HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-09-10, Page 14Page 14— Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 10, 1997
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harlott 's Web to play at Blyth Fest val
Charlotte's Web, a clas-
sic children's story about a
spider and a pig, will be
presented at the Myth
Memorial Community
Hall Oct. 25 at 1 and 3
p.m. It follows in the tradi-
tion of other recent 'Blyth
Festival..Children's hits
like Peter and. the.Wolf in
1994, Let's Do Munsch in
1995 and New friends,
Old Friends 'last year.
These productions have
played to. more• than
14,000 students, teachers
and parents.
Written by` E.B. White
and adapted for the.theatre
by Joseph Robinette,
Charlotte's Web is about
Wilbur, a pig lovingly
raised by a girl. named
Fern. When he becomes a
barn pig, he is bored and,
lonely until he meets
har tte. a beautiful grey
spider ho also lives in
the barn: ih the hell, of:.
a rat, goose and sheep, •
Charlotte thinks of a won-
detfui way to save Wilbur
from a pig's unhappy fate
and ensure hire a happy
life ' on the Zuckerman
farm. •
Directed 'by Duncan.
McGregor, a Blyth
;Festival board member
and former Artistic
Director of Carousel
Players in•St. Catharines,=.
this play is performed by
actors from the area,
including Anne Elliott,
Erin Roulston and
Capucine, Teaguen and
Zoellyn Onn, all of Blyth,
Kim Souch of Seaforth,
Kaitlyn Knight of •
Goderich,. Carol Oriold of
Listowel;and Kira Stuckey
Of Wingham. The. play
also features puppets,•
comedy and original
music composed and per-
formed by Arlene
Darnbrough of Goderich.
Duncan and Arlene previ-
ously 'coilaborated on
Peter and the Wolf,
Munsch and New 'Friends.
Jeanette Harris, Farris, a new
Festival board member,
will stage manage.
Costumes are by Sherri
Milburn of Goderich and
lighting by Michael Kruse
of Toronto.
Charlotte's Web will
also•play .to school groups,
ages Kindergarten to
Grade 6, from Oct, 21 to.
25 and Oct. 27, to 31 with
two one-hour. perfor-
mances per day at 10:15
a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Teachers' classroom
guides will be provided.
School groups may "be
booked by calling the
Blyth. Festival Box Office
at (519) 523-9300. Tickets
for the two public perfor-
mances on Oct. 25 are also
available through, the Box
Writers' workshop
Writing -- and being in the most modern of
.published -- is a pursuit media, he brings history to
for all seasons, to 'be life through his fictional
examined from the per- character D. B. Murphy.
spectives of past, present Murphy is a World War 1
and future in a three-part survivor who becomes a
series presented by, The, private detective, the hero
Brucedale Press. of Thomas's first two pub -
Area writers Richard J, lished novels based in
Thomas and; William long -ago Owen Sound.
Carter will look at two Bill Carter is a former
aspects • of Writing from university professor who
the Past on. Saturday, Sept, steers his research down
20 at the Bruce County` the. avenue of military his -
Public Library headquar- tory. He has two published •
ters in Port Elgin, • books, and ;credits in
Both•.are experienced at museum display and•docu-
mining archives, drawing mentary. Currently living
from old newspaper files, in Port Elgin, he operates.
building a collection of a desktop publishing and,
letters and interview notes. editing service. ; •
As a writer or reader> you The series. continues on
may wonder how do they 'October ` 18, when David
organize?. Sift? Present? Scott, editor of The Huron •
And finally, get their, Expositor and a successful
material published? playwright will discuss
Richard J. Thomas is Writing for Today, The
well-kn'ow.n as a broad= Concluding session on
caster based in Owen . Nov. 15 looks at Writing
Sound.. Although he works into•Tomorrow.
If you have. just:arrived
fromanother town or`kno.w
of someone,West who •has' moved to
Ashfield:, Waranos.h.r
Kinloss or Luc.know
wo ld `Like to exte n d
v ehame' with ou'r ward
w nning newsp ,per
Provincial: changes
could hurt local wallets
by Blake Patterson
The province, says it
will all come out in the
wash, but Huron County'
pockets ,may 'well ' be
empty, before the'laundry
is done.
At the Sept. • 4, meeting
of• Huron_ County Council,
county treasurer .Ken Nix
outlined 'hisestimateq,
• regarding the ,impact of
the province's "Who Does
. What" panel recommenda-
.tions ,,
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.Nix said he 'wanted to.
give the council members
a.sense of the potential.
impact -provincial down -
provincial and 'municipal
levelsof government. • .
For, it,s ' part, the
province has saidthe shift-
ing, coupled withthe dis-
tribution of the province's
Community Reinvestment
Fund,. will ultimately
result' in a "tax .wash' for
ratepayers. •
The shifting of respon-
sibility for ,social housing
and ambulance services;
for example, will be Offset.,.
,by responsibility' for,
things such' as education:
Nix, however, is not' con=
vinced. `' ,
He told council there is
loadingwill have, on still Much uncertainty sur-,
rrit�nicipalities;.: rounding the impactof the
The numbers: were first
released to the local: press
two weeks ago, and , indi-
cate the county. will take a
$15..4 million hit . as a
result of the downloading
and municipal taxes . may
have to be'hiked an aver-
age of 27 percent .to corn
pensate for the increased
costs. ,r-
Several area newspa-
pers have re',ported'..their
townships have .little faith
in the: numbers because
more information is still. ,;
needed from the province,
but regardless of how. -
many unknowns remain,
'Nix Said, "Preliminary
details indicate the :county.
of Huron .will be paying
more taxes." • .
The increase stems
from a shifting° of respon-
sibilities between the'
Joss .of the farm•tax rebate '
and warned municipali
ties. will take: a •substantial
tax bit regardless of when
or, if a tax ' wash ever
becomes, a reality.
He said the province is
hoping the shift of respon
' sibilities' will result in
"efficiency'savings," but
efficiencies •will not be;
possible until the province
also downloads 'adni-nis-
trative'control for those
shifted. responsibilities.
He said' municipalities
like Huron County will .
have• to pay the bills for -
new, responsibilities but
they Won'•t - have .the
administrative .controls ' ;.
needed to cut costs:
-"It's :hard to make effi-
ciencies in something ypu
' don't have control over,"
he said. ' •-