HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-09-17, Page 2Page 2 — Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 17, 1997
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From page 1
from actiontaken by the
Stuart Reavie,
Lucknow reeve, suggested'
a two-step implementation
to.a non -ward system, He
suggested election by
wards for the '98 election
and two years later aban-
doning the wards in favor
of wide open elections.
However, Councillor
Elmer Smeltzer, Huron
township, said he couldn't
see wards working, argu-
ing that a wide-open elec-
tion would allow voters to
elect "the best bunch" for
the good of the municipal—
Huron's memooutlined.
how its amalgamation
with Ripley, and wide
open elections did not
jeopardize Ripley's voice
and representation, despite
a larger population along
the township's lakeshore.
"Ina perfect world,, this
is going, to work, Reavie
said. "Maybe this isn't a
perfect world.
Brian. Wolfe, Kinloss,
iked Reavie's idea of eas-
ing .into wideopen el'ec
"I see a graduated, .t'wd
steps," he said.
.Gerald Mowbray,
Village o'
We are planning to
°attach banners to 'ou'r .18-
amp posts''in ,downtown -:Luo. w
We, need slogans for these ;
banners such as Welcome 'o:..•
hanks,fot". .., .Please:' Come
Batik.: . etc etc.
The. contest is.open to
everyone, in Iucknow and
should. be kept sho, under 1.0 words. '
Contest. closes cDctober 15/97 •
and•••entries• can be -.dropped off,.
, with your''nam and•;address :at
• Village. office Tourist .Off:ice at
• Arena or;Lucknow Sentinel
Prizes' will be awarded .
to the top.three entries.
Kinloss, said he liked
Huron's proposal, adding
he didn't like the idea of a
"segregated community"
that a ward system could
Though some council-
lors were concerned about
possible segregation that
wards could create, Wolfe,
said "that's not necessarily
so" arguing that "it gets
people used to the con-
cept. The whole is as great
as its parts."
• Said. ,Cecil • Sutton,
Huron, "If you go with
wards, you start off divid-
ed in a new community:"
But Wolfe suggested
the councillors "err on the
side of caution.'
Reeve Boyle, Kinloss,
chairing the meeting said;
"Honestly, if we're going
to jump in the river, we
jump in together."
When the. whole voted,,
though, it was ,a 10-5
majority that won the open.
election proposal:
The councillors decided.
Some Huron council-
lors argued an efficient
staff would make for an
easy job for a five -mem-
ber council.
While he said he had no
disrespect for staff, Reavie
said, "It's good to ask staff
a few questions instead of
them telling you every-
Reavie said -the reeve
would be more involved
with county issues.. The
county proposes an eight-
tnember county .council, a
reduction from the exist-
ing 30 plus.
"The more representa-
tion, the better," said
Wolfe: .
Councillors bantered
around new names for the
new municipality, but in
the end; .Hilton/Kinloss'
won in a close, $77 vote.
South Bruce was,anoth-..
er name considered, but
Thompson said it, wouldn't
work.° '
" 1 remember carting my starts
kids around for hockey.
Fali Fair
From page 1
parade is "Where the
Town. and Country Meet.
All motorized entries gath-
er at Boyle's (Hwy. 86 at
the east end of town) by
11 a.m. There will be no,
candy. throwing from any
of the parade entries. From
'1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. is the
Graham and Eleanor
Torlsend show at the
Spi' vrts Complex.,
. Also planned for Sept,
20 is • a CKNX Video
Dance Party from 9 p.m.'
to 1 a.m. with prizes, line.
dancing, videos and two
large screens and a cash
On• Sept. 21 there will
be a Light Horse Show at
9 a.m. and at 4. p.m. are
the Gymkhana Events.
See ads in this week's
paper for full details on
the Parade and Fair.
off' Tuck
the'We knew where Monkon
size of the new counct1
.... ld beseven. The reeve was, but ' riot eeting
will be chosen b election, Alma/Logan,"` Thompson
•but the deputy -reeve will said, adding his support , , by Mildred Loree .
, new' for Huron/Kinlos's "so we . On, Sept: 10 the ladies
be picked by the
councillors in a vote: know.where we're going .;of the Lucknow
Huron had proposed', and where we „carne from." Presbyterian Woman's
going witha five -member Hydro and. PVCs was Missionary Society gash
.council, but a 10-5 deci- an •°issue concerning ered in the church for. a
sion. favored the larger . Lucknow, and Huron. In .pot luck dinner to.:start`off •
the end, the municpalities ' their fall programs. Rev. .•
council. P g'
The winning argument deciden a ward system ,Kinsman 'announced a :'
was. possible increase of representation for thed;gmission week end would
• workload' and represents- Lucknow/Ripley PUC.. be held with' Wilma Welsh
tion •One of the benef is of a as guest speaker
Tom Pegg, .L,ucknow, combined utility, council,' The meeting, which; had
said the workload "could lors said, is' the potential been prepare.'n
be ove'wh.e1min;g" and
Of hiring , -its awn staff` ,M ffat, wasd
; cobynductedDoalda by
said he wouldn't'consder rather than farming jobs Norma Raynard in:
running for a five -member. outs , Aonalda's absence.
council There are not a whole She opened with a Call
lot of issues," Thompson to Worship..Prayer and a
"Myself, I wouldn't `said.. -"The bi esr is `whta
other running at all gg poem .entitle¢ "Tapestry":
Murray `.Thotri s'on fixes the lights and tight Alice•Taylor;led in the
you c now et
p now(Luc k
Hurons said he wasn't ) g devotions and chose as her
"dead,against, e they one,Wingham and , we get theme ;'Love". The scrip; .
but there's`no reason why Kincardine." " "ture° was the .13th chapter
five can't run. it'.:. itjust ,.. What happens no;w t:s .;cf IstC,ritithians and the..
has too be run. differently. I. individual. councils wiII meditation developed•that
don't think`there Would be discuss and vote on the subject: Love is a' lan-
any .more meetings than recommendations. The :,guage that everyone
now; if as many.
�, amalgamation' proposal understands.
Bruce Tanner, Huron,has to' be in the county's .. Everyone joined n'
said a ..seven-meniber` : hands -by,' Oct; 3. repeating the WMS motto.
council would give the "I think We've The roll call wasanswered
mypicipal ity a . greater answered all the' cities- with a summer highlight.
cross-section and more of ,,tions, Reavie said. Ave ` For the v.arjety number, ,
a voice. won't need another meet- Joanne Vanderveen sang'a
' ; Paul Zinn, Lucknow, ; ding unless there's a prob- beautiful solo,, "Holy,
agreed with Pegg. lem with the agreements," ; holy"'. .
• Following'the offering,
and, minutes of the last
meeting, plans were made
for" Lucknow's part in the '
Presbyterian meeting to be
held.: in September.
Moratorium ' may
soon :be fa reality.
From page 1 y.
Miltenburg then gave
Council the petition for the
The floor was then
open for' questionsand
many members of
Ashfield Township -gave
comments and asked ques-
.to both PROTECT
and Crawley and. Booth.
, Afterdiscussion,: both
sides agreed that any study
An invitation was read
should 'no.t jus be about
pork operations, but
should include all live-
' stock operations and all
human factors,: such as
faulty septic systems.
After the discussion,.
• council moved that the'
petition be 'examined to
petitionif it. is iegal and, then
seek legal advice on the
from. the Wingham WMS
to their. thanksoffering.
• It was decided to give a
donation to help /with. the
• expenses of the Explorer
The rest of the program
ws postponed to'allow
'the ladies to prepare for
the lunch following the
funeral service of long-.
tithe, WMS member
Katherine Smith.