The Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-09-17, Page 5• I '• • Letter to Editor From page 4 be done is to create a sta- . ble situation. This would enable professionals to find the causes and solu- tions. if allowed, the over- whelming growth of inten- sive livestock operations • would create anything but •. stability. The potential for disaster (both environmen- tally and socially) has • been proven worldwide, whether the cause be neg- ligence and/or accidental. If tliese operations are allowed to establish with-. out effective standards, and the 'consequences prove destructive, we will • have to deal with the after- ' Math. The succesi. of Ashfield Township relies on two main industries - agricul- ture and tourism.. Within our township we have,two elementary ' schools, -a • seniorsresidencei'four •churches, several "Bed and Breakfasts;" and 100s of cottage residences. We • also have hamlets such as Port Albert, Nile, Kingsbridge, Kintail, ''Amberley and Dungannon. Due to, the serious effect expansion of this size'could have, uplon • their sheer existence, I feel I 1' • . the best interest of every- one in the township need be considered. The exist- ing problems must be studied. Should an increase in intensive livestock opera- tions be allowed to result in the loss of rights for many citizens? The rights of everyone in the town- ship must be balanced' fairly:This will ensure that all sectors in the township. can prosper and develop, It Will be the destruction , of this delicate' balance which will pit neighbor against .neighbor;- not a; group called PROTECT. •This destruction will leave us with a township4we no longer recognize and love las we have. ' I have supported a peti- tion for a one year morato- rium Ion the development of -large intensive livestock operation's in Ashfield Township. Proper studies must be condutted to eval- uate their effects. • ' My, hope i's, that our children can be proud of idur conimunity, now and in the future. But if -this is • not the case, at least I Can assure my ehldren"I tried my bast!" • Lori Howard. A I New season for sewing time to get back to the -sewing Machines and start creating soma won- • derful new projects. The Quilters Guild begins the fall Season on the 24th and • anyone interested.. in join- ing us, is invited to the Teeswater Town Hall at 10 a.m. Members enjOy, par- • ticipating in workshops, , preparing a quilttop'in a day, lectures, games, • demonstrations, mystery guests, pot luck luncheon and' gift exchange at Christmas. In- January, members hold a quilting . bee to complete comfort • quilts for children with • cancer and and familie s who., have tragically Jost their • • This year,,the Guild'has • arranged a bus trip to the Sewing Festival .in Toronto in October. Price • includes admission to the , show. Members are also asked to bring along their wallhangings that are to be exhibited at the Wingham Library. Organizers will • need to know what will be available for the show, which, is from Sept. 30 to 'Oct. 4. Joanne Miller will be putting on a Trunk Show Jailer lunch pS we' hOpe eyeryone can make " it. 4441101, P0414 • I BELL I . • GAZELLE. • . PARALLEL' DWELL HOTEL, ' PASTEL EXCEL JAIL CIELt., • SMELL 1 FA.REWELL, NUTSHELL YELL , . THE WORDOREAD Ulf DOWN, AND ACROSS. 0,'TELLL, E SETSSI3EL.L L AACXHBNEK L P F AR E E L E kc.ELLR.Es A 1\4•WVAI LCELL • • 1 ' W W 9 01 LrieltneW Sentinel, Wednesday, September 17, 1997 — Page 5 1 THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT • and the Huron County • VETERINARY CLINICS • are offering: ANTI -RABIES CLINICS for dogs and cats over 3 months of age. Please have them on leashes or in boxes when in the clinic. COST: • • Includes GST. Per animal vaccinated. Certificate provided. Tags for dogs. The following Huron County .Clinics are participating: Blyth Veterinary Clinic Queen St. S., Blyth -523-9551 Sept. 27/97 9;00 ani to 200 pm Brussels Veterinary Clinic 61 William St, Brussels -887-6841 Sept. 27/97 9:00 am to, 12:00pin • ClintonVeterinary Services 275 Huron St, Clinton -482-3558. Sept. 24/97 200 pm to 5:00pm " Sept. 27/97 9:00 am to 12:00.pm Exeter Animal HosPital 660 Main$t., Exeter -235-2662 Sept 24/97 5:00 pm to NO pin Sept. 72/97 .10:00 am to 2:00prn Goderich Veterinary ChM( • R.R. #2, Gocierich-524-2631 Sept. 24/97 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Sept. 27/97 9:00 api to 12:00. pm Heubner -Ridder Veterinary Hospital 376 Bayfield Gpderids-524-8287 Sept. 24/97 1:0Qprn to 00 pm Sept, 27/97 900 alai) 1200 pm These clinics are for RaNes*Treatatent only. No other treatment will be available.. _A. Kirkton Veterinary Clinic • 19 Orange Ave., Kirkton-229-8911 Sept: 24/97 • 3;00;pm to 790 pm Sept. 27/97 1200 pm to 400 pm Leedham Veterinary Clinic • • 11 Alfred St., Wingham-357-2471 Sept. 24/97 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Sept. 27/97 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Seaforth Veterinary Clinic Main St. N., Seaforth-527-1760 • Sept:24/97 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm • Sept. 27/97 8:00 am to 12:00 pm • Wingham Veterinary Clinic Rintoul Pool Complex, R. #1, Wmghasn-357-1770 Sept. 24/97 10:00 am to 5:00 pm . Zurich Veterinary Clinic 44 Main St., Zurich -236-4301 Sept: N/97• • 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm Sept.