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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-09-17, Page 20
Page 30 A Luvkn©w Sentinel, Wednesday, September 17, 1997 Couple. returns from England by Mildred Loree. Edith and Stan Lawton of Staffordshire, England returned home on Monday after spending nearly three weeks visiting with her sister, Joyce Johnstone and family. They reported hav- ing a wonderful time tour- ing around this area. Friends . from. London, Walkerton, Goderich and Strathroy as well as many Lucknow friends and neighbors of Clare and Anna Johnstone ,joined them in the Legion hall, Saturday, September ,13 to help .them celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. Following the open house ----the . family members enjoyed dinner together in. Wingham., ' The funeral home was. busy place" againlast week. Helen Hall passed away on Sunday ' in Wingham Hospital and Katherine Smith in University Hospital,` London on Monday. Service$ were;held. for .. 'both : these ladies on • Wednesday afternoon in, the funeral home. On Wednesday Marie Legrand passed away in Wingham Hospitaland her funeral Service " Was held Saturday in St:Mary's R.0 .Church. Thursday Wendy Nixon, formerly -of Lucknow.passed away. with her funeral service on Sunday afternoon in the chapel Sympathy ' is extended to each ..of;these. ;families is they'mourn the • loss of their loved ones. .' LocaI Couneil decides to confirm amalgamation During the Kinloss Township nroecting on Sept. 2, council confirmed decisions made about the amalgamation of the Village of Lucknow and the townships of Huron and Kinloss by a joint amalgamation meeting. The meeting decided that the new municipality will be a Township, the Clerk of Kinloss will conduct, the 'election in 1998, the Head of Council will be a Reeve, there will be seven members of . Council, wards will be utilized and there will be no weighted voting system. Mennonite School Councildecided that they will allow a tempo- rary 'Mennonite school at 3, Lots 2 and 3, Bridges Council is allowing an extension to Amos Knorr to have railroad bridges removed and cleaned up. The time has been extend- ed to Sept. 30. • Animal Trapping Council has agreedto. allow Rick Williams, to trap animals under thd`Fur Manager's Education Course on Kinloss Township road right-of- ways. As a member' of 'the fur. manager's federation. he has coverage under a liability insurance. policy. • . Accounts • Council has approved the general accounts for $16,783.02 and the road accounts for $24,005.70. the. Cleason_Raman _Farm : Resolution Support .at Concession 6, Lot 6 Council is`supporting until a proper zoning the resolution passed by application .has been Ashfield Township in -approved for the Amos August about intensive Knorr Farm at Concessionlivestock, operations. Presentation for Whitechurch club about yarn by Jean ,Ross The : ' Whitechurch Institute held: their meeting in the hall on Sept. 1.0 at 8 p.m. This was the Agricultural and Canadian Industries meeting with Jean Tiffinas convener. The meeting opened in the usual way and. Jean Rose,; welcomed the mem- bers and visitors : and'read' a poem on harvest. Agnes Farrier read mini-. utes andnew-' business• was eoltpie discussed, A desert eurche party is .planned for Oct. LaS baby: :Je• an Tiffin gave' .the by, Ruth Buchmeiex' Congratulations.. to Gary. and' Heidi Forster of Wingharri on the birth of. • their second daughter. on Aug. 20, Latasha'Margaret weighed eight pounds, 1-4. ounces and she is a little. sister for Kelly. Proud. grandparents are Jack and • Rena Forster of Lucknow and Alex and. `Gwen Strong of Wingham and great grandmother; Dorothy. Hyndman. of Gerrie. : . Ray and Ruth Buchrneier enjoyed a,;two Week holiday ;touring ;through Northern Ontario and the Province of Quebec. They travelled. with friends from, Calgary, Alberta 'who' are going op 'to the east coast. Una and Dori Mathews enjoyed a three day visit from IJna's brother,. Robert and Ardi Moore of Oshawa, :last week. motto "The Peace of the WorldDepend_on Food:" LtJCKNOW DISTRICT:: -:LIONS