HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1997-09-10, Page 13Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 10, 1997 — Page 13
Local schools get new teachers
Sheila Dietrich teaches Shannon Kirk is the
Grade 3 at Brookside Educational Assistant in
Public School and has . Kindergarten.
taught for eight years. Brookside. '
Daphne Crouchman' has
taught for 10. years and
teaches Kindergarten at
Lucknow Public.
Connie Forbes has
taught for 10 years and
is teaching Grade 1. at
Lucknow Public.
Kevin. Ashley teaches
Grades 6 and 7 at
Lucknow Public and has
taughtfor 13 years.
Joan Duckitt has taught
for 16 years, but this is
her first year as princi-
pal at St. ' Joseph's
Baird Robinson teaches
Grades 7 and 8 at St.
Joseph's and has taught
for five years.
Shelia McDade is the sec-
retary at St. Joseph's
She has been a secretary
for a few months.
.K'F.ORAII 'S -:SF 'T 1, 28• •
alk helps to raise
money an awareness
by SHEi LEY,
`: GODERICH - The fifth:
annua'l Walk for AIDS:;
will be, held on Sunday,
September 28th,
beginning at 1:30
Robertson Membri al •
ublic School. • r'
`This event is: sponsored
by the Huron County
`HIV/AIDS Network and.
is a major fund raising
event for the group. Last',
year's walk raised over
$11,000 • and helped
provide client. support
programs and education.
in Huron County.
Elma Plant • of the.
HIV/AIDS Network
noted that -.government
funding covers 20% of
the group':. budget, and
fundraising is essential to,
Meet the $45,000 budget:
"The Network is getting
busier and busier," she
noted: " Irfection rates are
going yup in Huron
County because; people
are not getting the
message:: We're seeing.
More, worr1e.ri and young
kids. 'Heteroseicual.
transmissions • are.
increasing and so are'
injection transmissions," •
The HIV/AIDS Network
deals' • with some 70
peopleon an ongoing
basis .and ha''s an office in'
Clinton. "Volunteer staff.:
are in -the office on•Friday'
afternoons .and • the '
net.wbrk ' offers • •a
t'elep'hone help line with
call ` :backs, within 12
hours:' .
"We receive about seven
calls a; week, (everything)
,from .people who are
worried about risk, or
kids working on a school
project," Elma'noted,
The . Walk for Aids
serves two purposes: =
'fund raising and
awareness raising.
"There's • a stigma
attached to AIDS. We
have calls from people
who are concerned about
using public washrooms..
I have been asked tO leave
stores,".Elma noted.
Education about AIDS
is crucial Aids has been
an epidemic for over 15
,„years and 'globally the'.
infection rates are'over 50`
million people. Every
seven se,c:ond'•s :a new .
person is infected, often.:a,`
"Only in Europe and
North America is • AIDS
defined as a gay illne's's;
Elma noted.
She said that it is
important to' provide.
information about. the.
disease to young people,.
"High 'school students
need this information.
Because of budget cuts
the health units;.are not focussed
able to get out. At one confidentiality,. the Walk"
time the •
'government for A:IDS is a ,.public
'mandated AIDS ."'event, and people of :all
education through the, ages: are. invited to take
'curriculum, now it has :' .part: •
been left to the'; discretion The 5 k; walk will travel
of the teacher and some • throughout •
... some of
of them are Goderich's picturesque
uncomfortable :talking: neighbourhoods . arid
:about the subject: One includes four rest areas.''
school in Huron has never People' are invited • to
had anyone in, to speak complete the entire walk, •
about AIDS:" or only a:por•tion. The
Volunteers with the . .walk is. Wheelchair
Huron County HIV/AIDS. accessible and a van will
Network,.meet with young travel .the route to :assist..
people and have spoken anyone' who• may be.
:with church:.'• groups unable to complete the
The Lucknow Lawn Bowling Pub wet,
donors for donations towards their
/La Murray Transport Ltd.
A E.G. Appliance Centre
Andrew's Apples
Armstrong Home Bakery
Associated Financial Planners
Sank ot Montreal
Beatty Irwin Hairdressing
Bergman Auto Body •
Btuewater Carpet &Tile r Greg Hartiiffon
Brad Humphrey Carpentry and.B•Kool
C.A. Becker Equipment
Charrnan's •
Chisholm Fuels Lfd.
