HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-09-10, Page 18Page 18 .,. Lueiknew Sentinel, Wednesday, September 10, 1997
38. Auctions
'38. Auctions42. Obituaries
Household effects;
farm items, mise
items, will be held at
Lucknow Arena
Friday September 12/97
5;3b PM
Partial List includes
complete set 11 piece
golf clubs with cart and
bag, 5 H.P. Craftsman
snowblower, heavy
plastic wheelbarrow,
Tenor Saxaphone, large
wooden scissor; 26x40
tarp, 7"z" T. ,V., swivel
chair, oak ,buffet,
alumin.umdoor glass
screen, oscillating fans,
.old Singer treadle
sewing machine, stereo,
writing desk, quantity
records, double ,"bed
w/box spring &
•- mattress, port a potty,
14" color -Ty, single bed.
& . mattress, 'Hoover
vacuum cleaner, shelf
'unlit, wooden chairs,
end table, 2; Coleman
campstoves, rocking,
chair, Harrods English
can, 6 fans, G:E,..heaterr,
suitcase, house .siding,.
R20 insulation, Labatt
Lite, 3 metal ground
spikes, 4 drawer
caresser, stool, hall table;
sofa & chair, love teat;
electric egg incubator
Many` articles' ' too.
numerous . to list..
Subject to, additions &
TERMS: Cash or
Cheque: with LD. - all.
announcements day of
sale take .precedence
over anyfting printed.
Owner or auctioneer not
responsible .for lossof
purchase or •accidehts
day of sale:
For Information Contact;
Auctioneer "•
Allan R. Miller
of Machinery, Household
Effects '& Tools wilt. be held
John & Diane Buchanan
RR #6 Goderich
Lot 11. Conc. 9. Colborne
Twp' 4 miles (north of
Goderich on Highviay 21 to
Sunset Golf and 'r, anile oast.
Watch for signs.
Saturday, Sept. 27
at 10 a.m. sharp
TRACTORS: Oliver 550 - live
power, heathouser•, good
condition; . Massey 205
industrial with loader;
Lucknow 6.! ' snowblower,
single auger; 3 p.h. cultivator;
2 wagons - 1-16' rack; 5' rotor
mower; 6' blade; 2 trailers - 1
small, 1 large; Ingersoll riding
lawn. mower, 14 HP, 42" cut,
Nall .wheel steering, like new
condition; moped bike; table,
saw; electric motors.
ANTIQUES; Lg. oak desk
(refinished).; •pine antiq0e
tablet; Elmira airtight -wood:
stove; couch; several antique
chairs; . , lg. oak door;
chesterfield suite; chrome
table; numerous toots., '
Aluminurn 'doors & windows;
luggage; fishing poles; dog
house; treadmill; weight lifting
set; baby buggy; sleeping
bags; •bedsprea,d. electric
blanket; Mixmaster; electric
.fry pan;.books; beer, fridge;
several beer steins; sewing'
machine; odd dishes &
collectibles; 'wagon Toad of
miscellaneous items.
Plan to attend:Farm sold:
TERMS: 'Cash' or ''acceptable.
Cheque with, proper .l.D: day
,of sale. Not responsible' for
accidents,, • 'Verbal
announcements •take ,prece-
dence river advertising;; items
listed. as described'. by owner.
For information call John
Buchanan at ' 524-7157,.
Brian Rintoul,
(519) 357-2349
TUNITIES' Learn income.
..tax preparation or basic
bookkeeping'. • - Tax
deductible certificate -sours
es: bhoe study:.' For free
brochures, no obligation, U
$, R Tax Schools, 1345
Pembina Hwy., Wirinipeg,
Manitoba; :R3T 2B6, 1.800-
665-5144 .Engiare about
free franchise territories. --
' YOUR OWN health busi-
' nets.. American institute' of
Natural . Sciences offers
Home Study Diploma •
Courses in; Health,
Business • Nutrrtiori,
Aromatherapy; Magnetic
Therapy, Astrology, Alcohol
, '& Drug counselling: Many
More. Free prospectus 1-
40.. Lost/Found'
POtUND.'AUG..30 'Grey
and; white cat, Ross St'.,
area. ;Phone : 5282286,
evenings: 4'x
training: course, offered
January 12, May .1/96..
Classroom and practical
training:appfying National
Hardwood: • Lumber
Association rules. Call Sir
Sanford' Fieniing• College
705=457-1680,, Box 839,
i-1 liburton, Ontario KOM
1S0 --37bc
Institute of Canada offers
on -campus and correspon-
dence courses toward •a
Diploma in Co,'ns.elling.
