HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-09-10, Page 18Page 18 .,. Lueiknew Sentinel, Wednesday, September 10, 1997 38. Auctions '38. Auctions42. Obituaries AUCTION SALE Household effects; farm items, mise items, will be held at Lucknow Arena Friday September 12/97 5;3b PM Partial List includes complete set 11 piece golf clubs with cart and bag, 5 H.P. Craftsman snowblower, heavy plastic wheelbarrow, Tenor Saxaphone, large wooden scissor; 26x40 tarp, 7"z" T. ,V., swivel chair, oak ,buffet, alumin.umdoor glass screen, oscillating fans, .old Singer treadle sewing machine, stereo, writing desk, quantity records, double ,"bed w/box spring & •- mattress, port a potty, 14" color -Ty, single bed. & . mattress, 'Hoover vacuum cleaner, shelf 'unlit, wooden chairs, end table, 2; Coleman campstoves, rocking, chair, Harrods English can, 6 fans, G:E,..heaterr, suitcase, house .siding,. R20 insulation, Labatt Lite, 3 metal ground spikes, 4 drawer caresser, stool, hall table; sofa & chair, love teat; electric egg incubator Many` articles' ' too. numerous . to list.. Subject to, additions & deletions. TERMS: Cash or Cheque: with LD. - all. announcements day of sale take .precedence over anyfting printed. Owner or auctioneer not responsible .for lossof purchase or •accidehts day of sale: For Information Contact; Auctioneer "• Allan R. Miller 395,5062, AUCTION SALE of Machinery, Household Effects '& Tools wilt. be held fay John & Diane Buchanan RR #6 Goderich Lot 11. Conc. 9. Colborne Twp' 4 miles (north of Goderich on Highviay 21 to Sunset Golf and 'r, anile oast. Watch for signs. Saturday, Sept. 27 at 10 a.m. sharp TRACTORS: Oliver 550 - live power, heathouser•, good condition; . Massey 205 industrial with loader; Lucknow 6.! ' snowblower, single auger; 3 p.h. cultivator; 2 wagons - 1-16' rack; 5' rotor mower; 6' blade; 2 trailers - 1 small, 1 large; Ingersoll riding lawn. mower, 14 HP, 42" cut, Nall .wheel steering, like new condition; moped bike; table, saw; electric motors. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS & ANTIQUES; Lg. oak desk (refinished).; •pine antiq0e tablet; Elmira airtight -wood: stove; couch; several antique chairs; . , lg. oak door; chesterfield suite; chrome table; numerous toots., ' M;SCELLANEOUS: Aluminurn 'doors & windows; luggage; fishing poles; dog house; treadmill; weight lifting set; baby buggy; sleeping bags; •bedsprea,d. electric blanket; Mixmaster; electric .fry pan;.books; beer, fridge; several beer steins; sewing' machine; odd dishes & collectibles; 'wagon Toad of miscellaneous items. Plan to attend:Farm sold: TERMS: 'Cash' or ''acceptable. Cheque with, proper .l.D: day ,of sale. Not responsible' for accidents,, • 'Verbal announcements •take ,prece- dence river advertising;; items listed. as described'. by owner. For information call John Buchanan at ' 524-7157,. (evenings)- AU.eTIONEER Brian Rintoul, (519) 357-2349 39.Educationai MONEY MAKING':OPPOR TUNITIES' Learn income. ..tax preparation or basic bookkeeping'. • - Tax deductible certificate -sours ym es: bhoe study:.' For free brochures, no obligation, U $, R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Wirinipeg, Manitoba; :R3T 2B6, 1.800- 665-5144 .Engiare about free franchise territories. -- 37b� ' YOUR OWN health busi- ' nets.. American institute' of Natural . Sciences offers Home Study Diploma • Courses in; Health, Business • Nutrrtiori, Aromatherapy; Magnetic Therapy, Astrology, Alcohol , '& Drug counselling: Many More. Free prospectus 1- 888=516.1.212.--37bo 40.. Lost/Found' POtUND.'AUG..30 'Grey and; white cat, Ross St'., area. ;Phone : 5282286, evenings: 4'x 39.Educationa CERTIFiED 'H'ARDWOOD. LUMBER t;NS.PECT,ION training: course, offered January 12, May .1/96.. Classroom and practical training:appfying National Hardwood: • Lumber Association rules. Call Sir Sanford' Fieniing• College 705=457-1680,, Box 839, i-1 liburton, Ontario KOM 1S0 --37bc COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of Canada offers on -campus and correspon- dence courses toward •a Diploma in Co,'ns.elling. Practice, to •be:gin this. month. Free catalogue, call • 24hrs 1.400-665-7044.