HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-09-17, Page 4page 4 -- Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 17, 1997 Changes of address, orders for subscriptions, and undeliverable copies (return postage guaranteed) are to be sent to The Lucknow 'Sentinel at the address indicated here. Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, the por- • .tion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous, itemtogether with,a reasonable allowance for.. signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid at the applicable rates. • • A =s owes Publishers Community Newspaper 619 Campbell St., Luclsnow, Ontario P.O. =`ox 400, Lucknow, Ontario NOG 21.10 phone: (519) 528-2822 fax: (519) 528-3529 Es',lashed J873 Tom Thompson — Advertising Manager 'Pat Livingston — General Manager / Editor ()p Phyllis Matthews Helm Office Administrator Joan Courtney - Typesetter Subscription Rates advance: Regular $25.66 (incl. postage and G.S.T.) . Senior $23.52 (incl. postage and G.S.T.) Foreign & USA — $98.00. Publications mail registration no. 0847 held at Goderich, Ontario. Published 52 times a year. O e-mail: lucksent@hurontel.on.ca Internet address: http://www.bowesnet.com/lucknow/ Local farmer in Gas prices bad, water prices good favor of PROTECT Dear editor: I am a resident of Ashfield Township, and our family has a 50 head cow/calf and cash .crop. operation. Being a, resident and a farmer, I am deeply concerned with the exist- ing environmental'.prob- lerns:, My concerns are compounded by the future increase in intensive oper- ations predicted. 6y agri- cultural specialists. Some operations are of such a size; they make the largest producers in our township appear as, nothing .more than hobby farmers; One tends- to wonder if these are farms, or factories. with livestock. Over the summer er` m weeks, I have attended the PROTECT meetings, and found,them to offer.a con stant learning opportunity. PROTECT meetings' have never been closed; to any - One. In..fact.attendance has been encouraged. I feel all meetings have beenquite organized, anti conducted in a very, open-minded Manner, with opportunity to ask questions, `,debate the issue, 'and' offer sug Originally, various groups; were reluctant to• believe and : upport the fac t that a serious .environ- mental' problem presently exists. After hearing a' variety of speakers; it now seems to be unanimous that :there. is indeed a' rea son to be concerned. for now,: where the fault lies is not important ' ' The first thing. that must Please see "Letter" . page 6 To begin, I would like reading a column that was ` ' '" "'"" to thank everybody at the in the Toronto Star's •Lucknow.Sentinel. and,at Wheels seetion. I never the Goderich Signal -Star .o read the Wheels section - Without their help, I'm I'm not interested"i'n .cars, sure the paper would have just as long as°they get me been ready to go to print sometime ' Wednesday night. This. is •my last week working in. Lucknow, and. I have to 'say that I'have enjoyed my two weeks at• the Sentinel. • t would ,especially like. ,column. . to thank Phyl, Joan and So I read the column Toni who-have.helped •me, and found that it was -very and: have put up with me good. • while I struggled to put The writer compared ,the paper out. the price of a 500m1 bottle, from point A to point B and, on occasion, point C without problems. So, I would never .had even know the column even existed if it wasn't . for my father,•who said that it was a. very. good . Without them, I would of water (not, imported)' have been in serious trou- which was. around $1.50 ble. - to the price of gas which Now, on to my col- is about 60 cents, and how • people: are willing" to buy; water in a 0.4 cent bottle umn... On. Saturday, I was o volunteers urts project by Trish Wilkinson. ' For the past five years, the Huron County Board a!f Education's L.iteracy/Nume.racy Project has' worked as a helping hand .for people trying to improve their ,basic reading, Writing and •math skills: However, a shortage of volunteer tutors has always made it difficult' .for .organi;zer,s to reach their goal of aiding.. every one seeking assistance, and project'coordinators' Shelly Weselan., • and Barbara. Kannegiesser, noted this year is no, dif- ferent Kannegiesser• stated that currently; the.program has four adult learners 'and about 45 children waiting for, a tutor: 'When somebody calls •in, , it takes a lot of -courage ..we. want to help ;match them up. (with a tutor) :as soon as possible .and not make them wait,". Kannegiesser stated. The pair, who. noted that; they have been trying to raise awareness,for this need withpostersacross the county,,stated that,peo- ple interested',in. helping don't. need anykind: of special . training or educa- tion: '"Theyhave'to' want to help; someone in the com- munity: and that's it," Weselan said. K,annegiesser stated Please see `tors" page 5; itltl • f�• l at a going rate of almost .