL ESTATE LTD. 14. Vacations DESTIN/SANDPIPER COVER; Two-story family condominiums, 1100 -...ft. beach, 5 pools,, 3 hot tubs, tennis courts, 9 -hole golf course: "Free amenities! 1- 800-874-0448, www:sand- piper cove.com--40bc 1 7. Apia 2 'BEDROOM GROUND 41foor apartment with appli- ances. Availble Oct. lst, $300/month plus utilities. 1 bedroom apartment avail- able immediately. $250/month. Call Paul 528- 2411.--37tfar LUCKN'OW 2 bedroom. • ground floor apartment, pri- vate entrance. Phone 357- 1847 or 528-5600, --41 tfar ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent on main street, 1-ucknow. Phone 528-3932. --35tfar ONE. BEDROOM apart- ment, fridge and stove. included, Glenn Haven Apartments,1550 Albert Street, Lucknow contact 519-235-0349 or 519-528- 3943,--24tfar ONE OR TWO BEDROOM ground level apartments, - close to downtown. Environmentsuitable for retired person. Crestha,ven Apartments. Call 528-3611. or 1-519-848-2215 after 6 p.m.--32tfar IN POINT CLARK, 2 or 3 bedroom semi, $450 fur- nished, $400 unfurnished plus utilities. Call Ron Culp, Cambridge .x519-740.-6955. collect.--39-4.1cc BEACHES OF 'SOUTH WALTON = Panama. City'to. Destin. Breathtaking sun-. , sets, moderate climate, snowbird, activities:; Townhomes', condos, .Gulf Front homes, extended stay'.- discounts, Gulf 'Front. 'Realty, a00-421-4853.--, 40bc 16. For Rent COSTUME'RENTALS For youths and.adulis. Wide selection, book. early. Margie's Speciality Shoppe, 579 Havelock St. Phone 528-3429. 40-44ar 17. Aptsr MAIN STREET LUCKNOW UPPER LEVEL - one bed- room, heat included. Available immediately.,. GROUND LEVEL - .one. .bedroom, heat included.. HOUSE - 2 bedroom, family. room, back yard and garage. Perfect for senior couple. Available Oct; .1` ,Phone 52$2845.--32tfar GROUND FLOOR 2 bed- room heated apartment,. newly renovated; two bed- roamupper apartment $250„ both close to down- town. Phone 528-2031. - 19tfar TWO BEDROOM apartment in Lucknow. $350/month, heat included. Phone 528- 22,42 or 528-2436,--16tfar 18. Houses DURHAM-WALSH Townhouses in Kincardine.` Under riew management, Freshlypainted and reno- vated. Two and three bed- room, 1 month free. rent. Available' immediately: Phone 396-9332.-03tfar THREE BEDROOM farm house for rent, 10 minutes from Goderich, new gas fur- nace..Available Oct. '1, 1997. $500 plus utilities. Call-529.7273.--38tfcc THREE BEDROOM house, in, Lucknow, wood/oil heat, close to .downtown, quiet' street, ,walk out basement; References required. Phone Penny 392-8261 before 2:30 p.m. or after 9 p.m. -- 37-40 3 -BEDROOM HOUSE. for- rent orrent in Nile, fenced in back- yard, double. garage. $600 plus per month, Available, immediately.: Phone 524- 5645 24 5645 or 526-7143.--38tfcc IN AUBURN smalltwo bedroom house for. rent. Call evenings 529-3733. ' 39,40cc 10TH CONC.., Ashfield, 3 bedroom house for rent. $455/month. Available Oct. 25. Call 528-2411.--40,41'ar 3 BEDROOM COUNTRY home; . Targe kitchen, attached garage.. 2 miles south east of Ripley, $575/month plus; utilities, first and last, references. Available Nov. 1st. Call 395-3435. --40,41 cc/, 23.Commerciat STORE FOR rent, main street frontage., Lucknow. Phone 528-3932.--30tfar 25. Wanted to Buy WANTED - SCRAP cars and .all sizes of trucks; all. types of metal, farm. machinery, etc; cash paid. Walkerton Auto Wreckers 1- 881-1679.