-- 37bo. WILLIAM A. (BILL) HUEMiLLER Williom A. (Bill) Huemilier, of Lucknow, passed away in Wingham Hospital on Sunday, August 31, 1997 in his 44th year. Mr. Huemiller was born in. Hanover July 21, 1954; a son of the late William E. Huemifler and Lorraine E. (Deeves). He is survived by one sister Mary Ann and husbd Wayne Weber of Carlow, dear. friend -of. Val . Good, • Wingham. He is also sur- vived by 2 nephews' Stephen and Linda Weber of Waterloo, and Bradley and Amanda 'Weber of Waterloo,. Two great nephews: Cameron and Matthew Weber. Visitation was at• MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home, Lucknow on September 3. The funeral service was held on September 4 with Rev. P, Kinsman officiating._ Cremation to follow with Interment of ashes in • Kincardine Gemete y.--37ar WRAITH. At his home in Goderich Township on . Tuesday;,.,' September 2, 1997. William George•Wra.ith.in his -80th year, Beloved .husband of, Eileen (Henderson) Wraith: •Dear father of .William and Jo -Anne Wraith of Goderich,. Pat and David Warr',of St. Thomas; Gail.. 'and . Al Chrysler; Betty and Jirn Maddox, Jean .and Jim Collinson, Lynn and • Kelly Higgs ,all of Goderich. Loving,grandfather•of' 13 grandchildren: Brother cif Dorothy Stein 'of :Lucknow and.. Mary ;(Mrs... Henry Albrecht) of 'Walkerton. Predeceased.by a grandson Jonathan: William Wraith parents William and Mary • Wraith. of Langside, brother John Wraith and sister Leola Gibbons.: George served the Goderich •and, area in the farm machinery' business for .over. 50 .years.' He served; with ' Royal Canadian Air •force from 1939 . -,I945 and in World • War' IL Ttie family received friends at the McCallum end Pella ' Funeral . Horne, Goderich, on` Friday after noon and evening. Funeral service was, held 'at North Street . United .'Church; Gbderich, on Saturday, • Sept. 6, 1997. Rev.. Robert Ball officiated Flowerbear- ers were Rob. Wraith; Chris Wraith, Ryan Maddox; Jason Collinson, .B.J. Wraith and Krista Wraith:. Honore y 'bearers. were Gord,'Fowler, Ben Feagan, 'Jack Irwin; • and Stan Freeman. Pallbearers were 'Rod Wraith, Wintson Gibbons,. Ken Alton, . Ed.:Laithwaite, Wayne Mat -.00d and Greg Henderson. • I.nterm:ent Maitland Cemetery. Donations to the charity of your choice gratefully acknowledged. Royal Canadian Legion Br: '# 109, Goderich and Old Light. Lodge #1.84 A.F. Lucknow, held services on Friday evening. --37cc 43. Births LEPPINGTON Larry and Tanya (Snabeivn) ace proud to announce the birth of their first child, Brooke Madeline, 7 lbs., 4 oz., on September 2, 1997 at St. Joseph's Health Centre, London. Excited first. time grandparents are Mike and Judy Snobelen, Ripley and Bob and Donna Leppington, . Goderich. Brooke is the first great granddaughter for Stewart and Joyce Farrell, Huron Township, and 7th: for Margaret Fritzley, Goderich. Many thanks to Dr. Mann and Rosemary .Grover for their excellent prenatal care. --37cc ' FORSTER Ashley Lynne Forster born August 26, 1997 at "St: *Joseph's Hospital,. London.. Proud parents Wayne and Terri 'and brother [Gyle. Grandparents are Lorne end: Inez Forster and John and Heather Show. Great grand- ma Hoy. randma'Hoy.--37 46. In, Memorialrfn SMYTH In loving memory of a dear daughter and niece Cindy,' who', passed away. September 10, 1991. No matter. how we spend our days. '- No matter what we do. No moming. dawns. No night returned without a thought of you. Many a lonely heartache, ' often a silent tear.' ; But always•.a ;beautiful mem- ory of the one we loved so dear.,.. Sadlymissed and always rememb ered' by mom, R:J 'and. family --37 McKim Dr. Jack 1934-1984 In loving :memory of a wonderful •husband,father and,Physician. Always :'remer'nbered by his family • 47. Cards of Thanks • 43. Births NELSON John and Mary .Joare pleased to announce .the sate arrival of their son Benjamin ,John on August 29, 1997 weighing 9 lbs. at Clinton Public Hospital. Big brother Zachary isespecial- ly pleased with his new little playmate. Proud grandma's are Margaret Weber, and Cecilia' Ryan. Looking dowry from Heaven are grandpa Ryan and grandpa Weber. a -37 SIMP'SON-TOOt Christine and David Toop along with 'big sister Kaia welcome the arrival of Ginny Grace in Belleville Hospital on August 26', 1997 weigh- ing in at 7 lbs. 5 oz. Grandparents are. Helvi Toop of Brampton and Donald and Edith Simpson, Kintail, --37 47. Cards of Thanks •:COLLYER A sincere thank you to my friends and family .for remembering me . with. cards, visits,' phone .calls and, gifts while f was in hos- pital, It's ;wonderful to bp back home: - to Pinecrest. Margaret: --37x. JEFFERSON would like to thank all of the friends and, neighbors for the, beautiful shower gifts which I received. 