HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-09-24, Page 1VOL. 128 WK. 39
by Pat Livingston
The lack of .respect
some, people have for
this community was
shown again on the
weekend when vandals
did damage tothe ball
diamond at Caledonia
• Park.
' The pickup. .truck
damaged the infield and
the sod on the outfield.'
Entry Was gained by
opening the. gate that is
used for maintenance
' equipment to ' enter
It was just late spring"
that the local Kinsmen:
finished the refurbishing
of the. ball` diamond; • a
project •that cost' thou-
sands of dollars.
ight .ai
Police were called to
the, midwa.y': at the
Lucknow Fall.Fair, ,on
Friday, night when a dis-
Aute with the carnival
people over , games
turned into a fight
The . ` midway was
Closed -early as .a result.
About : 45 minutes
. Tater police arrested ' a:
19 -year-old Lucknow
man for being drunk in a'
public place.
Also on Friday night,
police charged: a 20--
,year -Old Kincardine
male with liquor other'
than a residence. Three.
people. were sitting on:
the tailgate of a truck on
Stauffer Street when
police stopped to inves-
At about 1:45 'a.m..
Sunday morning: police'
issued a 12 -hour suspen-
uspen-sion to a Lucknow man
'they stopped 'on Inglis
Street. '
About 4:25 a.m.
Sunday, police. were
called to the fair grounds
where it ' was. reported
"kids" were smashing
carnival equipment,
There was, $530 in dam-
Courtney Chiasson daughter of Sonya, was .really impressed with the
Luckilow tall fair parade and all thepeoplelining,the route. They were on;
they •Pinecrest,f loat. (Livingston photo) •
kert monume
ransfierred to
A proposal. to ' transfer
the Ackert", monument;
located on the north east
corner at Holyroo:d, to
'Kirtioss,.township, owner&
ship,;•hasbeen accepted
by council'in;principal.
Raynard .Ackert, made
the proposal to council on
Sept ,15.. The Ackert fam-
ily has, .agreed to pay •the
cost involved. in, having
the monu:ment`'and land
transferred into the
municipality's name, and
to pay $.1.000 for perpetu-
al care.
': . ,Ackert's solicitor, will
prepare'. the agreement for
council's approval.
The m:onu'nient .was
erected on the corner in
1977 by 'Raynard Ackert
as an historical -.tribute •too
,the sawmill and: chopping
mill that. many `years ago
was located' 0n the :prop-
erty.formerly known as
Hilray Farms., Ackert' did
the stone::work' himself.
and incorporated a. niill
saw and mill` stone into.
'the structure.
oard of `ed needs new name
The Bruce and Grey county boards of
educat:i'on will _needa new -.name when
they amalgamate on Jan. 1, and are look-
ing to their students and county residents
for suggestions
The Boards are sponsoring.a contest to
find a name and logo"that will reflect the
excellence .from ,both boards" The dead-
line is Oct. 15:
Eagleson said inviting name and logo
suggestions from students and .the public
allows the public to "take ownership" of
an amalgatnation "that isbeeing forced on
The Ministry of Education: has
announced that the 'amalgamated.board
will be officially known as :District Board
Number Seven.:Eagleson describedit as
a 'cold'" natrie that ppTempted the search for
a more user-frtendlyalternative. ;-
Name and logo suggestions can be
submitted to either board superintendent.
A short list of candidates
,for the neew.
name and logo ; will be chosen and :sent
'back to all .schools for voting by students,
advisory councils, .staff and Home ,and
• : School associations. Final ret;•ommenda-
tions based' on the results of that voting
will go to the amalgamation committee
for'thetwo boards by Nov. 12:
Fall, fair goers
ignore vweather
by Pat Livingston
Fred deBoer, president of the Lucknow Agricultural
Society says the 134th fair was "quite successful in all
area.." This was in spite of the very wet weather experi-
enced .all:day.Friday.
"Overall the crowds seemed to enjoy the weekend
and, stuck around," said deBoer.' '
The midway was busy Friday night once the rain
stopped and attendance was 'good there as well on
deBoer said there was some concern; after the fight at
the midway on Friday night'' whether Big .A.
Amusements would return to the village.
The owner, told deBoer he wouldn't let; something
like that stop .them' from coming back. Overall, the
owner was very happy with the crowd' And some of the
workers at the midway told deBoer they found the, peo-
ple in Lucknow to be very friendly, much more so than
what they receive in the.cities•where people,won't even
talk'to them:
4..:dcieBoec said the owner indicated he.will bring the
same rides next year and possibly a merry-go-round. too:
The CKNX video dance on Saturday night had an •
'attendance -of about 480, a number that is larger than
Most "fair dances have drawn:'deBoer said thecost for'
bring ng the entertainment in is :higher than they have
spent in. other years, and as of Monday he wasn't sure of
the profit on the dance:
All in all, the fair board,: was. pleased with the fair
tui rnout. The exhibits Were super and the support of the
community worlung together in .many ways . is certainly
• instrumental in pulling off the event, deBoer,said:'
Municipal .elections
Little interest shown;
fling date approaches
by Pat:'Livingston
Telephone calls " to the four area rnutiicipaL offices
revealed that people are' not beating a,path to the clerks,
,te file•no nination papers for the Nov. 10 electron. •
• In Lucknow, onIy one person 'had 'filed as of noon.
hourMonday. and that is' Lillian Abbott who will seek
re-election' as a councillor •
In Ashfield and Kinloss Townships; there is: no.
actionat all.
Ashfield clerk Linda Andrew said in her municipal=
ity the ''norm," is for all the action" to take place on
nomination day - Oct. 10.
In' West Wawanosh two have filed" their intent to:
seek positi-ons'on council: The, current' reeve,; Bob
Hallam has .filed, for the same' position, and Walter
Elliott has filed papers for deputy -reeve. •
New this, year is a $100 fling fee payable in cash.
certified cheque or money. order: The fee is returned if
the person: is elected: withdraws or gets two<percent of
:the ballots cast in the election. This year, 10 signatures,
are not needed for the form. The papers can be filled'
out and filed .in'a matter of minutes: ,
Inside this -week ...
Full pictorial coverage
of fall fair