HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-09-24, Page 1326. Help Wanted 26. Help Wanted. The Huron County Board of Education REQUIRES A LITERACY AND NUMERACY COORDINATOR • for the 1997.98 school year Duties for the above position will commence immediately. The successful candidate will be responsible to implement a volunteer training program addressing literacy and numeracy in Huron County. The successful .candidate will have the ability to work well with both children and adults; possess strong organization and coordination skills and be familiar with the use of technology for both communication and'learning purposes. Please note that thisis a contract position for the term specified above. Applications will be received by the undersigned until 4:30 p.m., October 3, 1997. , Jeanne Dionne, Director of Human Resources Huron County Board of Education 163 Princess Street CLINTON, Ontario NOM.1 LO.. 31 o Service ' Directory' Lucknow Sentinell, Wednesday, September 24, 1o7 - Page 13 133. iMAi$c. 38. Auctions I 38. Auctions AGNEW JEWELLERY REPAIR - watch, clock, jew; ellery. Free, estimates. Pickup and delivery can be arranged. 698 Havelock Street, across frorp Medical Centre. Call 528-3532 or 528-3940.--18tfar 45' STORAGE TRAILERS for rent. Economical stor- age, ideal'for contractors, -farmers and home owners. Phone 395-5167.--34tfcc MARRIAGE AND PERSON- AL Counselling, W. Turvill B.A., M.S.,Ed., private prac- tice, Evening appointments available. Kinhuron Medical Centre, 1004 Queen Street, Kincardiine..Call 396-3384 or.396. 564. -39cc CARL SLOETJES Sales, Installation, Renovations We thank those who submit a resume, and advise 'only those. who are chosen for an interview will receive a reply. • Replacement Wiridows & Doors • Kitchen Cabinets • Vanities • Carpet and Linoleum •Roofing.• Free Estimates • RR7 LUCKNOW ' 529-3164 COLLECT YOUR CHILD SUPpoRT. TAKE THE FIRST STEP! Order your Collection Enforcement Kit prepared by a lawyer to assist you collecting your child support whether you're in the F.S.P. system,or do it yourself. For information or to order, write or fax: "Collection Kit" 49-.6A The Donway West, Suite 315, North York, Ontario M3C 2E8.' Fax, 905-871-5477-- 39bc • 34. Personal A. Carter Chair P. Carroll Director 28. Busilness' Chit). 29 Tenders COLLECT CASH: Coke, Pepsi, Hostess, .M&M., Cadbury,. . etc. Restock. established unique Vendors! in your area. No selling, full- time, parttime. Minimum investment. $13,980. 1-800 • 546.2'799;.,• (24 :hours): Member B.B.B.--39bc AMAZING • FACT. The Internet will 'grow by 21700% iri;;24 'mos.. Huge earning potential with Canada's fastestgrowing. Internet Franchise: full training. Investment required: 1-888- 678-7588.--39bc ' CHRISTIAN FRANCHISE, -itlge_carning, potential -ser ,icing. the explosive :. Christian market with. 'today's technology. Home based,Full training and • support.. 'Call 1.800-663- 7326--39bc FORTUNES'. MADE AS INFORMATION BROKER. Canada's fastest growing franchise. No inventory. No staff.... Lbw overhead., Computer generates , income 24 hours per'day,1- 888-.889-1010.