1 would also like ;to thank all.:. of the "models' for the very inter- esting: and entertaining fashion show, A special. thanks. to. Margaret; Jamieson and Donna' Bieman for all the time and effort that theyput into mak- ing. my aking':my shower SQ special. Teresa: --37x COLLING' We.wish to .expr"ess our .sn•. core thanks and apprec�ia- tion to our relatives, friends, and neighbors who spent. endless hours assisting us 'during and after our house fire: We are overwhelmed ' by the thoughtfulness and enquires of concern by. the community. The .quick response and hard work of • our firemen will never. be °CRA NSTON V1l.e wish to express. our. " heartfelt' 'thanks :to our farni- ly, friends' and neighbors at the time of. the passing of our dear daughter Nancy. Special thanks to'relatives, friends and •neighbors for,,. donations to the Multiple Mylor)oma Foundation, to the ' VNN . who 'cared for her •so• kindly,' food; "flowers., cards, phone calls and 'vis its: Your- kindness was deeply appreciated' and will always' be remembered. Allan and Margaret. -37x• PHILLIPS THANK YOU Carob & lilliriah .forgotten. We will -never be •able to; thank our families enough for their love;and support, during this difficult time. Pa'u►, Susan, Steven, and Jacquelyn.--37rix ' MURRAY We would like to thank 'our family."and friendt, for shay- ing in our special day. Your thoughtfulness and {kin'd- ness ' will always`, be remem- bered. Janet and Kevin. 37x 48. Coming Events THE JOE 'S.EAL'Y QUARTET - Presents an evening of jazz, ,blues and gospel at Blyth Festival, Septetnber 27•, 8 AM. Tickets $20: Call (519) 523-9300.--36-39cc 48.Coming Events BLYTH FESTIVAL SINGERS Come sing with the Blyth Festival Singers, Wednesdays from 8 - 10 p.m., Blyth Festival. No auditions. Practicing V.ivaldi's Gloria for Christmas and a spring, con- cert. For details call 5,19- 357-2331.. --37 BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus, every Thursday, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, 390 Parson's Court, $4400. in prizes; progressive jack pot $1000.; regular jackpot $1500 must go. Superstar Provincial, game played �. everybingo night. .Lic. #157920.--13tfar • LUCKNOW FARMERS' MARKET Wednesdays 9 to 4, Lucknow Sales ,Barn; crafts,. meat, produce, breads; all kinds of homemade baking; For vendors or information call Ruby MacLennan R. R: 1 Tiverton, NOG 2T0, 353- 5014. 18-43x MURRAY'S CHRISTMAS HOUSE open every day 40 a.m., -:4 p.m., Sept.' 3:- Dec: 23, `Thousands of choices fill 10 exciting rooms. Please' come share' our magical. • Christmas . Home. Treat - yourself, family and friends to the:ulti.mate shopping experience. 7304. Richmond St., Arkona. 519-828-3398:; or 1-800-575-1974: 39oc 45TH. WEDDING • ANNIVERSARY The family of Walter and Kathleen Elliott would like to invite you to 'their 45th wed- ding anniversary celebration_ Sept.: 13,. 9 p.m'. Whitechurch ,Cominunity Hall. 'Best Wishes only please: -37 LUCKNOW FALL FAIR September 19 - 21': Friday night: ride Midway 6 ' 11. pin. for $12, Queen con- test, log sawing, pet show, entertainment. Saturday:':. Noon' parade, Graham & Eleanor Townsend, heavy horse show; livestock, pouf- try.. exhibits, CKNX Country Video Dance9 p.m. - 1 a.m. (cash bar). Sunday: Light horse show 9 °a.'m. Call 528,; 3528. 36-38ar LUCKNOW LEGION DART' LEAGUE Starts Wednesday Oct: 1. We invite .,new members to give it'a' t`,ryat our 3 fun nights.. Sept :10, 17, .24 -at 8 p.m,. before .the: season:. begins. Legion membership not required. For further information call Tony •395-. 4714..--36;37*. ViDEO DANCE PARTY CKNX ANI 920 on Saturday, Sept. 20, 9 p.m.. to 1 a.m. Lucknow & District ,Sports Complex. Tickets: $•8 advance: '$10 at the door. • Call: 519-528-3528 or 519- 395-2806.--36,37.38ar '