$3 per litre but complain if they pay 60 cents , per litre, for:. a .non-renewable resource that requires expensive processing, compared to water, to cre- This isjust one of the , 25 carsthat partici-' gated in the Class Car Cruise sponsored by Mary's Family Restaurant. (Livingston photo) j atea useable product. There was more to the column, but I found the first part the Most interest- ing. • As, my father comment- ed, we all have a set limit of what we will pay for, and often times we will buy items that we think are overpriced. My friends, and yes, even me, are willing to spend. $80. for the newest computer game, which is something that we want, and balk at paying over 60 cents for a litre of gas, which issomething that we need. While I was writing this column, 1 was remind- ed of the „ Simpson's episode (if you ask any of ' my friends, they'll, tell you that aimost anything will remind me of a Simpson's episode) ,where Homer finds ,his long -lost half- brother, Herb,- who is. an auto tycoon. After their initial greet- ing, Herb offers. Homer any car he wants. Homer asks, "Are you sure •about ' this?" and Herb replies _ "Do you know how much these things cost me? ' There is about $40 of steel in them." Granted, there is more.. than just steel in a car, but it showed that people are willing to pay whatever••it takes to get what they want and complain 'about the prices of things .they ., need. .But; I wild never. pay $1.50 for 500m1 when I can get' it .free from rimy well, Sentinel Memoirs odes• ..1`] mence' 70 years .ago Sept. 15, .11927 5. '. elnaee to .plate glass win dows . - As a . •car passed along Campbell Street. the other day a small stone. 'which lay on "the pavementwas shot.: from under. the wheel of the car and went bang againstt the plate glass in the front of. Temple Clark's :shop,: leavinga star- like mark with numerous cracks radi- ating from it: This is not by any means,the first mishap of the trifid,: and: there is little chance thatit will be .the last The broken stone used in filling the strip between the 'sidewalk and the. paving; is a constant source, of danger.: in this respect,. as pieces, of stone are .con- stantly con-stantly dropping on, to the pavement and of 'course, are run over by the passing cars:. When these are caught at just the right point near the outside of the car tire, they shoot out with the force• almost of a rifle bullet and are kno4vn to pass right through a thick .plate glass: 50 years ago Sept 18,1947 ommittee approves ' of assessment reduction - The Bruce County Equalization Committee. recommends that - the Village of Lucknow assessment be reduced to. $475,000. This is a reduc;- • 2`7were a windows tion . of $39,000 from . the figure of $514,000 which, was ' stnick. at. ,the June Session.. This prospective: settlement was arrived. at in . Walkerton • without tak- ing the matter before His. Honor Judge ' $irriie The Equalization Committee'recognized that errors .had. been' made in ., arriving at Lucknow's. assessment, and on the basis of these errors arrived at the $39;000.reduc tion;: _ Response slow to community_ fund Although a few . very encouraging donations have been received: for the Community Recreational Fund, •the drive has not yet swung into high; gear. This is to be expected though as a campaign on a voluntary basis gen- erally gets off to a draggystart,' and picks up momentumas it proceeds when John sees and hears what Dick and Harry are doing. 25 years; ago Sept 20, 1972 iss Exeter named Miss Midwestern Ontario - Jo- Anne Burke, 19, Exeteris the new Miss Western Ontario. She was crowned Saturday evening at the Lucknow Fall Fair by Miss Dominion of Canada, Bonny Brady of Perth, Ontario. Burke has earned the right to com- pete in the Miss Dominion contest. • i