--39bc • TOWNSHIP`OF KINLOSS TENDER • The Township of Kinloss!. is calling for tenders for the sale .of:.eleven pieces, each approximately. twenty feetin in' length, of Steel. Railway Tracks; One tendered price for the eleven pieces. The tracks' are located at the Township Garage yard; for inspection. Tenders to,. be•received in the'Clerk's Office, Holyrood, by.4:30 October 6, 1997." Any tender not. necessarily accepted. .Mark L..Becker, Clerk -Treasurer Holyrood, Ontario -- ,NOG -2B0:._ 519.395-3575• 7 VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW. TENDERS Sealed tenders,' clearly 'm'arked as to. "Content;'will be received by the undersigned. until 4:0.0 P.M. Tuesday, October 14, 1997. ' ' ' 1: Supply oil td Firehall 2. Snow removal on Campbell St.. • 3. Snow :removal on Firehall Parking Lot. 4; Snow rerrioval•on Medical Centre Parking Lot. e. 'a' 5. Snow removal on Arena. ' Parking Lot, Pick -u0 tender infortnation at Municipal Office. B.M. Whitcreft Clerk-Treas. • Village of Lucknow Box 40... Lucknow, Ontario. NOG 2H0 . Hi -Hoe Dozer Gravel & Top Soil parry. Johnston Holyrood (519) 395-5231 RA: HAVENS ELECTRIC "Residential -&'Farm *Commercial Electrical ' Contractors FREE ESTIMATES • RETAIL . Light fixtures,.Iamps, :bulbs, •electrical supplies Evening appointments available Rod Havens:. LUCKNOW 528=2867 DAVE'S CAR OILING Drummond St" Blyth: 523- 4343, it's time to, get your car oi,led..Month of Sept: open ,evenings Mott": Thurs.. 7 9 p.m., Sat. '8 =' noon,, Month of Oct. open •daily, Mon Fri 6 ':8, 'Sat. 8:. - noonweather permitting. -- 38tfcc FREE ACTIVATION OF. ALL DIRECT IN. Digital-. `Satellite Syetems,'• ,also' available WebTV.,Access ' the Internet without a corm Outer, Only '$499.00. Call Direc.tTV/WebTV, 'Phone:607-577-0744. 'Fax: 800-966-2655--39bc *A ;cost will he incurred. EVANLY-RAYS. PHYSIC ANSWERS - Police use us, Rated #1 in. Canada. Instant answers about Love, Money, Career, Lucky #s, Relationships. Achieve suc- cess! $2.99/min., 18 + 24 Hrs. Cali 1-900-451-4055. 37. -50cc. . ., KATHERINE'S PSYCHIC Advises on all problems of Life, Love and Marriage, Business, Health, Travel. See her she can help you (519) 238-8404.. Available "for parties.--38,39dc *A Cost will be incurred. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC .1 900=4.51-3783: $2.99 min 18+ 24 hrs. DAILY 'HOBO= ',SCOPE` 1-9.00-677-7770, FLAT FEE $5.00.--39bc *A cast will be incurred. LIVE GIFTED.PSYCHICS. Problems in love/relation- ships? Friends/loved ones turn against you? Feel ;unlucky in business?' Reunites loved ones/inter- prets dreams," Call :.1-900- 451-2787, -900451 2787, '24 hrs;• 18+, $2,75/min:--39bc. 32. Babysitting MOTHER .'OF. TWO. ehil- dren, both school age, will- ing to babysit in my honie Monday to Friday. Low. rates, lunch and snacks pro- vided. References available, Holmesville area, Call 519-- 5244139. 19- - 524-1'13.9.--25tfcc .. ' BABYSITTER REQUIRED, your home Ashfield/Huron Township; 16 month old. Start Nov./Dec. Call 529- 3423', 7:30 9 p.m. --38-40 36. Announcements: ANOTHER WAY TO PLAY' DRAW WINNERS IAM Local ;1863 •Goderich; • $150;' Pauline Pegg,., Luckn'ow,`'', $75; 'John McIntosh; Lucknow, $50. • 39ar CONGRATULATIONS TO, Serb Floss who won our fair draw for a 2 year subscrip- tiOn to` The. ,lucknow Sentinel. 39ar:..: 37. Mortgages : AUCTION REGISTER CONSIGNMENT SALE DAVIDSON CENTRE FRIDAY OCT 17197 . Of you have something to sell, give us a call. Grant McDonald 3955353 Wallace Bollagh 392-6170 Auctioneers AUCTION SALE will be held far the Estate pf Donald Henderson of Lucknow Saturday, Sept. 27 at 10:30 a.m. sharp .Lucknow Arena . AUCTIONEERS Allan R. Miller (519) 395-5062 Joseph Zehr (519) 887-9599 1e' & 2hd Mortgage Money Absolutely No. Upfront Fees Available as IoW as 6.50'Y -interest Personal Loans ybuqualify; payments Amt. Approxi Mo. Payment ':5,000 ' ' 41.66 '10,000 • ; r s 83.33 '15,000, '125.00 ` Consolidate your debts Call (519) 