• 27/97 9;00 arn to 1:00 pm • ,4544 j • L; AL_ UTLtE4, • TAKE NOTICE that nominations May be filed between 9 a.m. and 5 Jilin. on nonlintion. day, Friday October 10, 1997 or during the period froni Tuesday. APril. 1. 1997 to , , Thursday, October 9, 1997inciusive immediately preceding nomination May, at a time When the Clerk's office is open. OFFICES FOR WHICH PERSONS MAY BE NOMINATED One meinber representing thse Connties of Lambton, Amon and Bruce On the French Language Separate District School Board No; 63 Nomination Papers are to be filed with the Clerk of the City of Sarnia, 255 it Ckriutisa St.. Sarnia 518-332-0330 • • One nieffiber.oprcsentise the Candler of Itent,..Limkon and Harms — On the trench Language Pub& p4trict School Board No. 58 Nomination Papers are to be Med With the Clerk of the' City of Chatham, 316 11148t„ W Chathiun 618-353400 If the dis4tanee between the residence Of a perpon, seekthi. • nomination. and Sarnia city.Hall or the, Chatham .Civic : Centres,depending upon the nomination .being Sought; is ' More than lop' kilOrnetres; that person should speak to. the . ,Clerk in the mrinicipality in Which he resides. to be- . informed' about the opportunity which exists' t9 filehis nomination paper in his !;.i.vn municipality_ • • FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that nominations Must be Intl* • prescribed form, and be Accompanied' by the prescribed nomination filing fee top. The nomination will only „certified where the clerk is satisfied that the person. is qualified to be nominated and that the nomination corn- • plies with the Oct. The nomination must be signed by the candidate. and may be, filed In persOn or by an agent as set forth in Section 33 of the Act.. Nomination forms and full particularani procedures to be followed maybe obtained from the undersigned. •• Where there are more certified candidates than are required to fill the office, notice will be given of the location of voting plaCeS, the dates and tirries that voting places will' • be open forvoting, inanner.in which may use vot- ing proxies', and any alternative voting 'methods, • ,' ' AND FURTHER TAKE isithiCZ that wheic, at 5p.m. on TuesdayOctober 14,. 1997, the number of certified candi- dates for an office is the same as orless than the number to be eletted, the clerk shall immediately declare the can- didates elected hyacalarnation. On Wednesday, October 15•,' 1997, between the hours of 9 aari. arid 5 p.m., addi- , Minal nominations may be filed for theTernaining vacan- cies In office in respect of whichthere was an insuffi- cientntimber"Ot certified candidates, and the provisions of subsection.33 (5) arid 37 (2) apply: • • • • GIVEN UNDER MY HAND this 12th of Sept:, /997 •• Larry J. MeCabe • • '•• Clerk - Town of dodericti No Need To Shout - 0 classified ad Will get attention! •COME JOIN THE PARADE! Saturday, Sept. 20 12:00 Noon, THIME: "Where Town &Cou4cANtoryMeenr y • THROWING FROM • 'PARADE ENTRIES *Parade entries in the "spirit of the thein'" will place over others which .are not PLEASE NOTE GATHERING TIMES AND PLACES 'Best Decorated bicycle, tricycle, doll carriage .* 'wagon; Best costumed dog and owner, Parent & Tot with wagon or stroller. Prizes: $3, $2, $1, 50c and 25c. Entries gather at Annie's Gas ,Bar by 11:30 a.m. 4.13st costumed rider on a, decorated horse or pony, $15, and $10 in 7each section. Horse Hitches: Teams -$15; 4 Horse Hitch; $25 (Ali teams must register at the Heavy Horse Ring, 4 horse teams must have 2 walkers to, participate.) All horses and horse drawn entries • gather behind the Sepoy Apts: by 11:30 a.m. •Best couple In costumes reflecting the fair theme. Belt child clown.' Most original.. entry on foot, Prizes: $5,, $3, $2, and $1 to other entries: Entris on foot gather at Pegg' js 'Construction by 11:45, *Most' original entry; motorized . or • horse drawn: $15,410, • *Decorated' Car or Truck: $10, $7, $5, & $3 in each class I, *Antique tractor (prior to 1958): $25, $20 and $15. "Antique car/truck (prior to 1968): $15, $12, $8 and *Elementary school float, Youth organization float, Youth.organization entry, Society float, Organization float, Organization entry, 'Commercial float, Commercial entry, Comic float. Prizes: $25,.$20, $15 and $10 in each class. . (Note: A car is not Considered a float!) All • motorized entries gather 'at' Boyles'. (Highway #86 east of town) by 11:00 a.in, ' *Best team drawn float. Prizes: $25, $15.and $10. Parade Route: Main Street - South at 13 Kool - East at Cliff Mann's NOTE: - Horses Will continue on Main St. past the Sports , Complex - Queen and Dignitaries will be the only ones entering the Pair, grounds,directly (other parade participants will have their hand stamped at the time of. judging for free admission to the Fair),