CLUB . Dabber 0.: Lucknow Community, Centre BINGO SEPTEMBER 21 %97 Jackpot Winner Jean .Helm Lucknow Community' Centro opens at 6:30 p.m. GEMS new season GEM$ Girls' . Club (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior): is ready to start a new sea- son. Our the ,e is "Come Celebrate the King." We are looking forward to a year of games, crafts and activities that celebrate the goodness of our God. Any girls in Grades five through Grade eight are welcome to join us on Monday evenings. Our first meeting will. be Monday, Sept. 22; we are starting with a wiener roast and games night at counselor Jocelyn's house. For more information call: Jocelyn deBoer at 52.8- • 3223. r ci 1 1 NM DIM ,B IMO - lit,. MON NO MONEY DOWN 0.A.C. INSTAI.LA7`tON. 1 Q'CFF COUPONs IB" SATE6LITf DISHES' Starting of $299 We carry ECHO STAR, SONY, RCA, HUGHES, HITACHI & UNIDEN Vyt Vireolegarateme CALL A-1 ENTERPRISES A1�A• AA►iIA• 7 ■Oum,VV"L.;��iimp■mion,L.i / 0 GRAND BEND Now Open .in. Lucknow . Get a.good thing going:. Yourself.. The roll:. call was answered by naming a Canadian industry; .in which women participate.. Jean Tiffin introduced the guest speaker Wilma.': Sutton from Ripley. She talked about spinning and showed `yarn from the dif- ferent animals that is used in. spinning and: how they color•the fleece todiffer-; ent shades which was very interesting. • 'Helen Currie thanked her and presented her' with an' envelope. , '. "Jean also conducted . contest and the meeting was closed with lunch being served by. Norma Rintoul and Marjorie. Wall. :0000ancicto�oacl>a 0 Huron Countys'Complete: o EI HICK113 E. 0RENTAL ri Headquarters 00 Small &Mid -sized -Cars E 0 O: Passenger & Cargo p, 0 Vans, Pickup Trucks ,; m 0Daily. Weekly. . 'Monthly. d Gil I Morensurance Rentals 8t II Ih] 0 .n.. 7 Free Delivery • iJ �. • D 0 GI CAR & TRUCK RENTALS 11 .0 ' bivision of Suncoast'1?ord L" 1 500 Huron Rd„ Galerich; .1 0 CALL COLLECT Ask for Helen le II bill 524-8347 0 lSeE1156 lebr edeea irq,IIn1'!.r rulure" aannnvarnav LISTINGS WANTED PAUL ZINN 528-2411 E. WAWANOSH 45.5 'acres, 30 workable with barn and well. 76,5 acres with 30=35. workable 1/2'mile'Maitland, River frontage, 5 bedroom horse with,fireplace; garage & shed. $235,000. for both: • 2 YEAR OLD - BUnda.low` near Lucknow," 2000 sq. ft.: 3. bedroom, 3 baths, fireplace: $195,000. WiLLOUGHBYST..7. Totally, remodelled :3 bedroom. bungalow. '20' _x.20'' shed:. $95,000, NEAR LU•CKNOW 3 bedroom house, Dickie Cree k: and pond, 20' x :30' shop:' $110,000. KINLOSS TWP. $97;300., 3 bedroorn house, 27 x'37 shop creek & pond:. . '. 3/4` ACRE BUILDING LOT. Inglis. St. $35,000. BLUEVALE 3:: bedroom. 'horse: on Maitland River,: shop, private seating,' $99,900, DUNGANNON --3 bedroom `house, new.bath, mudroorr), 5 .appliances: $57,990.: B WAWANOSH 100 acres, 70 workable,:4 bedroom house,., barn shed. $230,000. $49,900 - 3 bedroom, oil heat, carport. Wheeler St; ONE ACRE -;Building .lot near LucknoW. •B & B POTENTIAL 5 bedroom borne, new kitchen 'an'd bath; spacious rooms, large treed Iot. GOUGH ST:. - 2-3 bedroom with garage, oil heat. $69,900. POUR = Serviced building lots. starting'at $27,000. KINLO.UGH - 3 bedroom mobile plus :extra 101. $39,900. o BOB ST. 47 3 bedroom, :11/2 bath, garage, $69,900. •LUDGARD - 2 bedroom, new bath, oil heat, $62,000. 1.3 ACRES, -.in Lucknow, unique 3.bedrooni house overlooking 9• Mile River. • LISTINGS WANTED iri`INTEE • Ctaii' Staai We have unique....' • *H`andpaanted furniture *Custom painted milk cans & saws *Decorative paint supplies *Unfmished'wood *Baltic Birch *Painting boobs and packets *Craft supplies .& dried flowers Our studio is open for classes, or you can rent, time to work on projects' of youryown We are open Mon. ^ Sat. 9 5; and Wed. & Thurs.';till 9 p.m. I hope you'll drop in soon 528-2125. LIM.IfLDPTIME. ONLY. Fabrics and co-ordinated accessories not included Tour ('dui f►le(c Boum I)cea,raalimi, ('cuirc F INLAY 1)ECOR tT()RS \I<I'I 1. 1 C\1 I.'. I I 11e r11 f ri )i ). 11 I \ i l! '11 IN! 11 V41,\ 'WALL I) (11ltl1I• *ii',•+.11:-091 I.t'( IiXflu' 52S-3434