--26tfar WANTED: HARDWOOD • LOGS prompt payment for hardwood logs, prepayment for timber stands.. Penni(' Veneer Co. Limited, est. - 1927, 340 Louisa St., Kitchener (519)742-5887; 'fax (519)7423872,--40bc TOP DOLLARS Paid for heavy trucks for wrecking, any condition, any quantity. Call Provincial Truck Salvage (519) 843-1126. -- 40,41 cc 26. Help Wanted REGULAR PART TIME organist required for Trinity United Church Ashfield. Contact Suzanne Andrew at 529-7335. --40;41 $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of. money selling, chocolate bars. New prod- ucts available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast deliv- ery 1-800-383-3589.--40bc TRANSPORT DRIAVE'IRS NEEDED. A major carrier is accepting applications for our, Graduates, Noexperi- ence required - excellent pay. For interview or appli- cation contact Ontario Truck Driving School (London) 1- 800-263-4777. --40bc 28. Business Opp. Supplement Your Income With Chinchillas Start in Basement, Garage, Shed, Barn. We Provide Animals, Supplies, Marketing, Financing. Excellent Income Tax Benefits, CANADIAN CHINCHILLA P.O. cox 1684 St MARYS ONT, N4X 1C1, Phone: (519).'229-6117 Fax: 519-229-6622 26. Help Wanted LIFE ON THE EDGE. Arctic newspapers are like recent diamond finds - a well kept secret, As publisher of one, of Northern News Services Limited's award winning publications, you will further develop a frontier advertis- ing dvertising market while focusing editorially on community news. Head office will pro- vide production facilities but, marketing and editorial will be your responsibility. Write:, Bruce Valpy, Northern News Services Limited, Box 2820, Yellowknife, NWT, X1A 2R1 Fax 1-403-.873- 5 07 . 03-873-507. EARN EXTRA MONEY sell- ing C & M Gifts' Unique Line of toys and gifts. 'Call .519- 258-7905,. fax 519-258- .0707 to receive free cata logues and information, about this wonderful gppor- tunity:--40bc ' The Burn ' Coati Board of Static Invites applications forthe position of Resource Educational Assistant at Howick Central Public School, located at RR #.1,Gorrie, Ontario..:Appllca tions will also berAccepted to supplementthe Resource Educational Assistant Preferred List of Candidates. The.Preferred,Ust will be used to fill, future permanent and long-term supply openings oceuring within the 'Huron County Board of Education,for. the 1997/98 school. year, Individuals, who have submitted a resume for the Preferred List in 1997 do not need to' resubmit an application or resume. Duties of the Resource Educational Assistantlnclude support in all of the, • following areas: :• Library.: 1, operating and maintaining a computerized cataloguing and search system,. Including circulation 2. maintaining physical organization of library books and resources; 3, operating CD-ROMS and other current information technology;.. 4: asslst[ng Staff -and P students in locatingboth h• lectr onic team- ing physical' resources; and 5. providing support for administrative/clerical tasks:such as ordering books. Spacial Education 1. providing resource assistance to individual and/or small groups of stu- dents under the'direclton of the ResourceTeacher, , Computer Support 1. wording with DOS, Windows 3.1,,Windows'95, Mac, Novell 4.X, Internet, Netscape, and e-mail/bulletin board systems; 2 troubleshooting computer sofware,and hardware issues; and 3. learning new software and technology to assist with program delivery. Applications for the above positions should Include a. statement of the specific position of Interest and a complete summary of the candidate's qualifications and related working experience, inducting three references, to the address below prior to 4:00 p.m:, Thursday, •October 9,1991: We thank those who submit a resume and 4dvise that only those who:Are chosen for an interview will receive a,reply. A: Carter Chair Resource Educational Assistant Job Competition Huron County Board of Education 163 Princess Street East Clinton, Ontario NOM ILO 4\ P. Carroll Director