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Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Septelinber 34, 1997
• 38.. Auctions '
39.Educational 139.Educational
of Livestock, Machinery &
Miscellaneous will be held for
The Estate of W.A. (Bill)
Fidom, RR 1, Belgrave Lot
31, Concession 6 East
Wawanosh Township, one
corner south of Belgrave or
three corners north of Blyth
on Highway 4, and five miles
Sat., Oct. 4, 1.997
at 12 noon
LIVESTOCK: 17 Semt.-cross
beef cows & calves. Calves
sired by Red Angus bull
(most calves sell separate). 2
yearling heifers. 3 year old.
Red Angus bull, Cows
pregnancy checked prior to
sale, Calves castrated,
vaccinated & dehorned.
TRACTORS: 1990 Belarus
805 2WD, cab, 1700 hrs. 15-
5-38 tires (good condition).
1991 Belarus 310.4WD with
Allied 390 loader, 1215 hrs:,
manure bucket, manure fork,
bale prong and brush prong
(bucket sells separate).
MACHINERY: McKee round
baler (hard core 4 x 5 ft.
bales); New Holland 155
manure spreader, new in
1996 (used 4 days);, New
Holland 488 9 ft. haybine;
New Holland Model 38 crop
chopper; Dion forage wagon
•& rack (right hand unload);
New Holland roller bar rake;
Kuhn 3 PH, PTO hay rake;
New, Idea` 4 bar rake (steel
wheels) - for parts; wagon
'with rack; pipe elevator on
wheels; Smyth 7 ft. snow
blower (single auger);
Ferguson 2 furrow plow; New
Idea 7 ft. mower; 3 section,
diamond harrows; chain
harrows; 3 PH 6 ft; blade;
Smyth zero grazing•wagon;
chute; cattle oiler; rabbit
cages; round bale feeder;
scrap; 'cement: blocks.
Wagonload of farrn related
items. Plan to attend. .Good
TERMS:'Csh` or acceptable•
cheque, with proper I.D. day
of sale. Not responsible for
accidents. Verbal
announcements' take
precedence over advertising,
itemslisted as described by
For more information call
Brian Rintoul
(519) 3P7,-.349 ,.
Classes' held Nov. 15-
21/97. For information con-
tact: Southwestern Ontario
School of Auctioneering,
R.R. #5, Woodstock,
Ontario N4S 7V9 (519)537-
COMPUTERS, No previous
computer experience nec-
essary. Exciting opportuni-
ties'novo available in com-
puter programming. We will
train suitable, applicants.
Call CMS toll-freel-800-
38. Auctions
of Machinery, Hdusehold
Effects & Tools will be held
John & Diane Buchanan
RR #6,Goderich.
Lot, 11, Conc. 9,, Colborne;
TWO. 4 miles north of
Goderichon Highway 21 to
Sunset. Golf and lA mile east.
Watch for signs.
Saturday, Sept. 27
at 10 a.m. sharp,
TRACTORS: Oliver' 550 - live
power, heathouser, good
conditjon;, Massey 205
Industrial with 'loader;
Lucknow 61/2' snowblower,
single auger; 3 p.h.. cultivator;
2 wagons - 1-16' rack; 5' rotor
mower; 6' blade; 2 trailers - 1
small,•1 large;, Ingersoll riding
lawn mower,.14 HP, 42" cut,
all wheel steering; like new
condition; moped bike;' table
saw; electric Motors.
,ANTIQUES:t Lg. oak' ,desk
(refinished); pine antique
table Elmira airtight wood.
stove; ,couch; several antique
chairs; ,•Ig., oak door;
chesterfield suite;`chronie
table; numerous tools.
Aluminum doors & windows;
luggage; fishing -poles; dog,.
house; treadmill; weightlifting
set; baby buggy; sleeping•
bags; 'bedspread electric
blanket; Mixmaster;relectric
fry pan; books; beer fridge;
several beer steins;: sewing
rnachiine; 'odd dishes &
collectibles; wagon load of.
miscellaneous items.
Plan to attend.. Farm sold. ,
TERMS: Cash or acceptable
cheque' with proper I.b. day
of•, sale. Not responsible '.for
accidents. Verbal
• announcements take piece-
:dence over advertising, items
listed as described. by owner.
For information call John.
Buchanan at 524-7157
(urian' Rintoul
(5 9). 357-2349
Saturday, September' 27th, 199710:00 AM
at 1881 Scanlan St. London,'Ontario
Cars', Trucks,, Equipment,•Misc. Tools
Partial Listing Only .
Call for. Detailed listing Will Be Made Available
, 6% Buyers Premium` On Small items
$200.00 On Vehicles and Equipment
Terms: Cash, Visa, M/C, Debit Card QrCertified Cheque ..