Cliff Manns Plumbing
.Cowan Printing & Advertising
Crawfprd, Mills & Davies
Daye Seabrpok Construction ,
Everlasting Fbwers & Gifts
Fairview Dairy
Finlay Decorating
Jack & Mary Fisher
Frank Foran Insurance
G.A. Gibson Meldings Mc.
Gary SuttonHandyman
HJ,'s Used Cars & Tnicks
Hackett's Farm Equipment
Hamilton Fuels . P
Qonafd Hamilton
Paul Hamilton Floor installations
Handyman Enterprises
Helm Welding Ltd.
Henderson Homecare
Hodgins Hardware
Holyrood General Store
Huron Landscaping Ltd.
Kinloss Excavating ,& Gravel
Knechtel Food Market
Kranenburg's Butcher Shop
Kwan's Restaurant
Ltoya's Dolls Plus
Lucknew Cut & Curl
like to acknowledge and thank the following
annual Labour Ray Merchants. Tournament
'LucknowCommunitySales •
Lucknow Distract Co-operative Inc
Lucknow Farm Supply
Jack & Audrey MacDonald
Frank MacKenzie
MacKenzie McCreath Funeral Homo
Martin's Mills
Mary Lou's Beauty Lounge
Marys Place
•.McDonagh Insurance Broker Ltd...
Mike Snobelen Farms Ltd.
Montgoinery Motors
Mowbray Health Facility Ltd.
Paul's Place
Peak Business Service
Pegg Construction
Pellow Pharmacy
Pizza Delight
Porter's Septic System
Reavie's Fatm Equipment Ltd.
Ritchie Electric
Rod Havens Electric
'Tammy Schaus (Beckers)
Dr. Shubat
Shear Design
Snobelen Farms Ltd. •
Takalo & Burt Chartered Accountants
The Kids' Shop
The Lucknow Sentinel
Thompson Investments
Willil'sTire Service
Your Favourite Things '
Brian's Value Mart (Wingham) •
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (Wingham)
Canadian Tire Store (Wingham)
Fears Honey (Wingham)
Green's Meat Markel (Wingham)
Keith Adams Co -Operators InsUrance (Wingham) •
The Toronto Dominion Bank (Wingfiagr)
Robinson's Maple: Products (St. Augustine)
Pine River Cheese (Ripley)
National Trust (Godertch)
..-D.ates and Times w,'
Friday, :September '12th t,
On., Saturday, September .1.31h •-N• '10-5 - p.m. .
,a'mong- -Others. The walk.
Network offers support Pledge sheets and maps
groups to infected and ' are available ' at the
affected people, and ' HIV/AIDS Network': by
children',s, groups, calling.482-1141 or: by,
includirtg an annual one faxing. at 482.-1191 .
day: workshop for • Instead of, collecting
children who are affected pledges, donations are
by the illness. Twenty- also:acceptable"
two children attended the September 28th is the..
last:event: national day for AIDS
A large part of the local Walks• and more than 56,;
budget is also used by . similar events will be.
volunteer drivers, seven taking place across
in number, :who •help Canada.
transport: people to and "People make donations
'from. London for' doctor's and walk in memory of
visits and: treatment. • someone, others go out
A small portion of the and get pledges. Any
budget is also designated amount is okay. Even is
to assist with emergency you don't bring any
one-time .prescription donations, take part pin
costs, this walk for awareness
While the Network is raising,"Elyria noted:
at Lucknow Sports. Complex
The 'Lucknow' Skating . Club. .has
restructured to provide' more• opportunities
for. skaters to excel while remaining
affordable to parents:
- A program for a-5 year olds
A badge .program designed for •
boys. & girls, teaching the
fundamentals of skating. Beginner through
Proficiency .,''.$100 (This includes group
SENIOR (Test Stream)
- Formal. C.F.,S.A: test work
on stroking; skills, free skate
and dance: 6 hrs. hours•.of ice
time. provided: $180.0,0.
Professional Coaches for Private'
Lessonsarraned senior)
9 by Y
Brenda Hill
Donna Jones
John .• Barger
Min murn 15 Skaters
8 week sessionb..$55.
LADIES' Auxiliary To Winter Sports
Every family must, submit a separate
postdatedcheque for $50. Cheques will.
not be cashed if food booth 'duties' are
Clearly Labelled items with name and