Practice, to •be:gin this.
month. Free catalogue, call
• 24hrs 1.400-665-7044.--
Williom A. (Bill) Huemilier, of
Lucknow, passed away in
Wingham Hospital on
Sunday, August 31, 1997 in
his 44th year. Mr. Huemiller
was born in. Hanover July
21, 1954; a son of the late
William E. Huemifler and
Lorraine E. (Deeves). He is
survived by one sister Mary
Ann and husbd Wayne
Weber of Carlow, dear.
friend -of. Val . Good,
• Wingham. He is also sur-
vived by 2 nephews'
Stephen and Linda Weber
of Waterloo, and Bradley
and Amanda 'Weber of
Waterloo,. Two great
nephews: Cameron and
Matthew Weber. Visitation
was at• MacKenzie and
McCreath Funeral Home,
Lucknow on September 3.
The funeral service was
held on September 4 with
Rev. P, Kinsman officiating._
Cremation to follow with
Interment of ashes in
• Kincardine Gemete y.--37ar
At his home in Goderich
Township on . Tuesday;,.,'
September 2, 1997. William
George•Wra.ith.in his -80th
year, Beloved .husband of,
Eileen (Henderson) Wraith:
•Dear father of .William and
Jo -Anne Wraith of Goderich,.
Pat and David Warr',of St.
Thomas; Gail.. 'and . Al
Chrysler; Betty and Jirn
Maddox, Jean .and Jim
Collinson, Lynn and • Kelly
Higgs ,all of Goderich.
Loving,grandfather•of' 13
grandchildren: Brother cif
Dorothy Stein 'of :Lucknow
and.. Mary ;(Mrs... Henry
Albrecht) of 'Walkerton.
Predeceased.by a grandson
Jonathan: William Wraith
parents William and Mary
• Wraith. of Langside, brother
John Wraith and sister
Leola Gibbons.: George
served the Goderich •and,
area in the farm machinery'
business for .over. 50 .years.'
He served; with ' Royal
Canadian Air •force from
1939 . -,I945 and in World •
War' IL Ttie family received
friends at the McCallum end
Pella ' Funeral . Horne,
Goderich, on` Friday after
noon and evening. Funeral
service was, held 'at North
Street . United .'Church;
Gbderich, on Saturday,
Sept. 6, 1997. Rev.. Robert
Ball officiated Flowerbear-
ers were Rob. Wraith; Chris
Wraith, Ryan Maddox;
Jason Collinson, .B.J. Wraith
and Krista Wraith:. Honore y
'bearers. were Gord,'Fowler,
Ben Feagan, 'Jack Irwin;
• and Stan Freeman.
Pallbearers were 'Rod
Wraith, Wintson Gibbons,.
Ken Alton, . Ed.:Laithwaite,
Wayne Mat -.00d and Greg
Henderson. • I.nterm:ent
Maitland Cemetery.
Donations to the charity of
your choice gratefully
acknowledged. Royal
Canadian Legion Br: '# 109,
Goderich and Old Light.
Lodge #1.84 A.F.
Lucknow, held services on
Friday evening. --37cc
43. Births
Larry and Tanya (Snabeivn)
ace proud to announce the
birth of their first child,
Brooke Madeline, 7 lbs., 4
oz., on September 2, 1997
at St. Joseph's Health
Centre, London. Excited first.
time grandparents are Mike
and Judy Snobelen, Ripley
and Bob and Donna
Leppington, . Goderich.
Brooke is the first great
granddaughter for Stewart
and Joyce Farrell, Huron
Township, and 7th: for
Margaret Fritzley, Goderich.
Many thanks to Dr. Mann
and Rosemary .Grover for
their excellent prenatal care.
Ashley Lynne Forster born
August 26, 1997 at "St:
*Joseph's Hospital,. London..
Proud parents Wayne and
Terri 'and brother [Gyle.
Grandparents are Lorne end:
Inez Forster and John and
Heather Show. Great grand-
ma Hoy.
46. In,
In loving memory of a dear
daughter and niece Cindy,'
who', passed away.
September 10, 1991.
No matter. how we spend
our days. '-
No matter what we do.
No moming. dawns.
No night returned without a
thought of you.
Many a lonely heartache, '
often a silent tear.' ;
But always•.a ;beautiful mem-
ory of the one we loved so
Sadlymissed and always
rememb ered' by mom, R:J
'and. family --37
McKim Dr. Jack
In loving :memory
of a wonderful
Always :'remer'nbered
by his family •
47. Cards of
43. Births
John and Mary .Joare
pleased to announce .the
sate arrival of their son
Benjamin ,John on August
29, 1997 weighing 9 lbs. at
Clinton Public Hospital. Big
brother Zachary isespecial-
ly pleased with his new little
playmate. Proud grandma's
are Margaret Weber, and
Cecilia' Ryan. Looking dowry
from Heaven are grandpa
Ryan and grandpa Weber. a
Christine and David Toop
along with 'big sister Kaia
welcome the arrival of Ginny
Grace in Belleville Hospital
on August 26', 1997 weigh-
ing in at 7 lbs. 5 oz.