519-453=7182 1-800-265-1906 fax 519-451-2443'
Learn Income Tax
Preparation and
Bookkeeping by correspon-
dence. Earn your certificate
now. For FREE brochures,
no obligation, U & R Tax
Schools, 1345 Pembina
Hwy., Winnipeg, Manitoba,
R3T 2B6. 1-800-665-5.144,
over 20 years of tax training.
WRITER... with our great
home -study course, Call
today for youi',FREE BOOK.
1-.8.00-267-1829. The
Writing School, 38'McArthur
Avenue, Suite' 2883,
Ottawa, ON K1L
39bc '
Institute ofCanada offers
on -campus and correspon-
dence courses toward a
Diploma' in Counselling
Practice, to begin this
month. Free catalogue, call
24hrs. 1-800-665-7044.--
42. Obituaries
Funeral services for the late
, German James Johnston,
were held from the Graham
A. giddy. Funeral Home and
Chapel, 37' Church Street,
Elora, • on Monday,
September 15, 1997 with
Rev.. Mark Waugh officiat-
ing. 'Mr. Johnston passed
away fo'liowinga coura-
geous battle 'with cancer on
Friday., , September 12; 1997 .
at the Wingham Hospital.
Carman Johnston in his •
75th year of Lucknow and
formerly of R.'14. 5 Guelph.
Loving companion ' of
Gladys., Moon. Loved father
of`.Dolores Artuso, Michael
'Johnston,. -Mary Purdy and
her husband Bruce, John
Johnston, Louise Johnston,
James Johnston,, ;Peter
Johnston 'and his wife
Cynthia'rall ,of 'Guelph.
Carman is the beloved
grandfather of Jennifer
Conner and her husband
Scott of -Kitchener, .Lucas
Purdy, Becky and
Samantha Artuso and
Megan Johnston hili of
Guelph, and great grandfa-
ther of Joshua and Sheldon
Conner. 'Dear : uncle of
David and Allan Johnston of
Ridgetown. Pre -deceased
,r by his par,ents Herbert and
Gertrude Johnston and
'brothers, Carlye and Hubert
Johnston: Followed by inter-
, ment at Woodlawn
Cemetery, Guelph:,
Pallbearers for Mr, Johnston
were Mike Johnston, Peter
Johnstoh, Bruce 'Purdy,
Lucas Purdy, John
Johnston, and David and
Allan Johnston. Flower
bearers were Rebecca
Artuso, Samantha
Artuso. Remembrances' to
\ the Canadian Cancer
Society, would be appreciat-
ed by the family.(Cards
available at the funeral
home 846-5352.) -739
1400. Lost/Found
LOST: ROWN and white,
male Jack Russell cross.
Australian Shepherd ,dog,
Whitechurch area on
Sunday morning, answers
to Benjamin. Phone 357-
2203. --39
J42. Obituaries
Laura Diane Murray, 13 -
year -old daughter of
Barbara (Aitchison) Murray
of R.A. 3, Holyrood; and
Kevin Murray of Ripley,
passed away at Children's
Hospital, London, on Sept.
16, 1997, after a coura-
geous, brief battle with can-
cer. Laura was a student at
the Wingham and District'
High School. She was born
on Dec. 22, 1983, in
Wingham. Laura will be
sadly missed by her sisters
Lacey and Lindsay Murray,
of R. R,. 3, Holyrood; step-
sister and step -brother
Janelle and Jim Morrison of
Ripley; step -mother Janet
Murray, end special friend
Todd Struthers. Laura is
also survived by her mater-
nal grandparents, Beth and
Bob Aitchison of Lucknow,
and paternal grandparents
Leo and Imelda Murray of
Kinloss Township: Also
loved by many ' aunts,
uncles, cousins and friends.
Visitation ' was . at the
MacKenzie and McCreath
Funeral Home, Lucknow,, on
Sept 17'and 18. Funeral
services were held at the
Lucknow United Church on
Sept. 19 with Rev. Bill
BresnahaSn officiating. Jeff
Murray accompanied! him-
self et the: piano for a solo:
Jeff with Michelle
Carrutherss sang a duet, •and,
Larry MacPherson per
formed' a solo:; They were
accompanied by Marilyn
Scott at the piano. Flower
'bearers were Kim 'Eadie,
Margie MacPherson; Paula
Taylor, Michelle Carruthers,
Kitt Carruthers Laura
Sande, Leanne Massena
, and .Janelle Morrison.
Pallbearers were Jim
Murray, Allan Scott, Brad
Aitchison, Mike. Murray,
Mike Lewis and Den►ayne
Pfeifer. ,Interment Greenhill.