363.02.11 1-800.387-1932 ASTRAL •FUNDING.'iNC. PITCH -1M BRIAN RINTOUL Auction Calendar Sat., Sept. 27 John 81 Diane Buchanan Colborne Twp. Sat., Oct. 4 W.A. (Bill) Fidoss Estate FWawanosh Beal EstatCows 8t Machinery St.,ast Oct. 11 Huron Bruce 4H Beef Sale Brussels Livestock Mon.. Oct. 14 Sherdon Farms Bred Heifers & Calf Sale at farm, Ashfield Twp. Wed., O_ct. 15 Special Calf and Yearling Sale • Brussels Livestock Sat., Oct. 25 Local Calf Sale Brussels Livestock Kitchener Stock Yards'(Ofex) Every' Tues. & Thurs, Brussels Livestock every Friday RR #3 Wingham 357-:2349 FORM 9 SALE OF LAND. BY PUBLIC AUCTION The Corporation of the County of ,Huron Take Notice that the lands) described , below will be offered for.sal'e by Public. auction, at 10: 00 6'clock•.in the forenoon. on the 7th day of October, 1997 at Huron County Court House, 1 Courthouse Square, Goderic/'r,. 'Ontario 417A 11142 Description' of Land(s) ;I Minimum Bid $ ' (set out nip cancellation price • as of the first day or advertising) I. Part of Lot 9; Concession 1, Eastern Division • , $7,259.62 As per Instrument Number 237577 Township of Ashfield, County of Huron Province:of Ontario, 2; FIRSTLY: All Lot 21, Plan 133. • 16,499.05.' As per instrument Number 129528 •SECONDLY Part: of. 5th Avenue; Plan'133 . ' as Fart 1 on Reference Plan 22R-2251. • . As pet` Instrument Number 241991 ,Street stopped up by By-law Number 40 1985 registered : as Instrument Number 241988, As per Instrument Number 261041 ` Township ofTuckersmith„County:gf.Hurori : Province'of Ontario • 3: Block "E", Pran 131 $84,748:26 • • Subject to an easement registered in favourof the Corporation • of the Township of•Tuckeismith registered;as Instrument .of 119875. • As •perInstrurnent Nuniber'248079. To�sunship`of, :Tuckersmith; County.; of Huron Province of Ontario ' 4. All. ofLot 196, Plan 131 519,736.13 As per .instrurnent Nlurnber254017. Township vfTuckersnutTi; County of'Iicrron Provinceof Ontario ., 5• All of Lot 7 97, Plan :131 '516;448.28 AS per Instruinent Number 254016 Township of Tuckersmith, County of Huron •Province. ofOntario 6. All of (m.30..0.11111 133 . As per Instrument Number 2'54() 18 Township of.Tuckerslnith; Cauntx.of Huron Province ofOntaiio t ti -i,885.52 .7. Lox I65. Plan' 23(), Village of Dungannon $ ,240.19 As per Instruinent,Nuinber 126755" - Township of West Wawanosh, Couniy of 'Huron Province of Ontario All amounts payable by 'the successful purchaser shall be piy.ible in : full at the time of the sale' by; cash or money order or by a bank draft ,• or cheque certified by a bank, trust corporation or Province. of Ontario Savings.Office. • The municipality or boardmakes no representation regar•ding the title. toor any.other [natters relating to the land to be sold.: Responsibility' for ascertaining these, matters rests with the.potential purchasers. . This sale is governed• by the Municipal ,Tax 'Sales' Act and the •Municipal Tax Sales Rtiles. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the anjount bid:'plus..accurnulated taxes and therelevant land transfer MX: For further information regarding this sale; contact: Treasurer, Corporation of the.County of Huron I Courthouse, Square, Goderich, Ontario. NIA 11'42 •. Personal information contained on this form, collected pursuant to the Municipal lax Sales Act will be used for th'e purposes of that Act. :Questions. should be 'directed t.o the P'reedom of information and. Privacy Coordinator. at the institution responsible for the procedures, under that Act.