Grandparents are. Helvi
Toop of Brampton and
Donald and Edith Simpson,
Kintail, --37
47. Cards of
A sincere thank you to my
friends and family .for
remembering me . with.
cards, visits,' phone .calls
and, gifts while f was in hos-
pital, It's ;wonderful to bp
back home: - to Pinecrest.
Margaret: --37x.
would like to thank all of
the friends and, neighbors
for the, beautiful shower gifts
which I received. 1 would
also like ;to thank all.:. of the
"models' for the very inter-
esting: and entertaining
fashion show, A special.
thanks. to. Margaret;
Jamieson and Donna'
Bieman for all the time and
effort that theyput into mak-
ing. my
aking':my shower SQ special.
Teresa: --37x
We.wish to .expr"ess our .sn•.
core thanks and apprec�ia-
tion to our relatives, friends,
and neighbors who spent.
endless hours assisting us
'during and after our house
fire: We are overwhelmed '
by the thoughtfulness and
enquires of concern by. the
community. The .quick
response and hard work of
• our firemen will never. be
V1l.e wish to express. our. "
heartfelt' 'thanks :to our farni-
ly, friends' and neighbors at
the time of. the passing of
our dear daughter Nancy.
Special thanks to'relatives,
friends and •neighbors for,,.
donations to the Multiple
Mylor)oma Foundation, to
the ' VNN . who 'cared for her
•so• kindly,' food; "flowers.,
cards, phone calls and 'vis
its: Your- kindness was
deeply appreciated' and will
always' be remembered.
Allan and Margaret. -37x•
Carob & lilliriah
.forgotten. We will -never be
•able to; thank our families
enough for their love;and
support, during this difficult
time. Pa'u►, Susan, Steven,
and Jacquelyn.--37rix '
We would like to thank 'our
family."and friendt, for shay-
ing in our special day. Your
thoughtfulness and {kin'd-
ness ' will always`, be remem-
bered. Janet and Kevin.
48. Coming
Presents an evening of jazz,
,blues and gospel at Blyth
Festival, Septetnber 27•, 8
AM. Tickets $20: Call (519)
Come sing with the Blyth
Festival Singers,
Wednesdays from 8 - 10
p.m., Blyth Festival. No
auditions. Practicing
V.ivaldi's Gloria for
Christmas and a spring, con-
cert. For details call 5,19-
357-2331.. --37
Goderich Knights of
Columbus, every Thursday,
7 p.m. Columbus Centre,
390 Parson's Court, $4400.
in prizes; progressive jack
pot $1000.; regular jackpot
$1500 must go. Superstar
Provincial, game played �.
everybingo night. .Lic.
#157920.--13tfar •
Wednesdays 9 to 4,
Lucknow Sales ,Barn; crafts,.
meat, produce, breads; all
kinds of homemade baking;
For vendors or information
call Ruby MacLennan R. R:
1 Tiverton, NOG 2T0, 353-
5014. 18-43x
open every day 40 a.m., -:4
p.m., Sept.' 3:- Dec: 23,
`Thousands of choices fill 10
exciting rooms. Please'
come share' our magical.
• Christmas . Home. Treat -
yourself, family and friends
to the:ulti.mate shopping
experience. 7304. Richmond
St., Arkona. 519-828-3398:;
or 1-800-575-1974:
The family of Walter and
Kathleen Elliott would like to
invite you to 'their 45th wed-
ding anniversary celebration_
Sept.: 13,. 9 p.m'.
Whitechurch ,Cominunity
Hall. 'Best Wishes only
please: -37
September 19 - 21': Friday
night: ride Midway 6 ' 11.
pin. for $12, Queen con-
test, log sawing, pet show,
entertainment. Saturday:':.
Noon' parade, Graham &
Eleanor Townsend, heavy
horse show; livestock, pouf-
try.. exhibits, CKNX Country
Video Dance9 p.m. - 1 a.m.
(cash bar). Sunday: Light
horse show 9 °a.'m. Call 528,;
3528. 36-38ar
Starts Wednesday Oct: 1.
We invite .,new members to
give it'a' t`,ryat our 3 fun
nights.. Sept :10, 17, .24 -at 8
p.m,. before .the: season:.
begins. Legion membership
not required. For further
information call Tony •395-.
CKNX ANI 920 on Saturday,
Sept. 20, 9 p.m.. to 1 a.m.
Lucknow & District ,Sports
Complex. Tickets: $•8
advance: '$10 at the door. •
Call: 519-528-3528 or 519-
395-2806.--36,37.38ar '