Cemetery.' Donations were
to the Laura Murray
Memorial Fund.--39ar
46. In
in loving memory of Gerry
Priestap who passed away.
seven years ago September
30, 1990. '
May the winds of love blow
And whisper so• you can
We will always love and
Miss you
And wish that you were
near' -
There will always be a
And then a silent tear,
But 'always precious• memo-
Of the days whenyou were
We shall hold you close
within our hearts
And here you will remain,
To walk with us through out
our lives
Until we meet again.
Lovingly remembered by
Mary Lou, Brad and Louise,
Heather and Mike, Dale and
Nicole and grandchildren. --
47.. Cards of
would like to thank the
Lucknow Village Market for
sponsoring me in the Miss
Lucknow Fall Fair Pageant.
Spebial thanks ,to• the
Agricultural Society for the
Lovely gifts I received. 'I
hope to represent Lucknow
'to the best of my ability in
the coming year. Carolyn. --
We wish to thank our
daughter Helen and all who
helped to.make our 50th
anniversary so special. For
all the lovely gifts, cards and
flowers we received. Also
the lovely anniversary plate.
For the 'wonderful dinner in
Wingham with our family
and friends. Thank you
everyone. Clare and Anna. -
43. Births
Anita and )Gary are thrilled
to announce the safe arrival
of their newbaby boy,
'Tyson Robert. Tyson 'was
born at County of. Bruce
General .. Hospital,
Walkerton; on. September
18, 1997 ' weighing 8 lbs., 7
oz. Proud grandparents of,
Bob and Gloria Rutledge
and Andy and , .Ann
Groenveld. --39x
Acfwe lid+;rwj ifnake5
a meal iv dif 'erevt ce!
47. Cards of
I would like 'to thank my
family, the kitchen crew,
those who served, the
pianist, and all those who
sent cards, 'phone calls,
flowers and gifts.. 1 would
especially like to thank all
who came to join us and
made my 85th birthday such
a happy and memorable
day: Herb. —39x
We wish .to express •'our sin -
ti core thanks. to 'relatives,
friends and neighborsfor
sympathy . shown to:, us
through 'flowers, cards, food
and visits .during the 'recent'
loss of our dear grand-
daughter' and niece, Laura.
Thanks foryour love and
support. Leo. and. Imelda
and family: --39
The family of the late Helen
Hall would like to thank their.,
family and friends for all
their love and affection they
gave Helen while she waS a
resident at Pinecrest. We
would like to thank every-
one for their cards, flowers,
'food, donations, and.
expressions of sympathy
shown at the time 'of her
death. A special thanks to
everyone who 'prepared
meals for, us. We sincerely
appreciate Rev. Bresnahan
for all his concerns shown
to us. Thanks also to the
United Church ladies fortlie
delicious lunch served after.
the funeral. Thanks to the
staff at MaeKerizie and
McCreatb 'Funeral Home for ,
all their assistance.
Everything was greatly
appreciated, Hap Hall
Steve, Elaine Hell and fami-
ly; Murray, Susan Moffat
and family: --39
Lucknow Legion Branch
309 would like to thank
Sonia Jones for represent-
ing the branch in the Queen
of the fair pageant and con-
gratulate her on her being
1st runnerup. Also thank`
you to The Mackie's for their
help and for driving. Sonia in
the. parade: --39ar
48: Coming
.Open ;house Saturday,,
Sept. 27>, 11 a m: '- 5 p.m
County Rd., 1.5,' E of
Londesboro, 'Come see our
beautiful collection of kits,`
charts and supplies. For
more details call 523-4846.
At. Monkton Arena; Sunday,
Sept. 28, 10• a.m. 5 p.m..
Firemen's :Brunch 10 a.m.
2 p.m. For vendor' informa-:
tion all Janice Hobe,lman
(519) 347.2368` or Julie
Emond 519-347-2308 or fax
Royal Canadian' Legion,.
Ladies' -Auxiliary Branch
309, .Lucknow Thursday,
Sept. 25, &'p.m. Legion
Hall. Admission $2: Lunch
Goterich Knights of
Columbus, every Thursday,
7 p.m. Columbus. Centre,.
390 Parson's Court, $4400.
in prizes; progressive jack-
pot $1000:; ; regular jackpot
•$1500 must go. Superstar
Provincial gameplayed
every bingo night. .Lio.'
Soundsation is starting their
weekly practices this Sept.
28, 8 p.,m. at the Hillcrest
Public School' in Teeswater.'
AIIsingers welcome espe-
cially looking' for Bass and
Tenors, must•be 14 years
and older. Contact 395-
3330 or 357-3763. --39