HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-09-17, Page 8Page 8 Luek now Sentinel, Wednesday, September 17,199'
The parents of •
Stephanie • Little
and •..
Jason Graham.
of Amberley,
wish to aranounco
their children's
forthcoming marriage
Sat,, Sept. 20, '97
at the Kincardine
Pavilion - 6 p.m.
Family and friends are
welcome to ,attendthe
reception at 9p.m.
Residents visit steam show
byler-esa Courtney and
Margaret Errington
• Dungannon and area
• residents were instrumen-
tal in swelling the village
of,Blyth to a small city
during the36th annual
Huron Pioneer Thresher`
` Reunion and Hobby Show
held at the fair grounds the
week following the Labor
Day. ` •
The feature tractor was,
a Ford and. the trophy
went to Henry Hendriks
for his 1950 best restored
Fordson Major. The steam
engine prize was present-
ed to Bob Oliver of
Auburn who was driving a
Sawyer Massey owned by
John MacKay of
Ridgetown. George Smyth
received a trophy for best
restored Massey Harris;
Congratulations to Bev
Hanson who did a fine job
of MC at the Fiddle Jam
Session and placed first
in the. fiddle con►petition
for her agcy group,
Don Nicholson was a
deiighit as he entertained
with guitar and violin
music. f
• Congratulations to
Brenda Van Osch daughter
of Joe and Thelma Van
Osch and. David 'Young
son of Leslie and Lorraine
Young of • Cargill who
were married . in St:
Joseph's Church,
Kingsbridge on Saturday,
Sept. 13. An open recep-
tion was held at the
Luckncw Community
A. special welcome is
given to the new Prindipal.
at Kingsbridge School,
Joan Duckitt: Grade 7 and
8 teacher t; aird Robinson
and Secretary Shelagh
Mc r side.
Georgina ' Reynolds
gave, out couipons for free
coffee 'and doughnuts from
Tim Horton's to the people
she knew and met while
r. living in Goderich.
Georgina will•be thoving'
to Saskatchewan in the
near future. .
Registration,, . for •
.Dungannon Playschool
If you have just arrived
from another town or know
of someone who has moved to
Ashfield, WestWawanosh,
Kinloss or Lucknow
We would like to extend a
welcome with`our :award
winning newspaper
took place at the Senior plus a bus load who could-
Centre Sept.. 11. School n't ,walk the distance took
will start Sept. 18 offering part in the church parade
children ages ,two, three froth the Legion to the St.
and four the opportunity to James Anglican Church
grow and • learn with for service, led by the •
,songs,,,games, crafts and Perth County. Pipe band.
stories. Twelve. students The former padre deliv- ..
registered with nto're to ered the sermon.. .
come. Teacher Donna On the way back from.
Curran has been .teaching the service, they stopped,
for four years. at the Perth Regiment
Every other Thursday Memorial and laid -two
THE Bus "toys for homes wreaths returned to the
everywhere," as toy lend- 'Legion for lunch and tirne
ing library under the direr- of reminiscing, •
• tion of Andrea McGregor. Jim and Margaret
THE bus. operates from Errington attended the
Huron glome Childcare wedding of, their nephew •
and Family Resource Wayne Martin, son of
Centre, Clinton. Mary Ann and Sheldon
Bob, and Doreen Martin, New Hamburg to
(Williams) McCormick 'Judith • : ento-n ..on
held the Williams. family Saturday, Sept. 13; at Port
reunion on Sept. 7 in :Carling. A very unique
Auburn Community Hall. feature was .their five chil-
Fifty-•seven •relatives dren as attendants, junior
attended and .enjoyed the bridesmaids, .flower girls
pot luck -dinner followed and ring bearer: The
by ball and special games. Martin family operated the
The relatives coming the general store. at St. Helen's
farthest were from St. in the early 70s.
Catharines. Bob and • Congratulations to
Doreen McCormick had Theo and Tinie . Van
the most family. members Diepan who were united
attending: • in marriage 46 years ago
Harvey and Becky in Hesson, Ontario on
Culbert attended the Perth. September 15, 1951: Mass
Regiment Reunion held in was celebrated for their
Stratford •on. Sept. 13 and intentions on Sept,' 15 at
14. The -general meeting St. Joseph's Church,
'.was held Saturday at noon Kingsbridge.
in ,the Stratford Legion Pink and white card
hall followed/2,3i a trine of winners at Dungannoi
fellowship. One hundred ' Senior Citizens euchre
and seventy=five army vet-, card' party on Sept: 1,0,
erans and guests attended, were Dorothy Riordan,
the banquet, followed by a Grace Finnigan,
dance.'Harvey and Becky Eumphemia, Cameron.,
stayed overnight, Kay Watson and, Tom
On Sunday, 85 veterans ?tease see "New" page t:4
Ripley -Huron
Friday & Saturday
yEvening 7 p.m 10 poria
• Variety Program, Teeswater'.Connection.
and Local Talent 8:.15 ,p.r.
• Frog Jumping Contest • Mini -Tractor ,Pull
• Junior .Farmer Games and Pet Show
'Come IT the ultimate shooting challenge I
from the Hockey Hall of Fame Friday
evening and all day Saturday. 1
Ripley. Wolves face off against the j
Kincardine Bulldogs - 8 p.m.: Friday
Saturday: All Day
• Complex Opened • Local 4-H Beef, Canine,
Dairy Horse and Sheep' Show
• Light Horse and Poultry Show
Parde' Pipe Bands and more • Antique Car
and Tractor Show . • Booths, Variety Program
• Heavy Horse Show, Beef Cattle, 4-H Beef,.
Dairy and Sheep Invitational Show ,
Exhibitors may pick' up exhibits at 4:30
ForInformation Call 395-2800